HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Postage Machine h1a„�,,,or Hoke _ , � _ • _ _...��.,�.......�.�.�,...._��....� . A _ .__. _�_. .. fV �� ��x sio \./1� O �R�s ia,��t sr w `� ROSEM�IJNT. MiNNESQTA 55OR8 oserutoun� 61�-4��-��„ T�� Mayor Iioke � �'}"Lrh � 6. � Councilmemk�ers 1Va��per �xl�or_ot��;h Walsh Wippermann PROM: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator DATE: November 10, 1988 RE: Postage Machine Purchase Approval In the 19$9 budget we have appropriated $S ,OOO.00 for the replacement of the Frieden postage machine we have in City HaII . This machine (Frieden) is several years old and the amount of mail we process through it , on a regular basis , has increased substantially. The number of special mailings, for assessment hearings, etc. have also increased �ubstantially in the last couple of years . Because of the incr�ased load on the machine , because of its age and the amount of service, not aIl of which can be covered l�y a maintenance contract, we reeommend its replacement . The replacement we recommend, and ane for which we are requesting your approval to purchase, is the Pitney Bowes P�iodel 5630. A copy of the brochure on this machine is attached for your reference. We are also recommending the purchase of a second piece of associated equipment called a A300 Aliocator . The total eost of both af these machines is $4824.Q0 with the tracie of the machine we currently own. A little bit of cost information for your consideration and a brief explanation of the use af the allocator. With this type of machine it is necessary to purchase or lease the actual posta�e machine and then also lease the postage meter. 1�laintenance an both items is necessary. The current machine has costs as follows : Machine mai.ntenance - fi520.00 / year , Meter Rental - $474.(3Q / year Total - $994 .fl0 / year Tl�is does not reflect all of the costs associated with the ' operation of this machine since there are several parts on this m�chine which are not covQred ��nder C�1� mai.ntenance cc�ntr�ct and wh�_ch seem to be the ones which are always bein� re�.lar.eci. Qf course , the pnstage ehargPs arP ac�cli.ti�nal_ and wc�talcl he Ghe 5ame n� matte�r cahat m�cl�in� we l�ave . �CI1f'SE' cttr_rc�nt::ly r1�r� al�+c���t ��tnt�� nn -, �,,, . �- Mayor Hoke � � � � � � Novemher 10, 198$ • , i't��;c 'L The machine we propose to purchase has a trade i.n net cost of $4824 .00. The machine and the �111ocator will l�aue annual maint�nance costs of $49G .�0/�ear which includes all parts and labor. The meter rental an this machine will be $582.00/year, for a total cost of $107$.00. This wou].d be an increase of $84 ,00 annually but in the end wP feel r.he cc�sts woi�le3 he l.ess because all parts and labor wt�ulc� he cover.ecl. Th7.s pixrcl�ase option includes a full year free maintenance on both machines at�d. a years free rental on the postage meter for first year only savings of about $1000.00. The A1locator will give us the ability to use thP postage machine and the mailing grocess to allocate costs to each department . Now, unless we manually keep track of each pieee of mail that goes out and which department it should be charged ta, we cannot realistically charge any one department for postage costs . This machine wi11 allt�w us to do that and better refine the budgeting process. It will also allow us to better determine the casts of mailing for such programs that require larger expenditures for postage and would not be appropriate to simply charge off to general gove-rnment operations. A brochure an the Allocator is attached for your review. We did review alternative sat�rces for this machine and more specifically another Frieden mvdel . A Frieden modei with the same features , without the Allocator, would be $5Q55 .00 plus maintenance costs and meter rental . Pitney Bawes has offered us the option of orderin� the machine now and having it brought in now but making payment for it after January 1 at no addieional cost to us. This is what I would recommend. Your requested actian then would he to approve the purchase o.f a Pitney Bowes postage m�chine Model 5630 and an t11.1ocator Madel A300 at a total net cost of $4824.00 payable ,Tanuary, 1989 . SJfdw i .. . , I . ' �, i F„ . y � �•s� , t". . � . . . � �' , . ; ..�.M� ODEL ` � 5630 : ELECTRONIC N�� ILING SYSTEM : , a ��... :� a i � h � �� ��� �� �**,. ,',, . �� � ,; , °�: ,;, . >�� �, }:. ; _.�_ . i - E <<� . .__.,:� � r �� << —q�, � � � � � �:y �� ;� � . _.. fi i � ``';"- _ �;� � � �, � �----�.....__. ,i • � ,Y. � ' �� A,�, i i t !� •� l i i ; i • �.�+ .,-�' F j � ; � f ' ' . . �' ^ . r _' a i .i k , � - ...,_,,, .. . . � � � . � . : . ...,o.rt�`�"r,�+'"�''����^ �a^Rt'-•^"�"_'" � '� + � . �...,,��"' ...� � �-..,,..,,� � .. .� . . . . � '3��. . � �`�� , . � � -t � � � ` i� . .. . ��.� . . . . ± : . � ' �''.