HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Approve to Proceed - Police Squad Car Purchase (Hennepin County Bid) . � • • ] 1'� fiC)K 51(1 /�l� � 2R75-1�1�i1Ff Si VV �+ �`A y� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESf7TA 550('�8 �a7�/!'[�Q�/G� 6t2--423-4411 � . . . � �.j�.�E.V Y'> . .� �, � � � � . .�. TQ. Mayor Hoke Councilmembers : Na��er Oxb�r�ugh Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk ,� DATE: December 2, 1988 ��: Police Squad Car Purchase Attached find a request to proceed to purchase a squad car for the police department , As Cl�ief Staats has indicated the funds are available in the 1989 budgets . This sqttad car will he an additional unit for the police fleet . Workxng through the �tennepin County bid process has proven �o be Ghe most ; economically heneficia�. method of purchasing these units. I recommend yotir approval . • . RUSEM�UNT PQLIC� DEPARTMENT Telephone Emergency 911 28T5 115ih Street West Chiei oi Police Nan-Emergency 423-4491 Rosemounf, Minn�sota 55068 James E. Staats TO: City Administrator Steve Jilk FROM: Police Chief James "Red" Staats D1�TE: T�ecember �1 , 1 988 RE; Squad Car Purchase I wou_lc� lik� to receive �ermission tc� execute a purchasP orc��r for ttie �cquisiti�n �f c�ne 1989 F�r_d Crc�wn Victori� fr_om Viking Southd�le Ford of Bloomington, which h�s received the contraet awarc� for Hennepin' County bidding, for a te�tal price �f $12 ,$70 . We bt�dgeted $ 12 ,00� for a vehicle, whieh in turn 1��ves us $870 c�ver. budget. As of this time we can cut c�nwn on one r�c�i� - purchase to make �xp this line item defici�ncy. Attachec� information is f_rom thP HPnnepin County biddinq procpss far your information., ik�LL-�.�l��.G..� ame�s Sta�ts Chief of Police JESclm . �__.___� �t�� Y�1�P IIN�'��'.t',�Et`=Tft3�1 • QATF: November 18� ?�988 To. MENNEPIN �ROM; PURCNASING DIYI5ION SUB.JECT: NOTICE OF �ONTRACT AWARD�t#E�A#x CONTRACT NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . 9524 TITL� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' POLICE CARS DEPAR'i'MENT . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . HEN'riEPIN COUN7'Y b Ci!RTAI9V IN5TRLM. COMTRACT PERI4D . . . . . . . . . . Fram To PURGNASE ORDER CUT-OFF DATf . . . . . Decemher 2�, 19�38 CQMPlETION/OECIVERY OATE . . Macch 23, 1989 . . $UYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. I Name Frank Gerltn� Phone 3��8-38A5 . . . CONTRACT AMOUNT . . , . $1,298,530 Instrumenfiallties $1,166,ODU` . . . . . . . VENOOR NUMBER 21414 . . . . . . . . . . . . VEHOOR NAME . . . . vtxtxc s��rrnnnl.F ��an . . . . . . . . ADORESS . . , . . . . . 4801 West 80th Street T . . . . . CITY, STATE� ZIP . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomimgtooi Mti SS/�37 CONTACT PERSON . . Garq Malott Phorp $�5-55�5 . . . . . . . . . ITEMS AWARQEf� , . . . . ALI. ITEHS . . . . . . OISCQUN7 OF�ERfO FOR PROMPT PAYMENT . Terms: NET 20 b�tYs A00'l DISC�UNTS QF�ERfD . . , . , . . �tONE F06Q - Free on Board Oestination - Vendor Pays Frelght . x . . . . . . , . fOBSP - Free an Board SMiPping Point - , Vendor Ships and Bills frefght , . . . Oi'HER INFORMATiON , � � N�T�= T��S A�IARD tS FOR A t?i�E-TiHE DELIVE • • • • • • • TO BP. HAnW. FQA dRbP.R-�^ REG�tVEI? $Y �IiE CONTRAG'f0tt(S)' ON OR BFAQRE TNE PURGIIASE QRDER rtrr,.nFc nlTtr ['iS*�'it AAn�r SFA. PARb�pg ENTI'TLEp RE-ORDERS ti� TfiE ATTAGNED SPECIF'I—CA— ��R--��BR�KS--��A-ORUBJiS vr srFn A�TFR CC; T1tE AfiOVE t1ATF.. C.00PERRTIVE PURCTiASIIVG MEN- BFRS NOT NAHF.I� IN Tt1P. SPP,CIFtCATi{'fNS MAY � f'tiRC�IASR itNi)P.R 't'11tS C:OiVTRht:T AY Ot�7AINTNt; T11�; f,ON3'RAf.TOR(S)' PFRHtSSt�N. % . . ' . . . � . �. • � � � � � . � �. ee� 4e � � e �. (Ta bs opened TussdaY, Movember 1, 19�8 et 2:00 p.M. } �_4I"!1'���1 1'b 9524 PttaPOSAI t?F '� ! r ? . A�DRESS-� t� D I .,�1 ,S�f'�� � CITY, StA7E� IIP�,��K�.,�.�'�.1lL„�� ���tt .5~��� � f �,r,�C��1�.1 �3.