HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of October 18, 1988 Regular Meeting� r.. � . ' . • � � . . � . R4SEMt1� GITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETiNG OCTOBER i8, 19$8 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular me�ting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, flctober 18, 1988, at 8:00 p.m. 3.n the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with all members present. Ntayor Hoke led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to delete Item 6(m) Payment for High Schoe�l Irrigation Pro�ect and to include Item 8(e) Publieation o€ Cc�uncil Meeting Agenda and Item 9(c) Wakota Care Disaster Driii. The administrator reques�ed that an Executive Sess3on be held follawing Item (10} Administrator's Report, to discuss pending litigation and pat�ntial offering for the purchase of the property for the armory site. Mayor Hoke suspended the regular agenda at $:00 p.m. to ailow the Council to conduct 'a public hearing scheduled for that time. Mayor fioke openec7 the public hearing to consider vacation of excess right-of-way on Shannon Parkway. The administrator/clerk had in his presence an Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit af Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1988-29. City Engineer Riah Hefti advised the public hearing is the result af the petition rece3ved from LeRoy and Mary Mullikin, 4060 - 145th Street West, to vacate the excess right-of-way along the west side of Shannon Parkwa� tha� abuts the Evergreen Acres Addition. HeFti explained how the section line alignment discrepancy occurred several years aqv when a monument marker was r�located and then the subsequent �latting of Evergreen Avr�s Addition over to the correc�ed lin�+. Couneil were also informed the excess would be returned to the previaus owner who would then quit claim the praperty to the peti�ioners and as we�l as tc� Dennis and Irene Rebischke, 4027 Upper 145th Street West. ' See Clerk' s File 198�-2�. There were no objections received from the audience. M4TION by Wippermann to clase the public hearing. SECQND by i�al.sh. Ayes: Wa1sh, Wi�permann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nay�: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION CAUSING EXCESS RTGHT-OF-WAY VACATION C�N A PORTION OF SHANNON PARRWAY. SECOND by Oxborough. W3.ppermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Q. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing scheduled for this time to consider a requ�st for vaeation of the westerly 140 feet of the southerly 14 faot drainage easement on Lot 12, Block 3, Broback 'Sth Addition. The administrator/clerk had in his possession th� Affidavit of Posted and Mailed Hearing �otice and the Affidavit o� Publication. See Clerk's File 1988-29. � , ROSEMOU GITY PRQ�EEDINGS • REGULAR�ETING OCTOBER 18, 1988 City Engineer Hefti recommended approval of the reques� frorn Robert Olson, 14590 Danville Avenue, tca vacate the ten toat drainage and utility easement ad�acent to his south property line. Hefti confirmed he ha� received no negative comments from the private utility companies regarding this vacatian. Council heard no objections from the audience. MfJTION by Walsh to close the pubiie hearing. SECOND by Wippermann, ay�s: Hake, �xborough, Napper, WaZsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTIUN CAUSING VACATION �F A PaRTION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASF:MENT ON LOT 12, BLOCK 3, BROBACK 5TH ADDITION. SECOND by Wippermann. �1yes: Oxbarough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti requested that Council reset the publie hear3.ng for Pro�ect 191 , Chippendal� Avenue Improvements to November 1 , 1988, at 8:00 p.m. , or as soon thereaf ter as possible, since the publication of the legal notice did not c4mply with legal �eguirements. See Clerk' s File 1988-29. Community Development Director Dean Johnson recaminended that Council not proceed with conducting a public hearing on proposed amendments to th� zoning ordinance at this time as initially set by Council at the August 16, 1988 regular council meeting and rese� at the September 20, 1988 reguiar council meeting. Johnson aclvised staf� has receive several suggestions and cflmments from Council, and community business owners, who at the nusiness Forum expressed an interest to partieipate in the review o€ the proposed zoning ordinance. Council unanimously agreed to an informal process whereby the proposed amendmen�s be consider as part of the overall zoning ordinance review. �ee Clerk's Fiie 1988-29. MOTION by Walsh to apprave the consent agenda with the deletion of Item _ 6(m) Payment for High School Irrigation Pro�ect. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wigpermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1988-29. Regarding the safety issue at the County Raad 42 and Canada Avenue iz�tersection precipitated by the recent traffic fatality, Adm:inistrator Stephan Jilk presented eity staff' s recommendations to remove the pedestrian walkway from Lower 15Qth Street to County Road 42 and ta take steps to erect a fence on the area abut�ing County Road 42 to eliminate pedestrian traftic from continuing to use that access to County Road 42. It was further recommended that flyers be mailed to arsa resi�ents to inforrn them of the change and recommend the use of Chippendale Avenue and Highway 3 for crossing tc� the south. Jilk advised staff has been in cantact with Pete Sorenson, county traffic engineer, who condueted a study of this intersection to analyze a typical intersection for several kinds of tra�fic information but not to study the int�rsection ta , determ�.ne or address a safety �roblem. The county traffic enginAer therefare was hesitant to �urnish the city with a complete report of his 2 � _ . � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1988 £indings and recommended that the city use their own tra£fic engineer ta study and present findings and recommendations. The administrator further advised council tha� the county held off on the construction of the biketrail on County Road 42 from F�ighway 3 to Chippent�ale because o£ the city's concern over the proper iocation of the trail. Planning Commissioner Daniel. �iunti.ngton ur�ed Council to place a traffic light at the intersection as a means to allow r�sidents to have access to the commercial area by b3.ke or foot. � Considerable discussion followed by council regarding the safety issues, pedestrian access, staff reeommendations and the eounty traf.fic engineer's study. MOTION by Walsh to remove the pedestrian walkway from Lower 150th to County Road 42, to install a fence on the open area abut�in� County Road 42, to mail out flyers to all .residents informing them o£ the changes, to install a no pedestrian crossing sign at the intersec�ion, to request the county traffic engineer' s study, to contract SEH to do a safety study on the various alternativ�s and biketrail l,acations and to request the county to remove the pedestrian cros�ing markings. Mo�ion died for iack of a second. Following further discussion, the general consensus of Council was to direct staft to meet with the city`s eonsulting traffie engin�er an cost recommendations to conduct a study in can�unction with the county study of the intersection. Council reviewed the proposed appea2s pracess for handling employee appeals to the comparable warth plan and the administra�or' s recommenclation that the appeals review cdmmittee be made up of himself, the employee s department head and Councilmember Wip�rmann. See C1erk' s File 1988�29. MOTI�N by Walsh to approve th� comparable wor�h appeals proeess as submitted by the eity admini5trator. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 4. �ouncil continued action tabled from the October 4, 1988 regular council meeting regarding adoption of the assessment roll for County Raad 42 �US52 to THSS) improvements. Marlin Rechtzigel, 1h727 Clayton Avenue r.ast, restated his ob�ection to the assessment expla:tning his concern tha� he may also be assessed for €uture improv�ments to US52. City staff advised Mr. Reehtzigel of the ci.ty policy to on2y assess the property owner for one road improvement project thus eliminating double assessments. Council also reviewed the proposed deferment agreement far assessments of cArtain parcels to be deferred to 1999. See Clerk's File 1988-29. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION A�PTII�G ASSESSMENT ROLL COUNTY 3 ' � R�SEMO� CITY PROCEE�INGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER '18, 1958 ROAt3 42 EAST IMPROVEML�NTS, PRQJECT NCI. 154. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes; Wippermann, Hoke, Oxboroughr NapPer, Walsh. Nays; 0. A ten m3nu�es recess was ealled at 1Us25 p,m. MOTION by Walsh to set a special jaint Council/HRA meeting for Alovember 1 , 1988, at 5;30 p.m. in the Couneil Chambers. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Hoke, Oxboraugh, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson reported on the Planning Commission s action this date to recommend approval vf the Limerick t�1ay finaltPlat subject to an executed subdivisi.on develapment contraet. See Clerk s File 1988-29. MQTI4N by Walsh to adopt A RBSOLUTIQN AFPROYING TA8 LINfER3�K WAY FINAL PLAT. SECOND by Oxbarough. Ayes; Oxboraugh, Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayss 0, City Engineer Rich Hefti recommended that Gauncil cons�.der deferring assessments for Project �171 , Shannon Parkway �treet Improvemer►t�, over land the Gergens own within the southwest quarter of the southeaat quarter of Section 31 . See Clerk's Fi1� 198$-29. MOTION by Napper to approve the deferment of assessments for Pro�ect '!71 over Gergen property within the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 31 and to authorize the may+or and admini�trator to execute a deferment agreement. SBCOND by Oxbarough. Ayes: Nappert Walsh, Wi.ppermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Nays; p, Council reviewed the proposal received fram Boeckermann, Heinen & Mayer to complete the financial audit for city recoxds for the year 1988. See Clerk' s F3,le 1988-29. MOTION by WaTsh to accept the proposal from Boeckerrnann, Heinen & Ma�er to complete the 1988 financial audit and to authorize the administrator to sign the necessary doeuments. SECLIND by Wippermann. �1yes: W�lshr Wippermann, Hoke, Qxborouqh, Na�per. Nays: 0. Caunc3.lmember Wippermann requested that staff explore the possibility of publishing the councii agenda in the "This Week" and "Countryside". Councilmember Walsh also suggested that agendas be �laced in the ma�or businesses and be mailed to thbse peopl� who reguest them. The administrator wi11 review and respond at the next council meeting. Mayor Hoke presented discussion regarding his desire to begin identi.fying the princi�les, values and uniqueness of the community by formulating a downtown development design plan and creating an identity for the city,. Mayor Hoke diseussed his recent rneeting with representatives of the Urban Design Center, University of Minnesota, who through a grant from Dayton Hudson Carporation, would tour the community for a two day period and then present aitern�tives and options as recommendati.ons fo�r such an identity. Councilmember Walsh, as chairman of the city HR1�, advised that 4 ' ' . ROSEMOU�CiTY PROCEEQINGS REGULAR ETING 4CT(JBER 18, 1988 � the HRA Board supported the ir3ea and authqrixed expenditure of funds for the Urban �eaign Team to concluct such a study. Cotancil ce�ncurr�d with this ecaneept and su��ortea tn� H�2A Board" s au�hor�.aatian to have th�e mayor and administ��tor pursu� this matter, Councilmember Napper left hi.s chair at 11 :00 p.m. ' Mayor Hoke reported on the Rosemount Advisory Council' s meeting on October 19, 1988 at which tirne they �ev3.ewed the resultg of the Town Meeting and developed focus areas for th� citizen att�.tud� survey. Mayor Hoke advised the orientation sessions with the vendors for the citizen attitude survey will be in the very near future. Councilmember Walsh reported on the Wakota Care Disaster simulation heTd in Cottage Grove and recomrnended that staff review the city' s disaster plan for revisions and changes in responsibility in light of all �he new city staff that has been added during the last several months. Administrator Stephan Jilk reported to Cauncil on the city's first Business Forum held on October 11 , 1988 at city hali. Jilk commented on the goad representation from the business earnmunity and the info�mative presentations given by Dean Johnson, Ron Wasmund and Mik� Wozniak at t}ie forum. The city administrator advised council he has tenta�ively made arrangements for counc�.i to meet with the City Councilmember� af Winona regarding the resource reeovery facil�.ty in their ci�y. M4TIQN by Hoke to recess to Executive Session. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. The regular meeting of the City Council reconvened at 11s45 p.m. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RSSOLUTION EST:ABLISHING FINDINGS ON THE PR�POSED ACQUISTTION OF A NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY SITE. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh ta amend the offer for the purchase of property for the arrnory to the amount of $105,000. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the settlement in the amount of $1 ,5?1 .59 and to return the cantract retainage with no interest to be paic3 by the city to Valley Paving, Tnc. SECOND by Oxbarough. Ayes: Oxborough, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. 5 . • • , ROSEMO� CITY PRQCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBPR 18, 1988 MOTION by Walsh to ad�ourn. 5ECQND by Wippermann. Ayes: 4. Nayst Q. RespeetfuLly submitted� Susan M. Johnson, De�uty Clerk ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Published th#.s day of in the Dakota Gount Tribune. i b ;