HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Approval to Purchase Playground Equipment / Shelter . Y � .�. � . . � . . e - � � � -- �- � �'Q: Steve Jilk - City Administrator FRUM: David J. Beehtnld - Uirector of Parks & Recregtion DATE: November 21, 1988 - �E: Quates for Shelter and �'layground Equipment The 198$ CIP included an amount of $3Q,OOO.OQ for the installation of the Shannon Park bike trail. aection fror� 160th StreeE to Conne�►ara Trail. pue to Rich Hefti including thfs trail section into the cot�struct�on costs for the skreet, Shannon Parkway, these funds were not used. MSA funds were used instead. � When the discussion came up regardipg the tree dump and the �eed for a fence arou�d it I offered some n€ ths funds that Rich had saved us to Public Works to help thea► out. That amaunt ca�e to approxia�ately $6,�Op.00. xQ�� and I have discuesed several tia�ee the concept of ��sfng Chese remaining CIP funds ta aseist ia the develop�ent of Gonnemara Park. Thi� wo«l.d he for tbe poesfble purcitases af pl�ygroUnd ec�uip�aent and a park ehelter. Earl F. Anderson, Inc, was asi�sd to draw up a general desi$n for ttte playground equipment. All coa►panies were asked to follow the design anci ta include the equipment a�sked for and to submit quotes on bath the equipment and the inatallation of that equip�ent. The she3ter quot�s were to have been given reiatiag to ti�e sizes of a 40' Ockagnn and a 45' Hexagon. My depart�e�nt �rould then be able ta select the one th�t beat auits it for p�ice and budget. This quote alsa inciuded the insta�lation af tbe shelter aslected, After an evaluation of the quaGes received I am requesting authorizatinn �a make the followi�ng gurchases; 1. Purchat�e $nd fnstallatton af zedwood playground equiga�ent and metal swtfng set fro� Ck�e St. C�aix Recxeation Company of StillwaGex, tIIV. for a price of $10,2b5,00 2. Furchase and in�ta�].atio� af 4U' octagan ehel.ter fro� Flanagan Sales, Inc. of St. Paul, Mn. far a price of $13,27Q,Op ,Tt�e cost o:F thes�a items wo�ld ao�e fra� the CZF �tem lie�Ged above w3�h tt�a additianal coste ca�ain$ fxaaa th� Paxk Aedication �u�ds. Rich Hefti received authori�ation fro� th� City Council at the aieetin� of Novembex 1S, 1988 tr� have fill tiaul�d frow Che Nawkine Pond pro�ect into Connemara Park. The area Chat th� fi11 wi11 be placed �.nta ie in the are� that the shelter and p�.ayground equip�e�t will be installed. ThaC fi21 needa ta be in place and have time to settl�e prior to iristall�tion of Ciie items ].isted. For that- reason the pur.chases woaza be made and the ana�eri�ls delivered and stored unt1�. sprtng. The fnatallatian would take place nexc summer after ttte ground has had a chance to be compacted. The cancrete slab for the shelter area w8s nat incl��ded in this gurcha�ae request. The shelter would be insta�.led with the elab insta�.led at a ]ater date. A copy of ttie items and quotes is at[ached for your review. : ' � • i QUOTKS PI.AYGROUNp EQIIIPMF.NT CONNSHARA PARK NOTE: DESIGN pAS PUT TOGETtiER HY EARL P. AN�p.RSpN ANp AI.T. ytp.RE ASKF1) Tp FOI.1.Aw IT. ��--MPANY @ UIPMP.NT iNSTAI,LATION TUThL �UTF, � FI,ANAGAN SAJ.rS, INC. $ 7,t345.