HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approval of Application for Payment #3, Shannon Oaks Street Improvements► _ �f,�,t� - � ! • �� . **��r�**��***�t**�*�*******�r�ti**x**�r***F11�Ptt)**�**�*�**��r*�*:t****�***��***��r�r*�*+�*�� � �ATE: 13I�CL:PtBrR 2, 1988 'PO: MAYOR & COUNCiLAfEPtI�T:I2S - C/0 STEVE JILK, CITY AUtdINISTRATOR � � FROAi: RIC�i HEFTI, CITY ENGINEERjPUBLIC WORKS DIREGT� ,.� Itr: ITEl't FOR DEGEAi13ER 6, 1�8F3 CQUNCIL t1EETiNG CONSENT AGENDA Approval for tipplication of Payment ��3, Shannon Oaks Street Improvements As you can see from the payment application the work to date exceeds ttie contract amQunt by abou� $28,000. The reason for the cost overrun: is c3ue to sozl correction work that had to be done, which I ho�e to explain in this memo. During the construction of Shannon Parkway the Contractor encountered much more unsuitable soils than was anticipated. Our consultants dzd take soil �arings at various Iocations along Shannon Parkway and anticipated so►ne soil correcti�n work. But because the nature of the soil samples were only a representative of the natural conditions, it was not until after construc�.i.on began tttat we found out the poor soils consi.sted of a much greater area than the soil barzn�s indieated. Therefore, zt required extra core excavation to remove Ct1e unsuitable materials. The core excavation is �aying for unsuitahle materials belc�w the subgrade of the roadway. To bring the grade back to the subgrade granular backfili was placed in the core excavation areas. The areas of ttie project where we cut the original ground elevation down ciid not yzeld any suitable fill material, Therefore we had to excavate acijacent ttie rc�ad�aaq in the ditch area to abtain the necessary granular back€ill to place in the core excavation. This increased the common excavation q�antities. The uns��itable material was then placed in the areas adjacent the roadway where we mined the granular backfill. However, because the job was short of granular backfiH material we encled up havzng to haul in grant�lar borrnw. This also causeci an overrun in estimate�} quantities. The items that we experienced quantzty overruns in (cor�non excavati�n, gr.anular borrow, eare exeavation and �ranular backfill) were bid on a unit �rice basis. Therefore the contraet allows us to extend the quantities at the unit pricPs uid. In this instance a change order is not- required. The eost of work to date is somewhat below the engineers estimate and still belaw the estimated construction cost released at tl�e public hearing. I hope that this memo �ravicles some insigtit as to tl�e reasc�ns for Clie quanLity and sttbsequent cost overruns for ttiis contract to this �c�int. I would t>r. I�aZa�y to �rovide any fttrther exglanation whieh might be neeess�ry (ttie projec� ins�ect�r liad to expl�in this to me three times before I f�a�1y understoc�d it) �t Couneils convenience. r- �� � '`' � . � � � . � � � . . . . . . � .. � . .. cxTY or t�o , �7��'�'� scMovri�r . � � . . � . � ...r' '......_.. .. � . � .� .. .� �.M . .. .. APPLIGATION FZ3R pAyt�+tENT NU. .3 1 _____7_ � �.:�.. . _ ci�rv rr�o��cT tv�: /�'3S� --- sF�t �tt.r No: __ad/g�---- �ao��cm: 5'ka...,.�� Ua,k,,s S-Fr��-#- � . �'o�-���uc,{t c,K-__� C�NTf21�CTOR2 �/'�tam�n�vi !`-aadc� _�t__��,CONTEt11CT DATE: ;.._�",��Z��°}�j Z�� �a�w l�`�/e_ So, APpLICATIQN t�11TE: Y ��,�:..._If`�. S�'�7 FO[t E'�RIOn ENt�I NG: �._ .