HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Mullery Site - EAW Petition * . . F't? E30X St0 +���� Q 287,r•_1q�iTF1 �1" W ����0�t�1 ROSEMOf)NT. MINNESOTA .S�OfiH VL L 61?_-423-4 f i i Agenda i ter� 7d TO: Mayor, City Council, City Admfnistrator FROM: Dean dohnson, Director of Community Devetopment DATE: October 28, 19R8 SUBd: Novernber 1, 198$ Agenda ttem 7d 7d. Mullerv Sfte - EAW P te iti�n Attached are copies of a resident petition for an environmental assessment of the pc�tential impacts from an clemcntary scho�i constructed on thc Muilery sitc anci a corresponding letter from khe Environmenial Quadity Aoard. Recci�E af lhis peiition does require ackion by the City Couneil. That action is to detexmine whelher therc is a nced for an EAW. There are several factors lhat will assist the city in determining whether an EAW is needed. First and foremost, there rnust be a nraject. If there is a project, __ khe city must determine if a "Mandatory EAW i� triggered or whether a "Discretionary EAW" should be �erformed. EQB rules make it clear what projccis are mand<►tory or require an EAW and those proJect which are "cxemrt." Uiscretionary EAWs may be �erformed, in lhe absence of any reyuirenie��t, if Ihe city (in this casc), the E(JE3 c�r tlie aprtieant dcEerminc therc is a nceci. The petitian submitted woulc� trigger a c�iscretionary EAW if the city determines there is a need. The basic problem at this time is that th�re is no project, UntiI the school district determines that t'he Multery site will be developed, wc ar+e incapable of doing an EAW. I say that because t(Tere are na ptans t this time or materials available upon which an environmentai review could even be conducted. If such plans existed, fiut the school district had made no applicaEion for any action by the city, an EAW might #�ecome a feasible endeavor, but the school district would not he obligated to pay for the review. f3U[3 rules indicate a petitic�n fc�r ,iny specil'ic rr�a��� remains v�lid indefinitely. In other words, if the Cily Council finds that an EAW is not warranted becavse therc is no project at lhis timc, the pelitic�n and redeterrnination on thc need for an EAW will become an automatic reqtiirement if the schoc�l district clecides Io huild on lhe Mullery siie. My recommendation is that the City Council cieterrnine that there is no need to perf�rm an EAW, based on the findings that there is no project at the present. Siaff will assure the petitioners that the petition ai�d subsequent action on a discretionary EAW will he addressed, if and when a formal progosat is made by the SCIIOOI CI1S[fiCt. � � • • � M�NNESpT�, � � � � 2 '`� O �� ► � ��.�. � i�� // � � � ..: ����i� = 0 300 Cenfenniai Suiiding•s58 eeaar sr�eer•St.Paui,Minnesota 55155 �� E.(�.B � 612-29&-2603 �� . ��TAL RUP . . October 21, 1988 Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount 2875 1�5th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55468 RE: Petition for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for Mullery Property School Development Dear Mr. Johnson: The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) has received a petition requesting that an EAW be prepared on the project deseribed in the petition, and has determined that the City of Rosemount is the appropriate governmental unit to deeide the need for an EAW. The requirements for environmental review, including the preparation of EAWs, can be found in the Minnesota Rules parts 4410.0200 to 44.7800. Please contact me if you do not have access ta these rules. The procedures to be followed in making the EAW decision are set forth in part 4410. 1100, (page 13 of the rules) . Key points in the pracedures include: 1. No final government approvals may be given to the project named in the peti.tion, nor may construction on the project be started until the need for an EAW has been determined. Project construction includes any activities which directly affect the environment, including preparation of land. If the decision is to prepare an EAW, approval must be withheld unti2 either a Negative Declaration is issued or an Environmental Impact Statement {EIS} is comgleted (see part 4410. 3i00, subp. 1, page 25) . 2. A first step in making the decision regarding the need for an EAW would be ta compare the groject to the mandatary EAW, EIS and Exemption categori�s listed in parts 4410.4300� 4414.440�, and 4430,460f�, respectiuely (starting on gage 32) . If the project shou3d fall under any of these categories, enviranmental , review is automatically required or prohibited. If this should be the case, praceed accordingly. 3. If preparativn of an EAW is neither mandatory nor exempted� the City of Rasemount has the option to prepare an �AW. The standard to be used to decide if an EAW should be dane is given in part 4410. 1100, subp. 5. Note that this requires that a record of decision including specific findings of fact b� maintained. An Eqr.r�t Opporfunity En�gn�oy�er . . i � Mr. Johnson October 21, 1988 Page Two 4. You are allowed 15 working daps (Saturdays, Sutidays and holidays do not count) for your decisican unless it must be made by a boaz�d or other body which meets anly periodically, in which case you have 3p warking daya. You may request an extra i5 days �'rom EQ� if th� deeision is not made by a board. 5. You must notify, in writing, the proposer, the petita.on�rs' representative and ths EQB of your decision within five (5) working days (again, Saturday, Sunday and holidays do not count) . I would appreciate your sending a copy of your record af decision on the petition along with notificatian of your decision for our records. This is not required, however. Notice of the petition and its assignment to your unit of government will be published in the F�B Monitor on October 31, 1988. If you have any questions or need ar►y assistance, please do not hesitate to call my sta€f. The phane number is (612) 296-8253 or you may cali on our toil-free line by dialirtg 1-800-652-9747 and asking for the Environmental Quality Board, Environmental Review Pragram. Sincerely, �%� ��'�--` ��� � Gregg M. Downing Environmental Review Caordinator cc: Wayne Dahmes Petitioners' representative � � r � � • .. � . OctohE�r 1�+, 1}r3�' To: linvirc�n�ner�t=�l (Yt:�ali.t;� Bo;:�r� ;J� her�b;r I:7F?t;l.f"i] �3Y1 i'!1�' �n �;nvirc�nm�nt�.l Ass�S�r��n���t ��1c�rk�hF�pt an�i �1� f�,nvi�e�nmentaZ Ir+F,�act �3t;�tt f��nt f�.r the �r�.jPct 1i:;ted. be]_ow. �'rc�posea Yro j�c t: E1�r��r�t�r;I Seh�Ql c;anstruc'�i_��, ���.rki��;� Ic�t;� , �.thlatie fielci� �nd LhA fut;�are �it� c�f � iViid•�l� ;ac,ii��l.. '1'�e �rc�jPct, woulc� be lacate<i ori �j3yz acres �f hP€�vily wc�o�xAd, ra�vin�� �n�� por�d�d wild:life hahit:�t. The praPosed site :i�, known �s �h�� Mi�ll��r.y propert�� loc�t�:d on t;o�:ntv F�c�ue� 3�3, in th� c�..ty Qf Hc�sPmaunt. �~'r€�p�..,�r of I'rc��i�ct: 7na.ep�na.�nt �ch�ol District 196 1��4��-� Diara�nc� F'a�th Rc►�er�oi.�nt, P�II'�1 5�U�F3 423-9400 R��re��nts�ti.ve c►f �'etitic�nc�rs . W��ne �ahn�es 12j5�i Danbur� :day I�o�er��unt, MN jjt�f3 423-5233 f'�tent�.�l L;nvir4nrn�ntal Tf.f.�c,t$: 'Phe �rcaject woul.� r.Ar�iair. e �,h? ra�reova�l c�f alme►�t al�{. the trk:o,� 3nd p_l:anl;s, l�val i.n�; c�.0 r��vi.nc�s a�nc� fi.:ll�inc, o:f �oncis . This� wc+ulal de�k�r�ap wilcl7.i.�'e hmb�.t�t ?�nd er�,a.at� rAloe-�ti_4n ��n� elz.rninat.i�n a_f. ur�_ie�la f�*. The� ��uF�tl�r�d� ser.v� �a i :� w,�tAr. �hed. fcar ac�j;�c�nt �i,ea�, �l�e�, c�^�t;�T� . con;��in��tion is :always a cnnc�r:�. . � (r�irc�nre�nt�l Iryp:,ct Pc�t_itic� Ma t�ri�l Eviclence: rnclo��f,� <are p}��to4;r_�p:1� ot t:i�e wi�_cili..ze th��t liv�s in t;�e a�r��. A tapo��r,r��>hs r��o of the �.re� . Th� ��i'� �cr.es ar� outliM��. in re�. ;t:�t�noent�; hy n�i�;h�,nr� n�ar ttaP '�c`3-�� �cr� s� itp, ��' th�a anir�als t}Iey :�Pe c�n the p�����r.t,q. Copy of pf�titi�n 3 �i�neci 1�;� r�wicient;�.; t�i�j�ctin�; t�.� th� pr�ject. 25 P�tition�►rs L�azte�l Re]_ot.�u: Narne •,_ A��c3;A,,� �'h�ne , � , , I - r� . -- , j .. . :.,.���_,;�('' ' �. w.�' /���� '/�.����Lti �.�.. "�l'�.� � �?�3 � �U _, , • � R _. � t1 .�� 2• � �um�����,��.sa�Z ����`�; �� _ `��3 3���,t`�' �. ��rt�ev- 1'�55(v e4 G(J�;. /7s�f �i��' ---5� G��r�hu � � ��� 33 t� `�i-'1'JCL�: l��SC.,���.-�,���,� �.-�� s Sz,�':P y�3 �5��3 5• �Ut,�.���y�: 1�zs�.� ��'`�� �� ��L� 4<�,3 :.3-s 7� � � � �• c���n,�-Y,, i a.5 s 7 �,���.. Vt! ��a 3 (��;�_ ;� � �• • � f L s s''t (,Jcc�x�i� �''"�'� �r'z� -1�i'8'�........ 8. � ��,�-� 1Z��� ��u� �,� �Z3 -�s" 2v �� ..h+"iRWf^✓ i� J �OG.� .FV �Af �6��� ��) r � � � �� � , .��- �� �.�--� �.L:. ,� �� , � _�`" � < ��U»�� ��s�� d����.u�� � �l��r� /�.�-.�..��/ , �-�- � z�" bfiN�., � �C'c�st'-�a�"�z..� -.s3 4� 12. ..,�� �Q;� �. � f /�5(09 n Dter� ��� �`"d��'�tt at.e.�fi" 'Ya?,�-$�"jp7 13• �� �-� /x:,�G �-Z-S3� ,�i ,� �r't ,_ ��,�t�i�`_"�,�.� -y,s'/ 1��. ;� �d s� a �,� ��� �'�.� y.�� � ,.� _ �,�; �,�.�,��1��� ��s:.��7 ��a.��.��� L �, ' �&�.� ��..����� �� � � �. � 1�.���„ �.� �:��t.-�.� �,,:� 0� � � -,.�.,� �, -E:r��.�� � 1 y.�� �,��.�. '�- � � f � j � 1�• ^-�-r..n.- -...rG(��-�-a'' i.��:.��{ �.,-�G�-ec.�c,{ ' ' ��t—y�•� `���, `J'%'!�� \1 � ' ' (7!Tiviron�ent�l I;npac t 1'�ti #;i� 1��. N���,,..- Q�.'., �a►,S a�' ���tiw�.� W �t,,. t�a c�.,",..�►N..,�:i�_ 4.�.� -t u 3� ��. r���{� ja 5 2 ? �� -�« �C�-u ..o,r_>•�z.���.�ji,�:��i- ..���� - ��,. �--�.� _ � �c�. .a �`� � .� ��� r�.�,.. a�� .. ._.C�.,� C��.�U �a-�— ��� � - l,c.. �c�� ; �, � � d � �, � �i. ��.y,�y�,st�' ��t�.st�L.i 'j'�e7C�J'_ /���r �. �< v�C�X'���'¢�c-rc,9�--' �u� �;���7;3 � '^��'7. �+�I'�.3"Y.3�-J�+�1 f��¢9'�IV`--� � 7 ��,��.,, ��5 12��1`Li �,:� , �v • �-i)k�w,i.��y�--�`"f'�'``j�"� ". ����, �• � /� ��� o��f..�,t�c�:s,� C.L�'�c�,�, �t��.�,c�..�.� �{�3-�7t.3 ,�� � . �� � � ���-!'. ��.r.-�� ��) ��t/'t/�i4.�i.-... /��(u� ��i N G`U'%'-.'