�0 $ 2,�5�.0� $ l� t NU2E: 1tID ACCORllIHG TU UESIGN AND ITF.NS LIS"TEU , +95.i)� Ii01� KLETN $ 7,bt►ri.Ut) $ 2,090.(1(1 $ 9,734.t10 NUTB: UID NOT $ID ACCORDING TO UESIGN ANU ITF.,�IS LISTED F��it, r. ANI)�JtSON, iNc, $ 9,519.c�o $ 1,9aa.00 NOTE: BIA ACCORDING TU DESIGH Mi'D TTEMS LISTED $ 11 ,Si)7.t)t1 **���r�x*�r��r#s�r#��**�*�**�**�t�ts��*��r�r��t*�t+t�t*�t�t�t�f��r�t���t�#�r�t�+►ss�t,�s��r*���t,ts��f�t��t�+t�*t+t , ST. CROIX RECRF.ATIUN COMPANY $ $,050.A(! $ 2,215.00 $ �0,265.0� : NOTB; BID ACCOR.UING TO DF.SIGN AND INSTAt�.ATION *�it+t**��t#�t�tsiks�t�k*:rt�l��*��t*�k�t*�*itlsl�lt**it�it:ait�#,tl�*�ft�s�it*�t�����*�tt*Rt**�it*1t+tilt*i��trik MINNESOTA PI�AYGR�UND, �Nc. NOTE: DIA NOT �ONTACT TIiIS OFFICB NUR DID IT SF.�tD HIDS quc�r�s - FARK S![F..I.TFR CONNE!lARA PARR QUOTES WER� ASKEn ON A 4Q• OCTAGUN ANAfOR A 45' II�XAGON STANDARD TO F.AC11 COME'ANY N'� SIZB�& TYPE SI16I.TER INSTALLATION TOTAL *****rt****rt*********************s*�t********,t********#******#r*******************�t***** FLANAGAN SALES, INC. h0' OCTAGON $ 10,195.00 *� 3,075.00 $I3 270.p0 4�►' 11F:XAGt)N 11,!?S.�!) �,3/�U.O� 1/i,S95.t1t1 *���*�*�*��*�s�*�r:���t�t��r���*r��r��r���r��#s�+r+�#*�s�r*��rs�::+t�*�����*:*#�*t���*�*:*��*�:�*: DOB KL�IN 44' Of:TAGON $ 15,4{10.00 $ 5,200.00 $2 l,Ot30.(lU 45' �CTAG�N 13,76t3.QO 5,20Q.Q0 I�i,9(�E3.t){) 45� 1tExAGaN it),599.Ot1 4,4aU.00 14,999.oU FAtti, F. ANI�FRSON 40' OCT'AG(tN $ 12,79t}.QO $ 3,3f32.t10 $l fi, t?2.(l� �i S' 111aXAGON 12,�i55.(l0 3,3i�2.U0 I i�,237.t)O s'1�. cROIX k�cREATTaN ca. 35� tli�XAGnN $ 8,450.0t) $ �i,5�tl.ticl , 45' tIFXAGt�N 11, 1 U0.UQ G,5t�ti.Op PI I NNh,:�O'1'A Pf�AYGRt)UNt), :f Nt:. NOTG�2 Ult3 NOT CANTA,(."f TlII.S AFP:tCP. NttR nl� TT ,F.Ni) lt1hS � , � � i � ' ; � �ctober 20� 1988 ' � To Whoa� It Ma Concern � Y , The Rosemount Parks Department �s re uestin infor�al f {'� 9 B qu4tes for a perk sbeltex. The shelter should be all wao�i w1tl� aspl�alt atiingles. The colo�r �f stain 1s to be selected Uy tlie City of Rosewount. I will be available to weet with' you tQ diecues the producte t'hat you wi�h i to present to us for consideration. ; ' � NOTB t � , ; 1. Quote price for a 45' Itexagon Stie�ter. 2. Quote grfce for a 4Q� Octagon Shelter. � t 3• Quote to include deli.very of sll watexi�le FO�H Rasea�ount City liall � located a�. 2875 I45th Street We�t, Rose�ou�t, Mn. . ' ' 1 4• Quote to include the lnstallatian af sheltsr. Lisk installation costs � aeperately from th� eost af materials. � 5. All quates to be delivered to the Rose�ount City Hal.l Iocated at 2875 145Ch Street West no later than 3:U0 P. M. Noveaaber 18, 1988. 6. Call b23 — 4425 far additional inFormation. Aak for Dave Bechtald, Airectnr of Parks & R�cre�tion. ! � � . , , � , i ` . . . � � . . . � .. � . . . . . . � � }. .