� i � .t � � � # �I' � + 1 � � � , � ......:.. _..-..P. � . � � y� � ""^'"' • - . _ _ . _ .- . .__. . _ . ' µ� '`F esrr..,+..+ C .; r , �j=y� .S' �7 �' �. '' •j �. - { . . . ` :.'� � N � G � � _'�.� . ; ' , �.'. . . S @ 1.i� . "'�� ,e . � { � t. �3 E � "g� Y / S A � � . � � ! � e � E"" � � w 14&� 1 �'' OU'^{ i rf- .1l1 �(t F /N � A s � � � �. , i �va p � j : � . .. :�n, y �� ,f , . . , I', ' - . ,� �� � . . "�'1� i. . .. . � ' . a . . , . 1 __: . ' : �-__ _. _. . s ; ���=..-'. j �� � . . � � �� : Gey . . � � . .. . � � . -.;���SPECIMEN; � . � � � Cu+rf . r, i� O O� � � . . : . . . . f .� . .�rr�i• ~. . . . � . . : . . . �' � SIAt e0000nn � . . • .. � . � � � . . . t � �. . .� 2 � � � . . { �� ��- Pitne �owes , �' � I � � � . The Pitney Bowes systems approach tv mid•votume maii processing productivity. Yotx rrmil processir� syst�t is a criticol communic�tior►s link If ultects rrarketing,cosh ItaNr, empioyee moraie,flrry nurr�r ot phrotal iunctior►s within yo�x qrganization.A syst�n tt�at importont shoutd meei stringent pe�fonr�ance star�da►ds!ar speed, pcecl5ion pnd cost efficiency. It should be flexibie, capoble oi t�ndling ihe vott�ne trnd v�iety of mailing tasks Ynur twsiness r�quires. ft should moximize efforf aai creote a ste�xiy work flow ihat disperk�es autgoing►rwil o�ui disMbutes incoming maU q��Y S�nPty'and accurotefy. it must ba car�p�tely rel�bte. And it shoukf be abie to praiuce management repats that enabie y�w to tr�k and control cost�. You wouldn't expect Iess trom your phane system a your computer. You shouldnY accept less irom your moil ptocessMg system. Ettecnvely processi�mait—�ca„�ng,outgoing or inr��—requires a corefulN Pio►med sy5fe�n to etkninctte bottienecks and k�up wiih the constar►t deadiir�es, steady growth and the profit d�jectivgs oi yau canparry. By au#omating os many funcik�s as possible within budget guidelines.ihe Pitney Bowes sysTe�ns a{�roach er�ables cr company to process tnaN in ti�fevwesf steas possibie,wi#h tt�e�osi amount oi �nploy�ee irn►olNs�rieM,at a low operatis�c�st. The key areas Pitney Bow�ss considars In developing systems and eqt�pment tttat wiii Iacilitate mqfl Ilow t�� ■aeating a productive work ern+l►onmenf to make the besl use ol , spot:e arui aibw for g�owNt. � •Processing incomlr�mail—sortir�, opening. reoding, timely pnd ax�ote dfs#r�t�ian. 1 ■processing out9oin9 mail—feeciir�g, sealing,meteting, and st�king �e1�es, Po�txrndlittg and to�ling txxl ktsertir�}eompu� generaled eotrespondent�. ■accountir�g, inctudMg chargebocks of criticai maiifng cc�sts and produdng�(omratbn to tracic and cont��costs and aperations. ■w+eightng, rote determination aui rote shc�ppi�to�cost etiectnre mor�ogem�,r a1 rr�n cm�i aher types a�iprr�enrs-ttFs,E�ress Carier, etc. Eka'systerns W�ooeh w�aks so arelt because we pay oaretul attent�n b haa ott�er key el�nents. me Human Focfor. Peopie ore#ie most kr�portant c�r�iributas!o tt�succ,ess o��ur system. ThoYs why o P�r�e�r 8oww�ess system inciudes traiMng 1�th�most , Ctiff9fl�ti1Q��[OOtTi�}iC@S UCK�j�fOt�NBS fQ BIiQb16�tQllf Slqf�10 8p8f418 . }IplR'RlOII ptf)C95S{tIg S)+S18R103�@SS�Ot10�ly US pdSS�blB; SUppO(t. . 0�commitment to support ycw and help yau meet yaur�)s c�tinues torrg otter Ihe�hase.We prowkie tree maitrocxn managerneni cansultation, a�d autvmatk preventive maintenar�ce(ur►�ie�au EQuip�nt Mqit�tenotxe Progtums thot set the indusiry stondo►�. , � + � The 5630 , Electronic Maii Processor... ihe heart of the system. r � The 563fl Electronk Mail Processor is the basis of the system its unique design o�feotu�es makes it � � one of the best t�lues in a mail procassing system L`�� ovailabie to the mectium wlume mai�t toc�y. it enabies you to cteate o tpto)rnailfng system that Electronic conhol pc�ei centra�zes operoMr automates mar�y mon�l steps to reduce the arn�wnt tunctlana.Advonced etectroMcs ir�cr�se re1i- 01 time SpBr1t Ottd 1h9 COSf Ot COtttl'ItU11I(c�ti►1A Wlth �ility,(ocNf��fctster,tnqre�cuntte rrx�ii CustcNne�s,Clients of stafl. IYS BaSy t0 Use,atK1 handti�9{xocedtxes,increose prodttclivity and requires mini�t operofor irain�g. its stofie-ot-the-art �se�rator invoh+ement.IYs s�mple ta rnry eleCtrOnic teGhn0logY PrOvideS 1h9 flB�bilily n88d�t1 to m�nber ot NotN s�tf to crpemte the Model 563Q. pe+lam a wriely oi tasks. It con�xoc�ess htgh 7he 563o teonues: . s�ng�e srort/stop controi volumos o1►rrolt wl�an required ond�ocess ' a d�nasiic systan Iha4 monit�s up to 6 \ .�' - t��s etriclentry ond re�k�bly. sysre�„�t�NoP,s • �ct�color Ngats mm�po�rn � '`" � sysl�n condfli�s � reselt�le tED p�Ce �� srh. � POSTAGE-BY-PHONE� c�n,ter to roke achra,toge oi post�a d�sc�ts .-�-�.,,.�,,, Y yn A. Meter Resetting System °�-���.���:f�-; J��-�.„,. Integroting the 5630 with a Pitney Brnnres 6500 .��. �r' i��r����'{t . f�t }�� Elecironic Postage Meter with pur exciusive POSTAGE- ���'`"' t ' `" ' ..