HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of November 1, 1988 Regular Meeting . � � . ROSEMO CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR�EETING NOVEMBER 1 , 19$8 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City � Council af the City of Rosernount was duly held on Tuesday, Noveinber 1 , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamb�rs of the City Hall. Mayor Hoke called the mc:eting to order with all members present. Mayor Hake led the group in the Pledge af Allegianee. The agenda was amended to include Item 5( f} Condo Pro�ec� Di.scussion; Item 7(a) Urban Desi,gn T��m; Item 8(by Deci�ion Resources/Citizen Adva.�ary Committee Update. Mayor Hoke call.ed for a c�osed Ex��u�ive Session, to immediately follow Item (10) AnnQuncements, to discuss �he propased armary site. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented his recommendation for Council to consider approving Change Order Na. � , City Cantract 1988-4, to extend the Chippendale bitumi.nous walkway from 155�th Street West to th� north end of �the Winds Crossing Park parking lot, in the amount af $6,354.5Q. Hefti adv�.sed $8,000 was budgeted for the project anc� requested that the balance of $1 ,695.50 be used for landscape materials along the Chippendale walkway eorridor. See C1erk's File 1988-31 . MOTION by Walsh to approve the consent calendar as presentec�. SECQND by Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxbarough, Napper. Naysc 0. See Clerk' s File 1988-31 . City Administrator Stephan Ji1k reviewed with Council a letter dated October 28, 1988 received from Glen Van Wormer, manager of the transportation engineering department for SEH, outlining hi.s proposal to conduct a study to address the traffic and pedestrian safet� concerns in the vicinity` of County Road 42 and Canada Avenue. The administrator recommended that Council approve the proposal.. See Clerk' s File 198$-31 . MOTION by Oxboraugh to approve the proposal received from SEH to conduet a traffic and pedestrian study of County Road 42 and Canada Avenue. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wipp�rmanz�, Holte, Oxboa-ough, Napper, Wal,sh. Nays: �. Mayor Hoke suspended the regular agenda at 8:00 p.m. to allow the CounciL to conduct a public hearing scheduled for that time. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing to cansider Project 191 , Chippendale Avenue Improvements. The administratorJclerk had in his presence the Affidavit o� Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice and the Affidavit af Publication. See Clerk' s File 1988-�1 . City Engineer Rich Fiefti described the project and reques�ed C�uncil' s authorization to proceed with the construction and upgrading of a 0.9 mile section of Chippendale Auenue from 151st Street to 16Uth Street. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell r�viewed the proposed construction • � • ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING HOVEMBER 1 , 1988 for the project at an estimated cost of $450,000. Hefti provided the proposed assessment rate and the total estimated assessment in the amount of $116,000. Hefti explained the citp' s assessmemt policp regarding this project. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1988-31 . There were no ob�ections received from the audier�ce . MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing. SECOND by px�orou�h. Apes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays; 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A xESQLUTION FQR APPROVAL O� CHIPPENDALE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PRQJBCT 191. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: - Oxborough, Napper , Walsh, Wippermann, Iioke . Nays: Q. MOTION by Napper to adopt A 1tRSQLUTION OItI}ER�NG T�E FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FQR CHTPPENDALE AYENUE ST�E�T IMPROVEMEAiTS, PRQJECT� 191 . SECOND by Oxborough. Apes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hake, Oxborough. Nays: 0, Regular agenda discussion resumed at this time. City Administrator Jilk reviewed with Council a letter of response from City Attorney Roger Knutson regarding his research far cons3.derata.on af the annexatian of certain properties owned bp the University of Minnesota in Empire Township. In the citp attorney' s opinian, it would be nearly impossible to aRnex the graperty unless the univexsity and ` Empire Township supported the acti+�n. T'he city attornep a2so advised that the citq would not have control over the properCy as lon$ as the un3.versity retained ownershi�. Fallowing con.�iderable discussion, Couneil directed staff to research other methodg of gettin� the university to cooperate with the eity in planning the i�ge and development of their property in Rosemaunt. See Clerk' s Fa.1e 1988-31 . Citp Planner Mike Wozniak presented the Limerick Way Subdivi.sion Development Contract for Counc3:1 review and agproval. See Clerk' s File 1988-31 . MOTx4N by Walsh to authorire the necessary signatures on the Li:mer3.ck Way Development Contact, SECOND by Iioke. Ayes: tdalsh, W3.p�er�na��n, Iloke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. City Administrator Ji1k r�equested approval to publish a preliminarp council agenda in the "This Week" newspaper beginning with the December 1 council meeting and to air the agencia on the public access channel at approximately the same time. Council unanimously approved this procedure. See Cle.rk' s File 1988-31 . The administrator reminded Council c�f the meeting seheciuled with . members of the Winona City Couneil to discuss the Winon� resource recovery project. 