� , .\ . � .. � . . . . � . � � . � . . . .. � . : . . .. � . `� . . . � . . . . . � - . � . � . . . � . . . . . . ��. . . � � � . � � . C::DAF3 FOA�3T PRODUCTS ' _ _ { � �-- EGUtP11�E1�tT FOR PiAYGROUNDS r BOB KLEIN & ASSOCfATES k ANQ ATNLETIC FIELDS � Park & Plargraund Equipmeat 100 Valfey Lan� 612-437-4525 Hastings, Mn. 55Q33 a�� JD$ NAME _� 'T►it5 81D iS SUBJECT TO OUR p�R �-5� � �S ACCEPTANCE 32 DAYS AFTER FTER . �V������ � THlS DI4TE PLEASE OF�DER NOV'V FOA�PI�OMPT DELIVERY TQ:�.�. Dazre Bechtold, Dir. r��3K & B�,CE�ATION DEPT. Pt.Fas�REFEr� 2�75-11��th St. W �ro rtrrs�ur�eEa ss�semou.nt, I�.n. 55068 oa au ,arrFr�mc�o� caaaEspoNo�rc� � YOU1R 8tD Mlt�1�EER TERIYt3 i�T�!"� 3O t�8t�3 F.a.a. 8s�semount. Minn oun ouoT�roa Nu�e�n as�� �f CNI►NTtT1t W�1 MOREL DESCRIPTlON Uk1'T PRtCE AiMQUHT NT 1 �'�S ��sagon sh�lter �a/�'33er�Z�ss shing2es & 2" pine roo2' d� k(4�' �Ip.�9 . 40 . �0 (I218"t811at1oi2 by Ot?1��'8� �F,4Q a 00 : �0 1 4t��4� Octaszo:� wfpost a�d ��am snd as a'�ove {4�' j �l�.�b . fl0 .O�J fInstallation bq other�) ��2� . 00 , J� 1 OG�� Octag�n �r/lam3�a i��. a�chss and as a'hove (1+4' ) �1,���0 . 00 . Ot} (Installattcn by others� �.6$ .00 .Ofl .-i YOU ARE HERESY AU1'HOR12E0 TO SHtP SU8 TO7AL THE EQUIPMENT L1StED ASt}VE FOR WH1CH WE AGNEE TO PAY 7HE TOtAi. . r / �, AMOUNT SPECIFlED TO THE RIGHT. $ALE$TAX .''"f`'/�����-,x,�`..''1. FREIGHT (,/� (; PURCHASE NON-TAXABIE „�;I�2�SC�,...� BY TITLE , DATEt9�- TOTAL Y� ---- __ .__. -- _- --.-�_� �_ _ --- - _ _. . -- _ __ _ � , . � QUO�IkT � ItN�I ��. +�Cilt�C �CC1'�A�tOt� sis rv � o ihland Ave, ��` Stiilwater, MN 55082 `GL Q�����l�� (612j 430-1247 No. __.�._�__. Sup�tiera n/ Park & Recreation Eqaipment r ��Y-�/ �fi �"c,�.�n�w►�N'i"'"' : -t ti�TE: �<�1.��35 Z�S�I.�' ��S�� �T"; I�J, CONTACfi P#Rl�ONs �K$ EG f�Tb�.0 -��_._ PROJ�CTs ` L �sCn�:o�tur ,�� SSp6 Qi �-z3»� � ,,,1 T64lEP110NRs _ '�415 In campHa�n wfth X1wr raqw�r �f �-�� ZL�, (�1�� hr a p.Ic4 wuel�tlon en -C"��.t��t, j�+,E ti.T��R.. . wepplMd 6y A-o N �'TTJ �A.��" , w+ wisb t�s EvbrnN 1h� tetlewiew s Gt�le� Qu�ritlty Numbtr D�wtrlpHNt Unit Prk� Exl+msion � � r '- "`� � �f' �'1 ra�r,�� t.7 �� "'.>M..>ra.�u` �.s A�C+ - �--- '�,x`�«.ac.� • ��'�#x-�►,cir..� -u-ra- ��Da.r.�� c�'7`?4-t.. Z`�s"a, tr..� � � �t�"E'�-"1'I�� �-s : t�%�',S'ea.t:rC3 � �` ?.s-� .�o ll Je�v. vo � L-L1j 77(} Q 6�o vv c�►t+�iio�► �n .rh�►�mi�; _��rc�a�t��`.�, l�'t�� � a�as«.� ...r � �/ WR ��wf! Xou a� �!►ov� F.O.B. ��.t�i7�{" � �,,..""""""^.' Sai��T�x �M ca� b� m�d� ins 3Q ��-'a�9 S Q� { ` RrNpM ����a E,�L 1',�rm�i �,l Er � �ry i TOTA� IMPa�t'(At�IT fNFORMATION �OR QRpERI►�Ir,�.�' f ,� 1. 77M purchii* erd�r Fhou��# b� pt�dq P�+i h1 .�1'C-�.+D1?� 1�G� �.4. 6'`�. TM wNl Mr e � $e�1d ihe ordsr 10 �R. 1CCOfX �tttcAti0t1 �pltl A#1 Y ei t �a, upee �hit►n�ant. @r��$���. P �' �Ms pt��tn pbova,!h �eby puihorize�tfon c�n De compl�rted bstors ths ofd�r i• !. fi0 RXRBp17� StiIPMENT. IM�a it�n�� riavid �how a► �rovr' �ureMN rMwst: tax �x�mptionr numbrr tif �x��++Pf1� At1pRE5� FOR BII�ING, �nd A�RRES; FOR pE1.iV�Rr. . �t. t�raix� �tecre��ttiot� �.am�an�} er � "!�':� - �,.�...,...,. ' :ir�....r�a•*.ry: -—.— �� � �ARL F.ANDER�"E`N AND A5SC?C., INC. .�k ana Re�re�ua+a� —�� F.�r �� S�Jame�Circie 8tac�m�an.MM 65431 �"p�°� �in1e��a/Ex�erior Sqns�e toti-Frea WATS Line�-80U- 82-8028�612•�84-73(}U +fN�ess Sys�ems •TraHic Proeucts �S'r1e FwnishM9s •Cr�stom Sig�n ancl MnrMinqa •leletwe f�vhornnent; •TraHie Making Prqducls Compkte canwlting.deaign.isyout snd��teNstion+ervicer. �81eac1ror/Stadium Sestina •gcoreboerds QUOTATIC?IV . „ oace ��L-12�s� C�.ty of Ros�oti�lt fihr.+l t-F.r 2875 148th Street W. Yaur Ref. No, - Rosemount, MN 55068 � : Attn: Dave 8echtold • T�RMS: Net 3Q Rays Q We ate pleased to quote you the fotlowing: To Ba Arranged Q QUANTITY DESCfiIPT1dN PRICE EACH T4TAC , 1 Cat�,�lete 45� �iexagan Shelter, Jensen Fi�ach Model� $12,�55.00 Stained to city�s calor ct�ice, (see spc3cif.t.c$kians j A�.ternate: 1 C�r�plete 90' Octagar� Shelter. Orlando Model, (12,79Q.00 city's ctwice a€ stain. (see specificationsj SU�TdTA� SAI.ES tAX FREIGH7 �✓��'ge � INS1'Al.I,ATION 3382.00 TUTAI. .' F.O.�.Factory t� pesti�atMn CX V1i�AR�Aly�p�.)At,EIV�P�.OYMENT tJPPQR7UMITY�MPIClY�R Shipment approx. __ 30 c�ay� �{�er recsipt of s�rc�er. ' r„ ' NQl`�:7his quotaiion valid far 30 days. �� ` ��..; Piea5e wcite for c;o�tirmat�pn af�er ihet date. By .�I , �� <='" t.�9�,,�:,•` Y...._ Mike Dor y , � . • : ., � QuoraTwN � �"' � tocai: rs�,�� s��-�so� �ax, s��-s��-,�oi� 11s � � �LANAGAN SALES /NC � Supplfers of Park, Recreaiional Eqwipment& Site Amenities P.Q.BOX 128f36,SF.PAUL,MN 55112 WATS MN 800•362•350$ ' tA$0 W.G1�Y.Fip.C,ROSEVILlE,MN 55113 OTHERSTATES 800-328-3557 Noveml�er 18, 1988 , rl�osemount Cit� Hall , pAT�: __._.�_�___._.__.. �_._...---___.. _._._.� 2875 - 145th Street West Mr. Dave Bechtold . Itosemou�lt, M�nnesota 55t�6$ CONTACT PERSON: � �_ __. - -- - PROJECT; _ _..__.___ L � T��.�PHot��: _,.. 423-4415 . . --. .. _. In eomplfance with your r�qv�af o� tor a pric+ quotatian on _ P�'�k uhBlt@r , suppiied by ��rUC�ilxa,l WOOd� IriC� ^., we wi:h to submit fhe foltowing; Catalog ' Qus�fity Number Qesc�iption Unit Price Extension �- 40► Octagon Shelter, point to goint , I0�195.QO $10,195.�0 ' laminated t�eated column.g, 2 x 10 Pasei�., decking, cannection hardware, stain, . x�aa�ing materials Install of the above materials only 3,075.fl0 � ,075.OQ Opt io�n; acid on f or Cupala 75(�.00 Aption; add on far Arches 1,1?5,Op Opt ior�: add on :�ar Cedar Shak�s 7.,865,OQ NQT�; There are no installation costs �igu�ed 3.nto the o�tians. quot.tion �„ Ath�r vnttl: _-_._ necember 30, 1888 BASE BID -- Sub-Totai �13,2 Z 0.00 _. ----- ..;. Jobsite exempt w. �u�►� ro� �: ,a��►. F.o.a. _.,�__� , Ssles Tsx _:...:.....__.__ _._ Shlpm�r►t a�n b� m�d� in: 4 to 6 weeks allowed ;.r��: 30 Days �Tet Invoice Frsiyt►t , TOTAL '6'13,2?Q.00 IIIAPQflTANT lNFORMATION FQR ORDERIN(3; ' 1. Thppurchaseorderahouldberoadeou�iQ �1a3'la��l'� S&�.BS, ' zT1G. : .Theyw111 involce you upon shipment. 2• $end ihe order ta F1.ANAGAN SAIES, INC.as ahawo above,there6y autharizetlon c�An bs campletad beioro the order la p�oseased. 3• TOEXPEDITESHIPMENT,ihroeltemashouidshowottyourpurcheset9quest:tax�xemptionnumbsr(l/axsmpt),ADQRESSFOR8ILLIN(3,andAQORES$ FOR QEItVERY. � _ FLANARAN StlLES, tNC. ,�, gy `..<��C1'�- t-f2e'o/e'---- teye ���n�t�nn , , ' � • QUOI'ATfQN � . = ���' L C►CAL: (s 12) 6,�3-19D6 FAX: 6�2-G33-za�9 / �� FLANA�AN SALES lNC , . Suppliers of Perl� Recreational Equipment 8 Site Amenities P.O.pOX 12866,ST.PAUL,MtJ 56112 WATB MN 800-382-3508 146�W.CTY.FtD,C,fiOSEVILLf,MN 55113 OTHERS?ATES 800•328•3557 r , Navem�er 18 , 1988 Rosemount C�ty Ilall �aT�: _._ , _ __ _. --_ .___ 2875 - �.45th Street j'Vest CONTaCT PERSON Air. Dave Bechtold �tosemount , Minnesot a 55OG8 .,_______.._.__._. .. . PRQJECT; � _.... ____ �_._... _ ____ ..___._ �- ,� 7EI.EPHONE; ...._..�___���_.�.��5_ . . In eompii�nc� wilh your r�►qw�t of _.�_ P�1T`�C S11Q1�;GY` -- —.-�.. /or a prie� quoteNon on __._... „�.._� .. ......___....__.�.�. .._ __.... ,... �..__F , :uppiitd by S�xttC�U�'f11 WoUI�, Inc, ` `...�—� __._...._.., ws wlsh to submit tha toilo�ing: Gtslog ' Quantity Numbe� pesertpfian Unit Price Extension � 44' Iiexagon She�.1;�r, �oint to �oint , �.1� 1?a.Ot� :�tl. ,1.7�i.t�0 1um�.nated tr�ated co`l�imn;�, 2 x 10 :f.�sc�.n, decking, eonneetion �ardware, stain, roofing materials Install of the abov� shelt�r onlY 3,340.00 �,340.00 Opt ion f add or� �a� Gupa.la 75Q.0t? Option; add on �or Arches 555.00 Opt ian ; ac�d on .�ar Cedar Shak�s 2,�55.00 NnT�; There are no installation costs �igured it�to �he options. ' 4uata�ion i� �Cfee� �untl�; �._ December 30. 198$ BASE BID �14�515.00 Sub-Total _ � W� qvotR you a: ebove F.o.B. ��bsite exemp� Sait:Tex ..._,_. ..� shlpment can b. msa. tqs 4 �0 6 tveeks ` allowed Freight �_ � T�►rm:; 30 DaYs Net Invoice TaTa� �14 ,515.OQ IMPORTANT INFORMi►TlRN�OR 4RDERiNQ: 1. Th�p�rchaseorde��houldbemsdeoutt� F1&i18,�`Etil Sa.�E'a3, ZI1C, .Theywllllnvolceyou uponehipment. 3. se�a che oraer to FI.aNAc3AN SALES, 1NC, a#sqown pbovs,Rhar+pby authorlsetto�can be�cmplotod beforo tha order le processed. 3. TOE%PEDITESHIPM�NT,th�ssl4emashouldphowonyou�purchaserequesktsxexemptlonnum4ertltexempt�,AOpRESSFORBlkk1►VQ,andADDRE83 FOfl DEUVERY. FLAN�4GAN SAI.ES, INC, ey C� c+o.,,, ., ,._ ._�._ . • • + ' � October 20, 1988 To Whom It M�ay Conc�rn, ' i The Aasemau�t Parks Dep$tGcnent is xequest�ng infor�l quote� for a perk � � si�elCer. The st�elt�� should be al.l wood w1Ct► aspt�alt st►ingles. Ttie color of �tai�� is to b� seleeted uy ti�e Ci�.y af Rc�ee�aounk. I will. be available to meeC with yau to dlscuas khe products that you Wieh CU present �o us for considerat�.on, ; � : � ' NOTEi i —."., � 1. Quat� price for a �i5' ltexagqt� S1t�lt�r. � 2. Quote p�ice for � k0' UckAgon Slielter. , ... 