�a � ..:y,� {�.: `,--_ ,s,,, -�-.; , �:,; BY-PHONE•Met�R�setting System el�ninates time �-,. co�suming trips to fhe Pos#Dfiice. It enobles you to �'`� ,��'�' �t'ill yo�u postcrge met�witt�a toll-tree ptro�r,al1 in wit just 90 secor�ls. You can do it omr tirr�e Mon�y ,, � ���""""•z through Friday irom 8 AM.fo8 P.M. Eastem Time • ,� �,�a�"s'�'�i,�-..�'" � � "r`��,�.� ond on Sattmiay trom SAM. to 3 P.M. Eastem T�nne. <,�.,,, `.�'� � , ; � �: ,, ,, 8 ���..> ! �`, , :;wa � �'� �;, ,,v . � I � � ,���* • ���� ='':� IArpe snvelope copacit�t.Atiows eosy Ieeding aid Pra�ssing o1 aN h�pes oi rr�l. , • . .;,�� _ � � . . . r�'�aM��'i ��w"� f� �'�`�. . . 9,•� '�v� 7^�,�� � l ,4 � . � �l�4�Nii/1 !.��I � ' � � ..,.,...:._ l . ���� �•.�._. Infrnre�l ssnsol.A fuil gsneration beyand�e �"- �'.,� .: � ,.ustml..photo�(echic eye of most systerrts,fhe ,� :'., {[� . senscu auforrbficaity f�xns otf�e system ot tt� �►� end a fhe run or ll o staa o�s. "''""-�.. +� '�► ,."„�,�.._ � r�"a'ii.rA : s►�c�.ktsy srcdl cierntng ro�cantlrn� prod��l�+ity• �� :IIJ��.�.�...�"�..�-.»� • • . � ; a full orray ar � ; ; pr��tiv� capabilifiies ; � ` ond teatures. � � ����i����r�����a. � � � ►n�ane sa�vosr�e�,�c��x�a,s � � � '" r op�allon,at sPeeds up l0 170 pieess pet mirw�to � � f: ; meet Ifghl deodNt�es. ; � � �� � ', . "'f •� � x � Et9chtmic�+k{nq-Wkrdng c�r+"eMe►�e�,eosie►. ' ' , A tr�u/�a dte�qjnostk tyttem.li kAops�ihs M c i t4sler,cc�sis�nt qun�ry qt�r�ssions ' . . ��ir.r t S�� . � � . . � I � ��� . iR7a717�W11�Mng V�'l�NAry'µ�„���fYl�"f ' �. : � ��7N„p�Q��y�V��1174A1qa�N���` �cgJ��V� . NI1 ���� manitaMg key�syst�sn t�mponents—mot�' ; � rtxrre eR�clancy,r�ro prote�si�l lookinp c.arespar� o�e►ona,.me�ao�ro�s a�s���Senu,�,�n� ae,,,ce �Rp�9 mechanisvr�,iMrored s�sor,so#iwore le+rel:and r�e.lt keeps reibDNity fi�h by . ; Eosy nrointenance-e�ren ti�fope I�h IS apeiotor- imrnediafety klet►fltph�g P►ublorn3,oltuwing io► ' removtlble la eosy deoni�tg ' ,,.,�. tkriely carecnor►s nnd,�e sysrem guides me ? '; ;t'F ;:;•-' sen+ice�ehn�Cian wNh ptnpoinl occtuacy fo ' � LQtge eapociiy 1�e rali-r�ds repl�ir�}�ss of�n, " ���� �!� rrw�dmize uptkne. nllows pra�g�a wide wriery a�moofl sl:es �/ ` ' � ? {j ... �(' !i � .. . . �� �i by 1' . . . � . . . '�!l�,. ` �111��.'��1�USh418M'C(NnfOt1(�1��8'S 1 ""'�.:.�° '�;�r yj[ � y t v ��y �W . �� �� t N+ h � � �"!'� �V X��� �0�1TK1ft�iNXTi 1�r�t . P ` �.�, '� �„145� �� �'� . . � . � � . . , � Wlde letteroeck(94,�S(•7-ayxomrnodaie`s or�d A' ,. � �� � � . .i.q' ' l, ''� ; �P{ 'f�F3' �:-:/ iTA" �$��i .�'���V!�.�fl�����Ih� . ' �% �,�4 hor�Nng l,- ;` ; ! ;.�;:r^ �, ; ; �� . � ,�',� �'���'�'°' t . Feeder and eomre�u aOJusiment-{or�sY i .�, r�fl���,�' �ki �,�;,� ; a processl�oi rr�ail up l0 3b"Ihick , y�� ` +' �" 4 ?,y'� ak�r i j . . A' �^? .'��:' .t r�a�i �,�. (� i�' � '�,`. r ���'+�"�a4c ;�i � Plece�nt�-fo tr�k pioces run axi fake t �v�a+}'�r.x, T• s: ''�++�.,�' � , ��,,*�,r, � : ''�,����. �;,'t- cxiwntage Ot postcige wltxne disax�nts � • �9 � �+E4 � �� ��.<r'r.= : : � 4 .: `� d Model BS00 Elechonic Postoqe Meter with � Seal on{y mode• for intemol cortesprnx#�nce axi � ;!'4.�.}. ?� `a '" a ,; ' POSIAOE-�Y-PNONE�'Mefer Reseflinq 5yafem. paytdt dissh�utiort i �, . , i ��' All ihe corn+er�lence of P[?STAGE-BY-P{iC)NE� ��r t ` "� :`', Meter Reseil ■ ' WeUDry Mpe selecNon•itm more ffex�le and '' f in9 pit�s: pu�button confrois r , • u ,,�., �scr, 'k�,�„. aittarx�tic occounting(unctions Inct►�finp a } efi�ient paclwge tandHng , , .�� ��F ,;J, resstiobte balch regisier to�leuble pieces ^�. ' c`�x ond/a'Poslage bY n!n la simpie ctx�rgeback • � , Reduc�d operotir�noFse- l�Ips create a r�e t�pacBY fo k►q�rinl ony denominotion t�r aN lypos ' pradueflw m�omn�nArt�xneM i ot motl ■ o�robr Postoge ond c�te pranpFs to t ; ' l r�dt�ce guAssvwrk, + � ' 1 � `� , , f' ; � •,a � � . � ? ; �t ��7' , -+.�.�� ;�� 9 � . . . � � . . � � j . �� � � . . �� . � � . . .� ���� �r .. �� . . ...� F f -��, � . � # , . � .. a �. ' } ' ..� .�...., . �_.. ` . . r . : . . ! ,��,r: A � $ , � �..pn � `� e, ,� Rem�robi8 tOp91t1oisi9lNr.Al10uVs , ` IN 80S�t S@11- I►10k1f9P1011C8. � ` . � tacOs capociry rops roN.Ftondies la►ge wiumes � od ove�sized mail. � � . . ., � � i � . � � ��� � . . � r ' . � ; Five steps to � � efticient maii ha�ndling � The integrafed System ` Shawn is an inteproted rnail processing sysiem designed tor a mid-vol�xne rr�il processoc It is o modular systern built , ar�nd the 5630 Eteciranic Moiling Mochi�e and pertormoncs orienl�d components-EMS-10 Electronic Moifing Scale,6500 r t�,-, Elecfre�►ic Postoge Meter witfi our exclusnre Ppstage-By-PMone� ��'-s '� Meter Reseflir�System o�x1 A3�Allocotw Moit Managemeni Syste[n. ii alsa incluc�s er�n�nicalty d�igt�d Inl�roted Su�orl PiaBom�s to�the A304 Allocator c►nc#1he Eleclronic Weighing Scale ta increase efticiency.Atui the scale plattorrn otsa otiers � added stor�e copoci}y, Electranie Scales We txsve