HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.e. Approve Advertisement for for Engineering Technician Position �... . 4 . • . � � � • . .. � . . .. ` � �~-f�, 7�.. *****************��*****�r****�*********�tAtEr10�**�t*�**�ti�******�r******���r�x�*�*�***� DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1988 i T0: I�tAYOR & COt3NCILr1EPiBERS C/0 ADrtINISTRATOR JILK ' FROPi: CITX ENGINEER/PUBLIC W�RKS DIRECTOR HEF � RE: ITEr1 FOR NOVEPiBER l, 1988 COU�1GiL PIEETING NEW BUSINESS Authorize Advertisement for Engineering Technician Fosition Gouncil, in the 1989 budget, approved the position for a full-time engineering technician that the Parks and Engineering Departments would share. Attached is a summary of job priorities that Park Director Bechtold and I developed and also a position responsibility write-up for this engineering technician position. The addition of another engineering tech will allow the Gity to do necessary engineering field work. There will be times when both techs will be working an park projects or publie work projects. Once the field work is complete, then each technician can pursue their current task in either department depending upon set priorities. The 1989 budget also contains additional equipment to assist the new engineering tech and our existing engineering tech in perfarming their xequired functions. New equipment that we will be purchasing under the 1989 budget wi11 be an engineering transit and drafting table. The 1989 C.I.P. does have money in it for revamging one of the Fire Degartments 4x4 grass rig gickups by painting and adding a topper. Our tentative schedule is to advertise and screen applications in November. By the December 6, 19$8 meeting I would hope to have selected an applicant to present to Council for their approval. Then we should be ab2e to have this person on line right after the first of the year. The salary range would be from $20,0�0 - $28,000 depending on qualifications. � ` . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITiON RE5PONSiBILTTY WR3TE-UP FOSITION TITLE: ENGINEERING TECHNI�IAN DEPARTMENTt PARKS ACCOUNTABLE TOe GITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ..� Frimarv Obiective of Positian This position is responsible for providing technical assistance in the area,s of engin�erir�g, survey3.ng, can�truction and maintenance of the City's parks, s�reets, and utilities infrastructure. Ma.7or Areas o£ Accountability. A: Maintenance �. . Assist with maintaini,ng infra�truc�Cure inventorie� and recc�rds . > 2 . Provid� technical, a�sistance for in-hou�e pro�ects. B. Enqineerina 1 . Implement comprehensive eng�.neerrinc� program £or the exten�ior� af new or replacement of c�id Ci�y infrastructcare that will best �erve the City'ss current and future n�eds. a> Implement enforcement aE enqineerinq and construction of City's infra�truetur+� to �ity standards . b) Review and recommend for approval plans and specs £or pubiic impravements, grading plans, cl�velopment ��lans, site plans, etc. �;> Design and draft plans: and prepare specifiaations for City Public Improvemen�s Prbjects. d) Provide constraaction inspection, staking and r.ontract d�cumentation for City projects. P�ye 1 , , � . t ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN POSITION RESPONSTBILTY WRITE-UP 2. Maintain maps and files to keep them current. a) $ase maps, infrastructure maps, section maps, park maps, etc. b) Record plan files, easement fiies, permit files, etc. 3. Provide technica], assistance to other departments. 4. Obtain traffie counts and prepare summarized results. C, Equipment 1 . Operate and mainta3n survey and drafting equipment. D. Inspectians/Safet�r 1 . Assis� with implementing inspection schedules of City's inf}rastrueture and maintain records . E. Public Relations 1 . Respnnds to service requests and camplaints c�f citizens i.n a plea�ant and tact£ul mar►ner and resolves problems in a manner wY�ich maintains �cespect fc�r City government. 2. Represeni.s the City in contaets with the gublfc as wel.l as with c,ther emplayees, othe� City offieials and outside units of government in a manner which will aommand respect. F. Speci�l Prc�iectslDuties 1 , KPep� Park Director infc�rmed af all matters of major impr��tance as th�y relate to the Park� Department. 