HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Material Removal, Hawkins Pond Storm / Sewer Improvements, City Contract #1988-2, City Project #176 . . • • ��� ��. �� **�****�t�*********�t*********************MEPtO*****�*****�*******�******�*�r***�*** DATE; NO�EAIBER 10, 1988 T�� AfAYOR & COUNCILMEriBERS Cj0 CITY ADPtINISTRATOR JILK FROAt: CITY ENGINEER/FUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR }iE�TI �E: ITErtS FOR THE NOVEPiBER 15, 2988 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Excess Piaterial Removal, Contract i988-2, Hawkins Pond Storm Sewer Improvements As eonstruction of Hawkins Pond continues, it is becom�ng apparent that we may have some excess material to remove from the site, Some of the material that needs to be removed is heavy clay materia�. which is found in the vicinity of the standing water on the Hawkins property. This material is ideal for capping our demolition land€ill site located just north of 160th Street and west of Highway 3. As you knaw the Caunty ia requiring us to plaee a elay cap over the demoiition landfiil site. We need about 5,000 cubic yards of material ta construct the cap. We estimaxe that this should Lake care of rem4ving most of the clay material faund on the Hawkins Pond site. The clay material is nat suitable £or placing as fi11 on adjacent properties. The other area �ahere we need some fill is in Gonnemara Park, Park Direetor Bechtold is planning to fill the western portion of the park to extend the soccer field and also ta, provide an area ta construct a picnic shelter and playground area. We are estimating that we could use between 7pQ -1,000 yards at this site, The preliminary indication from the Contractor on cost far transportiag this material to the si.tes is $3.ZO a yard. Final cost will he included in a future change order. In the related item to placement of excavated maLerial, I am attaching a copy of an agreement that the Bap�tist Church would like to enter into with the City for placing material on their property. The church is in agreement to depositing material in accordance with the grading plan that the Chur�hs' consultant prepared. However, they would like to have an agreement with the City protecting both the Gitys' and Churchs' interest. I have no problem with either the grading plan or the agreement as atCached. The agreement Uasically spells �t►t tFie understanding that Staff presented to the Chureh in obtaininig the Churchs' permission to deposit fill on their property. Recommended action far Council to consider would be to approve of the agreement ' between the Baptist Ghurch and the City and authorize the a�prapriate signatures. , ! • B.B. CNAPMAN AICP 365 EAST KELLOGG 80ULEVARD,5T.PAUL,MN 55101 (612)2Z1•0401 November 7, 1988 Mr. Richard M, Hefti , PE . City of Rosemount 2875 - 14�th Street West Rosemount, MN 55p68 RE: Fzrst Baptist Church of Rosemount Hawkins Pond Fill Site Aeax Mr. Hefti , Attached for your execution is a Contract based , an our earlier draft , your letter of October 28 and our recent ' coversation. Sincerely, :.��__1 �. . Chapm AICP �� BBC: dmn �nc. cc: Len Reinhardt +� i CONTRAGT THIS AGRfifiMENT, made this day of _ , 1988 by and between The Ist Baptist�Church of Rosemaunt (hereinafter called "CHIIRCH" and The City of Rosemount hereinafter called ►'CITY. �f - -- - -- WHSRFsAS: The CITY has �entered a contract for Hawkins Pond Drainag� Improvements and Sanitary Sew�r Extension, City Projects No, 176 and No. 181 the plans of which call far excess excavation to be piaced an fzll sites on adjaeent property and The CHURCH groperty is one of the adjacent properties tv receive materials: WITNES5ETH: That the CITY is authorized to place excess excavation �aterials on CHURCH property as faliows : 1 . The CITY agrees to hire a contractnr to perform all the WORK described in the CONTRACT DdCUMENTS and comply with the terms therein at no direct charge to the CHURCH. 2. The ter� "COATTRACT DOGUMENT5" means and includes the CITY contraet plan� and speci€zcations and terms of this CONTRACT. 3. That the plans, specifications! performance bond and insurance cQver�ge that the CITY has with the CITY selected Contractor apply to all construction work performed on the CHURGH groperty. 4. The placement of materials on CHURCH praperty shall be performed in accordance with the Drawing prepared by Sanders and Assaeiates, Inc. t�umbered sheet I snd dated Octaber 25 , 19$$. 5. The City Engineer shall notify the CHURCH af the extent of any unstable subgrade material dis�avered within the embankment areass that the CITY believes is not an � eligible organic removal as required by the Contract . The CHURCH wi12 then make a judgment coneerning removal, filling over or Ieaving the area without fill'. 6. All fill depasited on CHURGH praperty sha1l be granular and free of organic �atter, fatty clays , muck or other material that may cause the subgrade to be unstable for building or hard surface canstruetion . 7. All embankment materials sha11 he eompsctPd i�sin�' thP flrdinary Compactiort Method as required in the CITY'S . � � � specifications for Hawkins Pand, Section 2I05. 3, Paragraph F. $• The CITY shall take whatever measures are necessary to prevent erosion in the embankment areas during grading activity and during the period before a dense grass cover is established. 9. The CITY shsll make certain that the exeavatior� Contractor perfarws turf maintenance during the normal one year warrsnty period to ensure that all embankment areas are cavered with a dense and uniform growth vf the specified grasses. 10. The City inspection of construction' aetivities will be performed in such a manner that all requirements of this contract shali be fulfilled. IN WITN�;SS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement . in duplicate each of which shall be deemed sn original on the date first above written. OWNER: 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH QF RQSEMOUNT ------------- - -- - ------,_ -,�-- , _c�'�'=��''_��� -�'-�" , gy -- ATTEST: - � T i t 1 e: 13oarc3 ;�F,,jrovcd pers�ii ----------------------- Name: ���lc �;�5 «"cc�x�c�`�`'^--- . Titie: ATTEST: ' ------------- --- CITY OF R05EMOUNT: Name: Title: ------- BY' ---- Title: