HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. School Siting Discussion ,-�,..�-,�,�_-.,r. hICP.� 15 °$8 �c 48 � . . . . �i22�► F'�12 ��� � ' -�-�'�:� �--�', ,� 11+I��rr+o�x � ��w��so�v • A�'BtSt+SF,:giQNAL ABSDeIATit1�t ATTt�RN�Y�A7'LAw x�:�wtilu,�.a��n�►�r��,7�Y ca'�t�p�Y��'u• Fnvr.a.sr�� ►.Axxr�;.�Kv��t�1v; �wr�r�crx��r nn't�ttex w.s���3w,�x�r . ,rnna�.�;�.�NZ•;L,��tirr e�_r�,x��� xr:v��t� ��,�R��.,�.� d.FAStdIt;3t WIEA:i1X; AFFLB�tA[.F.�v,anrrr�trPaKK�2� KI?NtdK,TFt R FiAI,I Tj?Ita r1R:R:N.nt�R�iN T�t.a��a��s� eay:rna� fit�trlT'1�,.]UNNB"Tc�iv Mi[;if�,s%t.1;.Ixitif,;H�IC1'Y {6�>a:r���5 ,itlSi;i'H P.�ARI�:Y ltA.t1),1. HANShI�i Mt1RY 1,,�t�Llk! I'�[t;H.h.EL�;.MCJLt�:NlJA� l7�.yLY Ttl: 14t1CiiA�Lt:_Pd,.�t;11Nt� •nr,r,t.[tY.h:;P.�fjM•u�ww � it�sa�H n+.ffs�xr'Pt�nii, ex�c:���rr�!:�;i. ^Al tit?1Ji'i?NK4ilf 1N Nlt!itX)tV:ilPf Rd�1dG1J1iT;hUDt[�$9fS'1'd;�.'ABiS• 1.I:UMeU�IJ N'_Ni►l{NA'i tnrrdt 1.i�•o-;r+r.hi�trrr��tt►tnr.KA (b'i3T�:rsu� ,tnKtt►�Vl�tt��.tc•F Nave�vber 1S, 198i3 Dean Jabnson � � City of Rasem�unt 2875 — I45th 5treet E�s� Rosemouri�, M14 �50b8 �E: Jo�.n� ResaJ.ution c�f t�� City of Rcs$emav�n'�, i�aka�a Caun�.x, l�innesota and indep�nden� S�choal �istr�.ct No. 19� at�r File I�c�. : �.OZ�—.�0�3 Dea� Nlr. �ahnson: �nclased is a revised �roposed �Joint Resalution between the Ca�t� of Rosemou»t �nd �nr�epenc�ent School Distri�t I�Q. �.�6. F�ea�� revZew �n� camme,�t r�ga�+�i»g any con�ezn$ o� questians, M�.chael G. Doggh�rty wi�l bring ��ie orig�.na�. doc�n+�nt to thc City Cawncil me+�ting �0 5e �iela on this clat�. Ve�y tr��.y xoc�zsr inCMLNOMY & SRV�.RSUN„ P.A. ...� f.�, � ������.,��..�}�- , �n�s F��, S~Y�eidc�n r � J�S �k . En��o�u�� . cc: ficam Nelstsn, Zndegendent School Aa.���ict No, i9b tw/enc} � .,; • • JOINT RES�LUTION OF THE CITY OF R(3SEMOONT, DARQTA COONTY, MINNESQTA . AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DiSTRIC.0 NO. 196 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a Minnesota municipal corparation ].ocated in Dakota Caunty, Minnesota and Independent School Uistrict No. 196 is a state designatecl independent school distriet. WHEREAS, both the City Council of the City of Rasemount and the School Board of Tndependent Schoal District No. i9b have recogni.zed the rapid growth of populatian and �he increasing neec3 for development of schaols and park faci�.it�.es. WHEREAS, a bond issue has jus� been passed which would allow the School District to construct and open an elementary school by �,ugust 1 , 1990. WHEREAS, both the District and the City recogr�ize the substantial cost savings and joint benefit af developi.ng a school sa.te and community park property together. The School receives the benefi� of its and the City's property at prime sehaol time and �he City receives the benefit c�� both a.ts and the Schoo�.' s property at prime communi.ty time. Both entities believe that aIl of the citizens " of the District and the Gity are better served by joint develop�nent for maximum use of �hese �acilities. WHEREAS, the School Distra.ct hac3 previously a�dentif�.ea the Mu�lery property as a potenta.al schoo�. si.te. The Mul�.ery p�operty Y�ad not been identifa.ed by the City as a cammunity park property. The Mullery property has limited potential fo�r cflmbined schaol anc7 recreational facilities. The area of the Mullery property has been designa�ed for low densfty housing whi�h would not be served by utilities in the reasonably fc�reseeable future. WHEREAS, the City has designated �,roperty near the Mullery site, for eommunity park property as set forth on Exhibit "A", which is acsessible by a community colleetor street and servi.ceable by City utilities. i • WHEREAS, the City and the Sehoo� have negotiated with the property owners and are confa.dent that the land as shown on Exhibit "A" can be acqui red w ithin a reasonabl e per ioa of time for use by both the City and the School bistrict. wHEREAS, it is the intention of both the City and the School District to jointly use and develQp the land by sharing costs and " coordinatinq the use and deve],o�tent o� School and park facilities for the betterment of the District and City cammunities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o� the City of Rosemount and and the School Baard of Independent School District No. 196 as follows: 1. The City and the School District shall take whatever steps are reasonably necessary to aointly aequire the appropriate �.and far an elementary school on the proper�y as shown c�n Exhibit "�i" and ultimately aequire appropriate park land for the development o� the joint �acility. The exact amount and location of land to be aGquired by the School District shall be de�erm3.nec1 by �he Distr�.ct and forwarded to the City ot Rosemount for notification. The exact amount and l.ocation of land to be acquired by �he City shall be determzned ' by the City and �orwarded to the School Distriet �or notification, 2. Both parties acknowledge that timing for the development of the site is critical. The City autharizes the City s�aff and consultants to prepaxe and comple�e all necessary engineering and other work neeciec3 to serve the site with raads and utilities for a].l phases of construction anc3 for schaol opening by Auqust 1 , 1990. 3. The Ci ty and the Schaol �i str ict f ur ther di rect thei.x consultants and staff to prepare a development agreement between the Ci�y and the Sehool District for future approval by both the City and _2_ � • the Sehool District covering the joi.nt use and develo�nent v� the facilities. Dated this c7ay of November, 1988. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Rollan Hoke Itss Mayor And: Steghan Jilk I�ss City Administra�or Clerk INDEFENDENT SCHOQL DISTRICT r�o. i 96 - By: Wil.li.am Smith I�.s: Cha:t r _ And: Donald Westerhaus�n Sr. Its: Clerk _�_ `` \ . � . . �� � t `\�����\� `" �` ���,\ �t�/�,� �\\` \�� � �( ���\� � \,•,�l �� .� ��:..., `"`�._ . . . . . ..�s.-s_� ......