2 , ' . ROSEM� CITY PROCEEAINGS REGULA MEETING NOVEMBER l, 1488 Tn response to solicitation from the Caunty regarding their submitting a recpcling implementativn strategy to the Metropo�itan C011I1C�.� for agproval, Community Development Direc�.ar Dean Johnson recommended that the eity go on record acknowledging the need for either Zaea1 or county staging facilities to keep pace with the pending recycling pragram as temporary measures and to emphasize to the County to commit to a central materials recovery facility as a long term solution. Council agreed to this proposal. See Clerlc' s File 1988-31 . Cornmunitp Developmen� Director Johnson apprised Counc:il, of tl�e recent meetings by city staff and county staff with representatives o£ USPCI who claim they are capable of converting 80 to 90 percent of the ash from an incinerator into aggregate pellets which could be used ii� road products. USPCI has also been warking with Anoka and Hennepin counties for several months and wi11 be responding to these co�siities' ash request for propasal next month. Johnson advised Anvka, Hennepin and Dakota County officials have been invited ta tour snch an ash facility in Detrozt, and the cos� to the city wouid be approximately $SOO for the transportation. It was the general consensus of the Council to approve the expenditure �or the tour to Detroit but not to endorse this project at this time. See C1erk' s Fi1e 1988-31 . MOTION by Napper to authorize one staff person and one councilmember or two staff persons to attend the tour in Detroit of the ash facility . SECOND by Wa1sh. Ayes : Wippermann, Hake, Oxborough, Napper , Walsh. Nays: 0. Councilmember Wippermann presented his concern regarding the aesthetic appearance of the condominium pro�ect in that 40 percent of the exterior will be painted white. Community Development Director Johnson informed the Council. that it was clearly the arehitect' s intention to have the condominium blend in with the surrounding buildings and that the exterior colors were approve by the HRA as part of the planned unit development plan for the pro�eet, eouncilmember Wippermann requested that staff follow through ta insure that 60 percent of the exterior of the building wi11 be painted a nonwhite color. A recess was called at 9:30 p.m, with the meeting continuing at 9:40 p.m. City Planner Mike Wazniak presented the final plat for Country Hills Third Addition advising the planning commission approved the plat subject ta an executed subdivision development agreement. Woznit�k fnrther advised that the developer has signed the development contract and rec�uested approval. See Clerk' s File 1988-31 . MOTION by Wa1sh to adopt A RESOLIITION APPROI�ING THE COUNTRY HILLS THIRD ADDITION FINAL PLAT. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes : Hoke, Oxborough, Napger , . Wa1sh. Naps : Wippermann. 3 � � ROSEM�T CITY PRQCEEDSNG5 REGULA MEETING NOVEMBER 1 , 1988 MOTION by Walsh authorizing the necessary signaturPs on the Country Hills Third Addition Development contract. SECOND hy iioke. Ayest �xborough, Napper, Walsh, Hoke. Nays: 0. City Planner Mike Wozniak advised Council of the petita.on received from Pine Bend Development Company to allow the �xtension af a grading permit issued by the city. The permit would expire by Fall, 198f3, The a�pl.icant has 50,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel stock�ailed on an 18 acre site at the intersection of County Road 42 and TI355 and has requested a two year extension to market �.he sand and gravel. Wo�n3.ak presented the planning commission's recommendation to apprave the permi� extension subjeet to several conditions estabiislied b� the planning commission. See Clerk' s Fil� 1988-31 . Councilmember Napper voiced his concern to the planning commission's decision to allow an extension of the grading pertnit. Councilmember NappAr felt approving the reguest would jeopardize the integrity of the city s permit process. �Napper stated the permit was approued subject to the permit being limited to the County Road 42 improvPment project, and even though the applicant knew that all the sand and gravei would not bE used for the road construction project, the applicant continuecl to excavate extra material, MOTION by Napper to deny the request from Pine Bend Develapment Corporation far the extension of the grading permit for the property lacatecl at the interseetion of County Road 42 and E�nery Avenue and to inform the applicant the canditions of the grading permit approved April 19, 1988 by Council must be satis£ied. SECaND by Walsh. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stepham Jilk reviewed with Council the recommendation received from representatives of the city`s financial consultants, Springsted, Inc. , to include City Project 191 �.n the $2,750,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 1988B. See CZerk' s File 1988-31 . MOTION by Wi.ppermann to adopt A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTZON ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF $2�750,000 GENERAL OBLIGATIOId IMPROVEMENT BQNDS, SERIES 198$B. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. Community Development T�irector Dean Johnson discussed with' Council a letter and petition received from the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board re�arding a r�sident petition received for an environmental assessment of the po�ential impacts from an elementary school construeted on the Mullery site. Johnson advised staff was recommending that the city take the entire 45 days, allowed by s�ate law, to determine if a project for �his site exists anc� whether an �nviranmental a�sessment worksheet (FAW) is necessary. See Clerk' s File 1 9$$-31 . 4 . � � ROSEM�T CITY PRQCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1 , 198$ MOTION by Walsh to accept the petition and place it on file. SECQND by Napper. Ay�s: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTI�N by Wippermann to utilize the forty-five day response time in lieu of making a determinatian whether the city should prepare an en�rironmental assessment worksheet and to inforrn Zndependent Schaol District 196 of this decision. SEC�ND hy Oxborough. Ayes: I3oke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nayss 0. City Engineex Rich Hefti reviewed the position responsibility wri�e-up for the engineering technician p4sition �nd requested Couneil' s autharization to advertise. See Clerk' s File 1988-31 . MOTION by Walsh to autharize advertisement for �he position of engineering technician. SEC4ND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxk�orough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays; 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson requested that the Cc�uncil consider the request from John Houston, developer of Shannon Oaks to approve the abatement of four assessment units of the County Road 38 recons�ruction/assessment project to reflect a change in the preliminary plat from 16 to 12 lots, See Clerk's File 1988-37 . MOTION by Wippermann to grant the abatement and to ad�ust the assessment units fram 16 to 12 units, based upan criteria in Johnson' s mema. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Napger, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. MOTION by Oxborough to ratify the appointment of John Erickson as a probationary member of the fire department for one year and t4 ratity the appointment af Robert Anderson to serve on th� membership/grievance committee. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: �Valsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 4. See Cl.erk's File 1988-31 . � Mayor Hoke informed Council the Urbaz� Design Team will be in Rosemount on December 1 -2, 1988 to conduct the downtown r�deuelopment study, Mayor Hoke advised the first meeting has been scheduled with Decision. � Resources who has been contracted by the city to conduct a citizens attitude survey. The meeting wi].1 be held on November 7, 19$8, at �� =�Q P•�►• in the Council Chambers. Mayor Hoke advised the sev�ral focus areas formulated by the Rosemount Advisory Committea trom the data collected at the recent Town Meeting will be utilized in survey. Cammunity Development Director Dean Johnson requested Council authorization to pay $2,004 fc�r the study condueted at the College o� St. Thomas for identifying pot�ntial users of �nergy frarn the praPc�sed resource recovery facili�y pxo�ect. . 5 r � .� . . . . . . � ROSEM�T CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1 , 1988 MOTION by Wa1sh to authorize the payment of $2,400 for the study conducted by the College of St. Thomas. SEC�ND by Hoke. Ayes: ti�Valsh, W�PPermann, Hoke, 4xborough, Napper. Nays: 0, Administrator Stephan Jilk gave a brief upda�e on the rural water system advising the University of Minnesota has instructed the contractor and engineering consultants to go farward with th� projpct. The initial work has begun. The first majar partian of �he projeet will be to complete the hookup to the existing system at the Dakota County Va-Tech site. Administrator Jilk reminded Council of the groundbrealcing for Dixie Chemical scheduled for November 3, 1988, at 9;00 a.m. � Administr.ator Jilk advis�d the Metropolitan Council has seheduled an informational meeting regarding the airport adequacy study at the Rosemount High SGhoal on November 9, 1988, fr�m 7:OU p.m. to 9:OO �p.rn. MOTION by Wippermann ta recess to Executive Session. SECOND by Hoke', Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to reaffirm Resolution 1988-58, 1� Resolution Authorizing Condemnation af Property for an Armory. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxbqrough, Napper, Wa1sh. Nays: 0. MOTI�N by Walsh to adjourn. SECflND hy Wippermann. Ayest 5. Nayss 0. Respectfully submitte3, Susan M. Johnson, Deputy Clerk ATTEST• . Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1983 in Dakota C9untv Tribune. 6