HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Approval of Citizens Attitude Survey i � � ° ] F.O. PDX Si0 Z11� � ?A7i 14�iT11St W ` ROSFMOUN7. MINNESQTA 55068 Q�Q���•�� 6#2-423-4411 TO: A1a or Hoke ���vti^, �c�,. Co�Zncilmembers : Napper Oxborough tdalsh Wi�permann - FR0�1: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk AATE: December 2, 1988 RE: Citizen Attitude Survey 3 have received the revised list of questi.ons for the �urvey. In . addition to this Diane and 8�.11 have provicled us with a synopsis of the grouping of the questions in the st�rvey and the purpose �or the questions in that garpup. They have also providPd us with some su�gested methr�d of cutting questions and �roups of c�uestions. �1s you will also nQte the cost of the survey, as - ��resented here would be some $40QO higher than what we had _ o�iginally approued. In reviewin� tha.s final draft , I and staff found it extremely clifficult to make any suggestions for cutting. Zn faet, we have made suggestions �or additional questions and a couple of revisions . These are attached for you reference . �taf£ recammends that the survey shoul.d he a�provecl , as revised , for processing. We fee-1 the eommittee has clone a good job in covering all the issues and to start cuts now may reduce the integrity of the entire process . ., i i c «'IZCN n�l"TITUDr suavL� SIIGGI,ST�U CtI�VISIONS, I)eceml�cr 2 , 19�3�3 (�UESTIONS G7 . & Fi$. i,c�aci-in tc� rhese. c�tt�gtinrls sfrou_ld t» revi �;r.ci Lo t�er_om� a �uestion . It now seems to he stat€�mPnL- of fact t}�at new structures , or major renavat�.ions af existin� strticttire� , 51���.tici h� desi�;n�c� so as to "lc�ok l.ike c�ti�er_s" in t1�e clowntown �rea. I cion' t tt�i.nk thaC was Lhe i_ntent . I thi.nk wc� wa}�t to kt�c�ca if ��ec�ple l�ave t�j�t cc�ncern ancl l�c�w stron�;.i.y r.l�cy feel al,c���t it . f�7 . (�uesti_�n h7 . m�y be r.evised i:o r���c� sc�met:hin�; ]_ike : "Sh�ttici the �3_ty of R�semotznt im��l.em�nt strinF�nt desi_p,n/aesthetic .stand<-�rds for �}US1_ilE�:?G£'S in tt}n commtatai t;y to prom�te sc�me ty�� oI common ct�ar.acter in clowntown?" 6� . t�uestion 6$. may be revised to reacI s�mc�thi.ng 1i.ke : "Sijot�l_d similar stand�rds he set for tjusi_nesses cstitsicle tl�� downtown?„ 11n additic�nal c�uestion could be : "Shot�tci such clesign stanclard's he aclo�t:�ci and mai.ntai.n�cl evc�n if g�me tausinesses wc�uld not clevPlo�� here Uecause of c�ost implications?" 1Z2. (�ues�ion 122. Tr�nspor. t�ti�r� In acic�:i.ti.on to c�uesti�n 3 22 . c�n transpor. tati.on st�f:F' h��ci sc���;estc�ci that the following c�uestion�s he adclFci re�;arci�n�; transport�tion. Question: Do y�t� use put�li.c tr�t��portata_�n tc�r wc,rlc �r_ �.lea�alrr (hitGc�.� or vanlcar pools)? If not , why? Service too inFrec�ttentJr�on-exister�t.? Restri_cis other. t�ecessi.i.ic�s kt� nr fc�rtn work , i. ,e . rlay eare , sl�ot�pi.t��;, sci�cjo l ? F'ubl.ic transp�r. tati.on not cc�st effecrive? b� yot� wor.k ir� T1_ir�nc���o] :is , 5t . t'�f.al c�r tti �omit��;te�i� str. iT�'t � ..! � . � . . . . . . . • � � . . . . .� . � �O . . . � .. . . . . . . .. Do you work in Rosemaunt , Ap�le Valley, Bur.nsvill� or Fa�;an? : Would you use public trans�ortation if it were avai].at�1e or more frequent? If yes, why? Save Gas Save Parking Save Time If available would you use public transportation f.o.r: Work? Shopping? Health Care? School? Entertainment? Questxons 95 , and 96 . Multiple Housing Add a question to find out if people would support incentives to clevelopers to get higher quaiity multiple housing and not just "more" multiple housing. . • -.' • • ��'(+��►10� � Re� ou�r�e� Ltd. T�� Rosemount City Staff and City Council FROM: Bill Morris & Diane Traxler DATE: November 28, 1988 SUBJ�CT: Possible Changes and Deletions af Survey �uestians Z'his memo has been written to assi.st you in m�king topical priorities for the survey instrument and ael�tions to decrease costs. We do not attempt ta recommend topical deletions -- that ultimat�ly depends upon your infortnation needs. But, the outline below will discuss the impact af the elimination of specific tapics and their impact on the number of questic�n units in the survey. This survey can be telephohed at its present length, gut, ' yc�u should be awaare that it naw compri.ses 114 questior� units and would cost $8850. 00 to administer and analyze. DEMOGRIIPHIGS. We use the demographics in order to provide a profile o� the residents and isol�te key subgroups in the population which might possess different opinians and attitudes from their peers. These questions can also be uery important in better targeting marketa.ng and informational. �fforts. The set of democ�raphics is composed of ques�ions 1-3r 133-48 and correspands ta 13 question vnits. QUALITY OF LIFF These guestzans provide a comparative set for ev�lu�ting the general attitudes of citizens toward their community. The set is composed af questions A-6, 12-1� R 29, 3p, ,�nd is made up of 8 question units. IMt1GEf"SMALL TOWN ATMOSPNERICS" These 'questions reflect the coneerns raised by the ci�izens' committee and task force. They will provide insight into t}Ze nature of a ��small town�� as well as identify those as�ects of the COTttfilltll�Y which residents value most hiqhly. This question group is 7-I1, 25-17, 57-62, 80, a�d Sl. It corresponds to I� question units. CITY TAXES 'I'his gro��� of tt�ree questions, 1£3-2�, ar.� st�nc��rd ir� mc��t of our studies. They provide excellent ins�gt�t into the __-_ ._-- .. .. _ __-_. _ .. _ _ _._._ __ . :tt.'.�i I f��;t►t t :i ���r( • �ti��1 tt`�ifi it llt�:, �lit tt 1�•�:�►f.� .'.�; i li► • (�fl 't S}._'i t 1�.i.i; . . wil.�ingness of resiaents to pay for future projects. This tri.o corresponds �0 3 question t�nits. CITY SERVIGES/GENEFtAL EV�LUATIONS A standard series of questions abaut th� services Rasemount provides to its ci�izenry. Not only can ths c�ity b� examined in some detail, bu�. the wordit�g provides comparisons w.ith other nearby communities. This group is questivn� 21-2€3 �nc� transl.at�s i.nto 3 question units. CITX SERVICES jP14.RKS }�►ND RECREATION This series of quest,ior�s can be brvken into three p�zts: A. Evaluations of th� system, questions 69-74 , at 3 units. B. Needs in �acil.3.ties and programming, questions '75 & 76, at 2 units. C. Testing of reeeptivity to two future projects, ques- tions 77 & 78, at 2 units. EV11LU11TIONS QF TfiE �ITY STA�'F AND CTTY COUNCIL A series of six questions, 31-36, that are normally asked on all of our surveys. The answers provide eomparative data with other communities and suggestions for increased respor�siveness, if necessary. The number of questian units is G. PUBLIC SAFETY Two questions on the perception of crzme in Rasemount, questions 37 & 38, at 2 units. __ QU�iLITX OF SCNOOLS One question, 39, one unit, on School District �196. FUBLIC TRANSPORTIITION �ne question, I22, one unit, on the a��ana for mass transit between the city and three job destinations. D1IYCARE/L1ITCHKEY One question, 132, one unit, on the ac�eq�racy of c�irr�ntly offereci daycare and latchkey proqrams. � UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA F'ROPE�2TIES This set of questions look at opinions about the property and prospective eity actions. Questions 4U-44 compose the set and correspond to 5 question ut�its. , . . KaCtt REFINERY This trio af.' questions, 45-47, examines the corporate citizenship of tlie Koch Refinery. They correspond to 3 question units. tIOUS ING This set of �uestions examines opinions about mta2ti-f�m_i.l.y hausinc� units, iot siz�s, and €t�ture housinc� �rojects t�at: . connected to city sewer and water s�rvices. It inclt�c�es quest.ions 93-9G, 230, 131, and corres�onds tc� 5 questi�n units. � • � ' DEVELOPMENT IS5UES This series vf querfes can be subdivided into five parts: �. Ques�i.ons 48-51, 56 & 79 ascertain o�inions on qeneral development isst�es such as th� t�se of ineentive� �t�€� targeting efforts. It corresponds to c c�ue�tian units. B• Questions 52 & 53 look at the landfi2ifincineratvr issue �nd contribu�e two units tv the tot�l . C. The n�w airport is considered in qcies�ions 5�S & 55 ai�d make up two question un i ts. �. Future population growth is ttie suujeet of q��es�ions 82-88, and make up 5 units. E. Evaluations of past development policie� E�re unc�ertaken itt questions 89-92 and correspond to 4 units, UOWN'I'OWN 11REA The queries look at Downtawn Rosemvunt can be divided intv two sectionsr A• The extent af dawntown and its �os�tives and neqat�.ves are scrutin�.zed in quest�otts 63-G6, �nd make up 5 units. B. Aesthetics are considered in questians 67 & 68 and correspond to two question units. . 11RMORY EXTENSION This series o� qUestians examines suppart for an expansion of the armary and the types of facilities residents would most like to see included in any extensiari. questions 97-114 analyze ` this issue and make up 10 question units. RECYCLING The current practice of recyci#.ng and the prospects for success of a city-spansored� curbside piek-up are looked at in questions 115-121. This short series translates into 5 unf.ts. COMMUNICATIONS This stanclard sectio� of the question ca» be broken into two parts: �. City-spansored eommunica�ions are viewed in queries 123, 127-129. This group of questions corresponds to 4 units. $• Ci�y newspapers are examined in queries 12�-126. This set co�responds to one unit. . . One strategy suggestion for deletions. Corisider the smaller sets of questions fi.rst. bo those one ox two-shot responses provide meaningful policy data? Then moue to series of queries that can be subdivided: is each subdivisian essential? We will be happy to recalculate both the ni�mber of units and total cost after you have had a chance to make cfieletions, , � � bECZSION RESOURCES, LTD. � 3128 Dean Rosemount Futures St Court ud Y Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Version 3. 1 PRELIMIN�RY TOPICB LIBT 1, Ap�roximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? 2 . In what city and/ar state was your immediately p�iQ� residence? 3. As things now stand, haw long in the future do yQu expect ta live in Rosemount? 4 • Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important ta you in s�lecting the city? 5. How would you rate Rosemount on that toc3�y -- excei- 1ent, gaod, only fair, ar paor? 6• tiow woul.d you rat� the quality af iife in Rasemount - exceilent, goad, only fair, or poor? ' When residents are asked what comes ta mind when they think af their cammunity, many things can occur ta them. Minneapolis resider�ts think of their lake system, Chaska resider�ts think of their town square, and Saint Paul residents think of the State Capital. 7. What image comes to mind when you think about Rosemount? 8. What do yau like most abQut Rosemount? 9. What da you like least about it? l0. When you t}�ink about Rosemount, do you see it as a stnall tawn or a suburb? Let's1talkWabout the entirehco way? mmun��y for a momen�. . . . 12 • If you were asked ta describe the one thing that best makes up the quality of your community TO YOU, which of the followinq statements would you choose? A. The friendships i have with the people who live there, B. The quality af things such as schools, cfiurches, parks� or other services. C• The feeling that I'm living amonq peop�.e ].ike mys��,f whEther I know them ar not. 13 . Now, which of these two statements come closer to your feelings? A. I have real roats in this community. B. Rosemount is just a pl�ce to live. I'd be just as happY elsewhere. I�' CHOI�E I5 M1�DE IM QUESTION �13, ASK: . . 14. Why do you feel that r�ay? 15• tiow about the fol3owinq two statements about the future? �. RosemQunt should preserve its rural charaeter even if it means slower economic developmet�t and gr4wth. B• Rosemount should aggressively pursue economic developmen�, even if it becomes more suburban in the process. 2G. Would you say the City of Rasemount has changed far the better in recent years, changed far the worse, or has it not changed very much? � � � 1?. Why do you feel that way? 18• Would you favar or oppose an increase in cit if it were needed to maintain c3,ty services asptheir�current levels? i9. Do yau consider praperty taxes in Ros�maunt ta be excessively high, relatively high, abaut average, or comparatively lc�w? As you may know, property taxes are divided between the C��y of Rosemount, Dakota County, and your local schaol district, 20. For each dollar of property taxes you p�y, about what percentage do you thi»k gaes to city government? I wauld like to read you a list of a few city services. For �ach one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only €air, or poor? 21. Palice protectian? 22 . Fire protection? 23 . City street xepair and maintenance? 24 . Water quala.ty? 25. snow plowing? 26. Animal contral? 27. Park maintenance? . IF '"ONLY FAIR" �R "POOR" IN QUESTI�NS 21-27, ASK FOR EACN: 28. Why did you rate as {only fairjpQor) ? ��. Now would you rate the general, appearance of ynur neighborhood -- excellent, good, only fair, or �oor? 30. Qther than voting, do you feel that if you wanted to cauld have a say about the w�y the City of Rosemount�rur�s things? �1• HQw much do you feel you know about the work of the M�yor and City Council -- a great deal, a fair amount, or very little? 32 • Fr4m what you know, do you approve or disa the Mayor and City Council are doin � �pr�V� Q� �h� �°b And do you feel str4ngly that way? g� �WAIT FOR RESPpNSEj IF OPINION STI�TED IN QUESTION 32, ASK: 33. Why do you feel that way? 34 • Itow much first-hand cantact have you had with the Rosemauint City staff -- quite a lot, some, very little, ar nane? 35. �rom what you have seen ox h�ard, how would you rate the job performanee of the Rosem�ount City sta€f -- �xce1le���� gp�a� only fair, or poor? IF RJ\TZNG GIVEN IN QUESTION 35, ASK: 36. Why did you rate the city staff as � 37. Do you feel that crimes against property in Rosemount have increas�d, decreased, or remained about the same during the past five years? 38. Hvw about crimes against people, h�ve they increased, decreased, or remained abou� the same during the pas� five years? ; 39. overall, how would you rate the qual,ity of education in I Inde e na en t S P cho ol Dis -- trict �196 exeellent, qood, only fair, or poar? As you may know, the University of Minnesota halds 30p0 3G��� Q� land w:ithin thn eity ot RoSemo��nt. 40. It� c��ner�l , clo you feel that the Un.ivexsity c�f_ Mi��nesota h�s . � � been responsible in the administration and use of that land, or �not? 41. What type of use would you most favor for that land? 42. Are there any uses which you would definitely oppose? The University of Minnesota Iand is currently subject ta only state and federal laws. The City of Rosemount can exert no contral over the use of that 1and. 43. Would you favor ar oppose the City spending funds to labby the leg3.sla�ure for the ability tv place some cotttrols an the use of the University's land? (WAIT FOR RESPONSF) And do yau feel stronqly that way? IF "FAVQR" IN QUESTTON #43, ASKt 44 . Woulc3 you still favor the lobbying efforts :if a mode�� property tax increase were required to cover the costs? The Kach (COKE) Refinery is also located in the eastern partion of the City of Rosemaunt, eommonly called "Pine E3er�d. " 45. Were you aware of the €act that the refinery is within the ci�y limits? 