_ ` " �\ - ....�,� .� .r! �� \ � ���`\y� � ��.r��� .�, . ,\`\� . � � r�—�---�-�� �.� � � �b� \ ���� • �; ��f�%I ,f !,: '"'�"_\ \ ' \��� ; -�..• � .--\ � .� . � � �,1\��� � � �: '�\ �, �j�� ���� `�/� � . `��` � �� : . �.�, �� . � �,��� ;�\1 ����.���7-.%,.•� ��� . � r.s �( � � l.�-�...---� y i �V' � " t 1 v 1 r 1 � A !. .^ i �. � � � 1 i� � � A.� ^1 � � � i rsot 1..� �� ��.� 'f .1 i il :I 1.r—. � �.3 . flj;'�i l .� :.� ,: � ,: � ..-f ,.�. ;. � � �:� � i� , __ ,_..� , !\.-.,� � � `�,' ���� __„ ,�i.-�;�\ �/,-, ,. .� ��1 ,:-; % � -�..� fl ; � , -,.o_ ,� ��' ` �� ; , ,�" . . _ ._ �C1 ,,� �-�,-.----='�� ��� ` ` �/� `` �-;' :; r'`�.�\ i �( �' ,/,,,,'�' , , .` •�.. //1�"`. t � .. .. .,. -_ tt ;,� >>�� `\�A 1 �.� . . . . y G T 'IS 1 I� \�� � ' .t j: � �I\ .`'• �I . . . . - _1..... . \ ,����\� . � \; ' ' -i. r� '\ . \ r. .l �,. � � ' , --�^-�...� . \ . �, ` ` \_ �1 � • �� �\ �� �r `/i •% � . . . + i. � � _ . .. . .( �i ._,,,�„.. i y,�.. ` / , � t it � 1 . . � � � \, . ~ � 4�..��.-�, .�\ �� ..7. � i / '�•AA1 , I. 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'.. \ �a.«. .� �•V y . � '. ! �/j i /'•� � � � �. \ �* , .,�,• _ ,,. ,� L , "f % � �' /�. �--�), - \' • - , �• j-� fJ i� '}},. � ,.,,.1 �-�-•-!, ;� � � � i •,.: ,- � . . �� ,a . � . � •�'� . �` Q _ ���� "��1:�\ ')� �"' �:"� r rf � ♦ i ��,�i_ �/ /'.��� ! // . . .. . } ' , . �" ,,,, . ,, w ... � 2.. ,�- . . _..» � � .. .. �.�.``�.:....! :�... - •�__-_�- %'�i``�..,^. . . . ,', % ;,�'``,� w�� , ' '�---�—��_"�'� ` 12 5 0' `~ • � � a__'_t d �• ._.:,: • � 1S� -1qb Elementarv Schaod .�,� K?i!v Sitp 1., �,J�. he t:`oid .�ssociation • .�rC��tects � f��lU 1� '88 09=52 � • 42�1 PBC� , � 3aI�'! ��Sl7LU".C�U� O� �� C� �F �Sfi�lDU14'�+ ���E,1'�'1! �U�"�7f, !lTl�'F.SQM't� � ��P��B�t'T SC�Ot�L DISTgIL'r �p. 196 W�BRLAS, the Cx��' Q€ Rt�Ge�tount �s a 2�i.nn�st��� rnunicip�l GorFax�.txon �.acat�d in I?akota Caun��, Mfnn��ata and �n.+�epenc�nt 5choo�. Distri�t I�+a. I�� i.s a s�a�e �e�ignated independen� schao�3. aistri��. W�E��l.S, bt�t3� the �ity Caunci,�. of the City of Ro�emou�� and the School Boaxd of Independent 5chool Distar�,�t �00� 19C h�ve re�ogni�e�3 tbe sapir� gxt��.h t�� popul�tion �nd the inc���s�ng n��d �or - develo�ent af schaols and parl� facil�ti�g� 6��ER�Sr a bvna i�8ue hc�s �ust kfe�n gassed which woulc9 �l�+c�v �h� �chool �istzict �+� constru�t �nd upen a» �lement�ry sch4cal by A�agust 1, 1990. WHERE,E�S, b8�h the District and the City �ecognize the substantia]. c�a►st savfngs �nd joint benefft cf r��velaping � s�hodl. si.te anc3 �ommuri�ty �rlt property tog�thex. The Sr,hool receives the b+�»�a�i� a�f it� and t3�+� G�,ty�� pro�ier�.y at �rim+� schooi t�me a�n+� the Cf.