HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Adopt Resolution Extending Commercial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 , r . • � �e� ��� �,�� �� I�t� O :tt;r, i�t,tl� �;i �v ���,�A���� Rf)SEMCIUNT. MINtV[``:C)1A !;5t�f.Ft �I'!. 617 -423-d4i 1 Agenda i tem 3a Agenda ltem 4j TO: Mayor, City Council, Ci#y Administrator . FROM: Dean Johnson, I}irector of Community Develapment DATE: November 10, 1988 SUBJ: Shopping Centee Bond Extension ' In the summer of 1985, the City appr�vad the eancept af a shapping cent�r alang CSAH42 in South Rose Park, The City Counci! also authorized the sal� of $4.8 milliQn tax exempt commercial deueiopment revenue bonds to support Che project. 19$S was the last year these bonds were ailowed under [ederal tax la�us. The City has no liability, obligation or exposure to these types of bonds; rather, it serves merely as the "vehicle" ta allow the tax exem�tion. The bonds were originally structured so they could be "parked" and reissued or extended twice at one year intervals. The bonds techniealiy expire December l, 1�8$; however, the underwriter and bond counsel fox this issuance have determined they can be extended one rnore tirne and be uti}ized for the current sho�ping center proposal. Attachecfi are capies of the present concept plan, suhrnitted l�y Riehard Dreher and Associates, general partner and developer. Alsc�, attached are copies of a resolutifln and indenture supplement, that would permit the extension ot' the bands. The Planning Commission has reviewed the concept plan and recommended the developer proceed with the platting and PUD process. Staff fee�s mc�re comfortable with the present pian than that appro��ed for Haven Enterpxises, because the scope of the project has been cut back and the parkingltraffic circulation seems more appropriate. While we are nc�t in any position to make final or formal recommendativns an the project, we see no obstacles in making a favorable recommendation as the pr�cess maves fc�rward. Tirc decision to exlend lhc bc>ncis, h�wever, must l�e ntade at lhis time. The t�c�nds can not be exlendcd without C�luncil .�pprc�val ancl musl t�c au[hori•r,c�l pri��r to December i, 1988. There is a certain convenience in this situation; in that, the City Cauncil is in a good position to make same reasonable demands on the � aesthetic characteristics of the development in exchange for bond approval. I have contacted Dreher and ASsociates and requested ihat they be in a posiiion to describe the types of building materials they pro���se to use and descril�e the landsca�ing/screening elements. They are weti aware that the Couneil may� not chaose to extend the bonds without an understanding �f the type of buiiding we may end up with. A colored rendering is being }�repared at this time and witl be avai}able along with a presentation by the architects at the meeting. Bond counsel wili afiso be available for any questions the Council may have. Pr�vided the Council is satisfied with the aesthetics, I would recommend approval of the resolution to extend the b�nds. Extending the bands does n�t commit the City to any other }�ressures for ap�roving the }�rc�,ject. The pr�►.jert will be reviewed and approved and{or denicd regardles5 of any tzonds that could be utilized. Shopping Center B d Extension •,. ' November 10, 198� , Page Two Finally, I have asked for a written description of the parties involved in the project. I think it is im�ortant to kn�w who the developers, managers and owners of the project wilt be. That information should be available for distribution with the packets. One remaining issue that may be a�rpro�riate for consideration regards krai(/sidewalk access to the development. Whiie this topic is one that will he discussed in the course of the approval process, I think reference to this issue at the time of bond a�rproval could result in a better commitment for proper pedestrian access to the development. We don't know whether the co�nty trail will be constructed along the south side of CSAH42 �r n�t. i€ it isn't, a - c�mrnitment frc�m the develo�er is reasonable. I helieve a tr��il along 151st Sircct to Chippendale Avenue warrants aaa���o�ai consideration. Dreher i • and Associates, Inc. - ---___ -- ----- . ___- __ ------ ---- CORfM�12C1AL REAL ESTATF OEVEI:t)PMENT November 9, 198$ Mr. Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Johnsan: I am writing in reference to Rosemount Csnter in Rosem�unt, Minnesota. Dreher and Assaeiates, Inc. is pleased to have become involved in this ratail develogment project. We are currently working on pro�ects in 10 suburban loeations. Our experience with rapidly growing cities and community convenienee retailin� has made us confident that the praposed center wi11 be both a financial suecess and an asset to the community. Rosehaven Center will be a forty thousand square foot strip style rstail cen�ter. We anticipate having 3 maj�r anchor tenants (6,D40 to 10,000 S.F. ) as well as approximately 15 smaller tenants (9�U to 3,�00 S.F. ) . We expect most of the shops to ba either eonvenience retail or service orisnted businesses. Leasing, of the centsr is going very well . We have been involved with this p.roject for just a short time and have made significant progress with several tenants. Several leases have already been signed. In addition we have reached agreement on terms with severai other tenants and are negatiating lease Ianguage. We have secured commitments or signed leases with the folTowing tenant categories: Day Care Center 6,000 s. f. . Video Store 2, 520 s. f. Pizza I�estaurant 1 , 200 s. f. . Family Hair 1 , 2Q0 s. f. Lease negotiations are currently underway with the followin�' additional prospeetive tenants= Hardwarc� Store 10,0�0 s. f. Auto Parts Store 6,000 s. f. Suite 126, 5275 Edin�� Fndustrial Batilevar-d • Fdina. Mii�nesc�t� SS435 • bl2/�i35-�$44 _ � • � � Drug Store 6,000 s. f . Carpet Store 3,000 s. f. Dxy Cleaner 1 , 200 s. f. Chiropractor 1 , 200 s. f . Dental Clinic 1, Z0� s. f. The proposed rents at Rosemaunt are $12.00 per square foot for small tenant space and somewhat less for larger tenants. The leases are triple net leases with the costs of operating the center being paid by the tenants. - The center will be owned by the Rosemaunt Shopping Center Group. This partnership has contracted tha services of Dreher and Assaciates, Inc. for the development and leasing of the eenter. Dreher and Associates will manage all aspeets of the development praeess for the partnership ineluding gc�vsrnmental approvais, financing, leasing, a�chitactural, supervisian and coordination, and management of the property. The partnership will also sign a contract with Haven Enterprises, Inc. (Steve Ramsey) to act as the General Gontractor on the projeat. Additional construetion management services will be provided by Northland Construction Management. The Architectural Coalition is pro,jeet architect. Tha general partnership itseif wi11 inelude Carlson Farms (Clifford Carlson, �tonald Carlsa�n and Richard Carlson} and Dreher Investments (Richard E. Dreher Jr. and Jay Blanehard) . The building itself will include floor to ceiling glass and aluminum store fronts, a metal colored canopy, integraliy colored decorative block, burnished block, and spectra-�'laze. Careful attention will be paid to landscaping and site lighting. A colored elevation wili be available fox the City Couneil meeting on November 15, 1988. We look forward to working with you in the future, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to call. in erely, - � . --� ` Ric ard E. I3reher Jr. Presidant Enclosures . � DR�SHER AND ASSC)CIA't'ES, INC. Suite 126, 5275 �dina industrial Blvd Tsdina, Minnesota 554�35 Dreher and Associates, Ine. is a small shopping develapment company located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is pr3.marily involved in retail and multi-use develogment in Minnssota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. BACKGRt}I1ND QF PRINCIPALS RICHAAD F. DRTHER JR. PRESIDENT Education: B.A. , University of Minnesota, Political Science. M. A. , Univsrsity of Minnesota Schoai of Publie Affairs. Government Experience: Local Gavernment - Assistant to the Mayor of Dul.uth - 4 years. Principal Management Analyst, Hennegin County - 2 1/2 years. Federal Govexnment - Special Assistant to Secretary of Healtl�, Education and Welf are, Washingtan, D.C. - 1 year. Retail Experience: Director of Marketing, Pianning, Research and Real Estate, Dayton' s D�partment Stores - ? years. Stares developed: St. Cloud, MN - 100,OQ0 s. f. Siaux Falls, SD - 100,000 s. f. Grand Forks, ND - 100,000 s. f LaCrosse, WI - 100,000 s. f. Surnsville, MN - 