�__ �....�. 'i'akal Gontract Amaunt S `�� __��6 3�� � Total 1lmouti� �;�t �}Pc1 S ���-�BZS �-�. M.-�t�riax Suitably Stored on Si,te, �-- �1r�t Incorporated f.nto Work S __--— _- _._,_. Cor�tract Change qrder No. _`: Percent Cvmpl etA $ _.. _ Contrac� Change Order No. ---- _.__. �� t'ercen t Comp l�# c, S . _ _. ..:. c:c►��1:r���c;� C;t�ange Urcler No. T` Percent Comp1 e t.e fi . GROSS l�M�UNT �UE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S_ I�5�� �j�,S 6:t t,CSS �$ RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S '7 7�j Z 8 AMt�tINT DUF T{) nRTE . . . . . . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . . S j�-7 G 33 _ _._�__ t3'� -_ I�ESS �f2�VInUS APt'LICAT�ONS . . . . . , . . . . . , � , v Z __�+�t c`�?�j --- AMOtINT 17UE T!{iS APPLICATION . . . . . . . , � .-O a! ti ,, , ( ___— c��,?-U6 — > !1�'PR�IVED; . _ . , , � , . � � ...���=�;�.,�� � .� �ichard M. He // 30 � Cf ty �ngineerJ rector of Fubl ic Work$ . � �/'l 'j '� f ,� 1 ,� j l, , � � , ; . � +r ` � � APPLICATIUN FOR F'AYMENT (UNiT PRTCE CC?NTRACT)� NO, :1 --------._.___�_..�_ �WNEF2: CITY C1F ROSEMC3UNT � --- ----- OWNEt2 S Pi2nJ�CT fVO. 1$5 ENGINEEI2'S PROJEGT NO. -----88194� LOCATIQN: Sl�ANNON QAKS ------ --------- CONTRACTOR BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. CONTRAGT DATE 2825'CEDAR_AVENUE SOUTH_ _----'CONTRI#CT AMOUNT �5136 ��-------- - -- - ____�._ ,3Ei�. .50 _ _ MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 `------ ------- --------- ---- CONTR. k'QR STREET'CONSTRUCTxON -�SNANNQN �AKS APPLIC.DATE�--- ���21-t38 '--_--------------------------- ---------�----___--_- PEKIOD END. �� 1.1�-?.1-£3£3T �---�---____ ApPLICATIORt FOR PAYMENT DESCRIPTI�N CONTRACT QU7�NTiTY UNIT ------------- UNIT (1UANTITY TD DATE PRICE TOTi�L ----_______ ------------�.S. 2021. 5Q1 ---------1—_�-__--------------------------- MOE32LIZATION � f��� 400t�.0U $ htt��ra,��r► 2101. 502 CLE7IRING TREE -- - 1Q0 `�r�.no 25.OQ $ i.;7�,.c��� 2101. 507 GRUB�ING TREE 100 ��.�0 25.00 S i�;r,��.���� 2105.501 COMMON EXCI�VATION p ( } C.Y. 26950 ",�i3,.��u 0.95 $ ���t.r,3.�5 2105. 521 GRANULAR ��ORROW CV '� � { ) C.Y, 1000 S�n�t.r�r� 2. 50 S l;�,!t�,t?t� 2105.535 SALVl1GED TOPSOIL (P) C.Y. 1850 l��t).�)t) o-g� s ns��.�,�� 2111.501 TEST ROLLING R.S. 28 ��.��t� 50.Ot) $ l�inr�,r�t� 21I2.501 SUHGR�IDE PREPARATION ���-'-� R.S. 2$ 2tt.[�n 95.�0 $ �et,ri,t)�t 2116. 501 CORE EXCI►VAT20N C.Y. I50Q :�t��{;,t��� 1. 5U S ���i I��,nii P1��GB 1 OF 3 SFiOt2T-F,T,i,7nTT-F�F:Ti�RICKSf)N, INC. � i i 2116.503 11GGF�EGATE Hl1CKFILL _ C.Y. 1500 .._3:1�kC�.S.�fL� 2.5Q $_�str:�>_.tjr�_. _ 2211, 593 11GG. HASE PLACED, CL 5 C.Y. 3190 _.�t t�t3 t)(L 7.75 � -''�'I,�?.��n �2�.1. 594 �" 11GG BASE FOR SIDEWALKrS'.�' 217f0 ��_l3:if.(}t) ;ift�z,��; _ Q, I6 $ 2341. 504 BIT. MJ�T. FOR MIXTURE TpN � 137 tti�;.stt� 1.�1E?.OQ fi thF?�:�.tr�► - _____ ._ _..___.._____� 2��� . �On WEARING COURSE MIXTUR� TON 1530 ].�t 1 T �►:1 9.g�y $ i}ir�t�7,!,�� 2341.519 $INDER COURSE MIXTURE TQN � .._ _____�_ 900 is�i 5.Gt; 7.E�0 $ �,�;��� 1�i ----___� 235?. 502 HIT. Ml#T. FOR TACK COAT GAL. --- --___ 40Q 325.OO 1 . 7.5 $ �tt�t;.',", 2501. 511 15" RC PIpE CULVERT CL 5 L. F !� � —�-Y—i� 225 �_l.��t.� 18.00 S :;��to.ui) •-.-.. _. .____---- 25Q1 . 515 15"' RC PIPE JIFRON W/TR11SN GU}1RD EACH 4 :`.t�r� ?.00.00 $ '���t�.��c� 2511. 501 R7IATDOM RIPRAP, CL IIZ G.Y. ___ _____.