HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.g. Receive Feasibility Report / Set Public Hearing for Lemerick Way Watermain Extension, City Project #193� � � **�r************�***�*�t**�****�********�*AtErtO*�*�**�****�*�**�**�*����***�t�r*�r�t*** DATE: NOi�EMBER ld, 1988 T0: 1�fAY0R & COUNCILMEPtBERS C/0 CITY ADAtiNISTRl1TOR JILK FROFL• CITY ENGINEER/PUBLiC WORKS DIREGTOR HEk'TI R�: ITEMS FOR THE NOVEPiBER 15, 1988 GOUNCIL rtEETING NEW BUSINESS Adopt Resolution Receiving Feasibility Report and (3rdering Public Hearing far Pro�ect 193, Limerick Way Watermain Extension Counczl aufihorzzed the preparation of a feasibility report based on the reyuest o€ the developer of the Limerick Waq Tawnhomes, Mr. Bi11 Jacobsan. Our Consultants haue completed the feasibiiity report, a copy of wi�ich is attached. This item does not appear on your agenda because of the time erunch we were in due to Friday being a hoZiday. The ex�ra day would have allowed us to incXude this with the agenda because we did not receive the feasibility report until Thursday afternoon. Therefare, Sta£f will be requesting to add this item ta the agenda under "New Business". Action for Council to consider is to adopt a resoltrtion t.o receive ttie feasibility report and order a pubiie hearing for December 20, 1988 at B:Ofl p.m. � � ' � � � FEASIBILITY STUDY � FOR LIMERICK WAY WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION � CITY PROJECT NO. 193 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOVEI�ER 15, 1988 � SEH FILB NO: 89078 � � � I hereby certify that this report was prepared � by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Regis.tered Protessional Engineer under the laws of he State of Minnesota � � � DATE: November 15, 1988 REG. NO. 12691 REVIEWED BY: � DATE: ' . � � � � TABLE OF CONTENTS , � TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION � TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTAL LETTER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � PART 1 - INTRODUCTION � 1.1 AUTHORIZATION 1.2 SCOPE 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE � PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2. 1 LOCATION 2.2 PROJECT AREA � 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 3.1 WATERMAIN 3.2 EASEMENTS � PART 4 - FINANCING � 4.1 COST ESTIMATE 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA 4.3 CORE FACILITY FUND � 4.4 SUMMARY PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE � APPENDIX � ESTIMATE OF COST DRAWING N0. 1 DRAWING N0. 2 � � � � � � � - - � ENGINEER51/IRCNITECT51 PLANNERS 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD,ST.Pf1UL,MINNESOTA 55117 612 484-0272 � � November 15, 1988 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA LIMERICK WAY � WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION SEH FILE NO: 89078 � � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Attn: Mr. Rich Hefti, Director of Public Works In accordance with your authorization we have prepared the � attached feasibility report for watermain construction through the proposed Limerick Way Townhouse Development. This report includes a general discussion of the pro�ect as well as drawings � and a cost estimate. We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. � Sincerely, � SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. _���� � Steve Campbell � SDC/cih Enclosure � � � SHORT ELLIOTT SI PAUL, CHIPPEWAFALLS, , HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WlSCONSiN � � EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY 1 ' Project 193 provides for the southerly extension of approximately 320 linear feet of 16 trunk watermain and appurtenances through the proposed Limerick Way Townhouse Development. The development � consists of four multiple unit residential buildings and site amenities and is located immediately south of the Shannon Park � Townhouse Development and east of Shannon Parkway. � The total estimated cost of the pro�ect is $25,000. Of the total, $14,000 will be recovered through assessments and the remaining $11,000 will be obtained from the Water Core Facility � Fund. The project is scheduled for construction during the winter and spring of 1989. � � � � � � � � , � � , � PART 1 , INTRODUCTION � 1. 1 AUTHORIZATION On September 20, 1988, the Rosemount City Council, upon � petition by the developer, authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the construction of � watermain within the Limerick Way Townhouse Development. This project has been designated as City Project No. 193. � 1.2 SCOPE � The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this pro�ect based upon a review of the data available, make recommendations and provide cost estimates � for the construction of the proposed watermain in the Limerick Way Townhouse Development. � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE � Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: l. Limerick Way Townhouse Site Plan (Revised 10-20-88) . � 2. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings. , � � � _ � � � � � PART 2 , GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2. 1 LOCATION The project is located in the northwest quarter of the � southeast quarter of Section 30 and is immediately east of Shannon Parkway and north of Dodd Boulevard as shown on � Drawing No. 1. � 2.2 PROJECT RREA The Limerick Way Townhouse Development consists of four � multiple unit residential buildings along with eight garage buildings and site amenities. Site grading, sanitary sewer and other site improvements will be constructed as part of � the development. � 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY The Limerick Way Townhouse Development is located south of � the Shannon Park Townhouse Development end east of Shannon Parkway. Utility construction in the Shannon Park Townhouse � Development was completed in 1987 under City Project No. 174. Utility and street construction in Shannon Parkway was completed earlier this year under City Pro�ect No. 171. � � � _ � � _ � , , � PART 3 , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ' 3. 1 WATERMAIN Proposed watermain facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. � These facilities include the southerly extension of a 16" watermain and appurtenances from the Shannon Park Townhouse � Development to the south edge of the Limerick Way Townhouse Development. The 16" watermain will provide service to jLimerick Way Townhouse units as well as serve as part of the City's trunk water system. Service lines for each building � will also be constructed as part of the proposed improvement. � 3.2 EASEMENTS A 25 foot utility easement has been dedicated for the , construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed watermain. This easement is also shown on Drawing No. 2. ' � � � ' ' - � � 1 ' � PART 4 � FINANCING , 4. 1 COST ESTIMATE � A detailed cost estimate for the construction proposed herein is included in the appendix of this report. This estimate is based on current 1988 unit costs and includes � allowances for contingencies and anticipated overhead costs. The total estimated cost of the proposed construction is , 525,000. , 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA The proposed Limerick Way Townhouse Development will bear 100� af the assessable costs of this project. The � development is located on Block 1, Lot 1, Limerick Way Addition. ' 4.3 CORE FACILITY FUND , The differential cost between a 6" main and appurtenances and the proposed 16" trunk main will be recovered from the ' Water Core Facilities Fund. This cost is estimated to be $11,000. � 4.4 SUMMARY Watermain Assessments 514,000 , Water Core Facility Fund 511,000 Total $25,000' 1 1 1 1 1 , � PART 5 � PROJECT SCHEDULE , The ro chedule for thi im rovement is listed below. This p posed s s p schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the � Minnesota Statutes. It assumes that all elements of the improve- ment, including developer obligations are completed in a timely ' manner. ' Receive Feasibility Report November 15, 1988 Hold Public Hearing December 20, 1988 ' Approve Plans and Specifications December 20, 1988 Receive Bids January, 1989 � Award Contract January, 1989 , Begin Construction February, 1989 Complete Construction March, 1989 � Hold Assessment Hearing Fall, 1989 ' � � ' ' , ' � � , ' ESTIMATE OF COST ' WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT NO. 193 ' ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' ITEM UNIT ' NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0257.406 6" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 20 $13.00 $ 260 � 0257.416 16" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 320 35.00 11,200 � d257. 606 6" R.S. GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 400.00 800 ' 0257.617 16" B.F. VALVE & BOX EACH 1 1, 500.00 1, 500 0257. 631 FITTINGS 12" & LARGER LB. 1,000 1.25 1,250 ' 0257. 640 FIRE HYDRANT EACH 2 900.00 I, 800 0257.710 2" COPPER SERVICE L.F. 50 18.00 900 � 0257.730 2" CORPORATION EACH 4 100.00 400 ' 0257.740 2" CURB STOP & BOX EACH 4 150.00 600 0257.903 CONNECT TO EXISTING � WATERMAIN EACH 1 200.00 200 SUBTOTAL $18, 910 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 2,090 ' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTIQN COST $21,OOQ +20$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERING 4,Q00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $25,000 , , , � � , 1 �. o�o-3a „ 4z �� . I5 oio-so . � �i43RD STREET W s/ . - � � x i w - i �'� . - 013-3'/ ' ' ' o I �O . ���� o ia 2 gTR ET z� �..5 .:z � s � . . ' oio-aa � : o 0 10Z UPPER 143 R� .. a�N i . � oo O ' 6/ -.::Z 51.�T�. ¢ iz �0 2 �z� E'�c�P �4c A � t zo a 0 144T T STR E f E mo-• 7t'I `� oA2� — - ' C�r � . 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