HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Finance Support Position M � � ♦ °� .�-�"�.m �c.�, . Tc�: Mayar itoke Gouncilmembers Pl€►pper Oxborough Walsh . Wipperman From: Stephan Jilk Admini�strator Re:FINAIdCE SUPFORT POSITIQN In our 19$9 operating budget presentation �nd discussians we advised council tk�at there were funds budgeted for a �nsita.on which would provide staff support to the finance and poliee departments . The concept was such that both departments had specific needs requiring "dedicated time" availabie from a clerical/support position . Discussion proved out that both departments could each use a full time sta£f person but budget constraints were �uch that two fu11 time posai.tions were not affordable in 1989 for these perceived needs. Needs in the Finance department were rac�re data entry and accounting type functions and the police department needs were more cleri.cal and dipatching needs but it was fe1t, initia3ly, that a single person could fill both positions sats£actorally . Over the last couple of manths continued digcussion has taken place as to the needs of the two degartments and the funding �or this {these) positions. In the area of Fi.rtance/Accounting it has become even more obvious that a full time person, dec�i.cated totally to that department is essential . Don Darling and I have had several fr��itful� discussions on these needs �nd naw f.eel thflt a 1/2 time �oattion is not ad�qu�te tv �erve tlle sp�r_.if�c fiee�is of his department. I have capied several items af inf�rmation and support, fram Don, for your review, It is necessary to remember that the areas of responsib�lity incliitied in the Finance Depar�ment include accaunting, payroll , investments, Deputy Registrar and Dons' continued involvement in HRA activities. At this time hackup for the�'e activities is provided both in Dons' clepartment and from other st�ff sucli �s Cindy Dorniden in Public Works. With the ongaing devel�pinerit pro�jects Public Works, and other departments are experiencing �11 available staff is needed in these individual departments and providi.ng backup to Dons' departmer�t becomes almost impnssiblP It is felt that by providing additic�nal personnel to Don will not anlg alleviate the need for backup from outside his department but add to time availahility to other departmenrs because their staff wa.11 be able to dedicate their tim�e, more exclus:ivel:y , to the�i.r own needs. : � • # Secondly , we would recall that when B1ake Crandal], was hired as engineering technician, we advised counc3.1 that a pvrtion af his costs would come from development projects. That posit�ton has not changed. We alsa fe.e2 totallp cornfortable in suggesting that a portion of the costs for the positian we :�re now recc�mmen�ing that we add �1so be f.unc�eci �rom ongoing cleve.lc��ment �r. e��jects . When the city ca2culates the financing needs for pro,jects and we put together a bond progr�m we inelude 3% of the total bond needs far administrative costs, Costs that the city would incur in administrating the pro�ect. These are not the engineering and legal casts, which are set out a1sa, buti costs for such things as assessment roll preparation, accounting, working with the county on collection of assessments and mortgage companies on p�nding assessments. These tasks are being done bp different dep�rtments at this time and, honestly , same things are falling through the cracks. No ma,jor problems have c�ccured but more he2p is needed as we see no end in sight for the developr�ent program here. Don has provided job descriptions for two positions in his department. One is new. That is the position of "Ueputy Finance Director" and the second is a revised descrtption for the "Finance/Deputy Registrar Support Position" . Jeff May woul.d be moving into the Deputy Finance Director pbsition and the new person would be brought into the "support" pasit.ion. I believe Dons' memos outline how these positions would be utiiized and the specific needs they wouZd address. I would request the following actions be approved. 1) Approve the �ob description for "deputy F�.nanee Director" 2) Authorize the plaeement of Jeff May to that position as of January lst, 1,989. This action would be a reflection pf Jeffs responsibilies now and what thep would expand to unr�er the proposed change. 3) The salary range for that positic�n would be 2327�. - 31427. Jeff would move to the midpoint af that range of 27147. , through a two step process by Januarp of 1990. His present salarp is 23476. 4) Approve the revised job description £or the "Ueputy Registrar/Finance suport " position. This Positiorl would carrp a salary range 1971$. - 26626. Based upon aur current salary promotion policy and satisfactory perfarmanee evaluations this person move ta the midpoint of that range (23000. } wiChin 3 prs. . 5) Authorize the advertisement far this posztion wi�h a propased hiring date of January 2, 1g89 as a full time posit;ion. There wi11 be other casts associated with adding this position, allocating work area for him/her and providing tel;ephone and com�uter service to work areas. F�:tnds have been budg�ted fc�r this � � need and we will , be caming baek to you at a later date for specific approval for those i�ems. Thank you for your considerat3.on in this matter.