a wide ranga of scales availab4e to suit your pa►iicula�t�eeds ior rote selectfon, spe�d and copocity. t1n etectron+c scale provides prc�cise rote and weight delermination tho!can generate 5ubstanfiul s�rir�s(os much as 20�, Flopp�g�r Sealing �cording io U.S, Postal Service esti�tes)by elimir�ating � o�rpay�rwe�ls. An elechanic scale also oifows you to rate shc� : to dQtermine ihe most ettective at�cost efficiont way to ship _ _ pocko�s ar Islters. - -� JL300 Maiifoom Monagement System � " The Model R30()c�teN you where every posiage dollar Postage Metertng goes. it�n prodt�e hord copy reports lhat aee,ount ior eoch � pieee sent ond postage and shtpping costs tor t1,SPS, UPS and Express Corriers, P►od�t line. �tes pe�son, type of mail, and i��...•-�..� cnore. ll�iso p�ovkies daily,weekly, rnonthly►e{3oris,as needed. UsQ Itre fNodei A300 to b�gel, monilor,ci�rgebock and ot�it �.,--""`�I ail pour rtwiling operatians. ' Stackir�g �; - 'r N � . . . . a� .. � . � . . . . . . . . . . . 'I .�. '4,,� . � . _ . . � . . .. t ��{ . . ,��'�tr ' .:. _ . ..�." µ.�+i . . � � . � � 4K �� � � � _.�-.. � . .. . . . � � � . , j. '{; �}' .�}. . � . . ... �. . . . � . . � ,r .:� .� ,�� l�Ccamiing.. .. � �� :� ��:� � � . . ,� F F��:� 'F , .. . . ��'���� f.� ,� . . .P :1 ")�•. .it , . . . . . � � � y��� �"�..1 �i ` . . � �/". . ,��-"��� ' �� '`"� *,'L'"..+.w "eis'�,� �i�'�'*,c g . . . '����.:'A� . . ��.'�� . . � ... . � . .. I ,I.: � � , . . . o���� �� � `�° � � -� f � ���,� ; .. ��a,�,. �� � � � ��� "��'���� ��� � - - _ .. . . : i,.. � . ..��. . � .. . . . '• • ` � � .w . � ��": . ��� . . ���M • � t �',vn � �" ��;h � �� . . � Yt �r�.. . . ����.� , �-I # � Y � �''� ' , � ��ti �`{ � '� ; r„<`' '�`k ti Ja � a 4s � 1 ��� r�����`�► � �:.� � Specificntions�,�►��W��,,S - ��5 vac�Nz/Dimensions—15'h"ti x 33"l x 21'h"W/Weigh�5 itfs.wilhoul meier ancl st�ker, 180 Itrs wiltt 51crc:ker \ �- � , �_ '. ����� j.,.�t', '--;-...ri:�r,�,,,,;,;. � � `,1� � ; � � __ � .,: �, � ,- Pitney Bowes offers a comp{ete customer care pragrnm. ■Total equipment compatibiliry t Tofl-t�ee supplles orde�ing —a simple phone caN assures prom�l ■Bu n efilcie delivery ot supplies yl g ncy—one proven source to�products, service and tinancing ■ACESSS"" Servtce System —our nalional compuler netwwk assu�es the lasiest locai service response ■Guaranfeed costs —du►ing lease term, bath equipment and service costs remain fixed ■Consultation — we he{p you evaluale your posfal processing and paper ■POSTA6E-BY-Pi#ONE�'Meter Resettin S tem — resel our meler �andiing needs and make specitic recommendations lo improve your 9 1� Y etticiency wifh a simple toil-free call ■Mailroom M+or�gemant Educntion— we pravide ongoing adviee on i Equipmenf Mainter�»ce Agreement— the indusiry standard...service postai developments and procedures arxl o�r specia4 education is lailored to tit your needs and keep your 5ystem operating e(ticienily semina�s help you achieve maximum handiing etficieney arM economy and eileclively in your mailroom ,.i�'"" � ���}:' The Pitney Bowes � � .J:.• SMART MAIL'" Gutde ; ��; Smdrt Tips—a quarterly newsleFter tor Smart Maif" subserit�ers tfial The Smarl Nlail" Gaitle is a comprehensive � ��� brings you praclical ideas, lips,and suggestrons frn improuir�g mailing, source ot inlormation designed lo help you � .y� ship�ing and express operalions.., ideas thai realty wo{k frnm ihe manage mailing, shipping and express ..,y ,. ' .;,� � - smartesl mail mana4}ers we kn�w. operations more e(ticiently and cos( ettecl- ,-��n; PLUS: � ively. II will shaw you t�w to oblain better '� ,� ; mail, parceP and overnighl delivery service Smart Track"' Eupress Evoluation—a tree cc�m�uter �nalysis ot Irom your suppfiers. � '' �G' current Express invoices lo pinpbint savings potetitiet, delays and i re(unds dtie. Management 6uide—combines Pitney Bowes knowledge oi mail, Smart Map"" Hot ltne- Smar1 Mail" Guide subscribers can cail toll- parcel, and express operations with principles flf modern managemenl. fres to get answers lo questions abnul overr►ighE express serv+ces. � A systemalic approach to help managers idenii(y strengths, j weaknesses,establi5h priorities, schedule and implement programs, � evaluale and Irack �rformance. � Reterence�uide—eontains valuak�le 'rr�formalion, deiinilinns, Ca�t today � descriptians:o(USPS poslage classes and services, SuggeSfionS Ior /ar a comptete evatuatton. improving service and reducing the cost of the USRS, UPS, express �Qn;act you.tocat � couriers and ather delivery services. Pftney Bow�s oNfce � ! or caN tott-1ree: ; Express Manager'"—a urnque,comprehensive re(erence srwrce Ihat t-8U0-MR BOWES provides you with ex�ess carrier schedules,rates and capabililies. it 1-eoo-672-ss37, ` enahles yau t�take tul!cantral ot avernight carrier pertormance and � cosls. , i � =���� �Ittl4'�/BC?Wf'S -�l fr= 1 w��t��a�r��fi�5 � Slamford,Gcmr�ecticu!tN��?_fi-t37fN) ( � printr�i in I I S A e19R8 filney powes.Ina An Fquat Op{.�rlunlly Fm{�toyer Ah tp;pn i ; ACCOUNTN CLASS PiECES POSTAGE f ; ----- ------ --------- • � • � � � 1 0t 15TiP 25 5.509 � SUB ACCOUNT TOTAL... 25 5.588 � � � 2 01 1STiP t 9.228 . , , , SUB ACCOUNT TOTAL... 1 6.228 � � � 25 92 PSiZ4 5� 9.098 � , , � + , , 05 4BO�K @ 8.808 SUB ACCOUNT TQTAL... 50 9.998 88 33 kCAR4 9 9.998 SUB ACCOUNT T01AL... 9 8.898 555 81 ISTiP 9 0.999 0� EXPRS 1 12.50@ 5 94 3i4TN 9 9.008 SUB ACCOUNT TOTAL... l 12.598 579 3A XCAR1 R 0.009 31 XCAR2 1 10.750 SUB ACCOUNT T�]TAL... 1 t8.759 � 23231111 97 INTLp I 1.788 98 INTLS �J 0.808 SUB ACCOUNT ?OTAL... 1 I.788 Tl1TALS-------------------•------------- i9 �9.759 � � ��,� i ���- 4.. . I ���``�������'�.. ���{ ���;��,. �v g.k� t'�..r �,�y �:it �zt �. � jryfKS: FR.{��v�'y � �������� � ; �������x��r��;..� i r.. .�}��.�f Y�1, ���k ��4�,��� � `�i���w � �� G'�1? ��t�LK��$ y�;�q*, s �.�r, � d ,� . t J w .: � �'� t����� �. � n.. �}�.. �' �� � '�.�r 5.,. ;� � � �:11#� 7 � �_ r .�'� . t� �'"�.`� �`µ"',' d.�,�� ..�, '�C �+�yy ,� .,�� �.� � �':i�in�� �hf 1` , �A�' y� �.�� �/ ° 4��. + ` �y r, ���:,�,�;�, � ICs '� �; 2 ;�, , a ,}.;,. � ;' �"�'� �i; �'; . �,; F 5 L .. t�,� ���w,? , .. �, . . + . . . .:. o _' ' , � � � t x ,f.;_S �+. �'� .'.�'�� ..' �;°t>;�i`K ,t' 'r �'�.:'� 4 I 1 t } I( �, �, ss .4 � {��' 1^-� t f f. „;�� 8'�Q L� ;, 5 � ,_„ X� ✓'4 'f�'. � �7 .,,. OI;j)l.SI S� (9;7 i � . � ri � ' tr:Ft b t�, '�** r , '; �tY,Y .. . .. ., . ��� ,� ,�� ,�� �it� � • $ g �� ,:. ��' '� � ; i � �_�� 'c . ',O I � f �iy � . ^ ,.� ��.�� ..�.- � � ' .�,� ,". � ',.... � ... . ., „ . . ., `�' � r �. 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H,y�'ta�N w�a.9`���fi..'�a�`i`$.C,��u,�r ,1. . , . � . � . . � � . � P� � 7 L4��,( , t `� . , p ._� :i� �,� � 'c�,3��3���1.�` l�."�t�{'€�3�`�'r ,��� � � . � :i.- . �. n i,' �.,�,�.r � ' ' ' ' � ' . ., , . � �� � L ',•^_.� ���� '�', . ,; �9 , . � �,�J' . 7 .:� . . . 3� '' . . , . - . .-. . �. . .. ._,. �'� �^v� ' 1. � � . � � . . . .. .. i . . �� .. . . . . . . � . .. �� .. �'Y* � . ^� � � �...... . � ._., ,� � � � � � , � ,. � . f �'� . � �l ��'` f�'.4 . 1 . . . .. . �:- t �1�'.* . . � . P",� ��t� � Y� . � . � . �i . .� i.+ . . 1'^ f. ^ . Th�e Pitney Bowes A3�� � � Allocator The A300 is designed to coltecf, .4 � summarize and print out ihe critical ,�g�� �� ""'""' �"'"` YES 1 2 3 Cbar: �Gpr� nepo�t Mlrence data...thc c�sts and characteristics �"� intrinsie to ou#going mai!processing. It can provide your organization with: : ` •chargeback'rnformation to depart- w.+, �,, �, �� � � 6 - r... ments or clients for postage and overnight carriers _. :. •ihe information necessary for internal � L„a�l a�„� �,, .� managemeni contrvi and etficiency. ' �°' `� *a� � 7 8 ' 9 �� . �, Measuring only 9'/z"`x 14"x 6'/a",the A30U serves as a command station,inierfacing with your electronic seale,meter andfor End �� a � —•.� y mailing machine.later,the A300 can become The Drlving Foree T'e"' c ; ,� y a remote workstation feeding operationat and postage daka Eo a central systems produet � When intertacing with a companion scale,and Security for more sophisticated mailroom manage- mete�and mailing machine,aA outgoing mail ment iniorn�ation reporting. processing functions are automatetl:weigliing, fvery�erso�i an�i every cieparlment in yo�tr rating,•accounting,meter se#ting and seaHng. com���ny utiliZes your mail�oom tor every one Ease of Uperation The result is a compietely accurate,protlue- of yoirr stip�liers a��tl clients. tive outgoing mai#system. Not only wifl utilizalion of the A3(H}[iacu- The A300 is the resutt of many years of re- ment every postat trans�ction nric�in�Cing�t search and experience. tis power�ntl Track by Deparlment or Client your mail center,it also documenis eacti and ativanced electronics have been engineeretl for every accvu��t ehange pratecting ihe integrity ex#reme ease of operation. The A300 has the ability to collect and store �f y���r c13t�: fihe 32 key keypad is laid oui logically and intormation on up to 150Q accounts or class Su{�ervisory(�mciions recJuire password erg�nomically,with individuai,color coded combinaiions.An account can be a efient,a access for total secucity. labels in simple language.All prompt�and department or an individual-anyone who uses instructions are in Enc�iish,shortening the your mail center. P�ice Performance learning eurve a�d providing for eonstant Jusl assign each ane its own(up io)8 char- efficiency. acter cade and ihe A300 wiil traek all aclivity The A300,the entire The Mailr�om M�na�e- Wi�a1 you see is Ihe A300's brigl�t,non- for ih�t account over�tQ cla5ses of rnail(or Il�c rneitt S�air,s,Itas t�eer�littilf ort tt�e�aiiiit;ii►Ir.s glare 16 character alpha/numeric clisplay. time period of your choice. o(linie m�nagflmPrat�n�t eosl cRr�iral.An�i t� What yvu don't see is ihe I�eart oi tt�e A300 Cljargebacks and Mar�agement►ie��oris... il►at end,tl�e A300 is art over-ask�ievcr. —its 8K, 16K or 32K non-volatile memory At Eiectronic Speed. The efiminati�n of nianua(reeortl keening. tor 500, t000 or 1500 accounUclass The A30Q's sorting�ower is second to itae estabiishment ot chargebacks ancl regul�r combinations. none.The 40 column thermal printer wiH n�anagemcnt reports,ti�e increased levcl of generate tfte receipt,the ch�rgeb�ek,lhe intcrnal cantro#can rnake major r.