� �i(.��� Jy 4•IA`�CJ 4.T� �/j/[�� /4S"C �r)'�„��[.�c�� l��""'`�'�` , ''��` E�t✓a�j l.-,i.R,'?/aQ�{.�zt �-�4�.1 �����''Y`'(..t?Lci:��•)'3 ' 1`i�:��, �e�-6 + -� �CL+e.:.._ ..�.'^? �' ,��r✓�5:�.! �Lc,/ � �QS �'I t.a�� {� -�..� ! N:..-- �-�', � �`_.� .L�' ... �' ✓�y d t /r,r,a�� �+ �,r , � J 2�• �/�(.�'��").� � ! .. �f�'L^ ��,�r�` '� h�,.1....J^ l�%r�. �f�� /'�\1.� » �re 4")y/ 7 �� 'E!J.�+ � � l �`�. ��-<-�^, �--�r.- 1 a-�R�t-`i ��u--�..�.�,,,,,.,�w��w..r �:y..�.�,r.t+�.�...7�� ���3 -G�-�{ 3 � -�� �'� �_ � '�-� ' �Gi lt'� �''l Y,`" ��= �2 Si�.'�S !-'+�-.�.�b_�ry 4ti-Z-i.� �t��•r,.1M t�z��•�� �l:�?�-( 7!�5 / . � I ha.ve bePn a �<:t,� and science teacher in the Richfield Publa.c Schaols fo.r tw��rity-one years. In a.dditian, I hdve taught many sumrners .�t the Woodlake Nature Center �.s a natur- alist, and I have taught twenty-eight one-week cour�es at the Environment�.l. Learning Center a.t Isabella, ��Iinnesota. 1 h�.ve a T�;aster�s Degree in Education from the Universit,q of ltilinne- sota with an area of concentration in En�ironment�l Educatian. Believing that the above constitutes qua,iification to comment, I am writing this sta.tement to object to the destruc- tion of thirt�-eight acres of heavily wooded la.nd. School llig- trict �196 has proposed purchasing a site, knawn ds the l�u3ler� property, for the purpose of buildin� one or two schools. The site is a rolling, wooded, lowland axea. It eontains at least two pondfmarsh areas which are the homes for a �re�,t deal of wildlife. I have spent many hours in the area Qbserving this wildli�e. In tne spring, mallards, wood dueks, �.nd Cana.da geese nest in the area. I have a.lsa seen a herci o�' at least thirteen deer on the property. There are fox, raccvons, wooet- chucks, mink, fishers, weasels, and muskrats living there. The rare pileated woodpecker �.s well as at least tnree c�ther v�.rieties of woodpeckers, barred owls, great horned ow1,s, snarvy ov�ls, hav�ks and man� other species of birds have heen observed in the area. Bec�.use the praperty is very lon�; and narrow, almost all of the tr�es would ha.ve to be removed and the low areas filled- in in order to build school.s, which rec�uire large flat dreas far p�.rkin� lots, pla� area�, and r�thletic fa.elds. The land lies ne�rly seven�y feet below the aceee� roa.d, County �Coad 38. 13ecause of this, additional fill would be necess�.ry. I earne�tly rec�uest �hat an environmsntal impact study be required before this site could be used for any sueh pro�osed aurpose. Sincerely, , �k � . . I� f n ' , ` . . � 1� !..l... � :,. ! . � . . :llennis E. llavis , , � � � ]:•� �:::�r�;t.r���•r-�r- 1���,�;;,; �1'i-, �.v I���+rn i t. rn�v +:�:�:-���-��-::�r-r-, .... , , , .�: rn w r_..��::.•i�•��:� 1.:h�-�.-:. ��1: t �:, . . . . Y (.�n��i ti�a �.�. �'i'�' (fY� iM��Fi� i?F 11 '����I'' . �Vf"Irlt ��I�t�'���x.+l'�1'i^: '1;,'•r-i �:•�"�'1 :� '.i::ffie:4� �t ;:iP"i�:::I ...«.w�i'ft7l�,7�IY ItiF. 7�-1Y"�"I� It_.?�V��.: �.,_4� .+....w„ �.:�'� 4�J�.�i,��:.�.:r. � ' ttt '::.�1..d I''+�� �". w. #� _�"I�Y' _. i;11'"�:! �{'r_"dt'',:�E:':I'" W�::��::��::�,., �:At"1�..) �^JFw'�; �c.Fi`l�['.�'�'. �1{'�i fr.dli':��:'i'" l?'t" �:::�4'li!Y' " ' • • .. ��.. �r��� ��..� �'T�^i'.�..�.�. ...�i �;; ''';,f'•1..1:% �;��r..�M:� ... ...... �:::�... .. w- l.. a� � : ��� 1 t..