HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Pine Bend Development Co. - Grading Permit Renewal � � , � • P Q. 8L7X 510 ��Z�� O 2675-f 45TH ST. W. � dSGYYLQu/I�� ROSEMOUNT.M►NNESOTA 55068 � 6t2-d23-4411 � „�` I �I-e„�-, �b - j , TO; CITY COUNCIL j l FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER E t I DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1988 ; , SUB3: NOVEM$ER 1, 1988 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS PINE BEND DEVELOPMENT CO. - GRADING P�RMIT EXTENSION REQUEST ;- ;. �4t its April 19, 1988 meeting the City Council approved a Grading/Excavation ' Permit for an 18 acre property located at the intersection of County Highway 42 �' and Emory Ave (abutting new stretch of County Highway 42) owned by M,G. Astleford of the Pine Bind Development Corporation. The gradinglexcavation permit issued by the City allowed removal of up to 100,000 cubic yards of Sand and Gravel for use ia the Highway 42 construction project. Included with this review is a packet of information which provides a history of the per�nit , ; including copies of Planning Commissian and City Council Minutes with � conditions for the origonal approval, eopy of the permit, copy of performance j bond, copy af letters from applicant and assignee requesting permit extension, j list of proposed conditions for issuance of a new permit, Because much of the � sand and gravel which was excavated on the site was not of adequate quality. ta produce Class 5 aggregate for highway constructian the applicant has been lefE with approximately 5�,000 cubic yards of Sand and Gravel stockpiled on the site. A condition of the origonal permit was that the site shall be completely restored by Fall 1988. , The inability of the applicant to meet the 'permiC condition of complete site ` restoration by Fall 1988 as established hy the Planning Commission has serious implications xegarding the City's use of grading/excavation permits to allow loeal` ; sand and gravel to be used in conjunction with local construction projects. � Planning Commission policy has been to allow grading/excavation permits to � remov� material for local construciion projects on a seasonal basis with a j requirement that the site be graded and seeded by the close of the construction � season. Anything longer than one season has been regarded as a mining permit with much more stringent requirements regarding financial guarantees and site restoration specifications. The situation at hand is that the applicant has 50,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel stockpiled on an 28 acre si[e at the intersection of C.H. 42 and T.H. S5. ' The applicant has requested a two year extension to market the sand and gravel which has been excavated and remains stoekpiled on the site. The permit extension has also been requested by the Richard Schuh Company who by an ', ag,reement with Pine Bind Developmenc Company has contractual rights to the � stockpiled sand and gravel but is not obligated to seli or remove it. Key concerns regarding the extension request are interim appearance of the site and the potential for erosion of the stockpiles by both wind and water. The � applicant has taken some measures to grade, replace topsoil and seed portions of { � t . ; ._.. . :� _ , . .; ,.� � . � • the site upon which material is not being stoekpiled. For review with the Planning Commission al tfieir OeEoher 18th meeting Community DevelopmenE Staff formulated the following recammendations Eo address this Grading/Excavation Permit Extension Request: i. The City Attorney should bc requested to draft a contracE specifying cnnditions for permit extettsion; this contract should be subject to apprvvat by City CounciL 2. Extension of the GradingiExcavaEion Permit shall be aniy through Juiy i, 1489 Eo ensure that the site is restored next year. 3. The permit extension shall not allow any additional excavation of sand and gravel nor shall it allow use or storage af a bituminous p1anE or crushing equipment an the site. 4. Erosion controls measures as recommended by the eity Engineer shall be incorporated into the eontract inctuding the use of si}t fenee to cornpletely contain the stockpiies and the use of height restrictions on the stockpiles to limi[ wind erosion. 