46. In general , T�ow would you rate that company as a corporate eitizen of the City -- excellent, good, at�ly fair, or poor? 47. If yau cauld advise the management of the Kach Refinezy to make one chanqe or imprc�vement that would help the City of Rosemount, what would it be? Let's talk about economic development for a few minutes. . . . 48. If the City vf Rasemaunt were to attract more development, what kind would you prefer it to be? 49. Would you support or oppase an aggressive effort by the City of Rosemount to attraet new commercial and light industrial development? (W�IT FQR RE5PONSE} Do you feei strongly that way? 50. Would you favor or oppose providing deve3opment incentives, such as tax breaks, to attract new commercial �nd light industrial development? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) �na ao yout feel strongly that way? 51. Do you favor or oppose Rosemount pursuing additianal heavy industrial development in the Pine Bend axeR? (IF "�PFpSE, " ASK: ) Would you sti11 oppose it if the expanded tax k�ase would result in keeping residential property taxes lower? Solid waste disposal is currently a major concern throughout the Metropolitan Area. As you may know, Dakota County plans ta baild a waste-to-energy garbage incit�erator in Rosetnount. In addition, twa sites within the eity have also be+en designated far development as sanitary landfills. 52. Assuming that the best technology �►ou1a be used in the canstrt�ction of either the incinerato� or a sanit�ry l�nd- fill, which �roject would you most suppc�rt? (W;�IT FQR RFSPONSE) And do you feel stronqly that way? IP OPINION IS GIVEN IN QUESTION 52, ASK: 53. Why do you feel that way? There has been some discussion about the placement pf a new Twin Cities airport in or near Rosemount. 54 . Do you favor or o�pose the can�trtiction of a new internativnal airpart in this area? (WJIIT FOI2 RI.SPON5F) Ua you feel strongly that way? IF OPINION IS GIVFN IN QLfFSTIOK 59 , ASK: • • • ` 55. Cou�d you te11 me one or two reasons why you feel that way? 56. If you had ta choose one developm�nt priori�y from tMe list below, what wou�.d it be: 1�. Expand the tax base to keep property taxes down; B. Attract more head-of-hvusehold type jobs to the city; C. Preserve open spaces ta keep a sma11 town atmosphere. Changinq facus. . . . on a seale of one to ten, where ten is "excellent" and one is "poor, " how would you rate I2osemount as a place. . . , 57• Ta find housing wh3.ch fits the budgets and li.festyles of most people. 58 . To find fu13-time employment o��ortunities for ttte head af � household. 59. To start a btisiness. Go• To find a wide vari�ty of en�ertainment anc� clir�inc� opportunities for people and families of all �c�es. 61. Ta raise children. 62 . Ta spend one's retirement years. Let's talk about the Downtown area. . , , 63 . what do you consider to be the area in "bowntown Rasemaurit�"? In particular, does it inelude only the imtn�diate vicinity of Highway 3 and 145th S�reet or extend out to Coanty Road 42? 64 . Shauld the "Downtown Area" eventually expand alQng �iighway 3 as f�r as County Raad 42, or should that area be �reated as a separate development zone? 64 . What do yau like most about downtown Rosemount? 65. And, what do you like least about it? 66. Which of the foll,owing two retail development priori�ies do you feel should be given more attention by city decision- makers: A. Attracting new retail facilities in the downtown area �o complement existing ones; B. Develvping small malls fUrther out of t1�e downtown area. Some people h�ve expressed a eoncern about maintaining an aestheticall.y pleasing downtown area. They believe that new building should b3end into the existing downtown, even if it increases the cost to developezs and miqht lead potential. estab- lishtnents to build elsewhere. 