�.y receives tbe bexxsee�#.t Q� iaoth it� and the Scho4�. ' s progerty ati �r�.me �ommun�.ty time. Both �nti���s b�li��e tha�t al1 af f�he citizens of tbe District a�c� th� C�ty a�e be�.ter serv�d by jvint develo�amen� �co�r �a�ximu�n u�e c,f tb+��e �aeiZ�ti+es. T�g�REAs, th� Fcht�al Distx3ct hsd p�ev'fat�s�,� fiden�if fes� th� l�ullexy prvperty �s a potentiat sc�c�o�. �i-�e. T�a+� Mt�.lery property had no� been identif��d by the City as a +cc�mmunxty pax�C propert�. �be Mullexy prapert�y has limited got�ntial for �cambiner� �+chool anr� rec.zeational �ac�Ia.ties, fiiYe area� of the Muiler y progerty h$s been designa�+ea �or 1aw aen$ity ha�s3n� �hi�� woe�d nc�t be s�rved by utf3ities i� the r�s�onably focesee�ble tut�re. i����t�AS; ��e City ��s c7�s3gna�ed �rc�pe�rtX »ear the t�tal.�.ery site �or com�munity park prap�rt� �s s�t forth an ��h�.b�.t "�A", wh�ch is acs�ss�ble by a camm�nfty ctille�t�r s�re�� anc� servi��at��e t�y +��.ty �til i�ies. .. . . .... . l�I�ll 15 '8�3 09:56 � � 420 P@�t �E�t�As, the Gity anr7 the Schoal have negatiatec3 with the praperty cnan�rs and a�e cos�fic�ent that �.he iand a� shown on B�rhibit "A" ca� be acquirec3 witt�in $ ressanab3.e periad af ��me for use by br�th �he �City and t}�� SChool ]3istta�c�. WHERE�, it �,� t�e intenti�n q� bath tt�iie Cf ty and the Schadi FiiBtiric� to �oint�y u�e and deve].vp �.he �and by sharinr� c�stB a�cl � coordir�a�ing th� u�e and de�rel�p�uer�t of School and park facz�,ities �or �ie be�term�nt o� �i7t� Di6trict a�d C�.ty �cmcmnnities. 1�, TH�tEFURS, BL IT RESOLVET� by tbe City C�r►u��i� n� the City of Ro�semount and and the Sc.�.00l Baarr] o� �nr�epenc�+ent 8chool Dxs��i�t NQ. 196 �►s f411t�ws, l. �� City dnc� t�e Scbool 17i�trf+�t shall take wb��ever st�ps ate ze��onably nec����ry tt� jc�intly aaqvir+� �3he appr4priate Xand far an �lem+�ntary scboo�, on the prag�rt� a� s3�cr�t11 on Eahib�.t 'A" and ultima�ely aoquire appxopr�ta�e p�ark land for the develv�en�nt cr� the jo�int faCil3.ty. Tb� ez��t �matu�t �nt3 lc�catio� c�� �and to be scqr�ir�c� t�i the l5chool �3istrict sh�ll be �e�ermined by t�e Di�tri.ct ar�d fotwa=d�� �t� t�te City of Rasemoun� f+�r noti�icati�n. Tbe e�a�t amotint and 3.ocat�os� a� 1�nd to be acquirad by the City sha7.� be de�ermined �y the +�ity az�r3 forw�rde� to the 5cb�o� ��.s��ict for nc��if ica�3on. �. Hoth parti�s ack�t�wledge tbat tim�.ng i�ox the t��velt�pment uf th�e site is c�i.ti�ca3.. The City autha�izes the C�t�y staff anc3 �orisul.tants to pz�p�r� �nd epmglete al� n�ce&se�ry engfn�eering and other �vazk need�d to serve th� �i te wit#� zo�:d� ar�d 1�til��ies f or al l �h���� of corsst�ueti.qn and for sch+aol opening by Auc�ust ]., X99U. . 3. The C3,ty and the SChov�. rii.��rict �urther airect ��.e�.� �ans�ilt�nts ant� staff �a ��epare a : devQlopar�ent agr��m�nt b�!tween the City and th� School Dist�rict for �erture app�rrnra]. b� both the Ci.ty and ��. � IVOU 15 '88 09:59 � � 42�1 P05 ' ^�` • t�ie �chool District oovering t�� jo�.nt use ana t3eve�.opsnerit uf the �scili�i�s. D��ec� �h�.s asy o€ Navemb�r, 1988, ; �YTY OF RpfiEMa�lN� $]�• . �cv�lan Hoke , rts: �daXQr �n�1. Ste�an Ji2g Its: City Admfnistra�ar C1erk IIQDEPENDEN� 1�t�C1UI� L��STI�ICT pd. 196 By; �iliiata 5mith - �ts: C3�air Ana: Dvnald Westerba�s+en �r. Tts: C7.�rk