5. The Developer shall be required to furnish the City with an irrevocable letter of credit in a form to be approved by the City AdministraEor for $50,00�.00. This tetter of credit amaunt iS an estimaEe of the amount of money it may Eake Eo rest�re Che site accordipg the pro}�osed grading �lan if the applicant is unat�le to market the stockpiled sand and gravet. The letter of credit shall have an expiration date of December 31, 19$9. Upc�n review of these sta€f recommendation the Planning Commission amendec� Ehem to allow an extension of the Grac#in� Pcrmit thr�ugh Sepleml�er 1, 1989 and changed the security requirement to a $5t3,f?Ou.O� Performance Bond instead of a 550,000.00 Letter of Credit. Based on Planning Comrnission recommendations City Seaff drafted a list of conditions to govern permit exCensiQn (attached to review). I would recommend that the City Council ap�rove an extension o[ the Piae Bend Development C�mpany Grading Permit sut�ject t� the Conditinns established !�y the Pfanning Commission. �� i . . CONUITIONS OF PINE BENU llEVELUFMENT COMPANY GRAVING PERMIT The purpose of this Grading Permit is to allow the applicant additional time tc� removc approximately 50,000 cubic yards �f sand anci gravcl which arc currenlly stockpiled on the property in question. The stock�i}ed sand and gravel represents a portion of the 1Q0,000 cubic yards of material which was excavated at the site under a grading permit issued May 26, 1988. A. That Pine Bend Development Company (hereinafter "the Operator") sign a written consent to these conditians binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditians of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the area indicated on the attached "Grading Plan" which is dated March 22, 1988 and was origonaily approved by City Council on Aprit 19, 1988. C. That the term of the permit shall extend until September l, 1989 with a requirement of complete site restoration by that date. D. That the final grading for the permit area shatl be completed in accordance with the attached "Grading Plan" and any other condtions as may be imposed by the City from time ta time. F. This permit shall not allow any additional excavation of sand and gravel r►or sha{1 it allow use or storage of a bituminous plant or crushing equipment on the site. G. That all costs of pracessing the perrnit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by the Operator prior to the issuanee of the permit. That the Qperator reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer or any Qther City emplayee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Qperator agrees to reirnburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting or enforcing of the permit. H. That the Operator deposit with the City Clerk a surety bond or cash eserow in the amount of Fifty Thousand and no/i00 {$SQ,000.00) Dollaxs in favor of the City. The required surety bond must be: (1) WiEh good and suff�cient surety by a surety company autharized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the snrety company to cancel the same upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to Ehe Ci[y Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfully comply with ail the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regnlations and ' requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and ail reasonable requirements of the Engineer or other City o[ficia}s. I. Thal Ehe Uperator furnishes a certificate a[ comprehensive general liabiiity insurance issued by insurers du}y licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amounty of at least Five Hundrecl Thc�usancf ancl no/10(� ($S(?�,onoj aQi��ts for injury or death a[ any oc�e person in any one occurrence, badily injury liabiliEy in an amounty af at least tJne Million and no/100 ($1,040,OOO.UO) . . � , Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Huadred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,OOQ.00) Doliars arising out of any one occurrence. J. The Operator shall conform to erosion control measure as specified on the "Grading Plan" with the City retaining the right ta add any additional erosion and sedirnention control measures as may be determined necessary by the City Engineer. K. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpiie of topsoit to the excavated area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion eontrol, provided also that the minimutn depth of topsoil shall not be tess than four inches after reclamation. L. That the operator rnaintain proper aceess conditions at Emory Avenue for safe ingress and egress of gravei trucks and the safe operatian of other vehicles on Emory Avenue. M. That it be recognized by the Operatar that the City of Rosemount has informed the Operator that a Gravei Tax must be paid to Dakota CounEy in conjunction with the sale of sand and gravet from the subject property. That , of Pine Bend Devetopment Company, 1200 West Highway 13, Burnsville, MN 55337, property owner, operator and grading permit applicant, hereby conseats and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said gradin�; permit. Date• B y: ,. ` *~ POPHA10f, HAIK,SCHNOBRICH & KAUFMAN, LTD. 3300 PIPER JAFFpAY TOWER MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA '35402 � . WAYNE G.POPHAM JAMES A.PAYNE TELEPHONE O.RANDALI BOYER GREGQRY G.