HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of November 15, 1988 Regular Meeting . - - � • ROSEM�T CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULA MEETING NOVEMBER IS, 1988 �'ursuanC to clue cali and notice therec�f � re,�ttlar �npeting o£ the Citq Counci.l of the Citp aE Rosemount was duly held an Tuesday, November 15, 198$, at 7:3t� p.m, in the Council Chainbers of the Citp Hall. Mayor tioke called the meeting to order with members Walsh, Wippermann, and Oxbor4ugh present. Counci.Imember Napper was ahgent f�r e p�rtion vf tlte meeting. Mayor Iioke lea the group in the Pledge of A1legiance. The zgen�la was amencied to incl.ude Item 5(�lj App13.r_�ti.on for Final Payment for City IIa11; Item 7{e) Citizens Site Evaluation Cammittee for Oxbow/Biosyn Proposa�.; item 7(£} Approval for Purch�se of Hackap Rink Fquipment; Item 7(g) Receive Feasibility ReportjOrder Public Hearin� £or t�imerick Way Watermai.n �xtension; Item 7(g) Nc� F�rking/Par31l.e1 Parking Shannon ParkwayJConnemara Trail; Item 8(c} Roch Notification Plan ilpdate; and Item 9(b) Recogni.tion of Co�iCr�butiuri �rom Knch Refinery. Counc3.1 considered � request from Richard �rehre, general partner and developer of a proposed shoppi.ng eenter along CSAti 42 in Sv�tth Roae Fark, to ex�.end the �4,$QQ,Q00 tax ex�mpt cammerc3.�1 reven�e bonds authoriz�a by Council in 1985 for the development of a ;sim3lar prQ�ject. The developer .presented a color�d rendering of the a farty thou9and square £aot str�.p style retail center. See Clerk' s F3.Ie 1988-32. MOTION by Walsh t� adopt A RESOLUTIUN AFPRO�ING SUPPI�EMENT tdtJMBER UNE, AM�NBTNG THS INDENTURB �F TRUST, DATED AS UF' DECEMBEP 1 , 1985, BETWEEN THE CITY OF RQSEMOUNT AND NORWEST BAN� OF MINRESOTA, AtATIONAL ASSOCIATION. SECOND hy Hoke. Ayes: Walsh, tJippermann, Hoke, Oxi�orou�h. Naqs: �. Mayor fioke suspended the regular agen�a at $cp0 p.m, ta $11ow the Counc3l to cond�►ct a pufilic hearing scheduled for �hat time. Mayc�r iIoke apened the pt�bl3.c h�ari.ng to consicier a zc�nixig apPer�t bp Cr�ig and Ju1.te Siemers to the F].anning Com�nission' s deni�t �f a bui,lding p�rmit application far an aecessory bu3.lding to be located on a ten acre parcel on Akron Avenue zoned for agx�.cuxturr�l usp, The adminis�rator/c7,e�k had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailed and Pc�sted Heari,ng Notice and A�fidavit vf Publi��tion. S�ee C1erk' s File 1988-32, � Citp Planner Mike Wozniak advised the basis far the Planning Cotnmissipn' s ciecision was that the Siemers were pro�osing to build a pole building to house three trucks whic.h they own aiid lease to a private company, and the Planning Commigs3on in�Prpr. c�ted thi.s use as � , . • ROSEM� CITY PRO�EEDINGS REGULA MEETING N4VEMBER 1S, i988 commercial trueking operat3on which is nat allowed in sn agricul.ture distr:ict . Craig and ,Iulie Siemers were present ancl advised Counc:i.�, thet si�xce their attendance �t the Planning Commis:�ion meeting: they now intend to store only one truck in the pole build3ng and thaC truck wi11 be oper�3ted by Mr. S3emers, Planner Wozn3.ak advised the s�r�ring of a single truck for their personal operai:ion wc�u2d bF viewed €�s a home occupation and al.lowed in the agri.cultural diss�r, i.ct, but �he Sier�ers would h�ve �a re�uest a va,ri�nce from the P1ani�ing Commission if the proposed building is greater than one thou�and square feet. MOTIQN by Wa1sh to close the pub].ic hear:tn�. SEGOND hy Oxbarough. Ayes: t�Tippermann, Hoke, �xborough, Wa1sh. Naps: Q. MOfiION by Walsh that Cauneil tak.e na action on this appeal since the numbers of vehic�.es owned by the Siemers has changed and therafore does not relate to the issue whether it is a commercial txucking operating being operated in a noncommercisl di.strict. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Hoke, Oxb�rough, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Erigineer Rich tiefti updated Council regarding the approval by the Utilities Commission at their November 7, 198$ meeting of �he Comprehensi.ve 6dater Spstem Plan prepared by the consultants commissic�ned to pre��re the re�ort. Councilmemb�r Walsh, as ch�irman of the Utilities Commission, advis�d that Gauncil wi1l be requested at the first meeting in December, 1988 to author. ize the �ale of bonds for a we11 and elevated storage reservair. See CZerk` s Fi1e 198$-32. MOTION by Walsh to approve �he consent �genda w3:th a co�reeti.an to the November. l , 19$8 regular meeting minutes to include a nay vote bq Councitmember Wippermann on the motion approving the Gountry Hi,1.1s Third .Addition d�velopment contract, and the dele�ion of Item 4( �) of the consent a�enda. SECOND by Fioke. Aye�; pxb�r. nugh, Walsh, Wippertnann, Hoke. Nays: 4. See Clerk' s File 198a-32. City Administrator Stephan Jilk repc�rted on tlie rer_ent meet3�igs between city si:af£ and Schovl Dis�rict 19b staff regarding the sPlecti.on of a site for an elementary sehool in Rosereount. Iiecause of the recent concecns expressed to the city and school district and further review by both ,staffs, Ji1k advised 3nother site has been se2ected for the scliool. The recommended �ite is located in the narttiern poxtion of Country Hi11s Add�.tion and has been desi.�nated as a eommun�ty park. Attorney for the school district, Micha�l Doughertq and �ir�ctar of L�lementary E�lucata.on Cal 7wiefel were pr�►�ent at the rneeting and rev3.ewed wi�h Council a �oi.nt resolution between the city and sehool . distri.ct fox sup�ort of co-locating an e1P�nentary school and commtsnity park and �tithorizin$ the res�ective staffs to pragress on acquiring tfie 2 ' • ROSEMO�' CITY PROCEEDINGS , REGULAR MEETING NQVEMBER 15, 1988 property as well as direeting the staf€s and consultant to compiet� all legal and engineering requirements. See C1erk' s File 1988--32. MOTION hy }Ioke ta adn�t a JOINT RESOLUTION QF THE CTTY QF RQSEMQUNT, DAKQTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AND INDEFENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N�. 196. SECOND by Wippermann, Ayes: Walsh, Wippe.rmann, Hoke, Oxborvugh. Nays: �J. Council reviewed the letter from Milt $ruflocit, AIA d�ted 1�ovembe�e 14, 1988 regardijng �he percentage af color planned for the extPrior af the condominium pro�ect. No sction was taken by Council. See elerk' s File 1988�-32. City Frigineer Rich ileft:L reviewed the taids opened on November 10, 1988 for the Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail �.mprovem�nts pro,jeeC and recor�mended Counci.l to award the contract to lowest respansible bidder, Austin P. Ke�.ler, sub��ct to apgroval of the pro,ject p�.ans and specif�.cations by the t?epartment o� Trsngportati.an, - S�� C1�rk' s File 1988-32. ' MOTION by Wa�.sh to �ciopt A RESOLUTION RBCETVING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTTt.ACT ON �TREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTTOA� FOR SHANNOi� PARRWAX/CONN�MARA TRAIL, CITY PROJECT' NO. i89. SECONn by Wippermann. Ayes: Wipgermann, Hoke, Oxborou$h, Wa1sh. Naps: 4, City Administrator Stephan Jilk presented the application for final papment for citp hall in the amount of $3,OOQ, Jilk advised Conncil the contractbr, Arkay Co�struation, has satisfied the arbitration decision tha� the ci.ty hall parking lot be recons�ructed, seal coated and stripeci. ' See Clerk' s Fi7.e 1988-32, _ MOTION by Walsh to approve the final payment for the construction of city hall to ', Arkay Construction in the amvunt aE $3,OU0. SEC�ND by Oxboraugh. Apes: Hoke, Qxborough, Wal.sh, WippermRnn. Nays: p. City Administrator Stephan Ji1k reviewed his memcarandum reg�rding the dei�uty reoi�trar/�i.nance support pvsi.tion anci his rer.c�mmendation tttt�t this p�s3.ti.on be denoted as a £ull time �ositi.on rather than a :�hared positidn with the police deyartment as presented in the 1989 operating budget, .Til�e further rec�uested that Council. approve the job descri�tion for the pasition, de�utp finance directar, and that ,�e.ff May be placed in this position. See C1erk' s