�t�trihulic�ns report re�t�ired. to yntfr cortqiai�y's e,clR�ti��ued vial�ilily. You can calculate�nd�rint out the mailing The irtsi�ll�iion ot ari 11300111{ocat�r is Ihe operations—documenting transactions,sum- basis torta�fay's prodt�ctivily.Tom�rr�w,il is marizingactivity,providingreceipts—necessary the foundaiion for more adv�nce�l systems to properly seNice a Ctient tar,say,a month. applications and managemeni packages., The chargeback ther�more accurately reflects the cos(of doing business. Or,for man�gement controi,gerTerate a repori showing the usage,by dollar,elass or pieces of mail,for a certain ciepartment tor last yeat Wheiher it is a single rnceipt,si�3i{�I�rr,port qr ex��nded summary,report retrieval is instantly at your tingcrti�s. � _.. . !. � � � � Th`e Maiiroom � . � Manag�ment Series � Interfacing ForA � Compiete System Pitney Bowes has always been know for prod- Electronic Mailing Machines All USPS��nd Uf'S rates are,resirienl in a •j uct�nd stipport leadership in mait operations Pfi�M(Proc�ram Read Or�fy Mem�ry)onit. � ...�iedic��ted as a cor�oration to undcrsiand- Our Eleclronie Mailing Macl�ines are just lhe IiU Whr,r�ev�>r r,�les et���irt#r,or It�ad�f atlttitionaf ing lhe neEcis of business,and designing Ihe of tl�e iceberg.Each and every pitney�owes r�tes or servic��s,a n�w{'(�OM tarnl is inseried. � systems that meet those needs. automatic,elecironic mai{ing system wifl briny Tl�e PROM also rans the auton�atrc zi�-to-z�ne The Pitney Bowes Mailroom Management y ouur organizatian improvetl convenience and conversion(e��iure,eEiniir�ating 11ie time�ri�l � Series is il�e next generation in maitroom accuracy in mailroam operatior�s.Add to that error tactor associated witli manual look-ups management,helping your company to; the benefits of: on contusing charts: •improve mailroom sysiem and personnel •cantrolling,and lowering costs Scales are avaiiable to weigh lelicrs an�tor efficiency antl productivfty � •streamlining mail processing functions parcr,l5 up to 51t�s., 10 It�s., 151hs...up l0 70 •account(or antl manage ever increasing �improving�ersonnel mor�le and p�oductiviry. Ibs.Ci�oose Ihe one tliat fit your neerfs. Rostage expense r •cvNrol antl chargeback the e.ost of inail,over- Electronic Mailing Scales Modular Furniture Systems � night tlelivery and messenger services �; •efiectively manage your budgel. The incorporation o(a Pilney Qowes Elecironic Pitney Eiowes also o(ters modular iurniture ior � And,The Mailroom Management Series is Mailing Scale into your cegular mail o�erations the mailroom—designed to: � designed to grow as your business grows, can eliminate o�erstamping,which can •tailor work st�tions to work functions tor � ( because our commitment is to your continuetl aecount for 10-20%o#your annual postage improved�roductiviEy ' success. expendiiure,and can institute raie shopping, •utilize[he bes!available combinalion of hori- ; � for overap cost eiticiency. z�nial ancl vert'rcal space ; ; Piiney Bowes Systems Solution •provicle relocation flexibility for future grawth f , _ _ _ _ _ . , ; i require�nents. � � The Pitney Rowes A300 Allocator is only the � ; beginning.As with all Pitney Bowes compo- Inserting Systems � � nents,ii is compatible with the entire range of � � electronic scales,meters and mait processing Integratr,all��perl�andling o{corres�onclenee. + machines,integrating curren#manual functions cammercially prinled or computer-gr.nerated ` tor a total systems solution-management's � rpateriais witt�in-line bursting,tolciing, k tools for greater�roductivity and pra(itability. -- inseriing,reading,checksigning,metering and � - Turn io Pilney��wes for a complete maif- � sorting. j room systems solution,one that can grow Tcirn lo Pitney Bowes(or�con�plete sys- �� as your needs grow:..from small oftice tems soluti�a}. � meters to huge inserting systems,to sophis- ; ticated copiers,to modular turniture for � � the maitroom,and more. ` �`-�-�'_���"'' . . , � �,�,� r . �: � _ _ ___. . ' �""""i� � � f _ _ ; = __ , ,; __ " f , �..� �, . _ ; � � > �,:. y-r.>. :: •, � , . �rr � 1.. s� �;;�, , . . .. .� . . , , 4 .: �p r.< . . . _ �. .. � , .. ;� :.t r �_� •+k_ � . � i 5� __ _ .__ '� � � � . ".,...:� -,., �� ..,._... . . .. ^«.z � _ l .[iz� ' . .... _.. .._ . . '..� ��F"�R S� 4] . . _ ..... . ... _ . . . ... ._.. 