HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Decision Resources / Citizen Advisory Update / ; . • ,%�,��/o� _ �: • lUI Y�3/t38 �wN rt��.r.�r�c; c�cz•o�r�,l�,���aur T�DWN IN['UC OAt IMPROVEMI:N'TS� STRP,NG'.C1I5 ANI) WF,AKNFSS"i�;S A �/; �� Fzvr xnrcxlrrc.zrrnKov� ` �rrrs 1 r i. ��t�a � ��b�.�.� ( (t�rmory) 1�.br�ry/community e.enl:�r; ctren�� J���t►1.1�- f.�ct11L-q� moui� theater, seniors-yvnth. � x. Cmprovrs communication�a betureeit city-enunty-stai:p�-�ct�n��1.s-ccnrnn�int.r.y- pub.LiP. Comm►:tn.fty newsletter, �uhl:Leh eg�nda�, cc�mprrhen9tv� p1.3n. O �• Im�rov�± reta9.1 �lev�lopmer�t �nci 3.n+�uqtrial clevnlapm�nl:; mnr.n job:s; rl�n't 1oos� sma11 tiown �tmaephere, �lon'C hur.t exl�Cinb huRi.i�Ps3; ker�p f�tit� 18rge stc�rpe(T�rget, Cub). ,� �+. Set up a long r�nge com�xehen49.v� pl.�tr, i.e. r�Lor�n ,a�wc�r n.la��, prn�nrvc� II rural. atmospft�ere. � 5. 'Cr�ff:ic �lanning: rnotor v�h1_cle Llow, 13gt�es, A�endin� r''-/ �icycl.e4. 1 bf» ;f)), flTI1Gft IMPROV�tCNTS LISTED (random ord+er) 1) f1ea1 w-ttft �r►vironme�ttal concer�» i.p. Roch, U ot Pt� r�Lpc:ll�t�+. Z) T3t�ild �n sma11 Cown v�lue.g; sap na tc� c��ttni.c�e n�enci.e4 �nct F�jrcr3, 3) Gn�►r�ve tr��ts��ortati.an fnr_tli.t[c�, r � ; � li) t'l��ed mc�i•e muiC9.p1e L�m[1y lic�using; �e��t:ue nucl :�t:�ident: h��u;�i.rig, �� ��nl�t pv�i8�tlL'9 L-v t�tincile growf.ti. t) Ordl.n�r�ces ne�cl en£�rcement i.e. trafflc, ani.m.�l.s� mc�re poli.ce? 7) lltFiteri� qualitp home9 throtr�h r_�ttt:r�jl i�f, I�cm�i.n�; - rontr��l. ",irh,ii� yj�rnw:l . �3) tJelcc�me L�� Rose�naur�t s�.�;n cin lhry /�2 �)} I�»E�rovc� c.o�nm��nity icieri�l.Ly 10) (.;��nL-r.Hl.i��+ downtows� district __ __ __ . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -- i . �` . � . � . � . tt) i;re�t nl�porturtitX for t'ut;u .r�; t,l�c ��c�Lent1.��1 ��i.l:h t:a���i pinnntn�, Ic, i.mm��n.���. 17) f'cn.t€+e for r.it� �ci�tt.[ni:qr,r�t�r (3) t;rc�nt: .Hcfti�nl.p l�i) (1 uf. M �ro��erty cc�ul�� Ire :.t �tu� :i.0 wn c�a1:,t �;r.l: l.t:l 1 i) t;xcellent schoaY.s/Vo-TAcI� Lr) S+natl town ntmoephere 17) t;�.�senes:s L-o metro �rea; freeways 18) P,ura1 anc! open streas 19) T'riendly people/1�usin��4; pc�ocl m9:� aE yo»n� ����i o:t�t z�) G�od schools Z1� G°°ct Pgr�e end recreeti.oti pro�r.am ��j �oud communtt;y services i.e. fire, po.ifc�, r�now c�mnv�31. �3) Activ� ci.vic �raups - I.e�rechaun U�ey4 2�+) Good c:ommur�:i�q ed� a 2i) Txce:tlent 9CI100�.9� Public �nci priv3te ' 2�} Proxirnitp tio MSP metro sc�rvicas z7) t2u�11ty n£ 1:t.Ee here cl.ean, f.rier��lly 2a) M�ny options for controt crf devPlc►�R�nt 29) T�Lversity/varietp of development; rpsict�Etl:�.