67• Do you feel that the City of Rosemount should regulate development downtown to conform with existing structur�s? 68 . Should the City also xegulate the appearance of structures as riqidly outside of the down�own area? As yau may k'raow, Rosemount's pa�rk and recreatian system i.s composed of tot lots, r�eighborhoad parks, larger eommunity and regional parks, facilities for passive recreation like Carroll�s Woods, and active �ecreatianal facilities such as Erickson Fi.eld. During the past ye��r, please tell me if yau or members of this household have used each facility. For those you have used, cauld you t�ll me whether the use was frequent ir only occasional. For seasonal activities, please consider anly the aPProPriate season. 69, Tot lots. 70. Neighborhood parks. � � � � � 71. Larger community and regional �arks. 72. Passive recreational facilities such as Carroll's Woods. 73. �lctive recreational facilities such as Eriekson Field. 7� . overall, would you rate the park �nd recreational faeilit3.es in Rosemount as excellent, gaod, only fair, or poor? 75. 1�re �here any facil.ities not currently in the p�rks that yQu ar members of your f�mily would use, if they were there? (IF "YES, �� ASK: ) What are they? 7G, nr� there any recreational. activities yau or mcmbers of this household undertake, which you wc�ttl.d prefer to do in Rosemount i£ the facilities were better? (TF "YES, " 11SK: j What are they? 77 . Would you su��art or o�pose the city deveio�►3.ng a n�ture pzeserve for the pratectian of wildiife and nest sit�s? (zF "X�S, " ASK: ) Would yau still support it if a tax increase were r�quired to fin�nee its constructian? 78. Would you favor or oppose a carrfdor system c�f b3eycle at�e1 walking trai.ls that wauld connect the various parts of the city? (IF "YE5, �� ASK: } Would you still suppart it if a tax increase were required to €inat�ce their canstruction? 79. Currentiy, Rosemount's Comprehensive Guide Plan, the 1ong- range guidelines for development of the community, allows for up to une-half of the city's land to be set aside �or agricultural purposes. Do you favar or oppose this large c�f an allaca�ion for permanent farm-related ac�ivities? Moving along. . . . Many residents have commented in the past on the "small tawn" atmosphere of Rvsemount. 80. What does that "small town" atmosphere mean to you? 81. I�re there thinqs that cauld be done irt terms of fat�re - development and growth to preserve that "small town'� atmosphere? (TF "YES, " A5K: j What are they? As you may knaw, Rosemount is 35 square miles and contains 7,8a0 residents. For comparative purposes, Eagan has 40,00o peopi� and - is xx square Stl1�E5� Burnsville's area of yy square miles cantains 43,000, �lpple ualley houses 30,000 in its zz eity limits, Lakeville has a �opulation of 2fl,000 in its xx sqtyare miles, while Tnver Grove �teights is also 20, 000 pebpl.e �c�rass yy sgt���re miles. a2. It you could place a ceiling on the future reside�itial population of Rosemount, what would it be? Ta attract more retail shapping opportunities, cammercial development, or light and heavy industrial pl,ants, Rosemount would have to change from its ctarrent status. To attraet these kinds af apportunities, Roseznount might have to expand its population size, accept more t�affic in the area, or some cambin�tion of the two. I would now like to ask you about the trade-offs you would be willing to make in order to attract new ecanomic development. Would you be willing to accept a trade-off in all.owinq the papuiation of Rosemount tv qrow ra�idly in vrder to attract. . . 83 . More retail st�opping opportunities? 84 . More commercial office developments? 85. Lic�ht and/or heavy industrial plants? Itaw �bout accepfi�ing a trade-off in mor.e tr�ffic �n �rea streets a � � and l�.i.gtiways for. . . 