HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Garbage Haulers Licensing Requirements .A • • Ordinance No. X I V.8 C�� af Rosemount ���?'� � . Y Dakota County, Minnesata . ; An Ordtnance Amending Tit1e 5, Chap#er 1 Pertaining to Buliding Regulations Thc City Council of the City of Rasemount, Minnesota, ordains as follows SECTI�N 1: Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 5-1-1, 5-1-3 and 5-1-5 of the Rosemaant City Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 5•1-1: De#initions: MIXEU MUNICIPAL/MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE: Garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash and other satid waste from residential, commercial, industrial and community generators which is collected in aggregate, but does not include auto hulks, street sweepings, ash, construction and demolition debris, mining wastes, sludges, tree and agricultural wastes, tires, hazardous wastes and other materials collected, processed and disposed of as separate waste streams. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Materials lhat can readity be separated and reused in their present form or can be converted inta raw materials from which aew praducts can be manufactured. YARD WASTE Grass, leaves, prunings and garden waste. 5 1-3: C.ontainers, Requiremenfs A. Use Reqaired, Description: 1. All refuse accumulating between the time af collection shall be piaced in the cans provided for herein. (Ord. XIV-1, 4-b-71) 2. Every householder or occupant of any dwelling house, boarding house, restaurant ox any place of business having re€use to dispose of who does not otherwise provide for the disposal af snch refuse in a sanitary manner shall pr4vide himself with ane or more tight cantainers designed for proper refuse storage sufficient to receive alt refuse which may accumulate between the tirnes of coilectiorr. Each can shalt have a eapacity of not to exceed thirty (3Q-) gallons and shall be provided with handles and a tight-fitting cover, unless other approval by the City. B. !'lacement: Said Gans shall be kept in an enelosed area until the day of scheduied �'rekup. ((3rd. XIV-1, 4-6-72; amd. 1983 Code) a . Ordinance No. XIV.8 • Page Two • 5•1-5: Coilectors' Regulation�: A. License Requireds It shall be unlawful far any �erson ta caliect refuse : wiihout first having secured a li�ense to do so frorn the CiEy Cot�ncil. B. Applieation for License« Any person desiring a license to caliect refuse shalt mak� application for the sarne to the City Cterk upon a form prescril�ecl by the Council. The applie�tion shall set farthr l. The name and address of the applicant. , 2. A list of the equiprnent which he proposes to use in such collection. 3. The plaee or places to which the refuse is to be hauled. 4. The manner in which said refuse is to be disposed af. 5. The partic�n of the City in which collectic�ns are to be made, (Ord. XIV-i, 4-b-71} C. Insurance Reqnired, Issuance; Before any Iicense may be issued, the applicant shall, if his application is approved by the Councit, dep�sit wfth thc City Clerk pr4of of pubiic tiabiliEy insurance as may be rec�uired hy ihe C:ity CaunciE in connecti�n with a��roving thc �}�ptic�+ti�n, and t�nder Ihe eonditinns imposed by the orclinances nf the City. The City Clerk shall then issue and deliver the license. D. Fees A iicense fee set by the City Council shall accompany the application and upc�n granting the license, the fee shail be deposited in the General Fand. {prd. XIV-1, 4-b-71; amd. 1983 Code) E. Terrn: No lice�se issued hereunder shall be for a tonger �eriod than one ycar and all licenses shaii expire on Decemhcr 31 of each ycAr. F'. Yard Waste Uisposal: Effective March 1, i98� it sha11 be required t� dispase o[ yard waste at compost tacilities designated or approved by bakota County. SECTiON IL This Ordinance shall be eft'eetive immediately up�n its passage and publication. Adopted this 6th day of December, 1988. CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk