HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Chippendale Avenue Street Improvements, City Project #191 .�.». � . � .� � . . . . . . � �� . . . III � i � . � . � � . . ���./'�/ . �� � . . I��i **��r***�r*�******��*****�*�**�***********r1El�t0******�***�*********�**�***�r�******* DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1988 TO: PIAYOR & COUNCILAiEAtBERS G/0 ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIREGTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR NOVEMBER 1, 1988 GQUNGIL AIE�TING PUBLIC HEARING Publie Hearing for Ghippendale Avenue Street Improvements, Gity Project i91 On 5eptember 20, 19$8 the Gouncil r�ceived th� feasibility report €or Chippendale Avenue Improvements, City Project i9I. The need for this projeet is twQ-fold, " First, the gravel pc�rtiac� of the existing roadway a.s almast impossible ta keep maintained because of the current volume of traffic and the cQndition of the existing roadway. In 1987 traffie counts have 750 trips per day �ver this gravel roadway. In additic�n, the paved section from Winds Crossing Park to 15fst Street is be�inning to deteriorate because of poor drainage assoczated with the rural type roadway seetion. This was built as an interim rural seetion because of limited development and traffic volumes at the time. Even though Ghippendale Avenue is only about $ years old, the rural section looks much like i45th Street East, which was old County Road 42. The seeond reason for upgrading this roadway at this time is because of the realignment of Highway 3 and reeonstruction Qf the railroad bridge just east of Wachter Pond. This work will be awardad in the €a11 of i989 and wi11 require a detour from 160th Street to Gounty Road 42 during the course of construction. This detour route will be 160th Street to Ghippendale and Chippendale to Gty Rd 42 and Cty Rd 42 back to Trunk Highway 3. The current counts on the sectiQn af Highway 3 betweer► 160th Street and County Road 42 are 4,$50 trips per day. Thzs is almost 6 times the average traffic on the gravel portion of Chippendale. 13ecause Ghippenclale is designated as a detottr raute, A1nU0T tias conunitted to paving a 24 faot paved surface over the quarter mile that is presently grave2 surface. However, the thickness will be designed to handle the traffic over the lilfe of the detour. This daes not mean that the roadwap will breakup onee the detour route is recnoved, however it will not last for a typical ZQ year design Iife. The roadway we would get would be much like 1bOth SCreet, which was just a gravel road that was paved with just a couple inches of bituminous surfacing. As you can see from the cnrrent situation o� 16�th Street, whiie we mi�;ht tjave �ot our monies warth, there is nothing Ieft to salvage, For these reasons I am requesting that Council authorize the pralect to proeeed which will eonstruet a 9-ton urban roadway over the existing gravel surface � portian and also widen and ov�rlay the rural section from Winds Grossing Park to 151st Street. Our Consulting Engineer will have a representative here to review ttie �ropose�t cflnstructiion and estimated cost. I wail be giving a presentation of ttze proposed assessments. � � PAGE 2 ITEM FOR NOVE1`iBER 1, 1988 COUNGIL rtEETING Recommended action for Council to eonsider is to close the :public hearing, arder in the project and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications, . , � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 19$8 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF ' CHIPPENDALE AVENUE STREET IMFROVEMENTS ' CITY PROJECT 191 j � � WHEREAS, the City Council o£ the Gity of Rosemount has, on their own initiative