HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. County Road 42 / Canada Avenue Study - Approval to Proceed t ��.� �, . �. . . • . . .. . -�' .�T.�',�1 .�'Q.., ,....: 8NClNEERStARCH/TECT5IP[AAtMERS 222EASTLITtLEfANADRRU�p SLRAUL,MINN€507AS5117 G12 4F34-�272 OctOber 28, 1988 Mr. Steve Jilk City Administratar City of Rosemount 2875 145�h Street West Rc►semount, Minnesota 55Qf 8 Dear Mr. Jilk: I appreciated the opportunity to meet with yau and Rich Hefti to discuss traffic and pedestrian safety concerns in ths vicin3.tg of County Road 42 and Canada Aver�ue. We would be very pleased to undertake a study of those concerns. The pedestrian safety concerns relate primarily to the need for a pedestrian crosswalk at Canada Avenue anti Caunty Road 42, Questions have been raised as to whether or not existing conditions are adequate and i£ not, what more should be done. Other questions relate to the need for and plaaement of sidewalks or trails along County Road 42 and the need far �raffic contrals at various intersections and locations. To help answer these questions and concerns, we would propase the fc►ilowing work program. We would review pedestrian circulati�n in the area. We would ider�tify the paths currently used by pedestrians traveling to various destinations. We would also look at those groposed to be placed in the future, such as alang County Raad �2. We would also iook at alternates that might b� available should som� paths be blacked, Traffic volume information for County Road 42 and Canada Avenue would be obtained. Finally, we wauld review the signing and traffic contrals in place ir� �he area. We would also co�tact Dakota County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation regarding ' any future improvements in the area which might affect traffic on either a temporary or pe�manent basis. sHORr Ect��rr sr�nut, c frmr�Ewn rat_�s, HENDRICKSON �NC MINNESOiA WISCONSIN . +F' . • Mr. Steve Jilk October 28, I988 Page #2 The patential changes which might be made to increase pedestrian or vehicle safety would be reuiewed. Some of these changes might inalude placement af a fence alang the west side of Cr�unty Road 42 to force pedestriar�s to use the Highway 3 ar Chippendale intersections. The center median on County Road 42 at Canada Avenue might be clased. A traffic signai could be installed on Canada Avenue. Changes might be mada to �igning or pavement marking. Other potential changes might also arise in the course of the study. The advantages and disadvantages of e�ch potential changes will be considered in terms of its impact on the intersection, ather intersectians, and other areas. Once this information has been considered and documented, we would propose to meet with City staff and discuss the results. It may also be appropriate to meet at the same time with the Caunty to review our 3nformation and compare it to their ideas. A report wi11 be provided to the City and a presentation made at a City Council meeting. We anticipate tha� we should begin wark immediatel�. We would h�P� to have all work complete and meetings heid by early December. A presentation ccauld be made to the City Gouncil at either its first or second meeting in December. We anticipat� the cost of the study to be between $2,Q00 and $2, 5�0. We would propose to undertake the study €or a €ee based on actua�. hours worked with a cost not ta exceed $2, 500. Since the time frame is relative3y sYtort, and we already have a considerabie amount of information relative to the area, we do not ant3.eipate the actual study will consume a great deal of time. With efficient scheduling of ineetings and no additional work to be done, as a result of the meetings, the estimated cQst af the pro�ect may be substantially reduced. We understand that the City CQuncil will revie�v our proposal on November 1. If yr�u have any questions or need any additional infarmation for that meet�.ng, please contact us immediately. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you c�n this study. Sineerely, ; i j _-�f��=, �, „f� �; c�I�'�CI� �� � G�;>l�''r i�-�' . Glen Van Wormer, Manager Transportation Engineeri.ng Department G�TW/me