�SCOT? RAVMOND A. HAIK DAV��O A.JONES. 6f2-333-4800 � � BRIAN N.JONN30N ROSANNE 4.ZAIDFNWEBER . NOfER W.5CNNOBRiCN L£E E.3HEENY � . � � TtMOTNY W.KUGK ROBERT C.CASiLE• DENVER�KAUFMAN ALAIN FRECON . TEi.ECOP1Ep � �.ARO�H�.SWdN30N THE�RESE M,HANKEL ROBERT A.MIN15H �ESL�IE GI�ILETTE 1331 612-334-27f3 . BRUCE A.PETERSON JU�LIE F:tEMING-WOIF£ � FiOIFE A.WOROEN � MfCHAEL T.NILAN � 1321 612-334-2T8I JUl1E A.SWEIT2ER� qEB017�AF1 A.Ov30N � G.MARC WHITEHEAD RP9ERT H.EYNN� �� THOMAS C.MtELEN1iAU.8EN 2ACHEF7V M.JONEB . � BRUCE D.WIl.l15 � THOMA3� M.3iPKIN3 191�6J2-334-2803 M�CHAEI O.CHRISTEN$pN @ENSON K.WN�TNEY � FREDERICK 5.RtCHARD3 ROBERT C,MOILANEN . � � J.MICbfAEL SCNWART2 � HA7HRYN M.�WALKER � � � G.ROBER710HNSQN THOMAS i.NEL30N . TODO M,JOHMSON 6E4RQ� J.SOGHA 6ARY R.MACOMBER THOMAS�J.RADIO SUITE 2400 . JEFFRE�' P.CAIRN3 SNANE R,KELIEY � RpBERT S.BVRK � �DAVID l.HASHMALL � . 1200 SEVENTEENTH STREET �OU15 P.SMITH SVSAN M,WEIS . . � HUQH V.PLUNKET7,111 � KAtHLEEN M.MARTIN DENVER, COlORA00 90�202 BRUCE H.LITTLE MAf7K� P.TCN EVCK - � FREDERI�CK C•BROWM JOHN�C.CHILOS MARK F.PALMA � OUANE R.NOECKER � THOMAS K.BERG DOVGlAS P.SEATON TELEPNON�E.903-993-1200 pVBSEII S.PON£SSA � � � � � . JAMES R.STEILEN THOMAS E.SANNE�R� TEIECOPtER 303-893-2�94 BRYAN�I.CRAWFORD . � � JAMES B.IOCKHART RICF4ARD A.KAP�AN MATtHEW E.DAMON � � � � AI.IEN W.HIN�DERAKER B�RUCE B.M�PHEETEitS � 3UITE 300 50UTH JOHN W.PRQVO � � . � CLIFFORD M.GREENE SCOTT E.RICHTER oc GpufvsEt � � I600 M STR£ET�N.W. EL4EN SUE PARKER pREO l.MORf7iSOM , 0.�WIlUAM KAUFMAN PqUL J.CINBTROTH yyASHINC3TON� D. C. 20036 GREGORY G. BROOKER � � � MICHAEI O.FREEMAN SCOTT A.SMIM � � TEIEPHONE 20�2-e2B-$3p0 WILLIAM M.OJILE.JR. � � �HOWARD�SAM MYERS,UI DQNALD M.1EW15. � TEE7RANCE A.COSTELLO � � � � IAR�RV D.ESPEL� ELI2ABETH A.THOMPSON TEIECOPlER 202-628-5318 JpSEPH D,VABS � � � JANIE S.MAYERON KE1TM J.�F4A�lELANO � DYRECT OIAL NUMBER BRIAN W.OHM . *Ao�+tTTEO�N IOwA � THOMAS J.9ARRETi MARK B.PETERSON � � STEV�N A.CHEIESN�K kAOMITT[D IN I�IIN�OIS 334-2695 nctober i3, 1988 Memk�ers of the Planning Commission City c�f Rosem�uc�t P.O. B�x 510 2875 - 145th St . West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: S�le �f Stockpiled M�tPrials Dear Members of the Planning Commission, This firm represc�nts the Ra.chard Schuh Company whict� has an interest in the material stockpiled on the lanc� awned by M.G, Astl�ford Compa�ny. The Richard Scl�uh Company had a eontract with �3MI tc� �rc�cess gravel on County Road 42 for the liighway prajeet i.n the Cou�ity. As p�rt of the processing of tl�e gravel:, ap�roxim�tely 50,t�QQ tons of sand was produced �s a bypraduct which is presently stored on the site. The Richard Schuh Company has the contraetual rights to se:Ll that material, but is under no obligation to sell or remove the materi�l, and is doing sca as fast as it ean in carder ta remove that stockpile. Unless it is able to remove the stoekpile, tlie stockpile will re�nain there. There is no active procPssing taking place on the site and � there is no iieed for additional pro4essing. . •� • � � M�mbers of the Planning Commission Oetuber 13: 1�88 Pa�e 2 Decause of the size of the stocl�pile anc� the limited c3eman� f�r sand, it may takc longer than Juiy 1. 29£39 in ��rder tU sell .3n:3 remove alt af the stc�ckpile. Ther�►fore, the Richard �ehuh Company seap�orts M.G. 13stleford's regu�st to be able �.a sell ana remove the material by July l, 1990. In a�diti,�n, it suppcarts Mr. Astieford ' s request that no lett�r of credit be posted gineP there is no aetivp mining c�r grading vn t�e site. There is �n existing bond fileci by )3i+tI which should tae sufficienk, if any Uond i3 still neec�ee�. We kz�ow of no zoning pravis.ions of the City that req«a.re ev�n a permit to sell the material once stockpiled. We fear that unless the City and the paxties involved (�3l�ii , M.G. Astleford and Richard Schuh Camgany) , can �11 agree as ta how to extend the permit, if one is needed, that this matter wili result in extended Litigation among two or more af the p�:rties, resulting in no removal af the stoekpi.Les anc� final rPstoratfc�n af the site for several years WIl1C�'1 situation wvu2d n�t liel� anyone. Very truly yours, . l.l.�..� � l���-4�-��e:'�/t-� ��� 13ruce t). Malk�rson cc: rlike 6Jozniak Richard Sc}iuh MP1 Astleford 13llP1 s j k�5(l 5 G � • � * PINL I:�ENl� �LYIsI,UPi1iENT CO. 12U0 West Highway 13 890-63d0 Burnsvilie, Minnesota 55337 � September 14 , lg8$ City ot' Rosemount 2t375 l�i5th STreet West P. �. Box 510 I3osE�m�iant, MN �5066 . Re : Restoration of Disturbed �rea Gentlemen: On April l9th, 198$ the City Council approved a grading permit to allow the processing of 100,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel from the regrading of an 18 acre site located east of Emery Avenuem south of County Road 38 and north of the new section of County Road 42 . Z'he s:ite was to be restored by the fall of 1g88. This Summer and Fall I have caused the processing af the 100,000 cubic yards . However, during the processing there was a �r�c�t�lern trEaltiri� specifications so there was ereated a stockpile of 50,000 cubic yards of sand incidental bo the process of ma�Cing the � Class 5 material, which sand I now need to sell and remave from the site so resto�ation can be completed . I have graded the slopes along the west and northern boundary lines, placed topsoil thereon, and will seed those areas this fall . Until I can sell the excess sand, the restaration of the f'loor of the operations can not be completed . I anticipate that it will take two years to sell the sand. In the interim I will eomplete all of the restorationI can around these stockpiles by placing topsoil thereon and seeding same. If an extension of the permit is required to a11ow far this to occur, I ask th�,t it be extended. I will �ie glad to renew the $10 ,000 performance bond if necessary, as part of this extertsion until the sand piles are sold and restoratian can be completed, but in no case later than December 31,1990 . Very truly yours, PINE�,B��iD�)EVE MENT C0. �/ �r . . - - �, �}- / � �����-L''C'"f' �'�`'_ �, �. . G . Astleford •r S bl ' . �ulio�ns o�P�ut��a� � �, C'i#y Of R05�0l1►1� c .-. At'PLICRTION FE�t tIUIIDING f'ERhtI7 AHD CERTI�ICATE t�� OCCUFMlCY a t�,� z ��•��$.....�jr I st �F J•4� �d""n ��""� � `� � VN.I:lATI(JN: $ � FERMTSSION IS I�ERE6Y 6RANTEU o OwNE(t���e rF^�c-� �jl.PJefo�pw ��u"�'AOIX2ES5 t� �� E�), f��r �iwa.r �,�-� f'NONE / (�lZ /��tV tr�; �:� , .GtINTRACiOR !`�,�^, S��f'd,�i / ADDRESS 12C'c� t.�.l, t`�iG �jw•,.. � � PtlOfdE ! C-iZI�9G�'�;3c to cerry oi�t the wock� e�pecified in thia per�lt on the foltowing deacrtt►e� pr��cty up�x► the expreea condition thet eald pereona and kheir agencee� e�ployeea erxl workmen� in aucfi vrork c�ne� nhell cottifnra� in (K all respecte to tf�e �rovieione of the Ffullcli�g Cale, Thie par�it a�ey 6e revoked et any tlme upon tfie u violatton af any of the provisiona of eaid eode. DUILD Nl[! �AI.TER REPAIR l�IYE Rili(:R 5112CE T NUF1tlER S I REE T NAME LO t BLOCK ADDI i lON UR PARCEL / �'E� c_3Z�'�D C�f��c'� �Ftt)Ni WIuiN S1t)C tENGTN NE:If.iiT i/ (IF SJpI21E5 5[�. Fi. CXTER1ftR MATERlAC StqE Y11R0 5C11�AGK S1UE UF STttE:Ei dE1WEEM WtIAi SiitEEiS DLDG. PMT. fEE �v�,� PLAN ClIEGK FEE (� ' DETAtIS tMt RENl1tiK5 SU(iCNARGE 'T,� �j METRO S.A.C. ' I I5 I � F-c•..v�,�, RSMi. SEWER � �� RSMT. WA�ER S ��'��` Oi11ER _ � / �• �,�� {� ioin�. z8. °"' ��"' �t"�ZJJ-,-r-�--•-�------ � SKEtCH OF BUiLDING n ice e e ec is ances -��'-� /� ,1�C��f'Gt c��co t�+��� �f� �__�__��� ��� ���'�rL�Cr�7'e.C.l �(�(d u I���( J � /�C".SO O C� a.c �,'c_. �a a•c�� ihe �u►derPigned hereby �eke� aRplieeti� Cac a permit to cto cAnatruction ee herein a�eciFisd, eqreeiny to �k► oll N�ck ln etrict ecca�ctn'�ce Mlth the Huildiny Cocks. � / / � �� �ow .�.ree i o nn or i �rec iur� S NAtt IiE , ' ARE TIIEfiE PRUTECTIYE CDYENANTS7 �f�`�4 ��� . BUtL.DENG PERFd'EtT a��,; ; �i=� Gity ot Roaemaunt � Pubfic Utititie� 2675 t45th Street West Private System P.O. Box 510 Dste: .,_ �� Roaemovnt, MN 55068 Pe►mlt yrrnteq ta �- -,� � Qwne�: Contractor. �' . _T AddresE: Addrtss: . , $ Property Addresa: Permit ActivitY: - � `• , � �, � upon tAe propNty Q�aeND�d u L41 _,., Block �,;.edditfon P.t.a.��'�- O��`�p - �'d!P,:�,'�.,. �. .., va�u�T�or� s ���c�.c�..-�..;1� ��,-,:�;�� Permit fee S ��'�� Work io be done in contorm with 4he O�dinances and Godea of � p��n��� s '��� the City af Rosemount and the Law� of tht State oi Minnesota Surcharpe S �� pertainin� thereto. � S.A.G. S Rsmt.WaEer S Rsmt l�ewar t Other s fiOTAL S ��• "..`-'- ButldinQ Ofticial .. . . ''� . . . . . . . . . . . .eting 141iuui� � ,rt988 t'wo �ssisiani f'lanner Wozniak Itl(OCIliC4I IIiC COtllf1il55ff)f1 c�f rccent inyu'trics an�i inicrest t�i s�vcral coatractors to acyuire minin�;/gra�in� �icrntits. Tlre inl�resi is bascd an a +C:ountv �roject t'or the impr�vcincnt of Cc>unly Road 42 cast af T.ti. 52. ' Speciiically, iwc� �' c�<�nt�ac�c�rs have sut�miUcJ al�plicai.ic�+is for graJing ��crnaiis, Ga►nmon l3ros. l:nc. and Pinc Bcnd t�evelo}�ment Conipany. Represcnlatives for (;ammc�n l3rc�s. I�►c. �vcrc n��t ��rescnt fns rcvie�v caf thcir gr,�dii}�; ��crEnit rey�►est. 141()Ttt)N by I-�unlingt�n Ec� tai�lc acti�i�� o�� tlrc �r:�ding permit request c�[ Gammoit #3rUs. � lmc. until applicanl requesis anotl�cr ap��carancc bcforc 11ie f Iannins Lainniission. tlycs �, I Nays 0. t � Mikc Olson, Pine Bencl Uc�•elopment ('«., was �rresrnt to submit his_ ap�iication For �t gracling �crmit (or thc ren��va! c�C tU(I,UI)Q cul�ic y:�rds c�f sand anct gravcl ancl re�r;idin� ��f a 18-acre site locatcd cast �f G�7�cry Avc�iuc, sc�utl� of t�runty E2c�sc1 3t3 an�l north uf tl�c new sectivn o[ County Road 38 and nottti c�F the nc�v seciion of Cnunty Itaa�l �#2 which wiU he constructeci this s��ring. 't't�c rec}ucsl fc�r this permit is directly rctated to ( tJ►e Cot�nty Itoad 4� street in�prnvcu�cnt prc►.;cct. � W�zniak s[ated lhat the a��licant is �Iso rec�ucitiag a��prc�val tor thc usc c�L crt�shin�; Imaehinery on the site in c�rJcr to adecfuatety pre��are k}ic n�ateria{s ree�uirecf for hibi�µ�:�y construction. In their revicw of tl�is prc►jccl, Sta[f has �letcrniineci ihat i6c use nl' such cyuapmcnt coml�ined ��ith �ra�iin� acliviti�s sllijulcl rcyuirc a(iprcyva) t�y Cily t'c�u�►cil .�s wcll as Ptanning Comu1ission. { A1l)'ftUN I�y Huntingloa rec�romencliiis ,��ipr�vat c�( tt�c grading �ermit as reciueSl�J i�y � Pi��c f3cnd Devclapment Company suhject to Ihc (oltowinb: j l) Fermit Iin�ited i� tlre C'ounty Rc��cl 42 im�iroviceicnt c��ntract; i i 2) Noti(ication tr� surrounclin�t pr��erty ��v�aers to n�ake them aware of gradin�; � activity and !o allow comn��nl �vhen c��t (;ou►�cil agencla. � 3) Authorization by Counci! fc�r on-site criisher an�l bituminous �lant, � '^ 4) Scasc�nal perit�it rcl�atc�l tc► prc�jcct du�atiun; i � � 5) Tolal sile restor.ilion liy fall, I�>�;H; . iti) Letter o[ CrcJi! lo �e cicl�rini��c�l l�y C;iCy L?n�;ir��er. � ; � Secot�cl by Toombs. Aycs 4, Nays �. '('hc C�mmission had in l�1CIC �1t)SSC551011 Cil�)IC5 Fl� Rp5Ct11Ot#itI RCtICVCIO]�t}lcni Plaa� i�l�ulification IV. J�hns�n notccl [hat ih� n��clific�itic�n t►[ this cl�ct�nacnl �4as timitcJ lo tlic i�lcntilication of ll�c C'�rcor.��ti/M��cllcr �fr�>�icrlirs, frc�rlh�vcst c�rncr ��f llic ; intcrscction c�f South R��bert Trail ��ncl I�iStlr Slr�:et �4'est, lo alt��w ex{�enciiturc t►f fun�{s fur ll►c acii�tisition ancl c�►nslr�iciiow �rf thc Sou11ti It��ircrt Sc�uarc rctail ��rojecl. J��hnsun , � statcc! tl�at ►his dttcumcnt �ltacs cumpiy �vitl� ttfc lt�iscn�c�unt Com��chensive Guidc I'lan. I ' AiOTI(1N t�y Jacobsc�n to aclo�il ttesol�;tit►n 19}i8-1 A R�soliitton Findin� it�:►I [he I Knsemoi�n# 1)evelopment t'!un 141�►c1!!'ici�ti�n No. 1�' is ii� tQnfot��ts�uce �vith 11te City af Itoseuiouot Cpmprel�cnsi�•e (;u�cle {'l:�n, Seconc! hy ateyer. Ayes: Taomh�. Mc•yer, ; .I:i�:nl,��,E�. Nays: 0. Al�stain: livalii��;icru. (13ecausc: c�f C`ity gt�vernnicnl invr�lvci��cnt ii� financing a[ Efroject) ' ^ � Sond No. 16�8 RESTORATIOPI Bt)ND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, th�t BITUMINflUS MATERIALS, INC, `� as Principal, and 5EABOARD SURETY COMPANY as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CI'PY OF ROSEMOtINT, MINNESUTA , in t2te penal sum . of Ten Thousanci and No/100 {$ 90,QOO.QU ) Dt�llars, lawful money of the United States to be paid unto the said CITY OF �20SEMOUNT, MINNEBOTA , its successors or assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made, we jaintly and seuerally bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIQNS OF THE OBI,IGATION ARE SUGIi THAT WHEREAS, the said Principal has been ranted a minin ermit (I3o. 3507) to operate gravel pits in Secti�n 2$, Townsliip 115, Range l8 for SAP 19-642-21 and Minnesota CRP 008$ 14� C S A H No 42 and said CITY OF R�SEMf3UNT, MINNESOTA reguires BITUMFI�OUS MATE�2IALS, INC. to furnish a bond guaranteeing the restoration of the gravei pit NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully comply with all ordinance5, rules and regulations which have been or may hereafter be in force concerning said permit, and which it may sustain ar for which it may become liable on account of the issuance of said permit to the Principal, then this obligation sha21 be void; otherwise, to remain in fuli force and effect. This bond sl�all become effective May 13, 19$8 and remain in fuil force and effect for a period of one year PROVIDED, FURTHER, the surety may at any time terminate its liability by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Obligee, and the surety shall nc5t be liable for any defa�lt after such thirty t30) days notice period, except for defaults occurring prior thereto. SIGNED SEALED AND DATED this 13th day of �ay , 19 88 IN PRESENCE OF: BI�'UMItVOUS MA`I'EftItlLS, INC. � �.---._ f C� B � , �' SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY . : } �(1��� t�-z B Gary McBri e, Attorney in Fac�: KNOWIEDGMENT Of PRINCIPAL . . � For lndividual or Co-Partnership * S1'ATE OF . � ae. • COUNTY �F On this day of• T9___, came betorc me personallY to me well known to be the same person who esecuted the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. �' Notary Public, .Ca�unty, SURETY ACKNOWtEDGMfNT STATE OF r1INNESOTA � ss. COL'.'`TY OF_ �a,ishinqt:c�n On this__.. 13th ---_da�• of � May _� . .,39 88 _. hefore me appeai'eri Gar� McBride ___,_ to me personally kno��•n, who, b�ing dul�• sworn, dic� ca�• t)ta# he is the Attot•nep-in-fact �f the - Seaboard Surety Company _ that tl�e seal affixed to the foregoing instrvment is the corporate seal �f said corp�,ration: that said insti•ument �yas signed and sea}ed an }�eiizlf of said cot�po�•ation E��• ai�thoritp of its Board of Directors, and SIIIc� �ary McB�ide RCIttlOw•ledged aaid instrument to be the free act and deed of Ssid co�•porst�,,,, "�:` � ..^.��, � :n, ,,:�c:tn�4,�.,kC `,���„� '� L ` ���i:./ .. �,;. r �/� . .,,. ` , . �> Notary Public, ♦; � , . /nYY Y..�����.� .� � .- .: ", . � . � � � . ' • .�IYY�LJVJ\�':` J��e 7; . .. ACKNOWIEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL � ���)�v�'ti For Corpor�tion STATE �F� ,� � ss. C�U?\T i ��' ���Ck On this t 3th day of ��y , 19 �8 , before me personally came f. 7, �.lCf t�/t':.� to me known, who, being by me duly s�+•orn, did depose and say; that he resides in 11��'�- /r � L C'(�rl�`� that he is the��('� - 1"r�s��?rt�' . �of the Bituminous Materials, Inc. „_, the co2-poratinn described in aud which executed the above insErurnent, that he kuows the seal of said corporation; that the seal afTixed to said instrument is such corpnrate seal; that it was so affixed by •order of the Board of Directors af said corpvration,.and that he gned his na e thereto by iike arder. X C _ ww Notary Public �, � ������ � lorm A P-t � � � � ���_�.���:�_���.._. . . . � : � , _ , Certified Copy S�B�r�� ��� C��� h1t1ri f ,�� � N a 1 8 5 1 ADMINISTRATfVE OF�ICE�, BEDMlNSTER, :NEW JERSEY Paw�R o�ArroR�Ev KNQW ALL MEN 8Y TFIESE PRE3ENTS: That SEABQARD SURETY COMPANY,a corpor8tion of the State of Plew York,has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make,cc�nstitute and a oint pp Litton E.5. Fie1d o r Rt L. Dom 3er or M.A, JQnes or Litto� `E��'.` Fieid, Jx� or.�ary �icB�ide Qf St. Faul., Minneso�a ' __ - _ -.-- , its tru�and lawful Attomey-in-Fact,ia make,execute and deUver an its laehalf insurance polkie�,su��ty bonds,undertakings and other inst�uments of similar nature as foUows: Wi�hOut Limitati011S : Such insurance p�licies, surety bonds, undertakTngs and ir�strument�for�aid�ur�ctses�`uirhen duly ezecuted by the afaresaid " Attorne�r-in-Fact,shall be t�in�ting upon th�said�+�mpany�ful{y an�l.to the same�xt�nt��if�igttesl,�y Ehe'duty authorized - _ officer�Qf the Cs�mpany and sealed with its eor�c�rata sea1,$nd aIf th$a�t��f�sid A#t�rne��n<F��t��s�rs��ni tQ ihe�uthQrity h�rsby giv�n,�r�h�r�by r�tifie�an��c�Rficrr�esi = - _ v--�- �_ > _ ; ;� __-,-� =- =l -.__---`_-�-��--� ----�_ = =� = � -�� _�- --= , - —� _ This appointment is made pursuan4 ta the foilt�v�ri�9\�Y Laws`whi�1-�w�re ds�}.���,,t�rf�yt?ts'3C���ei'�,f�ir�ut�,�3�t:��said = Company on December 8th, i927, w�th Amendments to and incl��ding January 15, 1982 and are stitl in full force and effect: ARTICLE VI1.SECTIpN t; ` : "Poilcie:,bond�,rscognizance;,siiput�tions,con�enf�Qf au�ty,u�derwrithyg untt�rf�kln�g�n�Ms�u�e��aj�q���q. , - ;: ; Insuran�e pqliCi�s,konds,rQ�ognizAnGes.&tipulaliqns,cons$nts Qf gurety and undery,rritin�unsf4rtakings 4t the�pm�ny,�ttd release�,�greementg and Qther writings ret�ting rn any way ther�ip or.to�nr�lair�s¢�Igsg tEserstijndsr,�ha1►bg slgned}n ttts i��me and on beh�il,ot the�pinpa� _ _ (�! hY She Chairman of the RQard,th�Presis�ent,a Vicg-Pce�i�eni4r$Ra$ident 1/i�a�2reg�¢g'e�;en���ihe�r�tafy,anAs�ist�r�t�reter�,��Resitlent Secretary Qr a Resident Assi�ta�lt$gcretary,Qf Sb}{�y.��,��t4¢n��t-i�-F$ct iof thg�ort�j�n,y a ' — pp�nE�tl at�ud-�uthflrizsd ttY th$Chairtnan o}thg 8�arsi tha __ Pr9sideni Qr a ViCe-Presid�nt to tnakQ guch signsturg;Q�{g1�y�u�}�Qthe[Q1fic��s"oE C�pr�gent8tivgs�S thg @Qa1�may frp�1iR1�►¢,�im@ 9etg�mifi� _; The sQal 9f the CQrr�p�ny sha{t if 8pprppn�tg be affix�theFet4 l�y any sUctt 9fficgr,Attom�y=i�Fa�t�c Cspr4se�2taYive = = = •B It� WITNESS WHEREQ�r SE1#84�Rp S�IRE7Y CQMRANY ��§�ause�! th�s��re�+�ntg ;��si�n�c� t�'y�ne�2 ts ice = Rresidents,an�J ii��Qrpor�te sea!t�ba her�u�tc��ffi�ed�nd duly�it��t�c!�iy�r�e c���i$��i��nt SecretaC�es-thiB � - day of _.�::AL�g1l��,_.._:: ` _=, $� , : _ __ _ - _ � •--�. 99. >: -. ; _ . _; _ - ;_ _ _ ._ : � _- _� - - - - - - - — � , �- ' '` `��: ' -- ' - _ _ - � � �asattF7r �� � _. _ _ � _ = �_ "' :_ ; _ - �z`' � �Pro Attegi: . _ S�ABt? t�Q �f��'T�! QM�'�1V �: _ y I92I, ; - ' � : _ _ � L - � - ;, � t .. ' ` .� � � - � ' ��- _ ' ' - _ -: < _ _ _ � . � YfFusp�w'��� ���1�) ..-..���E'��, _ �� ' j,/� _ Agsistant SeCretsr � '+'�-' ."""' =- _ _. _ .., . ,,STATE QF NEW�lERS�Y � ' ' _� ' � ice-P�esident; -_ COUNTY OiSOM��,RSET ss,: _ _ � On this '.., �.