HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Approval to Request Bids -Softball Fences � - � � 6 �-,� T0: Steve 3i1_k - City AdminisLrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation UATE: November 18, 1988 RE: Aduertising for Bids For Softball Fences Earlier this year during budget discussions the fence situatian on fields #4 & �5 of Erickson Park was discussed. The situation relates to the fact that there were 4' fences installed an those fields when they were constructed. Outfiel.d player� j�mpin�; to catch long fly balls often find themselves caming down on top �f ar over the fence. The result has been several minor injuries and at least one ma�or in�ury over the past years. Budget item �� 28 in the i989 CIP Budget addresses the finances far ttze replacement af the outfield fences an fields # 4 & �'S. The amount bud�;eted is $10,000.00. The budget explanation is that a fence of either 8' or 10' in height is needed to correct the situation as it now exists. I am requesting authorization to notify area fence companies that we wouZd like their bifl on the fencing material and labor for the installation af those materials. I would be asking for a bid on tfie 8' fence and an alternate bid on the 10' fence. The 10' fence would be the most appropriate he3ght if funding allows for it. The reason for this early request for authorization of bids is to allow the caa�panies to inst.all the fence at their earliest convenfence. This would � r�s�ure i�s of lravin� tl�e fence in place when the 1989 sofCball season starts , in Che ist w�ek of May. II ` • . 2 December 7, 1988 To tdhom It May Concern t The City of Rosemount is requesting quotes necessary for the labor, materials, and equipment to install fences for two (2} softball fields located in Erickson Park. This is to include outfield fences onTy. Erickson Park is located approxfmately 1/2 mile north af 145th Street West near the fireha2l in Rosemount. Enclosed you will find a pro�ect description, materials list, and other perCi��ent infortaation. The ca�itractor s�hall secure and maintain workers eompensation and employees liabllity fnsurance as requfred. Other insurance requirements covering equipment, materials, liability, etc. as applicable �nd deewed necessary shali be in torce. Th� City, its empl.oyees and agenta shall nat be held responsibl.e for any loss ar liabi�.ity that arises from tt►e performance b� the contractor. If you have any questions please feel free to ca21 either Rick Coak, Fareman of parks, or Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks & Recreation at 423 — 4415, Sincerely Yours, David J. Bechtold Director of Parks & Recreation 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55Q68 ' GITY OF ROSEMOUNT ` 2875 1451'H S`l'K�E7'�'1' • it()5�Mt7UN'I', MN 5�(�68 T�:1.E�tiON�. (612} - 423 - 4415 Informal quotes will be accepted until 3:00 P. M. on IIecemt�er 29, 19$�3. Consideration on awarding of the bids will be done by the Rosemount City Cc►vt�cil on tYi� evening of 3anuary 3, 1989. The Cfty retains ttie xight to accept any t�id that fs in its best interest. Tt►e (;ity r�lsu re�ai►�s tlie ribht to re�ect all bide� that are not in its best interest. The Gowpany that i� awarded the bid agrees ta perform all installatian on or before April 30, }989. The company agrees (through acceptance of the pro3ect) that the owner will be entitled to damages for failure on the part of ttie campany to complete the work within tt�e time 13:mits. Liquidated damages for unnecessary delays shall be $50.00 per calendar day. The City of Rosemount wiTl be responsible for the Iocation of the fences. The contractor will check with the Gity before starting canstruction of the fences to find the lncation of all underground utilities. A11 n�aterials used in the wor�C shall be new and sha11 meeC the requirements of the specifications. All materials �nd equipment far the proger execution of the work shall be furnished and paid for by the cantractor. After completion of the pro�ect, the contractor shall remove alI excess materials and debris of any kind derived fram the praject and shall leave the premises in a clean, neat condition and restore all disCurbed areas to an equal or better condition. Upon completion and acceptance of the project, payment �hall be made to the contractar within thirty (30) days by a check drawn from the City of Rosemount account. All prices quoted sha11 be F.O.B. 3ob site, City of Rosemount. A11 dimensions and gauges of materials are sub�ect ta accepted industry and tolerance and standards. Maximum spacing far all line pasts sha�.l be 10' . Tie wire shall t�e a minimum ni.ne (9) gauge aluminum galvanized steel spaced at 24' centers. �'ences to allaw for groui�d line unless otherwise stated/noted. All line posts shall be cemented fn such a manner as to allow for thirty six inch (36") settin�;s into concrete footings. The diameter a£ tlte foating shnuld be a minimum of ten" (10"). All concrete shall be crowned to a suitable pitch for water run-off. All fence material will be installed so that it fs on the inside of the post in relationsliip to ttie playiiig field. Ail posts wi11 be on the outsfde of the fence area. . scap�e This speci�ation covers cha�n link fence�terial for two (2) softball fields to include ten €aat {i0') fence (also 8'� �s we71. as a11 other materials necessary far installation of the fences and }0' extensions. A�proxiarately 49Q' per field. r��r�B.zai.slF�zc: Chain link fabric shall be nine (9) gauge {coated sfze) wire mesh of two inch (2"). Fabric shall be knuckled at both selvage. LINE POSTS: Line posts shall be C - Section roil formed frora steel eonforming to 2 3/$" O.D. schedule 40 galvanized pipe coated with 2.0 ounces of hot di�ped zinc fn accordance with ASTM -A120. (.130 wa11 thickness) TOP BRACE & �tAILS: Top braces and rails shali be roll forms section of 1 5/8 " channel shaped rail with minimum vertical bending strength of 237 pounds an 10' span continuous coated wfth 2.0 ounces of zinc' -aluminium alloy in accordance with ASTM - A525, or 1.66" O.D. standard weight galvanized pipe wit}t a minimum vertical bending strength of 202 poiinds �n 14' span coated with 2.0 ounces hot dipped 2ine in accordance with ASTM - A120. Top rail coupl3ngs 6" minimum in length shall be spaced at a maximum of 21" centers. Fabric tie wire sr�a11 be spaced at 24" maximum centers. There wil.2 be 1 5/8 " double bracing at faul line posts. (. 111 wall t.liickn�ss ori a]_1 1 5/8 material) TBRMINAL & PtJLL POSTS: A11 end posts shall be ro11 formed 3.0" O.A. schedule 40 coated with 2.0 unces af hot dipped zinc. (.160 wa3.1 tt�ickness) The undersigned Y►as examined the written materials and is familiar with the site of tlie project, the work to be done, and the conditians affectin� the cosC of the work under wtiich it is ta be performed. The undersignecl tiereby ��ro�oses to furnisti a11 lahor, materials, and equipment for compl.ete corastr�ictiun oE tl�e pro�ect as described in the documents as follows. iTEM: FURNISt{ ALI. MATERIAI.S, LABOR, AND EQUIPMENT FOR INSTAI.I.ATION QF TWO (2) OUT�IELI} FENCES. APPROXIMATE QUANTITY OF FETTCE MATERIAL IS 960'. TOTAL QUOTE FUR �ROJECT: 10' fence 8' fence Nam� of firm/com�anY Tele - # Title and Signature of authorized representative