��w,,-, �h,:�.:� �:�r���:s �., -- I.� i ., 1 �::r��.�a,+ i �� w�:: t 1 , F:�rt::�rii t�.l�t�:.�.� ��.� M�:W Y'+w;�� F-F"l�=:S <:,r�i rn�:�l �I�i f�F�� <�tk;��w��.ar�<<�.•-�.rt � 1 C'{'��;� �::i���::-r- r�i�:���u�F:r lal''1(::�`.1:�t:�_aY`�:;:�:at_)� �}"I�IY �.��:�i;:� i;:�i��4'dl..� .��,-� .F.�'�Iw• '�II t.d.:,.��ii':�. �w�� i;+{.�IP. f- �p:; ��...� �::��.I i �„k:; �::�{'k.�:::,r�A �—ii..� �t::.�,:-� �::J i f f�..i h... — � • , .... {"�'{". �_u:::.�_»c:t...: 7 i.!I 7:r., �.:.)�..�I I....I 1'l?;;i �:}'i(:a �.:.�"r.:t�'_, Fll.�, 4,J..� .r F... ...,at 4�! .��:S 'r.i i'"1�::� �.� f,;;�a"!�'t" d�M�l��;1 1"1'�I 'r.:l l':_l...�:'��s;:iJ �;?1.�t" � l wi!7�::�, �..�1'"I�::i� i:,.•y��.,��..l"F P'i?;a i:4.'t:; ?::t�.:l'i:5�;, ._ ._ S• . . . . - ;y.:� .. 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'�.�..���i p-�C.lh l.• ���l� ��.:l��F'.� ((•lt_(I�;II.J.»� �{ II�I�'�kr 11,_i�" �;•�'�M;"! f`F_..'"<il„. ivi''' '�;.�'��i;:� . :•::�.r.._i r-��:a �r-��.i ,��._ - �_,�-_. .. ..., �,�,}.. ��, ���_arm�ri�r-,. la1�w ._ _ t 1 f �-.;w; 1..iw,r- rty�._ .... _ ..., _... ri Y....�1'.i'�� %=�t:++_��,:i_, t i I.�i i.. .t�..����� �.��F" _7�_J�:'�'• ���'�� �:;�..ar- j::.r-w,Mw �i ��i-��: �1�.:��-��r�w c�t �e+.l""'�� �'7 d"•7(:� '�;.i�t r='�t_dt� ."•.•::����_d'r'.�"f. �..I'� �';;�:.�1_11"e��::! };.�lF.t`�=: MY"Md C11i-t1"t'V �::)�:{"I�i:t_ et�..�..1(()c=1 � •: �;.�'j a�: (.�t'._.F_ �..�..�"i e:. � 4•�Ji�i�tii�,-���; '�'�.i_� f�ic`IV��• �.. w• •� . ` � . � . �����,'::.�i� ,y�.�t.ar��� �r�� �:;�.,;•�,.-F-�� .�..h..��,, ,�,w•1 ' •:�, �it-iri •I��-,r;�, E..i�w1�:; ' ;:•: w�::�+.:tl+:;:l h��r-� 'I::F",� +;Nir:� r�Y"w•:t��+_at"c=�=;; :�. wai��t.al�,::I rr��i��.�:::, i:N-,� rn��-:t�. �-I�e�:�r�..a"I�;� t•.F.•�_i,� i� _.�••+�.� ._.... „� _ _�r 4.., ..-��, =� F��'�.":�F=��� Y �.��:� ��i.�����w l�_+r;w�::i � n _.r..�r��=��r � F'l�W�.,:.�,�, ��,�„�,4:, c��� •k;F-�•i=s �:.rri�"1"I*�r�� . � ,,... h.w. . .. _ .:., i _ z��r•���:�) ;:�..�.�F;, ..i �: �.::�-1 r�:-e f�..a I :�.�F.�I-.�.-,r_,I.,..i�_;�...� ('�����- 7�. �_�„;i p.y t y a��y..f".. � .. . W'T'�:k"i t�;il„al'' �r:t!"`�I�?F" Cfii::}:;'�: � }/ �.tY'Ii;:�w•��jEs�����(;�F;.��� r_,l, ����.�i:�P_�:�'i!�':.= ,Yl..IV..II'..i,� j...f-�t;. W7 �����"j�"w� M al:l`1'�:'•c:tt.:���}M! �"I���filf� i^!fitC?Yi7':�' kl1c:l�'"t �._{�.:�zfp„,�ti�:;:=1'(}aMi•�'�;; I'1���"�» ��l I'" c:t W ct y. �=i�•:=k''� �_�'I:1'I..a l -�;v,, ' �.:i�:t���l'"'���� �-�e �rii�ifi't}r!I'' ;Th"� . .�.:�r��°��'i �.��:::(I"1}'if.:IP��i� ��c�i;d � . . �+'�"�='"o-w,�lfl�';;�t..dP�1�F.:•. .��r� r.:..r... � , ._�._,!1 F•.:":� '��.:::�..:�- ".�i:,i�], �:�.;::;�ry�....f:�7�_f.�. • ` � � 4600 Vde::�t 1?_�th ;,tr�,�et a��,��.�: v��z���� Mrr, 55��4 1 b Octok�er•, 19BR Environmental Quality 13oard Dear ;ir/ Madam: uVe arn writin�; a., concernec� ei.t�i zen^� vrho 7_:ive �n A�p]_e V�lley next ta the sc� callPci "Mull�ry�� prop�rty whzch i_.� hPi_ng con.^,idered for school develo�ment by the Rosernour�t achool Board. 'n'Je have own�d our ,�roper�y for ttiventy year., �nd t��ve 7_ivPrl here for over nineteen year�. aV�; havP �een thP a��ur�r��ne,e nf �vildlife that roams acro�s both o�.�r and the M�z11er� ��roperties, There �.re many deer that live here and have thei.r tr�il:.