200,000 s.f. St. Paul, MN - 383,004 s. f . remodel . Development Experience: Dev�iopment consultant f or: Green Bay, WI (expansian of Port Plaza) Normal, IL (College Park Ma].l) Minneapolis, MN (Calhoun Square) Pro,jects Complet�d for Fees: Barclay Square - Rochester, MN Westwind Pl.aza - Minnetonka, MN . � � . � Westgate Mall - Brainerd, MN Northbridga - Albert Lea, MN Pavilion Place - Roseville, MN. Current Projects (Under Development) : Baywood Shops - Shorew4od, MN Countarysi�de Center - Burnsviile, MN Gateway Center - Champlin, MN EdgextQn Plaza - Vadnais Heights, MN . Bunker Gake Shops - Andover, MI� Eastview Genter - Oakdale, MN Rosemount Center - Rosemount, MN Frojeets Completed or Under Construction and Owned River's Bend Plaza - Ramsey, MN Algonquin Town Center - Algonquin, IL Northlake Shc�ppes - Coon Rapids, MN Southerass Plaza - Burnsville, MN East Valley Plaza - Appls Valley, MN JAY J. $LAN�CHARD Assuciate Education: B.A. , St. Cloud State University, Political Science and Saciolo�y. M.A, , Anticipated 1990, Hubert H, Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota. Position: Director of Development Kevin D. �'ossum Asa+oeiate Education: B.A. , University of Minnesota, Morris, Business . Economies. Position: Director of Leasing and Management . . i • Ia0I.27.H[.ANID a R[A^.TION MANAt,'P�INFfiTP, II+IC De�nis K. '1'�risler, P.E. 5275 Edi.na Industrial Baulevard. Edin;a, Mn 55435 President (612) 831-1707 1987-1988 RAPYD OIL CHAIVGE Minneapolis, Mn Director of Construetion. Assembled an entire staff of construction project managers and support personnel to direct a national build-ou� program of 100 plus new units annually at a cost exceeding $25 Million. Created policies and procedures to develap corporate real estate. Man- aged the development of the prototype building and subsequent construc- tion documents. 1Vegotiated national accounts for building ma�erials, equipment and signage,. 1979-1987 BURGER KING C�RPORATION Minnetonka, Mn Reqional Mana er of Canstruction. Managed a sta�f of site develop- men� engineers, drafters and support personnel to da,rect an annual . deveZopment plan of 40-6a new units and re-models. Assisted fran- chisees with thei.r real estate develoFxnent program. Met periodicaily with corporate staff ta review and recom�nend moc�i:Eications to the prototype building, materials and equipment. � Sfte Develo�nt Enqineer. Managed the real estate dev�lopment pro- cess for assigned projec�s from site feasibility through canstruction completian, Worked cooperativeZy with reai estate representativ�s in , the selec�ion of new market areas. 1978-1979 BRAUER AND ASSOCI,ATES, INC Eden Frairie, Mn . Vice Pres_ ident o�' En ineerin,g. 5upervised the completion c�£ all ].and dev�lopment projeets. Promcated new wca�rk wit�h clients and as�isted in . � the dev�elopment o� market strategies fQr company growth. 1976-1978 DAYTO�i HUDS�t PROPERTIES Minneapolis, Mn Projeet Manaqer. Managed the planning, design, estimating, scheduling and constMaction phases of Target store deve].opment. N�gotiated con- tracts with consultants, vendors and contractors. 1974-1976 I.D.S. MORTGAGE CORPORATION Minneapolis, Mn , Construction Enqineer. Appraised construction documents submitted with loan applications far develo�nt of residential, carranerciai and industrial real estate. Inspected projects, disbursed funds and directed the maintanencejrehabilitation of distressed properties. LICEIVSES: Registered Frofessional EY�gineer HONORS: '�Top Performer�� . Burger King Corpora�ian "Top Development Team" B�irgez King Corpc�ration Guest Speaker Burger King National Construction Seminar EDUCATIOtV: B.S. Civil Engineering, South D�kota State University ! . � . � courm ffvv,r..: . � . . . � .. � OIfa1 F4Y . .... . . ..�. . . . , .. � .. � � � . � ������ .e�..^��+�� . . . �� � � � � PROJECT DATA " n� 1 WTE OATA COALI'I'I�O�NCL . . . sou�na ittrt 7H,1w !o.rt � p!MonM FwnA Susa. � wu+,t � � . � � . :, D : �. g .. . � �cecsi . . ru �Cep . � . wu — �"� � � . . Sulb SOT � � � � _. LEA9E DAT/L '>limripnfk.�IN 7�W1 � � rvaw► s►.st a� �,nf eaR. 161S17+i-9LH � -•.. . Q' w . yacf U. U.oa S0.Mt. . ._. ..,,,, . , . ; , ; sr.cc o� �ars ta rr. .. � . .� ' � ��.� +�'+ � � 3RACF 01 1,M0 fO.R. �7ar..�w..�.+r.w��...y..+ .. . � . ��• . � ... _•� . S��Ct i/. I.KO {4.FT.. ��•�ww.wr� � . . _ � . . � . � 4+Cry� � ndN .i4ft. .«�...w�w�w � � � . . . �/ � 11.1�T�%a�� •wrwa � . — � T � PAAKIt/G �.. �... ._. � » � .,.—.� ,.,_ � _ � .. »�. , � .. . artwiwm p i naa�� . � �rxan� � . . . - -- rw+noEn pan�� ur tr�ets � n.nwa��aecm � � . tsa.noext.�rt ' �C� O '�.J GREENSPxCH . . . . . . . . — � � _ . iCUAef Ffifl. N.10� �31R.- . � . . 10 ia�� aa s � � 4a �w ;/1� / -- — �- — � . •e ,»C'���, . _ — — — � rw....es.a. . � . . � ��t.� + � � � � roe.w�u•ve . � � . � . . � . . • j�� � y.. ` _ � s� ♦ yy `' �f����"'=41d � .���.�'7 ,_ .� .� "�� .. � . • 4 ♦ . . � � . . . . .. . j fr • .,'. 1 .N.� . . . . .. . . . . . ' . . �+- • ` 1 �� ~ • T ' .. . � � . . � . . � . . "�� i`Y • � :� j S y^ y rnn � + � 3 i .....��. ' • ��• "*'�.LLLLLL�� HO��MQUN# ►sr , GENTfA AObEMOUNi,MN. � �� _ `� 3t7�PIAN � .� . . sr`�"��.� . . 'o� . . � �� . . . . . .�_ . . . � . . . � �. . a.w.., .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w�.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ewa � � � � . . . �. � . . . . � . . . . . . . � � . .w..� t•tS•U � . . . � � . . . . . . � . wi.. . . . � s • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1988 - � A RESOLUTION APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NUMBER ONE, AMENDING THE INDENTURE OF TRUST, DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1 , 1985 , BETWEEN THE CITX OF ROSEMOUNT AND NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, The City of Rosemount , Minnesota (the "Issuer" ) has issued its $4,800,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds .(Rosemount Shopping Center Project) , Series 1985 , dated December 1 , 1985 (the "Bonds" ) ; and WHEREAS, The Bonds were issued pursuant to an Indenture of Trust , dated as o£ Deeember l , 1985 (the "Indenture") between the Tssuer and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, as Trustee ( the "Trustee") ; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount Shopping Center Partnership, a Minnesota Limited Partnership (the "Company" ) , has requested that the Trustee and the Issuer amend the Indenture by �he execution of a Supplement Number One to the Indenture of Trust dated as of December l , 1988 between the Issuer and the Trustee ( "Supplement Number One" ) ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CounciX of the City of Rosemount as follows : Section l . The City Council of the Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk-Treasurer to execute , on behalf of and under the corporate seal of the Issuer, Supplement Number One . Supplernent Number One shall be substantially in the form on file with the Issuer on the date hereof, and is hereby approved. Section 2 . If for any reason the Mayor or the City Clerk- Treasurer are unable to execute and deliver Supplement Number One, any other member or members of the City Council may execute and deliver such document with the same force and effect as if such document was executed by the Mayor and City C1erk-Treasurer . Section 3 . No costs or expenses shall be borne by the City in connection with the matters set forth in this resalution, the preparation of any documents relating thereto, or any 1ega1 or financial consultants retained in eonnection therewith. The Bonds and interest thereon shall never constitute the debt or indebtedness of the Issuer within �he meaning of any provisions or limitations af the Constitution or statutes of the State of Minnesota and shall not give . • • to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer or charge against its general credit or taxing powers, but shall be secured and payable by a pledge of revenues derived from the Company. Nor shall the Bonds ever be cleemed to be an obligatian or agreement of any elected official , officer, agent " or employee of the Issuer in such person ' s individual capacity, and none of such persons shall be subject to any persanal liability in connection with the Bonds . Section 4 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . _ ADQPTED this 15th day of November, 1988. ' Rollan Hoke , Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator Clerk . � • SUPPLEMENT NUMBER ONE TO .THE YNDENTORE OF TRUST BETWEEN THE CITY OF RdBEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, AND � NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TROSTEE Dated as of December 1, 1988 , � � i SUPPLEMENT NUMBER ONE This