File 198�3-32. Cr�u►icl7:memb�� Napp�r took his chair at 9 : 25 p.m. " � MOTION by Hok.e to approve the recommendations by the administrator as outlined in }iis memorandum xegarding the finance support positinn and � 3 • ROSEMt�T CITY PROCEEDIAiGS REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1988 dPputy f3.nance director. SECOND by Walsh. Aye�: ' Oxb�rough, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayst 0. Abstaint Napper. City Acimin3s�rator Ji1k recommended that Counc3l approve the purchase of a Fitnep Bowes postage machine and an allocator at a total net cosfi� of $4,F324. See Clerk' s File 1988-32. MOTION bp Walsh t4 a��rove the purehase of a Pitney Bowes postage machine Mo.del 563Q and an A1locator Model A30� in an amount nc�t to exceed $5,000. SECOAtD bp Hoke. Ayess Napper , Walsh, Wippe.rmann, Hoke, Oxbarough. Nayst 0. MOT�ON l�y Glalsh tc� set a specia3. eounc:i.7. meet3_ng on Ttiesday, Novemb�r ?.9, 1988, at 8:(3(} p.m. �.n the eouncil chambers to review the studies completed on the fixe and pol�tce depar��nents �nd the i.ssue of the r���mber. aiid location far fire station facilitiPg in the ci.ty. SEC(?ND by tJipgermann. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, tiakP, Oxborotigh, Napper. Nays: f�. See Clerk's Fi1e 1988-32. -� Citp Engi_neer Rich Hefti di.scussed with Council the excess material neede�i to be removed f.r�m the Hawkins Pond storm sewer pro��c� site. Hefti �a��.sea sts�f£ is recommending the heavy elay ma��ri�1 be transported �o the city ' s demol.ition ],and�ill. site on I�ighway 3 as a capping mater3.a1 and to Connernara Park to be used as €i1l to a�low extension af the s�ceer field and to provide an area to construct a picnic shelter and playground area. The £inal cost woulcl be included in a future ehange order for City Pro�ect i76. HPfti also reviewed an agreemPnt propQsed by the B�ptist Chureh £or de�osit3n� of m�terial on their propertp. See C1erk's F3.Ie 1988-32 . MO'�ION by Wa1sh tv authoxi,ze the neceasary si�nRture� Uetween the First BaQtist Church and the c3.ty fax the plaeement af f3.�.1 on the chureh property. SECQND by Napper. . AYe�: Wippermann, }iake, Qxboraugh, Napper, Wal�sh. Nays; 0. tgayor tioke revieweci � 1�tter received from the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQ}3) re�arc�ing their request fr�r the ci�ty to nominate � perswn to serve on the Citi�ens Site Evaluation Comm3.ttee regard�.ng an a�plicatian received f�am 4xbow Power Corporation and Biosyn ChPmical Corporat:ion to site a electri.c generating plant in the Pine Bend area. See Clerk' s F'ile 1988-32. Counciimemt�er �xborough left his chair 3t 9 :45 p.m. � MOTION by ��Jalsh to nomin�►te Councilmember Vernon Na�per to serve on t}ie Cttizens Site Fvaluation Committee. SECOND by tdipper�nann. Ayes: Hoke, NaAper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. 4 a � � ! ROSEMOt� CITY PROCEFD!�NGS REGULAR MFFTING I�OVEMBER 1S, 1988 Gouncilmember Oxborough re�oined the meeting at 9: 54 g.m, Director c�f Parks an�i Recrea�ion David Bechtolr� reviewed with Cc�unci�l his memc�randum dated Nove�nber 15, I988 �egard�;ng a requPst to purch€�se and install poles and li.ghts at the Ericksan Fark hockey rink. Bechtald acivised the used equipment could be purchasecl Erom the City of L�agan for $I ,QQO and insealled at a cost of approximately $1 ,0{10. See C1erk' s File 1488-32. MOTION by Walsh to authoxi.ze the purchase of the used lighti,ng ec�uipment fram the City o.f Eagan for installation at the Erickson Park hoekey rink w3.th funding to be approprat�tecl from the park c�ed�.e�tinn fund. SECOND by Qxborc�ugh. Ayes: Napper , Wa1sh, Wipperman�i, Hok�, Oxborc�ugh. Nays: 0. Tollowing review by Gouncil of tl�e feasihili.ty re��ort for E'rQ,jec� 193, T,:i:r�erick Way Wat�rmain �xtension, Citp Fngtneer Eiefti requested a pufi�lic her�rin�; �ie set to consl,d�r tlie i�npr. avement pra�je'cl: f�r '1'uesd�y, DecemUer 2�, 198$, at £3:Q0 p.m. , or as soon tt�ere�fter as ���sa3.b�;e, in t}ie Couiicil Chambers. See C1erk' s File 19$8-32. MOTION by Wa1sh to adopt A RESOLUTIUN RBCEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT OF CITY PRQJECT �193, LIMERICR WAY �IATERMAIN ERTENSION, AND CALLING FOR A PUBI.IC HEARING TO CONSIDBR THE PROJECT. SECOAiD by N���Pr. . Ayes: Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborou&h. NaPPer. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A ItESOLUTION RELAT�NG TO PARRING RESTRIC'�ION ON S,A.P, 208-1Ob-04 (SHA#NON PARKWAY) FROM CONNI3MARA TRAIL TO Q.27 MI NORTH IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. SEC4ND by t�ake. Apes: WiPPermarin, Hoke, Oxborough, Walsh, Napper. Naps; 0. MOTION bp Wa1sh tv adopt A RESOLUTION RELATING TU PARKING RESTRICTION ON S.A,P. 108-104-02 (CONNEMARA TRAIL) FROM DARWIN WAY TO 0.26 MI EAST IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUAiT, MINNESOTA. SECOND by Napper. , Ayes: tioke, Oxborough, Walsh, Napper, Walsh. Napss 0. MOTION by Wa3.sh to a�iopt A x8S0LUTI0N RELATIATG TO PARK�NG RBSTRICTION QN S.A.P. 208-1U6-04 {SHANNON PARKWAY3 FRUM DEARBORN AYE TU CONNEMAR� TRAIL IN THE CITY QF R4SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. SECOND by Eioke. ` Apes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, I�oke. Nays: 0, Mayor Hoke areported on the first meeting involvatng pecision tte�nurees and their receiving input from those �rho attended the �eeting on December 7 , 19�8. Mayor Hoke advised the focus ar. Pas ev�lved by the Adv:tsory Committee from the Town Meeting was the basis used i.n developin� the first stage v£ the survey. Mapor Hoke thor.tght �he evening was verp interesting and a 1oC of pragress was made. Administrator Jilk adv3.s�d city staff inet with 'Uecision RP4ot�r.ces this 5 ` � S ROSEMO� CITY PROCFEDIPtGS REGULAR EETING NQVEMBER 15, ` 1988 date to review the Eirst dra.ft of the prelirninary topics list far the survey. Mayor Iloke asked for Counc3.1 suggestiong reg�rding a beauti£icaCion project for the Celebrate Minnesota 149Q grant. Mayor �i�lce advi.s�d L-he Farks � Recr�at�,on Comm�,ttee wi11 ci3.scusg this topic aC their n�xt meeti.n�, and park com�nittee me�nbers will be asked for their 3.�i�ut, Mayor iloke brieflg �reviewed the preliminary schedule for th� Urban Design Center Team workshops and tour on Deeembe� ?-$, 198f3: Gouncl.lmemhPx Walsh and Caunc3.tmember Napper p.rovicle� � brieE overview of the meeting they ahtencied �t city ha11 �n Navetnber 10, 19�i�3 regarding the Koch Refinery Not3fication P1an . City Administr�tc�r Stephan Jilk summarized the trip at��ncted by himsetf , Communl.tp Development Di.rector Dean Jnt�nse�ai, May�r iIokP a�1d Counr_ilme,nUers Walsh and t�d�,ppermann to Winona to discuss wi.th the Winon� City Counc3..l the concertts thep have regar�iing the �ro��osed �arbage i.ncinerator for their c3:ty. City Administ.rator Jilk acknowl�dged receipt of a check in 'the amount af $7 ,fi70 from Kach Refinerp Comgany for the fire de�ar�.rnent' s assistance at the various fires that b.roke hut �t the ref. inery during the past ye�r. Jilk advised the donati.on was given for replar..ing £ire equipment l.ost and damaged while Rosemaunt :Eiremen were involv�d in fighCin� the refinery fir�e.4. The adminl.�tr�tor rec:�mm�nc�ed th€t�: aPPraxi�nat�l.y $:5,000 be �1located for eepl:�cemetir_ of ��rits ari�t �jr�cice�s for this ye�r. Council unanimously r_oncurred with thi.s suggestion ancl rec�uested that the administrator advise Che fire chief. MOTION by Wa.lsh to rec.ess to an ex�ctttiv� sesg�.on t� cliscuss corjtr. �e.t negot i.at:ions. SECONA hy IIoke. Ayes: Na�per, Walsli, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. The regular meeting reconvened with no formal 3ction heiilg taken regarding �liseussion he�.ci at the executive session. MOTION hy Wippermann to ad�ourn. SECOND by Napger. Ayes: S. Nays: 0. Respect.Ettll:y sul�mitted, ATTEST: � Susan M. Johnsa+�, DPputy Clerk Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk Published this day of , 19$8 in Dakota Cc�un�.Tra.bune, 6