3, Quo�e to i�clude dellvery of all �aate�rials F011 Roseroaunt City ilall ' located at 2875 ��iSth Street kleat� Rasemount, Mr�,. � ; . 4. Quote to �.nclude the instal.lation of ehelter. List i�,�ta�.lation costs seperately from the cost of mate�iala. � I s. A11. quotes to be dellvered to the Rasemount City Hall located at 2875 145th Street West no lster than 3s40 P. M. Nov�a�b�r 18, 1988, ; 6. Call 423 - 4415 for additional inforwatioa, Ask for l�atve Bechtold, � Uirector o� Paxks & R�creatioa. ; ; , . , , , � , � ; , . � � , •�;� , � ., ti C:'DAH FD�ST PRODUCTS � ; + -;- , �OUiPMENT FOR PLAYGROUNOS ' • �►No A�t.�nc�tELcs BOB Kl.EIN & ASSOGtATES ' _ Park&`Playgrownd Equipment 100 Valley Lane 512•437-4525 ' Hastings, Mn. 55033 g�Tg �_ Thrs er0 ts Su9JECT To ouR ouFi .lOB NAME 11� ? �? ACGEP'fAIVCE 32 DAYS AFTEfl �FfER .• tt�Ut��TATI011I � rH,��AT� PLEASE OI�DEF� NC?W FOR PROMPT D�EAY T�:r. Dave B�chtoid, Dir. i PA��K dC '�?ECF..�''rATIt}N DEPT. PLEASE REF�R ���3�"14�th St. � TO THIS I�tUMBER 'S,rjO�$ ON ACL Aasemaunt, M71. CORRESPONQENCE ATTENTiQN OF - � VOUR 810#iUMBER TER�S NP't �O t�B�S F.b.B. �OS@IlIQt221t� �i�2I21 413R QtJATATlON NU�fBER �tBEli I� OiJJ4NTtTY Ui#A �IQt�EL D�SCRlPTfON LlNFT PptCE AMOUNT H7' 1 HF�� �e�a.gon shelter �r/Fib�rg2ass sh2ng2es & 2" p3ne ro�: de �t(��' ) �ZC1,S9 • O�J . �7p < {Insta21at3on �3r :oth��s) 4,u� . 00 . 3� 1 OP�4;� t?atagan �Ipost and beam and as ab�ve (�;�t � �7.3.75 + aa .t3? (Insta2laticn b� others) $, 20 . �}0 .�33 I OC4� Octagon w/laminated a�ches and as :abavs {�F4' ) � <(Installation '�y c�thers} �1�,6$ , 00 . �� _. � YDU-kRE HEREBY AUTHOptZEQ t0 SYi{P SilB T07AL THE EQUtPMENT LlSTED A60VE FOR WHlCM WE AGREE TO P/1Y THE TOTAI, - � ,-� � AMOUNT SF'ECiF1ED Tty 7iiE RIGHT. ' SALES TAX � 1''tt� FRE►GHT �� PURCHASEfi ' NON-TAXABIE � �1 . . . . . . . . . . . � ,1 � . . . . �. . .. . . . . . . . . ... � . �� .. . . . � . .. .. . . . . . � . aY � �ts— TOTAt t�'' T17LE L1AT�Z � * _ ' , � QUOTATKfN � ` ��. �(CCOtJC �►CCCp��tQ11 at� tvorr ��� h d Ave. !� SiiUwBter, MN 55082 �1.Q������� (612) 430-t247 . No. _`_.__.... Su��tiers oJ Park & Recreateon Equipmettt r � .� ��Ty a� �'v����.w►��,,•r-- a�►T�: _%� ./.�813 28"I S" 1��"'fi� �t'; t�tl, Co�rtAc� ^PeRso�r. �+r�� ` 4�cy�'�r�r►�.t� � paa�ecTe � : L �OS+C Mo�,r.sr �� �'.SQ6 � s1 2.3 --�____-_ � '�ELItPHONEt ""''f'4t.S !+t compli+�nc� wifh Your n4w�t ef �--�-%T7�L��A.. �a—;-���1or • prtu quafsflen en �C t��t., j�,}-C-�,��,��_..._ . t�P�Mitd 6�r Q-ON �'T!J �p-�';�'---�^, w� wish te submlt Nw lollewl�: trt�lop Qu�nttt�r Numl� M�e►iation Unif P�k� Ext�►nslon ' tS '� E� ,,,�4 t,., .�-�'' � ,�t..,, ►" ']"1 cac:�.c�c3 �L�' �� 3 N o..�� �e A�t� -k,.��-- '?sa.ot�.a _ �, � K�t.x-o.or.� u.a� r �iZia.QU � o7�1-c.. 2`�s-'a. � � . � a t�£i-'�'��. �� O �S ca.Q�3 . � �1.3`t� .�c7 ... Jf Jf�G�.U4 ���r�p.�tl r� br�n oc� 4�ot�tlon Tn �thei pMii: -'�'�G6M13�,��,��j�� r'"'y """ ' SWb•TMd W� quN� 1►w •� �bov* �.O.d. •" ...�..�..�_.�..,. '�c� �A-. S�tsi T�x th1PNMM e�n b� m�d� Ins 1 S �d'( Q..G� � .. Rnloht �S�`?. A�„L T�rm�t _��E�r' 3� �{H i TOTAi. IMPQRTANT INFORMATION FOR ORQ�RINti�,.