� 5 ss for the fu�nishing and dsllvsry ot PQLICE CARS for Hennepin Co�nty end G�rtafin Instrumentatttles, in accordance Nith the ettsched speclffeations whtch Kere �ubmttted with this Proposai and upon wh�ch this Prapvsai 1s made. Iter* Est. N� Qescriotlon Q�,y,, Mfr 8 Modal No U�it Frice Totat 1. Full-Size Po11ce Sedan �ht' � ��� ��� <-aoor c�y� � � � l.3 O. K �- � .Z'7 � '1 :L'� �- Qptio�s; Add (+) or Qeduct (-j a. Bucket seats 1n 11eu �,�� �.� of sp11t seets 49 (�') :-�:��L._,.^.. ! (1 � .�-� ;� � b. Neavy duty bench seat �c�=�� in lieu ot sp11t bench � � ` '�D �i "� / ��' ,2�1�, ( -) 3 ,_�_�________,_ #1��.} c. Heav duty c1otM sests 10 ,, � • y � t - ) ! �-�._.,. � ?,2-C? `'r d. Heavy duty cioth tront/ vtnyl reer � ��•�� 14 ( .{-) �_�3�:�.�.., S � a. Par+er seat� driver's sids c�nty on spl it be�ch ,3' I0 ( �-) !�_���v ; �-��(�" f. Spscial two tor►� patnt 16 t {-j ; , �,� _ �,� 9. Add RH spotl i ght 13 �+ j = ! I Qco S �- C�, n. Etectrcnic ciock ¢a' 6 0 (.}._) ! 79� � � . ��' i. E�gins block heater, immerslan � -�Q" � � .�p ( �') =�t--1--�.�.,_,_ ; r ��% � �. Oelets tocking • differential 22 cO ( —} �� : � �r �C To ai �ry�� ♦ � � «� . � �"•^+���` • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � . • ( „( i• i S��. . .. . . • • • • s •. • • • � i��.... Discount for paymenL wlthln twenty E20T daYs . . . . , . . . . . . _�._' Page t of 4 peges . � t � ECNNICAt SPECIFICATIONS FOR FUIL SI2E POLICE SEOANS 900Y fectory Nvt Ava1i. Fectory Not Instetled Qeeter Instatled Inciuded Siylt: 4 Qoar Sedan. Seets: H�svy duty sp11t btnch V saet, vinyl Featu�es: factary tnstetlad afir conditloning with hlgh te�p�rature high pressure cutout. �,/ .....,.._..__ __._.._..__.._ Ti�ted �less throughvut. ;i � Rtmate LN � RH �irrars. �/ �_ Electrlc rear wlndow defroste�. � �- LH spott ight. b" V � Power d�cklid r�t��se. ✓ Power steering with auxiliary cooter. � -__._.s____ Power wfindows, �aster co�trol at driv�r's location. ✓ Pawer door locks. � ....-��.._ Tiit steering wheel . ^� � ` Interval wipers. � Pollce type speedometer, � 0-1dt]mph in 2mph incr�ments wtth certified celibratlon �� Clgarette tighter. _�� Bumper guards. . � �� HD rubb�r floor n�at. � 5ingte key locking system; ai1 cars for each lnstrumentality to be keycd atike. V � r � � � (1� l ��r:c,� ' �t��s�.._.. c�P$n� � ,� / ,L � / � - � �-'U _� ,.C4'!'!L�� C t tJ4LCEi�t.,tf:��Ce.� �rL C�r'c�'��c�'-� C:� �� ��� . �. / ,� � � / cc '�.�:'L �� ,�!'�t�� .,C ec. 1.r E�.,�'I.��.'<;�`(.��r_ ����.��G�.?� f (,: eNa5Si5 S ! Feetory Not Avei1 . Fectory Not Instatled Oceier Inste1icd inrluded wheclbes�: 214• a�inlmum. . 8rakes: Power� dtsc front, seml- �n�tel t ic t ining. She11 �rte�t Mich. State testing requlraments. ✓ Fremc: Ha palice vehicle frame. Suspensian: Police car suspension es cufrEntly adve�tis�d. Shatl include stabiltzer bar, special springs and shocks. Transmission: AutomaNc. tow geer ?ockout, heavy duty coaier. 0ltferentlal: Lvcking tYPe. 2.73 ratio. ✓ Tires: Goodyear Eegle 6T-HR�4 ste�! b�lt�d radiet � hlgh 5�t#resance, pallce specisl � � � � ENGINE COt1RARTMENT Engine: Y9. 35U CID minia�um, maxl+num �/ coaiing rediatar, Hood Retease: Inter#or. ._:�_ ELECtRICAi. � 8ettery: Mai�tenence fr�e* 72 emp hour �ainimu� with heat shield. ✓ ____,.___. Alt�rnetor: 100 emp a�inl�u�, � -._..__-__.- Lights: Halogen headllghts, trunk and underhood 1lghts. �, .:--.__._.�. Red1o; AM/fM Stereo. y/ COlOR Manufactu�er's standard. � � ���. ' � > Companp - ��� � ! Fectary Not Ave11 . �'�ctory N�t Installed tieal�r Installed Inciuded aprror�s l. Bucket seats #n lteu ot sp14t stets. •�/ _.._.__._.�._.T 2. Heevy duty b�nch seat �� 1n lieu of split bench 3. Heevy duty cloth seAts. ` �L.,_ 4. Heavy duty cloth �J i fro�t/vinyl rear , 5. Power seat� driver's �_ sjde anly on split b�nch 6. Special two tone peint �! M1 �.ft 1118f1 utectures std. � or speci�l cotof. � 7. Add RH spotllght. (a �' �,/ 8. ' Electronlc clock �/ _ 9. Engine bloek heater, i n�me r s 14n, � 10. Deiete lacking ditferentlel . 1/ � ti �GG�1.Q- �t` �tl�j� ' r a�y'�'' � �/ J ��,���C,d.� -C sts�'i.�,�.���fr�fd� Qc4.��� �t �r� *!' '� + ���,,/ �-t/ 6 �it��if GRd� "� �c?�Ltt C� t2t� rv�'1 c