4:�� 4 y �� �� 91t. � . +�__� . , . � 7 x v. , � o�. � �- 7 '��� i� � •Y . _ t • .� i . „f �,,.'�",vd;� ., __ ,,, _ e, _;;, . . . � '.� '�y ��. `�'°+.,`�, ' . i �' t� «� � a o � , � g'�4 rr �,�,�^. . ,�. ,.., �x � � . —:.._. . .. . �- �� ��' � .. �L .w . s a _ ; _ _ "'�}' ��: aS` -r e s '9:� � ....a� . . I . . . •V o � I� � :�:. : . �.'., � _ � , � �..�r.� ��..:.:,.....<.... ....,.._.. .. . . . ...., � � . � � j ..._. . ... . ;M'. . . : - . . . i i C , , i . . . . . � � � � . I . . . � . . � ' ! . T�e Need For Efifective� • -----------' ACGOUNT t01AlS -----_______ StATION ID:24 TIhI� 15:@8 OpTEx80-t6-86 IVIa��rOam Mal�agGI�P,I^Il � ACCOUNT� CLASS PfiEGES POSTA�E f 1 81 1ST�P , 25 5.589 ' SUB ACCOUNT TQTAL... 25 5.589 i _ 2 91 1ST�P 1 8.228 SUB ACGOl1NT TOTAI.... 1 @.228 ; 83 EXPRS 1 � l2,5�8 , 5U6 ACCOUNT T07AL... 1 12.5�8 � Today,corporations must tace a criticai issue. ' TOtRLS______�_____ ------------- ; The portian of your company's budget rep- '27 � !9.228 � resenting postage,messenger services and ----------------------------------.._____ ; overnight carriers has grown tremendously, � ; The Pilney 8owes A300Allocatorcan print r both in reai doilars and as a percentage.The reporfs... � cost,as well as the complexiry of these activi- for account totals to: ties continues to escalate. •produce Client or departmental chargebacks, � It is good business sense to consider the i covering4Qclasses v/mail,forthe time periad mailroom,which is relied on to handle the ' 01 yourchoice ; complexity,control the cost and determine the ' •insfanfty calculate tolals of dollars and pieees. � most eitective and expeditious mode ot delivery,a protit center.And as such,it has __... ._.... . . _.._... _ _ ...._, three basic responsibilities: 1 to achieve and maintain the highest level ot ------------- StpT ION TOTAI ------------ overall eiticiency,cost Contro)and personal 5TATIOM ID:ei TIME 99:A2 DA[E:84-93-$6 productivity 2 to give an accounting of how it spends money � ClaSS PIECES POSTA�E S � and for whom that money was spent,as well ' '"""" "'--- '-"`""--' as the cost of the services performed � ; �t �ST�P �6 T9.i�0 j @2 PSiZ4 9 2.999 3 to accurately foreeast future needs and 03 EXPRS 0 9,@�39 expenditures. 04 3f4TN 7 � 5.759 Effective mailroom management requires � TOTAtS_________..__.._____..__________�__ ' accurate,timely and complete information. i 53 i5.879 Aceurate iniormation is the first step in operat- � ---------------------------�____________ ing profitability.The rnanuat reporting systems ; forstation total ta: '. that are,in many instances,still utilized ofier � •breakdown total expenditvres by types or too great a margin for error,if they can at all ' classes of mail tv errhance e/fective dec�sivn- measure up io the demands of profit center ' making oCcarriers su�lt as: ' status.Currently,there may be a paper •USPS chase ot: ' .UPS ! account/departmenUclient chargeback logs, ' •Overnight carriers. ' mail ciass reports;meter reports;pieces and ; postage repc�r#s;scheduling and machine ! volume reports. � .___... __ .._ . __�... ....._... _ __ . � Manual reporting is inefficient in ihe ` � management oi time and money. �--- ---- TRANSACTION RECEIPT --------- Today's profit center must have the ability ;; STpTIUN ID:81 TIPIE 99:37 DATE:Bd-93-86 � � to monitor itself,to chargeback costs and to ' generate ihe intormation any corporaiion i AGC�UNTN CLA5S PIEGFS POSTA�E 3 ; requires to proactiuely manage costs ar�d � ..---_ ______ _________ protluctivitY• i _ �1 81 IST�P � ? t.?R0 ' TOTAL..�.......�. _ 9 ' 1.389 : � � -------------- --------------------- � ; for Iransaction rece�pts lo: ' � �doeument every transaction wilhin an aceount i •priM out the exact time,rrumber ot pieces and � classes ol mafl processed •record all costs ol postaye,overnighf r,�rriers � �: and messengers for instanf chargebacks ; ` •store theinlormatian fa'mana,qemenl reporiing. � � i i _ �— --- _ -----,--�-,... _ . f� .,1 , � g � 4. . . � � .. � .� .. . � l` V � 9�i t l� ���Pitne ��Bovues �� ��- � � �� � � � �� �� � � Y . ,'��.Value Added Business ti� ,�'( F3 ., �i Z 5 1 Y �ryl� . . .. • .. !J�at� 1 1 � � {1 ��f ! i, yilt r ., - � ' .. . - '. _ . . . � . x �,k.`� i � �� � �� `� ,5: F ,�i �I"s , . .. . . ' � . � . . � . �p�f}"�6f� r : � 1 �yF v r :z ek F ; � tl � e � . . . . �sl�i;a t' , s g �l �',y� ��4#'4�t�' �1 �ti . '1 . . . . . .yt4x' f '4. �1f x ¢ �'V� f11 � r'�8�avl '� � r�i; ,'� � 5 o i f°, �� .• ,� r ; - - � . Y t � itry�, fik �q.. h � 'e a 3e "� � _ . . � 5 >Y� . .. 5%. ! 3�� 4' �,`�M t �d; � t ts - - . . �. . ' , • ' � . . ����t''�. �N 5�,1 �♦ r�ty�Fit A�'i�d@S f` /��'R���r� ��!� N. � ' 4:L�17A �`�1.;� w 'li� � �` 43'1' �"r�� �; 4.' � lrtnpir �� ' ' . , ��.�,����.� ��p �� n f�''��� � � ' ��,����� E.iLi.�'t � !k1{� � f ♦ �� � •� • • � � • �• ' e • •�• ., . ��y • •• 1 J ri �� ! 4 �� �� �� � . � , . H i�d"Y�. � ' � :r� t a � ��a s .i � �; id. ,-. . .