HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.f. Abatement Request for CR38 Assessment Project � 1 � P.�. ��X Stt? ��Zl� � 2975-T45TN ST. lN Q�Q��,�s�1 ROSEMOUNT, M1AtNME50TA 5506A G vt• L &12-423-4dfii Agenda Item 7f TU: Mayor, City Council, City Admfnistrator FROM: �ean John�on, nirector of Community Development -- DATE: October 28, 198t3 SUBJ: November 1, 1988 Agenda Item 7t' 7f. Abatement Reguest - County Road 38 1�riany of you will recall the dctails of the CR38 recanstruction/as.sessmeat project. This project was assesscd an a 5-acre unit basis, consistent with devetopment standards in this }�art of the city. C>ne parcel, owned by John Houston and now known as Shann�n Oaks, was assessed i6 units for thas project. The parcet in question is only 60+ acres; however, a preliminary plat had been approued some years earlier with 16 lots. The ci[y caused the maximum assessment in the event the final plat was approved 3vith 16 lats. Mr. Houston was aware that the certification of 16 assessment units was not a guarat�tee that a final plat would be approved wiEh 16 lots, since the requirement for 5-acre lot sizes was in effect at that time. Zoning ordinance reqvirernents wauld altow only 12 lots, which is what Ehe final plat was finally approved with. The staf f, Mr. Houston and, I helieve, the City Council were aware that an abatement of a portion of the assessments would be in order, pendin� the outcome of the final plat approval. The Planning Commission and City Council did approve the plat on the 12 lot, 5-acre basis, which is consistent with the ordinance and benefit, according to the assessment policy. Mr. Houston is now requesting that the city abate the equivalenE of four assessment units to re[lect the benefit received. ' Staff is in agreement with the request and wauld recommend the City Council approve the abatement. We will have the necessary paperwork avaitable prior ta the meeting. T GS Ti►e Gr�t S#otk Corporation 13004 diamond Path West • Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 • (b}?) 423-2945 November 1, T 988 Honorable Mayor and Councii City o# Rosemount 2$35 145#h Street West Rosemount, MN 554b$ . Subject: SHANNQN OAKS - Coun#y Road No. 38 Assessments Reduction to 12 lots Gentlemen: . On July 8, 1981, the city counc[I opproved a 16 lot preltminary plat for the same property thc�t was just thts year platted into 12 lots naw known SHANNON ' OAKS. In 1987, on the basis of the 16 lot preliminary plat, #he cIfiy assessed our land (Parcet No. 34-OT810-011-75) for 16 units a# �1,818.87 for a total of �29,l O1.A4 (s+�e capy of part o€ assessrnent rol! attached). f�n March 1, 198$, the plonning commisslan rejected re-approval of the ib lot preliminary plat. Subsequent negotiations wIth the city resulted in approval of tMe present 12 le#s final plat for Shannan Oaks. During these negotiations the subject of the 16 assessrnent untts for CR 38 wns discussed and It was the generol cons�nsus tha# It would be apprapria#e that the assessment would be reduced to reflect the actual number of lots. We, therefore, now formally reguest a reduction in the assessment for the CR 38 impravements from 16 units to 12 unIts. After adjustIng for the payments , already made with the 198$ tqx statement (with 16 assessment units) the resutting ' remaining principal balance should be $9b9.Q9 per lot for the CR 38 assessment. The compu#ation of thIs remaining amount Is explained in the enciosed sheet en#itted "SHJ�NNON OAKS - STATUS OF ASSESSMENTS" dated Octobsr 2$, i 488. Sincerely, 1 '` e-C� ��, ��� `/ ���V ��E GREAT STOCK CORPORATION ohn C. Houston, Pres�dent cc: Blake Crandall, Ctty of Rosemoun# cc: File , M(NNEAPpL15 • fARGO ____._ .._.^.------- - ._ _ . . _ �