�� 12 e,.c�t► 5t�.(�0 S 3c��i,��r� 2511 ,515 GEOTEXTIL£s FILTER �- S.Y. 28 1. rF,t�t)_ 2.00 S 2�3.t�r3 2522. 511 2`� HITUMINOUS WALK S.F. 2176� _�tr�„���� �.28 5��;{�<;t;.�jc; 2���. 501 PERMANENT BARRI�ADES L.F. 16 31,25 $ 2564.531 F & I SiGN PANELS, _�s TYPE C S.F. ,�� 14,?5 S 0564.603 4" WIDE SOLID LINE, YELIaOW PAiNT L.F. 590� ' ' .,,tf;c�,nn 0. 19 $ Ini�.+�n 0564.603 4�� wzn� SOLID LINE, WFiITE FAINT L.F, 115 1_;t��.�t� > ,-' 0. 19 S ; 1 .� , 2575.5�1 ROADSIDE SEEDING ` ACRE 4.0 -295.�0 $ 2575. 502 SEED MIXTURE 5 `�i' _ LBS. 200 3.OQ $ 2575. 511 MULCH MATER�AL, TYPE 1 TON 8 2OO.OtJ $ 2575.519 DISC ANCHORING ACRE `�— 4.0 55.Q� $ , � , P1lCF 2 nF 3 SitC)RT-Fi,L,IC}TT-�iFAi1�R�CKSt�N , INt'. * , . • ii�tCATIOPI FOR PAYh1�N�i - Continue� . Total Coritraet tlmount $ 136, 381 .50 Total �mount Earned g ��;�a ,r2:��,.r:� �taterial Suitably Stored on Site, Nvt Incoporated into Work �` ��.— Cvntract Change Order No. Percent.Cvmpiete � Contract Change Order No. Percent Comple�e $ Contract Change Order tJo, Percent Complete � GROSS AN'�l1NT DUE. . . . . . . . . . � �'���,s;:��,.c,i IESS � % RETAINAGE. . . . . .. . . � 7,7'+t .:�� � Ah�?UNT pUE TO DATE. . . . . . . . . $ t��7,��r:�,.:};� LESS PREVIQUS APPLICIITIONS. . . . . $ '�;�,r:��f:.��:� , CQNTR/tCTOR'S /tFfIDAVII' �P'�UNT DUE TNIS APPLICAI'ION. . . . $ rtt�,:`��r:,�� The undersigned £ontractor hereby swears under penalty o€ per�ury that (I) all previous pra ress. payments received from the (�rner on account of wvrk performed under the contract referred to above have been applfed by the undersigned to discharge in full alt obligations of the under- signed incurred in connection with work covered by prior Applications for Pa�ment'under said contract, material and equipment incvrporat�d in said Pro,�ect or otherwise listed in or covered,by�this Application for Paym��t are free and clear of all l�ens, c�aims, security interes�s and encumbrances. Dated P����,��m►j�,, 2�, .ls�� , 19 , Bituminous Roadwa s Ir�c. Co r.�ctor � � By i-, �.._ � Name and 1"i ti� COUNTY OF ttakot� SS N�r.�n�t� t'., i1�f,eri Vi�•� t'i�e^i<fi�nt STATE OF �r,�,,,.,�,�� � Before me on thas ?€�_ t�-i� day �� ���Veiti�,ex, , 29 �� persanally a eared t�r�,,.�m.-�n .r.. �i,-��;�n ttown to me, w o being?uTy sworn. did depose attd sdy that he is tht vice F�rc�sicte��t of the Contractor above menti�ned; that he executed tfie above ApplicationCfor Payment and Affidavit on behaTf of s and that all of the statements contained thereln are true, correct and cample��aid Contractor; Adul�l3bAU;ArA.,tlAr.Ana+�Ah?'444AA` -.; _ � My Commission Expire :��;��"'�; K�iit� � ("�tl�t ` J�' ' S 4 =',"'�. �1 rlr�r i ; ,i ��i P�,�1'�' ; . •' � ii� t."011� )1 ) ; "� , S �,�,�,, ;t,�1i1�� � N tary Pub�ic � ; �•tP t rl,ln�+..,� n 1 , �,; ,.I,�. 7J �;o.� � — The unders i gned has c1ie��k���;Lh�t�ant�±a�or��. �. this Application is the Contractor's Affidavit statingathatra1iy�revlouswnaamRnts � pa�'t of under this Contract have b�en applied by him ta dfscharge in full al1 of his obligatiors in connection with the work eovered by all prior Applications for Payment. In accordance with the Contract, the undersigned approves p�yment tc� the Contr�ctc�r c�f the t�maunt Due. Date �� ,��.� �� Stif�RT f_ _ OTT fl fNt�t�ir'�Sq�, ���C, , �j . . ... . . . . . : . .pJl . _ �Q��f� �-�-�k ._�'.� . . . .— . ... �. ..�_._� � F'ag� 3 �f 3 __._.— - .__._ _,_____�.�_