�l, cc�mmr.rt�l,:at, iijrluQtri.r�:1. �''�'* Retai�i sm�11 L-own atmnsphere 3Uj achool �pstem - good te�chers 31) S��r�e gr�od -- REA, RAAA, RFtA; beiiefit tor n�ighl�ors gatCln�; tabe�l�er �rh tle kidR ptay 32) Park system; ariu:lts and kicls 33) Gvo�t fire �c�d police protecttvn 3f+) i(ometowii atmor�phere, friendly, o�mfi� ;�P�ce9 TOP I�TYE RANKING WI�'�ARNFSSES 1• 1'ul�tic .fact.l.i.t�.es 2. Co�nmunicatinn3 3. tZetail-�ndust�ial I3ase �+• Cvniprehensiva P].ar� r�. ��Ttl�{(C 3 r f � • . WCARNESS�S (r�ndum c�rder} �) itofldway qpeedt� and h�ricing 2) Qu:►1.t�y At�rcA m��i dtntr�g :)) t;���mnuni.ty Lnvc�lvernei�t ri) flit�yidc inf..lueiaf:e 5) Lack ot: J.ndu9tri�.l ba�� �i) Communication 7} S.low develoProertt of. :rptail �) Crjter L-� indrigtrp inst�:id ��.E ccmm�crc�.�t; no mr.�,�nr dt�v��.l c��►�nt��rt 9) T.,�ck of P�sblic facilttier�: trnnspnrtati.an� m�v.le the:�t:,}r 10) Sign o» Cty 42; 1e�ving App1e V�11ey; entering on llwy 3 ll) Lc�ng term comrnunitp dev��.opm�nt _ t�) Cor�anunication witl�in ccw�mun:ity 13) Itt�h Caxes - no servicel '' I4) Reere��:i.on for I:eens 1S) Icienti�p lfi) 1,acic of. 1�u9itt�9�/�.nd�tstriel ha�e; ret�i t 17) Communil•y innolvement/comnn�ntcati�n wi.Ch r.ity 18) Pollution: U of M, Koch Reffning 1�)) Tranaportation - public �nd tr€�Efic flo�r 20) J��si�n o£ city - continuity, ol.d to nesa 21) Laek o£ camm�tnicatio� fram ci.ty 22) Are�s of �lowntown neAd bus _ z3) Youth plaees needed 24) Lack of enthusinsm 25} Re�identisl building €a�ster than qchool can keep ��� ZG) rurther frcduAtrial growth - broaden tax b:�se 27) �Jevelope U of t�[ property; concern �vPr c�ntrc�l r�nd ��est� use Z'`3) Further ret�il dev�lopmn�rt 29) f;.ity planning responsivr to re9i.clhnCs is:�»�q; t:�n:i.l;lat: ��t•oce�:� es�eciallp 30) J..aw �nforcement, l•rs;f.fi�, :�pee�ling� d�gs �1) finvironment; wildl:l£e, eix, watecR ��ecyc:li.ng, elum�► 32) Suf:�icient retail 33) Need to rec. diversi.ty; rural-urban en£orc�mer�t c�E lawg in these �+re��- bala�tce 34) Contrulling t� of M proPerty 3�) 1'�rktng: a11. night on etreetg; vfindaliem. 3fi) Animal control: dogs and ,�at�a 37) Shannon P�rfcw�p spee���s 3<3} fio�tr wap stop nn I1odd �nd shann�n � 3�3) Snow r,emov:�l sl.ow l� t