86. More retail shopping op�ortunities? 87. Mare commercial office developments? 88. Light and/or heavy industrial plants? Let's talk about past development far a moment. . . . a9. In general, from what you h�ve heard or seen, do you ���rove or disapprove of the zoning and land use decision made by the Ci�y? 90. Do yot� feel that Rosemount residents Piave an adequate opportunity for input inta the zoning and land use decision- making process? 91. �o you think that the pace of development in the city has been too rapid, about riqht, or not fast enaugli? 92. Does the deve�opment across the city seem well-planned for the future of Rosemount? 93 . Do you think that Rosemount currently has a wide range of housing chaices to offer its residents? (IF uN�� �� IN QUESTION 93 , ASK: j 94• What tYpes of housing do yau feel the City shoulcl allow or encourage to expand the current range? 95. Would you favor or oppose providing developmenk incen�ives, such as tax breaks, to attract more multi-fami3y housing units, such as apartments and condominiums ta Rosemount? (WAIT FOR RE5PONSE) And do you feel s�rangly that way? 96. Some peop�e have to].d us that they would welcome multi- family developments in Rosemount if they could be aesthetically blended into the cammunity. others do nat feel that multi-family units are consistent with the "sma1l town" ambience of the cammunity and should be discouraged. How abaut you -- do you feel that mvlt:i-family developments whieh blend into the community should be constructed or da you oppase any multi-famiiy development? The National Guard intends to build an armory in �asemount. Other cammun.�ties have used the opportunity to add on to tMis structure to provide additional recreational and community facilities. 97. Would you favor or o�pase the construc�.ian of aciditional community and reereation�tl €aailities as an extensiot� to the armory, (W�IT FOR RESPONSE) And da yau feel stronqly that way? IF ANSWER GIVEN IN QUESTION 97, �SK: 98. Why do yau feel that way I wvuld like to read you a list af facilities that could be included in ;an expansion to the armory. �'or each on�; please tell me if yau would strangly favor its incl.usion, samewhat favor it, somewhat oppose it, or strongiY oppose it. 99. Community theatre? 100. F3and shell? 10i. 11n indoor swimming pool? 102 . A gymnasium? 103 . An exercise and fitness room? 104 . R whirl�ool b�th at�d sp�? ' 3.0,. Ar� incjoor ice a�ena? 106. J1n ou�door wad f ng poe�i? . � • 107. Indoor tennis courts? 108. Racquet ba11 courts? 109. Day care facilities? 110. Are there any other facilities you wouid like to see in a Cammunity Center? (IF "YE5," ASK: ) What are they? I would like to briefly re-read that list af potential facilities for an expansion to the armory. 111. Flease tell me which one you would most strongly favor for inclusion? 112. Iiow abaut your second preference? 113 . Is there any facility that you would +appase including in an armory expansion? The building of an armory extehsion miqht require passage of a bond referendum. Taxpayers could be asked to pay far the construction of the facility and to share in the cvst of ' operating the additional faeilities. User fees would also underwrite its operation to some ext�nt. 114 . How much would you be willfr�g to pay in additi.onal pro�erty taxes to support the construction and partial o��ra,�ion of an armory expansit�n? (START WITH A RANDfJM Cf�OICE) Let's say, would you be willing to pay $ per year? (MoVE To NEXT CHOICE UP OR bOWN DEpENDING QN ANSWER. REPEI�T. ) On a different topic, . , , Dakota County will soon require all cities to separate recyclabies from their trash. The City of Rosemount is currently reviewing aiternatives to comply with the county recycling requirement. 