HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of November 29, 1988 Special Meeting � ROSEMO�' �' CITX PROCEEDIN6S � SPEC:IAL�-rIEETING NOVEMBER 29. 1988 Pursu��it to due cal.1 and notiee thereof a special meeting of the Citq Council of the City of Rosemount was du�.y held on Tuesday, November 29, 198F3, at 8:�Q p.m, in the Council Chambers of the Citq Iiall . Mayor Iloke called the meeting to order with member. s Gl�1sh, Wippermann and Napper present. Councilmember Oxborough was absent. Mayor tl�kc� l.ec� ttie graup in the Pledge of Al.legi���r.e. There were no additions or co.rrections made to the agenda. , Admi.nistrator Stephan Jilk recommended that Diana Rorpel.a be gromated to �ina�ce Supp�rt Position and adve.rtisements be �.ntti�ted to fi.11 hcr gresent position of �eputy Registrar Clerk. See C1erk' s Fi1e I988-33. MU'TION by Napper to pro�n�te Diana Korpel� tn the pnRition of FinAnce Sup�or� with � mi.<l-po3nt salary of $23,OU0. SECOI�D hy Wa1sh. Ayes: Walsh, Wip}�ermann, }ioke, Napper. Nays; 0. MOTION by W�.ppermann to authorize the advertising for the position of Deputy Registrar Clerk with � mid-point salary of $19, 500. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes : Wippermann, Hoke, Napper , Walsh. Naysc 0. Administr�tor Stephan Jilk presented for discussion the twa ma�or studies completed hp Fred Hoisington and his assvciates regarding the police and fire departments. The admin�.strator revi,ewed in detail his meroorandum dated November 23, 1988 outlining the reccammendations by the Hoisington �roup and the staff' s posi�ions on th�se issu�s. The two studies involved a complete in-depth study of the administration of the police and fire depaztments and whether benetits could be derived from cambining the two depaz�ments, �nd a studp to d�termine the size, number and location for fire station facilities in the citp. See Clerk' s fil.e 1988-33. The administrator reviewed several issues included i.n the analysis of the put�lic safety opPratians and organization as we].1 as expl�ining the staff. ' s recommendation to concur with the consctltants that the pol3.ce and fire depar�me�ts re�nain separate w3.th the respective depart�nent heads reporting rlirectlq to the city administrator position. The administrstor reviewed the city staff' s c�ncurrence wiCh the cansultants' recommendation to construct a sing].e new station on 145th Street between Shannan Parkway and Chippendale Avenue, a.nd vgcating the currens: fire s'tation on Brazil Avenue. niscussion ensued with Council regarding a specific site for the hire hall and a bond r�ferendum to finance the construction. Council also discussed the need to expand the public works garage and possible sites for expansian. � - _ _ �