� � � . .. � , . . t C :� ra t �"�,��A haddion oi Qualit�t �,4� ' �� r� ;One Source Responsibllity The Express Manager �'� � . �� ri r e � s � i, � v ;,c ., ... . � . . .� . a,. �� For over 60 years,the hitney Bowes corpara ,`,We ha�a continUing responsibility and` Save 20%to 70°!0 of your current overniqht ,� , tion hasbeen synanymous with innovatron and � �commitment to your suecess.As such,help carrier charges by first referencing the Pitney �' quality.We pride ourseives on researching the �''is oniy a phone cail away.Catt us,tofl free at Bowes Express Manager.Designed for ease ot ,` <needs,hamessing the technology that satis � - 1800 Mr.Bowes for: use,aA you need ta do iS first weigh your � " ,,fiss thoss needS,then instiiling pr6ductiviry , ' ' Servise:Throughout khe United States and overnight package.Then,turn to the Express ; �.',,and economy into the rssulting products and ' `�Canada;service is provided by mare than 3700 Managec You'li find deta�ed iniormat�an on `'�z��;systems.Every product we sell has been-� t ~:customer enginears in.t57 branch and district what carriers senriee your dastination,at what '� 'manufactured by Pitn�y Bowes;to our stan � � `offices,2�nd 559`resident°customer engineers price,for delivery at what time.A�I informa- ��"y"�dards of exceilence,tQ our in depth knowl- °'`in rura)areasa Or,choose our fuli service ' tion is current(the�xpress Manager is updated G"t�ledge of the industry '�° �.��.� � �r�� Y � �`;Equipment Maintenance Agreement#or regular quarterty)and will becom�essentiat to the z' �" You can rely an Pitney Bowes far the value ;,, `service at budget costs for the life of the limely,profitable management of your business, k'�added support of. � �. ��- =a ';fi�� . .° ''_ ' " f ;fease�Either way,we respond pramptiy and `' ', t.-''Compa#ibiliiy:all our mailing eqUipment is v ,;professionaify. Pitney Bowes for aA your copying needs,too. Y�t �;�designed to work tog�ther,making systems ' �� �'- Supplies:The supplies you need are only �>��`additions or upgrades easy'and log�cal ��b`�"' ' �"a#olf free cali away. Deliveries can be as - Whatever your specific needs,your volume of �� ; 'Equipment Maintenance Agreemenis:with ' needed or on a scheduled basis(fiexible plans application,there is a superior Pitney Bowes * �;;an EMA,service and costs are tailored,to your � .;offer substantial discounts).�or aptimum per- copier that wiil bring your arganiza#ion � {�;�;need-�another reason Pitney Bowes is the, F � ;tvrmance,aU suppiies are Pitney Bowes:�. . productivity,efficiency,reliabili#y and economy. �, ,�.�industry leader.°�? � ��1�� =3-� �;3 � r'?�����'; � �� � And,each ot our copiers is supporked by a � �tl�J`�, Guaranteed Equfpment Costs.:equipment, ' �Leasing and Package Pricing ' , : "#ota{packagg"program that protects and R,t r� suppli�s and service costs are kept constant' ' ��," , ,�� � '�`� enhances your copier equipment.From ��� fo�the entire t�rm oi yourt iease� '�� �� " ` �; ` As our products have been designed to i'tt your ' tinancing options to customized iut!•serviee ��#���r� postage by phonei a simple toli free call 1; ,;:specific needs;so have our financial arrange- maintenance agreements and s�ppiies.Piiney �����`'resets your:postage meter,;saving time and "::ments.We can help you move ahead.Discuss ,Bowes puts you-and your copier neetls,first. 4Y l. ` � r� �expense�. � ' ,�', � � � �_ '*�� : ��all the alterna#ives�with your Pitney Bowes � ���� � ��' �� � � K4n;;.. . . .. . 'S� ;; ` PB Supply Line.order supplies for your , ;represeniative. For full inlormatian,contaci your loca! ;} °� Pitney Bowesequipment by caUing toll free� �` �''� � ' � Pitney Bowes oftlse or call toii•tree: , � 1800-243-7824: ,� ,,-; ����w.'��� . �, � F A Consuita#ion� '_ � � � K �. ';�� Computerized&ervice Dispatching.a` �.� 1-�0�-�R ���ES ; �{;'.`nationwide computer network brings you the � ''Whether lt's USPS pricing or proceduras, t-800-672-6937 � r � � ,;fastest possible service and parts shipments ;evaluating your current and future needs,or Within Alaska 1-907-562-2264 , ,c� '�� 'Educatlon and Consultation:from he4ping��t'� ''recommending products,systems,suppiies Hawaii 1-8Q8-521-7453 !' ; ,, you to maximize your mailroom'productivity and terms ourspeciatiy trained representatives ' `� `' � ' � • ' t � to helping you to understand and train per- ' are always availabie,at no cost.` Walter H.Wheeler,Jr.,Drive ' � �sonnel in pastal matters,Pitney Bowes is' ' � , Stamiord,Gonnectieut 46926-0700 � °�� :'secondtonone.Uurtramedrepresentatn+eswiil,- �� . �° giveyouone-on-oneattentionandcansuitafian, `; ' � : Moreover,Pitney B4wes conducts seminars ''..".' . Y `, ::ahd pubkshes reference on postai procedures, �:; ' ' :.-.,; uideli�►ss a�d rtcm . ;. ; , ; 9 p ' g..:. ; I' . P�inted in U.S.A. �r Pilney Bowss.irx.1986 An F.Qu�1(krprrrluMly Emn�� A010.4A3