� Lhat cross l�etween our property and the �ullery pr.o��er�y. Qne trail is bet�veeri c�ur hol�se and 125th Str�et, one :i :; k��].ow our. h�i�^e, while the other is on �he south end QF �tzr property; t;hi �; one cros,es into the area knawn as the ���ld sc�ut; r,arn���. Develo�,�ing the Mullery property would eausP a ch�nge in fitie trail_s o[' tiie deer by directing them acros� 125th Street. t;hrough traffic instead of lettin� them roam our ,�rQperty, the P�iiallery Fro��rty, anc� the lax�� acre�.�� of the Dr~�nhi�ry '�V�y home �,� te�. 4Ve h,�v� seen as many as twelve dPer at onP �im� �r��zin�; th� nhri�hl��ry in thp winter time. � Be:>:idP�; the deer, there are duck.� and �pp�e th�t; ne�t in the p�nri� �nd �la�x�h� c�� t�oth pr�p�rtie�, rufferl �rouu:.�e �nd �he��;ant�,, hawkc and owls in addition to th€� m�ny :son�k�i_rd such a� wrens, c�rdina?..�, robi.ns, bluebirc��, gro�beak, �olclf�_nche�, �nci rnockin�;- kairc3s. L��t but n�t Ie�st are the ant�_cr �f thP rut�y-t;}�r.oatp� hummingbi.rd. There is �l�o an abunr�ance of blu�-ja.y�, �n�l �vood- ��cker.s such as red-heacied, pileated, c�mmon �licker ar7� r�r3-- helliPcl. Ani.m�ls al��und :i_n the ar�e<� �.n<��_�.t���i ng thQ rac;c�on, re�� ��nr� �rey foxes, rr�in�;, red and grey ��uir�Pl:-;, chi�munks, s��unk (n�t �1- w�y� desired but �,<<xt of nati�re�, and tnu�krat. 'dJe fail to under�tand the r.atic�n�le f�r clPazxi.n� lancl :;�kch �r, Mla:l.lery�s for a sehoo]_ whert 4ve �rP 7Ufferxn� from ��o1.],jxi;:i��n �vhich t�ees can help to neu�ralizP. There i.�; othe� property av�:i lax�le to�v�rd the �outh .le�s than one mil� <�ric3 on� mi 1E=. ea:;t �.s �nother piece c�f ��roperty t}��zt i.:; n�at�:1y 100;%� o��en v�r.i fi.t� ac;cc�:>:: from two naajor ha.�hw�y� anc� a �;ravel ���tai�-�ic� ro�d otl anoi;r�er :�ic3e that could be irnpr�ved if r. equired. The eonto��r anc� a��ocx.a- ted im�rovement costs, the acr.Pss �roblemsm the he�vy forest, and the ecolo�ical value of the N��ll�ry �r��erty c�rtai.n]y • leavP�-� c�ue:�t�.on in our mi.nd �vhy thi�; property �i � �vet� be1 n�; consic�ered hy t}�� Ra�em�unt :;clic�c�_l T3o�i .rc3. Eec�l.��;i� f;�; .-�r� :;1��-��rl.y . . � � rn��'�cing pro�;res.; and infl.izencin� otzr thou�ht pr�cF�:;s rP.latec3 to our enzrironment. �Nill thi.�; Y�e �nother example o f rava�in�; "P•Tather Earth�� fo� the sake of a few thou�htl�:,s peo�le vrhi.ch wi7_1 provide na a��parent benefit t� anyor�e othe .r th�n <� R�a1_t�r at the ex�en�e of :futu.re �enerations? If yc�u have any other question� r. elating ta tlais pr•o��erty, ��le��se call t�?_3-2.5�3 a.r 6�37-1 �+E>9. ;;i ric;��r:•r;3y: ��hX � U�Q� � . ���� �� � �J�-t�'G�C�I� Ear]. I�I. Uraa Lais M. Vra:� . , � • ' 12724 Denmark Ave. So. �PPIe Va11eY, MN 55124 ' Septembe�r 28, 1988 , Mr. William D. Smith, Jr. School Soard President 15678 Heywood Court . � AFP1� Valley, MN 55124 . • Dear Mr. Smiths I have recently Iearned of the 196 Board' g interests i.n con�trc�Gting an �lementary sehool an Lhe north- western corner of Rosemount. . . As a resident adjacent ta this 38-acre garcei I am decidedly oPposed t4 such a plan, and would vigorousl,y oppose it should developments continue. This pristine gegm�n� a:� i��d is definiteiy one af the few remaining propertiea af its type in the area, Deer abound on the land, and we see them fn our