Supplement Number One, dated as of December 1, 1988, between The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, a body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the Issuer") and Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, a national banking association, as trustee (the "Trustee") , - - (hereinafter referred to as "Supplement Number One") amends the Indenture of Trus�, dated as of December 1, 1985, between the Issuer and the Trustee, (the Indenture of Trust, as amended by Supplement Number One, is hereinafter referred to as the "Indenturey) . RECITALS ' WHEREAS, the Issuer issued $4, 800,0�0 principal face amount of its Commercial Development Revenue Bonds (Rosemount Shopping Center Project} , Series 1985 (the "Series 1985 Bonds�') , to finance a shopping center project to be located in The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, (the "Project") ; and WHEREAS, the portion of the Pro�ect constructed with the proceeds of the Series 1985 Bonds is to be owned by Rosemaunt Shopping Center Partnership, a Minnesota Limited Partnership, WHEREAS, the proceeds of the Series 1985 Bonds have been held in escrow and invested since the issuance of the Series 1985 Bonds pending application of the proceeds to the financing of the Project; and • WHEREAS, in order to ensure that the Series 1985 Bonds remain outstanding and available to finance the Project, certain amendments must be made to the Indenture; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree that the Indenture shall be amended as follows: � ' Secti�n 1. Definitions. The definition of nMandatory Tender Date, " set forth in Section 101 of the Indenture, is hereby amended ta read as follows: nMandatory Tender Date" shall mean, with respect to any series of Bonds, unless the Conversion Date occurs prior thereto, December 1, 1986, December 1, 1987 and December 1, 1988. A Mandatory Tender Date shall also mean, with respect to any series of Bonds, any date on which a Substitute Credit secures or is required ta secure such series of Bonds. Section 2 . Section 301(a) (2) of the Indenture. Section 301 (a) (2j of the Indenture is hereby amended to read as follows: _2_ e . . . . . � . . . � . . � � � � � (2) On June 1, 1989, if evidence of a Credit securing the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds on and after June 1, 1989, is not delivered to the Trustee on or before May 1, 1989; provided, however, that the Bonds shali not be redeemed on June l, 1989, pursuant to this Section 301 (a) (2) , if the Trustee receives, on or before May 1, 1989, an opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel to the effect that a failure to redeem such series of Bonds on June 1, 1989, will not adversely affect the exemption from Federal income taxation of interest on such series of Bonds (or any other series of Bonds issued pursuant to this Indenture) . If such an opinion is delivered to the Trustee on or b�fore May 1, 1989, then such series of Bonds shall not be redeemed on June 1, 1989. Such series of Bonds shaIl be redeemed on December 1, 1989, however, unless on or before November 1, 1989, evidence of a Credit securing the payment of principal of and interest on such series of Bonds on and after December 1, 1989, is delivered to the Trustee. Section 3. Terms and Conditions of the Indenture. All terms and conditions of the Indenture, except to the extent modified by this Supplement Number One to the Indenture, shall continue in full force and effect. Section 4. Counterparts. This Supplement Number One t�o the Indenture may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer and the Trustee have caused this Supp�.ement Number One to the Indenture to be executed in their respective corporate names and thei� respective corporate seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the date first above written. -3- . � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA (SEAL) By Mayor By , C1erk-Treasurer STATE OF MINN�SOTA) )ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) : The for_e�;oinp, instrument -was �cknowledgeci before me this day of , 1988, by Rollan Iloke, Mayor, and Stephan Jilk , Clerk Administrator, of the City af ltosemount , a Minnesota municipal corporation, �n behalf of the corPoration ` ancl gursuant to the authority �ranted l�y its City Council . Notary Public