HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.6. Set Public Hearing for Sachs & Kassube Preliminary Plat • • K�,., �� � �� t�r,� �,rn ', .��� C�� � ^n•�;� � i'�.itl 1 l^r �;+.t;` � ` � y(JS��AO!_.�h!( 1.UPJtl1 :�i I n ^,(ri;r� : 05E'.�1'1�2�t���Y�-�� r,, � ��.�.� �,;�� � , -,��� � � TO: C[TY COUNC[L �7�G�/I�I !_t�. J FRON1: MICNAEL WOZNIAK, GITY PLANNER 1)ATF.; I)EGEMB�R 2, 148�i SUI3J: UF:CEMRER 6, 19ti8 - RF�GULAR A9Ef:TfNi: RF;1'it•:WS SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR SACNS&KASSUBE AUt)ITtON PRELIMIIYARY PLAT Fro�crty owners: Glenn Kassube, Ciary Kassube, and Rollie Sachs have submittecl a Preliminary Flat for approximately 7 acres pro�erty localed jast west of the' intersection of Gc�unty Highway 42 and State Trunk Nightivay 52. The purpose of platting the property is to atlow b�th Rnitie Sachs and Gary Kassul�c to entarge their existing lots to a��roxitnately 1.F3 acres in si7e. There is already a horne lc�cated on each of the }�roposed Iots So n� new bui'1din� tots ���ill bc crcated by this subdivision. 8ecause we are dealing with a situation hete where we are recon[iguring the bourrdaries of existing legai lots of record the }�roposed preiiminary pla[ dc�es not meet current zoning ordinance requixements. The proposed subdivision witl enlarge two very undersized lols while only modestiy reducing the size of Glenn Kassuhe's property and wil( not a}low any additic�na) homes to be built. Staff request that the City Cc�uncil set � Put�lic Hearin�; date to review this preliminary plat for Decemher 20th, at �3:�(� p.m. or as sc��n thereafter as possible.