Iand by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Ghippendale Avenue Street Improvements, Project 191; and I WHEREAS, the City council has received and aceepted the feasibi:lity report on ; City Project 191; and I WHEREAS, the City Council ardered and held a public hearing to receive input on j the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councii of the City of Rvsemount hereby orders the Chippendale Avenue Street Improvements, Cifiy Projeet 1'9i. ADOPTED this lst day of Navember, 1988. ; Roilan Hoke, Atayor AT'�EST: �i � i � , ; Stephan Jilk, Administrator�Clerk , � ; ; j ; � . ^ � t � . . � � . � � � . . � � . CITY OF RQSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 19$$ - � A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PLANS ANb SPEGIFIGATiQNS � FOR GHiPPENDAi.E AVEAIUE STREET IMPR�VEMENTS, i PROJECT 141 j j ; WIIrREAS, the City Council of ttie City or Rosemount tias, on Cheir own initiative and by a unanimous vote ardered a feasibility report for Chipgendale Avenue i Street Improvements, Project 191; and � WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on ' City Project 141; and I i WHEREAS, the City Gouncil ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on j the project. ; � NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED, that the City Gouncil of the Gity of Rosemount � hereby orders the plans and specifications for Chippendaie Avenue Street ' Improvements, City Project 191. I � ADOPTED this lst day of NQvember, I988. � � i ___ I Ro11an Hoke, i+tayor I ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � - P O. BOX 510 _4 2875-145TN ST W �,_ 1��� � ROSEMOt)NT.MItdNESQTA 55068 � 612-423-4A11 oservtoun� AFFIAAYIT OF MAILED AND POST�D HEARING NOTIGE CHIPPENDALE AVENUE IMPR(}VEMENTS PROJECT 191 -�� STATE OF MII�NESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY QF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Aosemount, riinnesota. pn October 21, 1988, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the Gity Kall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in tlae Uniteci States Post Office of Rosemount, Plinnesota, copies of tile attached nati.ce of public hearing regarding Chippendale ��w�th Improvements, Project ��191, enclosed in sealed envelopes, postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Ptail between the plaee , of mailing and the places so addressed. . Steph Jilk Admi istrator/C1 rk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Alinnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �a� day of October 1988. No ary Publ` r r SUJRAJ�i,1. dC'it�;SOFa °�"�� �" l30TFdi^f P17�!N�—RGI;:;lE50TA CAXIISA COUNTY � � A:Y COthFd EXRSHES JUt4F ii. ta3? � n ! . i Ptailing f�r GhipPend• Auenue Im�rovemenLs - Project . Louis Geronime 15872 Chippendale Ave. Rosemount, r�N 55oGs b�nr�ld & WiCc Gero►�i.me 3567 160th St. W, Rosemount, A1N SSQ68 34-03110-010-$0 34-03210-Q2�-70 34-03110-010-90 a • � � t ��' :'�r' 1•r� (�t1x �,)n �;_ � •1��/ �� ^li;f. 1•V,{11!:1 �V :���'��Ry�,�,� � Itt?�tAlt�lildt. MItIPIi'C(1tA ,��w;n ;�, ..� �,osc�viv�,{�zl. r,t�. d9J•�Att \ ���,,�. „� i . .-E'o .y� y� ' . � . . . �. �� . . . `,t'��, ,�� �G, � . � *�� . �l�'�~ +rl� �` �� . � . . � �1) P ll t3 L I C N U T I C �: NfiTICE (1F PUALiG 1(EARING (�N tf�ii'Ri1VFMFN't'S PROJECT �t91, C}IIPPFNnhLE AVFNUF lrt['R(?VF:Pt�NTS TO WiIOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTIC�; IS llER�13Y GIVEN� that tt�e City Cnunei l �[ tl�e Ci t.y �f Rosrmr�unt , Ati�tiiesote, will meet et 8:00 o'ctnck p.n�. , or as cir�5e Cl��rei.o n4 ��nssibl�� T�iesclay, November 1� 19$8, i.n tlze Cot�ne.i1 ChrmhPrr� c>f th� Gity II�tI , 2875 I4St�� St:reet Weat� to conai�ler the [ollowing improvemenl.s: Project N191, Cl�ippenct�le Avenue lmprovern�nts "The total estimated cost of sai�l im�rnvemenl:s is $45p,i1(lU. 'Clie amount to be assessed is estim�tecl Lo n�t exceed $ll(i,UOp, 'i`he r�rea �roposed t� be ASRE'94A�I f.or the for�+J;c►inr i�n��r�v�o�rnl.z wrn�1<I �;�nr•r�lly I>e t�ll thnt ares generelly cfeacril�ed Aq tl�e SF1/4 of S�t/t� �{ S�etic>n 3t �►nc! SWt/4 of SW1/4 of Section 32; exce�t tli:�t �nrtion 2yir��; e�st.erly of '1'tl 3, nll in T115� R19, bakota County, Atinnesnta, Suctt Person as desires to be l�earcl wit1� reEerence i:� the �r�p�aecl iinprnv�m�t�ts will t�e heard at this mpeting. WritCef� �r. �r:�t �►��ini�,ns wi lt he c��n�iclrrr�l. Dated this tF3t1� d.1y o[ Octot�er, 19t�ti. 13Y ORI�FR flF TiIE CITY COUNCIL. ��• 1 �, . / , C �,. !� ,,.�c'.%��i.�:-!'�'�.� t, i ( StFpt n�Jilk ?. � 1lctmirtt�tr.�tc�►•/4,"1<�rk t:i t y e►f 13t�,^.t��nt►�n�l h:�knl ;� (:����nl y� Min�i�,;��1 rr A . ♦ � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE �F MlNNESQTA ) S� County of Dakota } NANCY ):G115TAfSON,bcing dulr swora,on ooth says that she is on uuNrorized agent and emplayee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dokoto County 7ribune,ond has Euit knowledge of Hae focts whieh me st�ed below: PUBLIC NOTICE N0710E OF MMtIC HEARINb (A)T11e news �hos oom �ed with all of the re w�ements constitutin hicotion os a I oNaMrrtor�E►�n►rto�ccTxt�r. ' PW� P�� 9 � 94��� � CMIHENOAtE AYENUE M�►ROVEMENTS TO W HOM iT MAY CONCERN: ��BPoP�',os Prov►ded bY►�iinnesota Statute 331 A.03,33i A.07 ond othe.agpficoble 1aws,as omeeded. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tFie City Ca�neil ot the City of Rasemaunt,Min- f�� nesota,will meet at 8:00 o'eloek p.m.,or as i �,/ ciose thereto as possible,TuesdaY,Novem- (B)The printed � C '�4�"�----- ber 1,1988,pn the Courrcil Gham6ers ai the � City Haii,Z87S 145th Street WeSt,W co�ider the toliowin�imptovements: ''" Project +I91, Chippendale Avemie Im- provemenis. 7'Ire toCai estimated coat of said improv� menta is H50,000. The amount to be assessed is estimeted to rat exceed=116.o0Q.The arca proposed to be assessed ta� the [�egang improvemeeta whieh is oHoehed was eut fran the edwnes of sad eewspetpee,and was pri�ed a+d publisfied onee wouid generalty be aii that 8rea generally, deseribed a8 tlfe SE 1/4 ot SE i/4 ot 3ectilnt 31 and SW 1/4�SW i/4 ot SeCtion 32;exCept _ T�115,R 9�akota Caint.y,Min Ma3'�U � �xh week,for � �-<--�� successire weeks;i�wa�s Such peraon as desirea to be heard with re- ference to the proposed im�ovements wiil be heard at this meeii�. Written or oral �� .�..L. �1 C,:�,-U t:3it../"` �iniwis wiii be co�idered. . f int published on TFwrsdap,the day of , Dated this Isth day dOMober,19e8. BY ORDER OF THE CITY CUUNCIL STEPHAN JILK �d ��Admfaistrator/Clerk 14 � , und was the►eafter p►im�d and published on every Thundoy to and inelu�og City M Raeemount + � Dakota County,Minneeota Bs9 gp.� �r�,.�y,f�_�-��eoy o��GR�t��ea.{� ,�� ��� : and{xiMed betow is a eop�r of the lowa eose olphabet kom A M Z,botfi iwelusire,wl+icb is i�reby aeknowiedged as bcing the size ond kind of typ�e used in#he eanposition a�d pablteation of the notiee: abcdMghi jklmnopqtstuvwxyz j �Y: ��G<-C(�� .� , TITl.E: to Pab�i, (� .�' �1 j i Subseribed ond sw�n ro be#ore me on s �`^���^ doyr of G'\(D��L`-� ,19 � � , •ti �, r ...�._-..m. \ ) ,.._���.1�'---'° �-. C�.,l ���'�.A,..x,.r'<��_.'`1-..�-� Nota�r Pubiie � � l% �.K.c�.��R..,,a�c s r+�o.*raa�saa�rats�ias � a. � ��.i;`,1`t_ ,i. �-I1\V���.�M1J{� � . � '�Z' :,. j�..��� .r,���,:.f7YPUi;LtC-F:tWNEtii3l�rt � ; ,.� �j � �•.AKOTA GflUNTY � � p �C:;:�,�,ission Ex{�ires Dec.3,tBfS9 C,M t t�n.+.rr,rs,rr�rrc�r