•^ -�, /T 1. T}» purch�� ord�� �rMuld b� m�d� ouf ta ""�T'��01?� 1�r G� C:4, ���. Tht will v 1► i� ola* ra► upe�+ �Mpm*nt. �i S�fid Ihi O�dpt 1Q ��, I�rOtx itcrrcatlatl 1Compnnp ,�;��awn�bov�,!h reby autho�tzation can bs complet�d b�brs th�order�• p�oc�aAed. �. TO RXPIFDITi SNIPM�NT. i1K� itun� t�M►u!d �taw nn our Ru�'sh+�� t+qwstt tax �x*m�Nien nvmbK ilf �x�mMl. AQDR�Si FOR !li1.L1NG, �ne� ADOR�$5 FQR D�LIVER�. p �t, �rnix� �tecre��tiotr �a�npartp ����� py � tf+', �H..�.,..,�.. �!.•�.�.: . .._....�. .�.�.. � , EARL F.ANp� AND 14SSC1C.,INC. .re�k seuw,a�Ep�►�pman� .�,,,�w�,�M�e,k„s�yn,r�e � �� 98Q8 James Ctrale 6 lon,MN 66q31 �pitrbsa S steme fioli•Free WAtS Lfne 1-�Op�Q82-8026�812-884•73Qd v •T,attK�,xtuc�a �Si1e Fur�hinga •Cu5tmtx S+{pia s�x#Marklnpt •Leissue Enviramjents •Trellic Making Praciucle Comp�ete caN,«,ItMg.dosiQn.lsyout amt instellstbn�rrices. •e�eacneris�aaium seatlno .scaebcmrcis QUOTATIt?N • " Date if)_t2_f3fi__ _ City of ttosett�ut�i: - ` ; 28?5 �.9BtYi StI'e�t W. You�RQI. No. .�,t,�l t-Ear � . R�s�rr�ount, NIIV 55468 Attn: Dav� Bechtold • TERMS; Net�Q Day� t� We are pleased to quote yau the following: Tv 8e Arranged CI tIUANTITY OESCRIP710N , P�ttCE EACH TOTAt» 1' tk�tr�l�ta 4�' He�cagc�rt Shelte�, �7snser� Beach Mod�l« $12,855.00 St�:i.ne� to city,'s color ctu�ice�, , (see specifica�ian�) Alternate: , 1 Car�lete 4fl' Octagon Shelter, D�lando Modei, .(12,790.00 city's chaice of stain. (see specifications) SUB TOTAI. . SALfS TAX FRElGNT N/Charge INSTALtATiON 3382.00 . �;; TOTAL F.�.s.FactorY Ll QestinaEian G7c WE AIiE Aty EtlUAL EMPi.DYM�NT f1PPORTUNI?Y EMP�.�YER S�Ipment apprvx,— 34 clav� efter rece►ipt of order. ��,,, , NOTE:This quotation valid for 30 days. c. �-- Please write for canfirmation afEer that date. gy / c:��,..-' .M : t u��.,,�� Mike i)or y � . �• � ,, � QUOTATI01� � ,. � ,� `�"`i t UCAL: (6 t 2) fi33-�90G FAX: G 12-fi33-2a�9 � � � FLANAGAN SAL ES, iNC. Suppliers o(Park, Recreationat Equipmenl8 Site Amenities P:O.F3aX t2�as,ST.PAUL,MN 55112 WATS MN 800-362-3508 1-�fi0 W.CI Y.(lU.G,ROSEVILLE,MN�a5113 OTHERSTAiE5 900-328•3557 r Ftosemount Ci1;y iIall , DAT�; N�veml�er 18, 1�J88 2875 - 145th Street �Vest h1r...__D�.ue _I3ect�tc�lci.:. Rosemount , M�.nnesota 55068 coMTacr �ERSot�, Pt�OJECT: .,.._..,_<_,.__...._... ,_ _ ._.....__..._.._ . L !123-4�115 J TEI.EPHONEt _�.��... _ ,.: M compliance with your request of P�1.1'k ��1E?l t��' far a price quatation pn _._._�----------,.�_.__.._.. _. . -- . :Upplfed b�r Structural Wood, Inc� -- — —., we wish to submit tht fallowiny�; Catalog ' Quantity Number ptscription Unif Price �xtension -....�._ � 40� t7ctagor� Shelter, point to point , 10,195.Od $10, 195.00 � laminated treated columns, 2 x 1Q �a,scia, decking, cannection tiardwaz�e, sta.in, roofing mater�ais Install o� the above materials only 3,075.00 3 ,075. QO Opt ion: add an for Cupala 75(�.00 npt�on; add on far Arches 1,175. 