ysrd rec�ularly. Th+�re is a rnarshy pond in the +�pproxima�te m�.dd1Q og the pzop�rty► whiGh is freguented by gee�e ducks, etc. There are some greaL-horned ow�.s that � have been seen in the woads, as well as fox and rae- coon. MY wi£e and I be2ieve this last vestig� of wildlife in the area shouid remain a9 such. --� Board members are invi,ted to observe the property through our access should they so chooge. i ce ly, ,' � � , � � �ete hmieler Patricia Curran t /p . CC: Betty Fedde ' Don Westerhausen Roy J. Zabierek Dann McLellan ��r9�ret Gohm�n � Robert C. Schutte Dr. Red Rehwaldt , . • i .It' ?��C> ��?'}�)1IL"i ,����r . � � fl:):.r��rh;�1_li�? ��� .l;i.�. �j(`)�'tiJC� . . �)�^t�}�er' '.,�, 1'a��:3 ��=�r;� �f E:�uc;:��i��n I n�����,����,r,t :.ichool i?i.:�t^i.c t 1'�=:� i�i��4� 1?i amcn;� P:�th '.+1 . t��se��t�U?�t, i�i.v ^����:;�s3 `Phi� lvt,tu� i :� �o in ��r:�� yc>>a �,h�-�r, ;•� ���� i �:ic�n tt3x� ar_ �:�vxr,az��i?:i�r�l �� .:��a:�.:�m��rit �;Jr.,r�.s.-����t ��c►ca �.�•3 ���lvir•,:>�l_ i3'��'.Ilti•'-i.1. Lf1i�;3Ct; .)t:=l�iei'li'27�r �"�i.l.�'.i 1)P,C�t� .`�11�3�1'l t.h.:'�:t � ) ��,N).� }`nvi r.���en t'�I �:tu-�l i r_,✓ 3�,�rc�. The p��ti }a.�n i, .'tn r��ar.•ci tc rn�� �,,�i� �a,:�r:• :,i =:�� . i, �� . . � . . . 11 .�.0:=,i?"+c1laYlt;t T'?i��'['Y';,,{ l;0 _�:i �.Il:' �"'t_l l l � ' � -'.i i"�1 r itv(' .LC;(1 �.'OU �l'^� t',�7YI:i] �.�E'T').T7i?' ::i %1 :3C;t'17O�. :i l f;:�. :,:LT!t' �1'�� L V� r�1 � -' 1�'���%,1z-� L v�.�n/ ��.J=�`apy _l +il:ii�:'S �.,� : �;�n,i ix'��i�cn��r�t,�� l ;,'��a•i ( t.i,,y �<<�;i�'�i f , � � � . P E T I T I 0 N �Ye as residents of Independent Sehool District 196 request that the Mullery �roperty on County Road 38 in Rosemount not be ussd as a school site . The " l�ullery Praperty " has seve'ral wetlands and is hilly and heavily wooded and serves as habitat for an abundance of wildlife. To locate a school on this site wauld destroy the wildlife habitat . � We, therefare, encourage the 196 School Baard to seek another � site removed from thfs rural residential area for an elementary '` or any tather public ;�ehool and advise the Rosemount City Council to aet in whatever manner neeessary to discoura�e and, prohibit the fu��illment af such a proprosal . Name Address . � /�S`k.3 O , _ ._ /�.�-f u � �� � ' cb�c�n.;� �}xf�'� ! o�+�" cS7'� •� Q5�/�'t!?tJtJ E" , 7�� , � _ � / .c.� 'Gc�a.!ac �-G.r'.-�.-ce•c / � � �0�-✓�.�� �''f ,E9 C�f � 2L �a +s t cp-z�2T �.-'�G � � .�� �a-�,�., �c�•_____--� �•��- Se�-cs�,.�. /� 3`�� � t �t�ctc.c � c— ,� ..�`_ ---,_ �.,� �`�'�'7 /���1`�s�,'`�t��a�+N�� . ��'�,Si /,t ,�- 7'`"� �'t �� ���--�..,,_,,�"`_"" : . � � � 1�4�.��5 r.2���w� ��,.� /'os�`��� ,� . � _ f-7 t I/t-- �`, 1 __.,-� f'��f r �' _( -_ _.,.�u1t,11_ , �_ . x � � P E T I T I 0 N `Ye as residents of Independent Schooi District 1B6 r�quest that the Muliery �roperty on County Road 38 in Aasemount not be used as a school site, The �� Mullery Property " has several wetlands and is hilly and heavily wooded and serves as habitat for an abundanee of wildlife . To locate a sch;ool on this site would destroy the wildlife habitat . We, therefare , encourage the 196 Schoal Board to seek another site removed from this rural residential area for an elementary ar any other public school and advise the Rasemount City Council to act in whatever manner necessary to discourage and, prohibit the fulfillmer�t of such a proprosal . � Name Address � �����;�- .�.��-C���— � .5..� - �c��...-��...�..��..,� � �' ��t, �_� — . �' ,:�e� �-'C.�;�r' `�"�,t' ,/��;�,., , � �� � .� � l �7 �a,�-f,� -.- _�.. - �c_c.�- � �,:- ; �� �,; �--�s--�'-� c�. ��c�'e... �c� cz.� �,/ c �✓ ,r�" �,�- �J � �,�(� _��i c>�� �--T- ��.� )` �' Lr j . �, ,� /� i<., ,� . , ��. �,,��, � ,j�) j .,,�� , �' E�,t � .S-�..`��; � - --- - ______---�_ .._. ._.._... . _. .3 . , . � � P E T I T I O N 4 We as residents of Independ�nt School Distriet 196 request that the Muilery �►roperty on County Raad 38 in Rosemount not be used as a schoal s#te. The �' Muliery Praperty " has several wetlands and is hilly and heaviZy wooded and serves as habitat for an abundanae of wildliPe. To locate a sehaol on this site would destroy the wl2dlife habitat . We, there�ore, encourage the 196 Schaol Board to seek another site removed from this rural residential area for an el.ementary or any other public school and advise the Rosemount City Council to act in whatever manner necessary to discourage and, prohibit the Yulfillment of such a proprasal . a e Address _ �� _ f�a ��� ������,�' 4���,�j--- S � � L . . . . . . �� . .. � �� � v � �! � � , .�3 �z' � -d-�ZLi� � t i �� �- e-� - - . S� . � M . . . . � .. .. . . . . l � . 1 ZS"4 s �t-n,r t�� tv Os�,r�U�T�". . 8-�CQ -- � � � K.ao,,, . ���" �- „�,,-� � � 5_t � � �`"', , � � � � � �Q� � p � �N �.- . � � ' ��� ? , � ` � . / � / (` /� �� ��7� , � o � � �. �-- ,,��i' �,�s` � 2� � �%, cv, � �� r � � � P E T I T I 0 N We as residents of Independent School District 196 request that the Adullery �roperty on County Road 38 in Rosemount not be used as a sehool site . The '� Muliery Property " has severa2 wetlands and is hilly and heavily wooded and serves as habitat for an ak�undance of wildlife. To loca�e a school on this site would destroy the wildlife habitat . We, therefare, encourage the 196 School Board to seek another site removed from this rural residential area for an elementary or any other public school and advise the Rosemount City Council to act in whatever manner necessary to discourage and, prohibit the fulfiliment of such a proprosal . Name Address /�ss -- /�-�-'�-a-r.r,� S Z Z �..- ./ �- Q. , ��� � - ��- .s /3 �/` 1 �S Z 1 S'�`7b Qn '`:�,� � - � U � _ -�. � . s ��-., � _ ' �i' - . { 3 , f v c it�s��/W ,� 2 �,,, � �` < � ,,��� 1;�..�I�.'� ��, �°� l�T , ; �� ��� 5 � �a�'� s�. �2s�;�- l��� � �: ,�.,�- �-Z � _ �z� �~, �, � � a� 1 - � _ t`�►.��s:�.���..���.� � �� �3 S��3 ���v4�� 4/A i2vs��.�..��' ,v. ' . � �- . a. � . . . . . . . 4 ��C3 6 �LJ//�V(/��-+ �l� .�'-_j1027��"IQ�� ��✓ ��SQq � I� J � .� � -� � . ., 1I)c�llf r'�I ; ��•G,f..�•�1� � i ; � I ; � . � � 4 .C�.iP."i �i .' /' �'/ . . � � � . � . . � . . �� ,..-..,._.�� - .� .� �j(���.41 �._ ��>>j��'�,!��..- _. �- _.�_-�,�� ,,,.,,� � , ..., � -- � _ -.�, —__ �-� .:._.� �� t.�:tt t� �'.. ,: S ,' �__.�� _ a..� �,��,,>:.. _ . ..�,.. . ;,, ,:.� \��c ,z ��__ a „ ',,---�-, �=.� ��_ �,� � , t ,i _ , / ��/ � ,�` �,. � �'� i�:� -� , . � ��, , (% � � l � !'T_:� � �` --t �1��� � � � , � . ... .\� ` � {��� ���/'� � r ` S t ^L'� if'�� � ` 1 i! 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