�; ..day�f Augu�� 'i9 �.� R�h�ftrr�rti�j�r�nnallyapp�arec. _ _,. ...r , - ...; ..Ml.�h�e�. �.....�.��cJ-��1 ..__..; .,...-- -.,.. ., a Vi�e P�esi�t$n�,�f S�1�S�iAR[3�URETY CC'�N'rP�FVY = .,,. . with whom I am person�#ly acquaF�ted who, be+ng by me duly swQrn,�aid that�e resides in the St�te'4# _.Ne`+� .Jers�y.,; that he is a Viee-Pres�dent of SEABOARD�UR�TY CpMPANY,ths e�rp�ratiQn d��cribed'in an+d which exeCute�f the fc�r;qc�ing ; ir�strument,that he knows the corporat��eal of the said Cs�rnpany;that the seal affixec�=tQ��d inst.umQr�i t4 such�c-por�.e�ea�; that it wa�so affi�ed by prder of�fhe Board of pt"r�c�of��of said Eo�p�ny;an�t that h�6ig�n��hi�n%�n�Q th=rai��:,Vis�-Presi�er�;p! � said Co�Pany t�y iike a�,th4rity ��� �� � � _� .� �� _ _ � �� . - :_� � � _ _, ., - _ - ; �: - _ ' ��=-- l.YNN AAARI� -�A�'K��Ss`1':� `- �- _ � - -' (Seal) N�iARY PUBilC OF NEW 1ERSE� ' 7, � , My C�mm�ssion Expires Ma� 24,�i � �.-o.�.���� ��-.���..� ' !,�'.•�........ .... . . - ` No1ary�uh�i� - - , „_,_�- .-- - = _.,. .� > ,� � -, , ._ .�_.� �. �.i-r i Sr �a 1'C =_ _ u: - 1,the undersigned Assistanf Secretary of SEABQARQ SURETY COMPANY do hareby 4ertify;hat theoriginai Power pf Attorney pf whi�h the foregoing�s a fu11,true a.nd corr�ct copy,is in tu11 force and effect on the date of this Gertifieate and{do further c�ttify th�S tMe Vice-Pre�ident who exe�uted ihe said Power of Attorney was one of the Officers authonzed Gy the 8oard of Directors to apppint an attofnsy-i�-fect as provided in Article V!!,SeCtion t,of tfie 6y-Laws ot 5EABOARD SURETY COMPANY. Thig Gertiticate mAy b�sic�ned and 9ealed by fac.�imile under and by au{hority pf the toNowing regolution Of ihe ExBcuUve Commit;ee ol Ehe Boa+d ol t}�rectors of SEA$t�ARU SURETY L�MPANY at a mNeling duly called and heid on ihe 25th day of March t97Q, "RESOLVED: (2) That the use ot a printed facsimile of the co�porate Seal of the CompBny and of the signature pi 8n Assistant Secretary on any Certrficatiqn ot the correctness of a copy of an�nstrument executed by the Presid�nt Oca Vice-Pcgaideni p�rgt�nt to ArtiGie Vtl,SeCtlon 1,Qf the 9y-Lawg . appointing 8nd authorizing an aitomey-in-faCt to slgn in the name and o� beh8lf ot the Comp�►�y suref�t borutg,underyrriting undertakings or pther instruments desCribed in sa+d Article Vtl, Section t,with Iike effect as if suCh s�ea)and�uch slgnaturg had heen maAuaity$fiixed and made,hereby is aulhoriled and apprpued." __ IN WITNE3S WHEAEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the c4rporate s al of th��ompany these presents this suRc� 13th ......... ......... .. ��,o r ....... .........day of. ......... MaX , * � ......... ......,.. ......... ... ,.. 19 �° � �� ' , y 1927 r ' � } �� ..:..... . . ..... ....... ........ ....... y'`��r cw''°� / �.. ..... .�. �� Ass�stani Secretary /� ,,f Fvrm 95�(Rev.7/8a1 C .d''r ►u, vc:,il�crA���n uI Ilw ai�lhenlr,dy�,t this�f'�,tive�ul r"11�c��nc,Y Yuu nrry cal4,a�lt�;cl,�t91 Gbtt-3bOIi�nii�ask tr>s Ffie Pvwet o)AEtorney clerk.Pleasu rt;ter Ic,ttje Fower . u�i1ll.,liloy IniinY.�t;Y;Ilu;:9�ui�i�fl�illici)Ir}�JIVIc1Udl(5)n�i�l ili:{.it)5�it iYfe�Ji1i1J�lu 4^rlrii'fl iftd�>d�hr.1 13 dtlLi�l�4:i1.�li i`�8W�YUfk,Dldl`G�12-fi�l-J4�$. � � . . � � ItOS��1tlUN'P CCTY E'ttt}(;t�,N:i)INt;� RF.,t�ULAR ME�TIN� APftTL ]9, 1g€ig MOT.ION Uy Iloka Lo r�mAnci tho �ot.ion to i_��terview mhomt�� Wc��•ner r�n�i 'i'ho��tia Ti�ekor at � n��er,ial e�unc;i3. rae��tt.ng c��i A��ri�. zb, 1'9g£3� at bt30 �,.aa. �1�Ct�N!) l�y Na�per. Ayea; Wlp�ar�aann, Iloke, Oxtwrough, Na�per. Nays: �. Ah9Latn: • Wxlati. Poll oF arigi.nal m�tion: H�ke, dxU�r�ugti, N�p�er� Wip��i•��r�ru�. N��ss �. Abr�t�int W�t1sh. MOTiON by Walah to adopt Reaolutt,�n 1988-29, A RFSE}T,OTION RUC�iVIATC '�I1E �'r,ASIBILITY RBP�RT pF CITY PttOJEC'P �181„ O�i,A:ARY�3 HII.IS /�TtI AI)nI`tI01� STR��'P AND UrILITIES IMPROVE�[E1�3, AND CAt,L F(}!t PU�I,IC IIEARING Tt) G4N�IDEFt TfiF PItOJECT. SECON� l�y Oxborou�l�. Ay�a: Oxbarough, N�►pper, Walsh, Wi�E�rmar�a�� Iloke. Nayat �. Aciin.t.ni.�tratc�r• Stophnn Jilk review�ci qtaff�s reeam�en��.tton� a� c�utl.tnc�d in tho �<i�atittc�t,r�tor�� t�c�imorait�lu� �f A��r1.1. 1J�� 1�ji3�! rc��r�r��in� t;he �,rc��«�r�?.s rE�r.��tvE►r� tc� ec»a��l:aF,� NGuc�i.�� o►� tl�o nHn�� fc�r• f't�•� AL;�h.t.�n fri�lll t.i.nn n�ut I.I�ca u��n��:f.