00 �ption ; add can for Cedar Shakes 1,865.0�. NQTE: There are no installatian ec�sts fi�ured in'to tbe optians, Quot�fion in etfac� vntil, --�.� necember _30, 1988 BAS� BID ��3 �70, p0 JabS�.t e sub-Total __._.. ' .�__� W�► qu+�tA You p; aboxt FA.B. __�T E'XE?M�t . Sales Taz .� _., Shipment tan b� mad� in: 4 to 6 Weeks allowed ' Freigh► ti T�rm:x 3L1 Days Net Invoice .�13 270.0� TOTAL __ '_ IMPORTANT INFORMATlON fQR ORt3ERIN4s 1• Thepu�cha�sordershouldbemad4out/e F�-�n�.�'an `Sa'�.es► �?1C, .They will lpvolce you upan ahipment. 2. Sand tho order to FIANAGAN$ALE$, ��yC, �p syown abovo,thereby autborization ca�►be compteted betora the orderla pracessed 9• TO�%PEpITESNiPMENT,throaltams�houfd�hawonyourparchaserequeft;taxAxemptlonnumber(Itexsmpt�,ADORES8FdR8tlLiNQ,endADORE88 FOR DELlVERY. , . . . . , . . � . . � ... . . . . . � .. �.. � �.. F�.ANAQ'((A 7��.CJCt�.�/Y{^i. .' . . �� .� . . - . . . .. �y ��V�_.. LM.lI./ ..""" ' Leye �a.ttn�,� �� � •:`.� • . - � QUtiTAT1�N � . ' ��"`� LOGAL. (612j fi33-i�U6 FAX: 612-G33-2a19 � N_ � FLANACAN SALES, 1NC. 5u{�pli�rs ol k'�rk, ftecre�tianai Ec�uipmerit 8 Si►e A�neniiles P.C). El(7X 1281f(i,Si.PAUt,MN 55112 WATS MN tiOt�•3fi2•35t1Q Jq(;t)W.CI Y.f1U.C,(3t)SEVItL�,MN a5t 13 OTt1EfiS1Ai�S 800•32A-3557 r , Afc�vember �.8 , 1�8R Ros�mount C�ty I�all R�T�: -• --- --- _.._.___.__..___._ 2875 - - --...._.� - 145t� St rEet ZV�St CONTAGT P�RSON�'��• DAv� Bechtold Rasemount , Minnesota 55068 �--.--_-------__._.:.. .�.._.� PRQJ�CT; _.._._......,.._....,. ._...__._... ._._.�..,._.__..._. � a T����HaN�: 423-4415 , ...._, In somplianc� with rw►r reqvest ot Pa2'k Sh81�eT' far # pric� qeotatlon an �.._._..._._,�w� . s��1t.a �r Structural Wood, Inc, --�`....._---�'__.__. ,...__. .�, wa vnish to eubmtf ihe toltovrir�q; , Catsio� ' ' Qvantity Numbr�r Wttriptlon 'Unit Priee Extension ` �- 44 ' Hexa�c�r� Shelter, � poi�t to poi:nt , 11,175.00 $11,175.40 �.aminat�d treated columns, 2 x 1Q �ascia, deckin�, eon»ection hardware, �tain, roofit�� ma�erials Install a� tbe above shelte� on1Y 3,34�.00 3,340.{?p Op�ion; add on for Cu�ala ' • ?50.00 �ptio�n; add on �or Ar�hes 555;00 �pt�on; add on for Cedar Shakes 2,�55.00 Nt?TE: There �,re �to int�tallat�c►n casts �'i�ured into the options. 4uo�ario� In ♦rfaci until; __�_ December 30. 19�36 �A,SE BIb ;�14~515.00 Jabs i '�T sub-Totsi ._._ � We qvote you as abov� F.O.B. �� tE= ----e.Xt?[Itpt �A�lt�iX _ Shipm�nt t�n ba mede ios 4 to 6 cveeks allowed Freight T.rm:; 30 DaYs Net Invoiee ' � �' _,._"'""_' T07A�, �].4 ,515.00 �����c�,r�����oR�n�►�r�oa F�a oRu���No; 1• Th�purchessarderthouldbemedeoutt F�'�'�a'�''�'� "�'�'���� II"�C• ' .TheywUl invoice you upoo ehlpmsnt. �• Sena�ne o�ao�to FI.ANAc3aN Spl.�s, �NC,p�F Nnqw�pbpvp,�hlreby�utho►�7t#tloq c�n be r}o�tp4ertad batoro th4 orde�fs proce4aed. �. TOEXPEOt7ESHtPMENT,thrpefiemsshoutdehawpnyourpurchateroquss�tsxexemptionnumbsl(Itexempt�,ADORES$FORBILLINE3,andADORE35 FOR OEUVERY. F�ANA[iqN SAI.ES, tMC. ey SteVe '].an �g�rt