HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Commercial Development Revenue Bond Extension (Hwy 42 Retail) , r . • � �e� ��� �,�� �� I�t� O :tt;r, i�t,tl� �;i �v ���,�A���� Rf)SEMCIUNT. MINtV[``:C)1A !;5t�f.Ft �I'!. 617 -423-d4i 1 Agenda i tem 3a Agenda ltem 4j TO: Mayor, City Council, Ci#y Administrator . FROM: Dean Johnson, I}irector of Community Develapment DATE: November 10, 1988 SUBJ: Shopping Centee Bond Extension ' In the summer of 1985, the City appr�vad the eancept af a shapping cent�r alang CSAH42 in South Rose Park, The City Counci! also authorized the sal� of $4.8 milliQn tax exempt commercial deueiopment revenue bonds to support Che project. 19$S was the last year these bonds were ailowed under [ederal tax la�us. The City has no liability, obligation or exposure to these types of bonds; rather, it serves merely as the "vehicle" ta allow the tax exem�tion. The bonds were originally structured so they could be "parked" and reissued or extended twice at one year intervals. The bonds techniealiy expire December l, 1�8$; however, the underwriter and bond counsel fox this issuance have determined they can be extended one rnore tirne and be uti}ized for the current sho�ping center proposal. Attachecfi are capies of the present concept plan, suhrnitted l�y Riehard Dreher and Associates, general partner and developer. Alsc�, attached are copies of a resolutifln and indenture supplement, that would permit the extension ot' the bands. The Planning Commission has reviewed the concept plan and recommended the developer proceed with the platting and PUD process. Staff fee�s mc�re comfortable with the present pian than that appro��ed for Haven Enterpxises, because the scope of the project has been cut back and the parkingltraffic circulation seems more appropriate. While we are nc�t in any position to make final or formal recommendativns an the project, we see no obstacles in making a favorable recommendation as the pr�cess maves fc�rward. Tirc decision to exlend lhc bc>ncis, h�wever, must l�e ntade at lhis time. The t�c�nds can not be exlendcd without C�luncil .�pprc�val ancl musl t�c au[hori•r,c�l pri��r to December i, 1988. There is a certain convenience in this situation; in that, the City Cauncil is in a good position to make same reasonable demands on the � aesthetic characteristics of the development in exchange for bond approval. I have contacted Dreher and ASsociates and requested ihat they be in a posiiion to describe the types of building materials they pro���se to use and descril�e the landsca�ing/screening elements. They are weti aware that the Couneil may� not chaose to extend the bonds without an understanding �f the type of buiiding we may end up with. A colored rendering is being }�repared at this time and witl be avai}able along with a presentation by the architects at the meeting. Bond counsel wili afiso be available for any questions the Council may have. Pr�vided the Council is satisfied with the aesthetics, I would recommend approval of the resolution to extend the b�nds. Extending the bands does n�t commit the City to any other }�ressures for ap�roving the }�rc�,ject. The pr�►.jert will be reviewed and approved and{or denicd regardles5 of any tzonds that could be utilized. Shopping Center B d Extension •,. ' November 10, 198� , Page Two Finally, I have asked for a written description of the parties involved in the project. I think it is im�ortant to kn�w who the developers, managers and owners of the project wilt be. That information should be available for distribution with the packets. One remaining issue that may be a�rpro�riate for consideration regards krai(/sidewalk access to the development. Whiie this topic is one that will he discussed in the course of the approval process, I think reference to this issue at the time of bond a�rproval could result in a better commitment for proper pedestrian access to the development. We don't know whether the co�nty trail will be constructed along the south side of CSAH42 �r n�t. i€ it isn't, a - c�mrnitment frc�m the develo�er is reasonable. I helieve a tr��il along 151st Sircct to Chippendale Avenue warrants aaa���o�ai consideration.