�i�rxt,�.on r�f. uc►�atsinitrg polioo an�� Plra �le��:i�•t�ertt adrnl.nkHtrat.ton. Jl.ik outlined tlie eriteria �atabliaheci t�y hi.m, I'oliee Chief Staats a,i� �'ire Ctti.ef Aker �id the suinmary of their fi.n<ii.n�s in reviewing the propc�sr�ta I�sed ui�on �;he eat�b11s1red eriteria. The city xdm:in.iAtratox reooro�e�u�e,1 titnt Cotrr�<�t:t auar�i both c,o��traets for the twa t�i;�x�il.ee i:o Itot�.f.n�ton {irot�ja �i� a�#1 l�ntirl.y f�A tuisis �zut to oxcded t� tote�t nf �i2,9'7U. See Cl.erk�s �'110 1�8f3-i l. MOTION l�y Iloke to award both contraota tc� the tia.taingtott Grou� on n►i }�c��irly fes l�at�ia not to oxeeed a total �f $12,9'70. SFCONi} k�y �xborou�ii. Ay�a: Napper, Wul.sh, Wipperreann, Itoke, Oxlxarough. Nay�t p. Police Chtef Jrime�a Staflts pt•ec�ottteri htA :re�ttc�et to �urc3liat��j one 9i.re►� f.nr Coiu�try Eti11a Addition to be in�talleri at thA enri of tlie r�ecand �t�ac�a or i:li� be�inn.ing of the thir�i phase of t}iat rievelopment. The ciev�loper wil.l �r�y for i;he cast of fr�stalling tha air�n. ise Clerk�� File 19a8-11 . MO'�ION t�y Wipperinariti to pur�has� t}ie �.t�ren for Country iti.11a Acic�l.t.i.crn Rt i;l�o pi•iee of $7,7G3 uith tiie provision ttie c}ev+�lo�er wiil pay fot ti;e lnstat:lat:l.on ae outlineci in 1:he originttZ tievAlop�ee�1t agroemont es �qrt c�f th� c1��rso for Y}1ti34 I:CI of tlie contrnc�t. u�COKD hy W�aiz�h. Ayes: 4talsh, Wippermanri, Itok�, Oxt�orottgh, Nupper. Nayt�t (�. Community I1evolop�eer�� p�,rector Aean Jotinaon reviewed tha Pina B�snd �9v�loprnent CUiO�)EltlY GI•ading Per�eit Appticati�n which waA reviswed by tt�e Plarinin� Commi.aaion at their April �, 198f3 meeL.tng e�xici approwed eub�eet ta �ev9ral �onditions. The Couneil di�cusae+i Lhe conditf.ons eet oitt by {:l�s Flc�nniti� Commieaion. See Clerk�e File 198�-1�1. MOTION by Waleh to agpr�vEi the Pi.�ze i3�3nrt Devolap�ent Cn►ni��tny t,rsd3ng 1'ermLt c�ubject to the �rArmit li�iterl to tlie �ounty Roez�i /�2 i�prov�a�ent eontr�t;�, attthurized uee �f on-�ito crusher, se�sonal P9rmit related to �ro�gc>� !E • � . � Rb3F.M0UN'C G'ETY PRt}CFh�t)INt;, REGULAR MEE;TING APRIL #9, 1988 dt�r�t9.on, tote�t a.ite raatorat�.on t�y Lhc� fr�11 O.e ��I�$ Rhti ],Att9C o£ s;�•Hc�tt tn t�e doteriained by t}ie elty e►�gineer. SLCOIiA hy Napper. Ayeas VJip��ermt�nt�, Iloke, Oxbo�•ougi�, Me,p�i•, W��lah. Ne�ye t p. Gc�m�nunit� �gv4lopr�e�it 1}irector bec�n .T�hneon pc•eeented the r��i�r�i�t frr»n Mic�ifrel tuid Loie t�o11 to co�biite two l.ots lorstc�Ei in tfiiekelt�an's Fir9t A�idtt,f.c�ry f�7i• the purpoao� of construat�on aF a ttoine with an on-aite �baer �y�ter� �,rhicii wowl�i etrsd�jle the bowiciary botween thA two 1ota. JohnAon ���vi:r�ed thS.h has t�ee�n r�viewec} by ttte P1a��nin� Co�mia�ion uho reco��endecl a��prov�l at. l:holr maeting this date. The Dollc� t�ave exec�tteci � lot corehinat:Lvn Agroemc�nt. ;Q� C1erk'a FS.ie 198t3-11. MOTION by Wi��ermann to Rd�pt Resolution 19�38-3U, A RFSULUTiON APPR(3YINC A I.UT COMfII NATION OF IAT 1, BLOCK �, ANA IAT 2, BI�UCIC 2� H1CHF.GSOfif'S l�t({S't' k!)�I'CION. SECOND by t3xborui�gh. Ayea: ll�ke� Oxl�orou�h, Nap�er� �►a1gt�, �t1.p��erma�i��. Nuy:�s 0, MOTION by Waleti to havo r� SPeetal Councsil Meating on Tt�es��ay, May 3, 1$�3f3, �t 6:30 p.�a. .in the Cauncil Cha�t�er� of C.i�y Itull for the �rurpo�o of ronRi�ic�ring 511�.nno❑ Hilla PreliEntnary P:Lat/Conccapt FUD. �F,Cpplt? by Itoke. Ayes: Oxbo��o�lgh, [�lap�er, We�lah, Wiflpermann, }Ioke. Nayet p. CLty Enginear tiefti xdvieed the b.ida Por the trsetor/ioador/t�aekl�ae to .re�l.aco the exietin� 1974 ,Totin 1?ee�• uere open t,Itia deto� �t 1(7t00 a,ra. at city hr�Zl. tief ti requa�tec} tl�at Council tr�ble awnrdtng the oontrAc;t for t}�o tre�r,torf J.�aaerjbaek;ic�o repl��eement t� tlye May 17, 1�)88 Coiinoit ��etin�. MOTION t�y Na��er to acaept tt�e b.lcls #'or t;he trsetor/loadpr/ha4kho9 r�E�l:a�em�iit and tcit�le Aity action to tlie M�Y 17, 1�8f3 C��ancsil meeting e�►d to ciLr�et, tlis ci ty engi.nesr to review the specifier�tiona again far any d I.t�erepr�neigr�. 3EC4Nn i�y Wal�ti. hyee: Neppdr, Walah, Wipper��;nn� Hokp, Oxborou�;l�. N�,y9: 0. t►ity Frag.ineer Rich ltefti acivieed ttie 11ti.li.ttee Co��i.saton at i:ltoir A}�ri1 i t, 1988 meeting recsomrac�nded eetablia8ing a storm €�Aaer �annoatl.on c;}��,r�;9 far now �ievolop�0ent. Sta.ff and the Utilitiea Co�nmiet�Lon reoommencied �2tH) ��• ��n�-�,� fa�i.ly �init whioh w�u.ld t�e aoliecsted fro� nsa conetrurst.Lon ar�d subdivl.siann ple�tted �ineo 1985 or exiating a�iGitv.ieion� in 198ti that are leaa t}ien '�t3X devolo�ed. ite.fCi noted the r�eecl for t1z3e �harge i.a ta finrtrtce the city�s co�t �f aore etor� aewer faeilities s���sh at� atorro eewer ovorsi�ing, ponci acqutattlon �nd development and poncl oontrol r�truotures an�i averflow 7.i.nrj�. Cownc�il reviewed the raap anc� tha list of th� aulxiiv�.aiona whiuli �QeC Attiier the 19F35 platti.nq r�quire�ente or the gre�tefi th�.n 90� d�vAlope� ln 19`3� rc�q�ilre�ent. lt4ftt fiuther r�c�o�e�eenc}�rl using 1 .5 end 2.� ti�sA the I•�a tdflntial aquive�l�nt for multi�l.e R�td c:o�n�seresial eatah�t..l�rtt�aenta i•ae���oetiv�ly. Seo Clerk'e F�.le 1�8t�-1 t. 5