HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Modification of Jetter Truck - Approval to Proceed � � y • . T0: Steve Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director c�f Parks & Recreatfon DAxE: Novemb�r 28, 1988 REs Repafr and Upgrading of Jetter Truck There was to have been an upgrade to the �etter truck thfs season, It related to the instal�.ation of a rear mounted bar : whereby water could be displaeed for flooding rfnks, IL would also have included a valve operated system sa that one person could operate the truck from the inside of the cab and cowpl.ete the flo�ding process. It appears ttiat the funding that wauld have been us�d for t2iis pro�ect is not available at this tivae. I have discussed project wfth Rick Cook and we have decided to allow fands that w�re reserved for fertilizing fields this early win:ter to be used for the 3etter upgrade project. That amount was $1,500.00. Ttre total cast of the project appears to b� $2,900.Q0: Wtien the financial data fxom November comes out I will identify the funding areas that we can add to the fertilizer funds to cover the upgrade costs. The approva� needs to be given as soon as passibie however since the winter season is upon us. I have offered to drive the truck to Holdingford, MN where the work is to be done. I informed Don I3rown to move ahead with the pro3ect since it does need to be done. _ The upgrade will ailow for another means o€ flooding rinks without the hoses having ta be drug out each time, without the men having to stand in the cold weather for the entire period of time, without two men spending a �reat deal o� tfine doing what one person can complete in the same or less amount of time, and with weather conditions caoperating will allow for a better quality of ice. Although we are scheduled ta trade this truck in two years for a new ane I feel that the price is la�r enough to warrant the expenditure. The upgrade will allow for an evaluation to be made as to whettier or not we need two trucks in two years and to determine if we should keep the present vehicle in ,the fleet.