2. . K�ep� City Engin,��r inf.carmad c>E" all matters of ma�or im�ac��t�nce as the�y �ret.�te �c� th� engineering divigion af th� Puhla�e: Works Dep�rtment. 3 . P�x-�nr. m4 eather d�.��iea, a�+�ume� other responsibilities as �����rent ar a� d€+1.egated. Exa.mples o.£ Fezfc�rmanc� Critaria ]. . �PmonstratEas abil.i�ty to �er£arm drafting tasks in a timely, Page 2 . . . � � � � . . . 4.. . .. � � � � . . . . � • � ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN P4SITION RESPONSIBILTY WRITE-UP eF�icient and neat manner. 2. Demcrnstrates ability to perform engineering design tasks in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. 3. Demonstrates ability to perform field surveyi.ng in a tim�ly, e£ficient and accurate manner. 4. Demonstratss ability ta perform construction inspectian anc� documentatian laqicaiiy and acaurately. S. Pro�ecting a positive and favorable image of the Public Work� and the Fark�s Department to citizen�. 6. Llemonstrates ability to eff�cti.vely strueture h3s time and wo�ckss �ask�. Responsibil�.tv fox` Work of 4t�hers 1 , NOt1E regularly assigne�d. 2 . May provide on-�he-�ab directian to �.emporary ernp7.oyees a�s required in eertain �ob related situations . Desirabl� Qualifications 1 . Graduate from a 2 y�ar vocatianal: or technical schoal aecredited program as a civil engineering technician, 2 . Knowledge of ancl experience� in desiqn, field surveying and staking, insp�ction of park improvements, publie streets, wastewater colleetion and water distribution system, etc. 3 . Wc�r{ctng know.l.erlg� c�f_ �er.gnn�l c,e�m��at�rs �r�ci ty��i.cal: �:oftw�re a�plieations - CAD, �3a�at�aaP, spreadsheet, ward procPssing, etc, 4. Minimum 5 years experience as engir►eering technician with 2 years experienc� with municipal city. Minimum Reauirements 1 • Must now have or be willing to obtain a C1ass C Minnesota ' Drivers Lieense within probationary period . 2 . Ability to undex�fiand and follow written and oral � instructions. 3 . Ability to Hstablish ancl maintain �ffective working - Pagp 3 � � � � ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN POSITICJN RESPONSIBILTY WRITE-UP' relationships witt� employQes, staff inembers, and the general public. 4• SkiZi in the use of a11 survey and drafting instruments; tools and eqaipment associated with the work. Page 4 e � � � 1'0: Steve Jilk — C�.ty Admi.ni��r€�Cor FROMc navid J. Bechtold — Directc�r. vf Fark c eaLian Rich F{efti - Direetor of Pub�.ic Wox � DAT�: October 19, 198$ RE; Engineering Technician F'asition January l, 1989 is the star.t9.ng tiate set for. the engic�eerin� t.ecf�nic:tan who will he sclieduled to w�rk ior the Parks nepartment. A �ener�l_ summary of duties is listed below. There is al.sc� a gener�l. job description attached.. The salary and job description �f thi.s em��l�yee w171 b� i.n .l1:ne w.i.t:h other technicians of the engineerjn� department. Tt�at person will work basically un�lPr. t�te �ame superv9�ory �;�iid�]i.ne� ns the Foreman of Parks. tie/she will. be a p�r.t of tt�e engineering department which ta headed up by the Public Works Direct�r. Tlie Director of Parks & Recreati�n is responsible for the sa�er.v3sj.on ac�d clirection of this staff �erson on a day to day basis. GENERI�L SI7MMElRY OT JOB PRIORITIES t I. Bring park drawings up to date l.isting showin� amenities, topography, Zoeation, dimension, etc. II. Complete a trail and sidewal.k plan f�r the, city l.isting locati�ns, sizes, conditions, composition, etc. III. Assist the Director of Parks j.n working with clevelopers in the grade plans of parks, designing of parks, ancl �all.ow tliroug}i on the stages of deveJ.opment of �arks. IV. Work with t}�e DirPctUr of Parks anct the For�man' of Parks on general engineerin� af �Ark }�ro�ec.ts inc:lud{���, snec wri�:in�, contracttn�, an site s»pQrvisfan of �ra;�ect (not t� 9nr.ludp m�fntenance �taff), staking, etc. . V. �lssist as assigned ta projects of the Ptiblic t+lorks I)epar.tment. To work directly with the Puhlic Works Direetor, other technicians, and staff to complete depart�ent ta�ks. VI. 1� work with ottjer ci��k�rcments c�n �r•o�ectfi <�s ����.t�n�ect ��cc�rdin�, ta the in�ut af the Direetor ot F�rks & Reexeation. �