115. Do you cuzrently separate recyclables from the rest o� your garbage? (IF "YES" IN QUESTION 115, ASK: ) Which of the following materials do yoti recycle? 116. Glass? 117. Newspapers and cardboard? 1I8. Metal ar�d aluminum7 119. How and where do you recycl� them? One way to meet the county requirement is for the City to establish a curbside pick-up of separated recyclable materi:als. Fiouseholds woUld be asked 'to separate r�cyclables from th� rest of their trash and haulers would carry 'them away. 120. If the City instituted a pick-up system, how likely wauld you be to use it -- very likely; somewhat likely, or not at ail likely? 121. If your present garbage bi.11 could be incre�secl k�y ten per- cent by partieipating in the program, wotild you do so? (I� "No, '� 1�SK; ) liow about if f.t cost you nothinq additional? (IF "NO, " ASK: ) If it would save you ten percent on your hauling bill? Movi.ng on. . . . 122. If more frequent and expanded public transportatian were available cor�necting Rosemot�nt with Downtown M�.nne�polis, Bloomington, and Dawntown Saint P�ul, how li:kel.y is ft tt��t yau wr�uld frequently �se the system -- very likel.y, �omewf��t likely, or not at alI likely? 123 . what is yaur prinei��l s�urce of- i.nform�tic��i �3�.iout City qoverr3ment and its activities? � � � � � � Ros�mount is served by �hree reqianal or local p�pers. F'or Q�ct� one, please tell me whether you receive it. For each yau recc.ive, please tell me if yot� gener�lly read it. 12�3 , "Thi.s Week News"'? 125. "countryside"? � 12G. "Dakota County Tribune"? 127. Wauld you favar or oppose the City publishing a quarterly I'' newsietter to residents covering government activities, s�ecial notices, and park and rec�eational il�form�tia�i? (IF "FAVOR'" IN QUESTI�N 127, ASK: ) 128. Woulel you still favor it even though funds would have to be realioca�ed for the project in the current city budget? 129. Are you aware of the Bi-Annual Town Meetings held by t�e Mayor and Ci�y Council to receive citizen input? 130. Currently, the average lot size in Rosemount is 10,0�� square feet, or about 3 housi,r�g units per acre. In general , do you feel that the average 1ot size should be larger than the current average, smaller than tfie curzent average, or kept at i.ts present level? 131. Do you support or oppQse further residential development in Rosemount that permits no tie-in ta city sewer and water; that is, requires wells and septic tanks? 132 , Do you feel that d�ycare and latehkey needs are being adequately met by current providers in the city� Now, just a few more questians for demagraphic purposes. . . , Could yvu please tell me haw many people in each of the fol.lowing age e�roups live in your household. Let's start oldest to youngest. . . . ' 133. Fir�t, persons 65 year old or over? i34 . Adults under 65 (includi�g yourself)? 135. Hiqh school aged? (Gr�des 10-12) 136. Junior hiqh aged? (Grades 7-9) 13�. Elementary schaol children? (Grades K-6) 138. Pre-schoalers? 139. Do you own or rent yaur present residence? 140. Which of the follawing best describes your current re�idence -- single f�mil dwellin a a Y rtment o , r cor�c mult'- 9 P �omin.ium in a i �nit bu ildin townho use 9� , farm, mobile -- or manufactured -- home, or other? 141. What is your age, please? 142. What is the occupation of the head of this househol,d? 143 . Could you tell me the city where the job of the head of ttiis hauseho�.d is lacated? 144 . Fiow about the city of the full-time jobs held by any other members of this household? 145. What is the last grade of school you completed? 14G. Could you tell me yoi�r approximate pre-t�x yearl.y t�ousehald incame. Does the it�eome lie between . . . . (READ CATEGORIES) 147. Gender. {RY OBSERUATION. DO NOT ASK) (IF "FEMI�LE, r' ASK: } Do you work outside of the hame? Thanks very much for your time. 148 . Residenti�l 7onP.