HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda,� �t�".,�,,� ,, .z�, ,r ,� �; , - `k.T-� .:��C' s'� ��,'�kv ;^� �: t� �, x,.� 7" x"t� . , .. .. .r ,.. _ :: �=x. � e�.rY C�'` RC�L'�JAt.�� � A G E N D A � j . RmtJL,AR C:CXJNCIL ME�LTI(d� �L,� -+ ..S T-/L-/� DI�ER 20� 19$$ 7:30 F.M. ����—�� 1 . Call to OrderfPledc�e of Allegiance 7. �dditions or Corrections to AgP.nda - Council, St3ff, Audie,nc� 3. D�PAFt`rt�£ IiE�D6 TtEPOkTS/&TST[�E� a. S�eed Study Rasults far Shantion Parkway & Dodd T3oulevard b. 4. CJONSI� AGL1'1D11 a. Mi.nutes c�E D��nt�r G, 198a Regular ►�i�ting b. Minutes o� Dec�r 15, 198$ Speci.al Me�ting c. Apprroval of Licens�s �nd/o.r Permits d. P�rtial Fay�nent Building Departinent Software e. Authorize Ar� far Bids far Fire Departrnent Vehicles � f. Approval af 1989 T�iquor T,icens�s /9P�/o'�'`��. hdapt Res4lution to Rec;eive Petit.�.�nIC)rclp.x Fe�s. Repor_t-West R3.c3r� 3rd Ac.�dxtiQn h. S�t Pu1�1�.c Iiearing - Ik�le II�lwig Zoning Appaal i. App�w� Change ()�ler �4 - Shanr�n Par}:way .St.x�eet Imprc>v�n�rtfis� Cc�ttfi..�c��� 1987--�! j. Set H�ring Date - Zoning �nent I-Gk�1 Revis�.an k. Appraval of Bills Listine� l. 5. ULD BUSINESS a. G�da Aver►u�f County Road 42 Report b. St.a.r Cable Franctzi.s� ��j�.,S" c. Mull�ry Site �AW Petit.ion d. Garbage Haulers Lic:ensing Reqtxirements e. F,cono�nic Develo�xnent Soecialist - App�roval to Hirn f. Recycling Cc�x�tr_act i��,.s�8�:�� sa��, proposals . . � ,�'9,�3 ��ri z�',r/3 � MMi TTF�. ��-ri �j 8•00 P.M, _ PUBLIC HEA.RI.NGS ` 6. PUBLIC HEARII� - SAQiS & K�SSU�E PRELZMINARY PLAT a. C)p�n c. Close b. Coz�3uct d, Action���-��.s,o /9��-/�'� 7. PU�.,IC HE�,RTi� - LINi�2ICK WAY W1�7'�N EXTIlVS�ON . a. open c. Close ��\� /9cP�-' /Z�' b. conduct a. Action_ ��9 $. PUBLIC T-IE�IIZII� - RO � Jt�f� CE�PT�R PRII,IMINP�RY PLAT/CIX�ICt�''C PUD a. �1 c. Close b. Corx�uct d. Actian_;�--�-�5 a /9��-- /�o � 9. NEW BUSTI�TESS a. Manutactured Hc�ne Park Legislation b. �kata Courity HRA Contract for Relocation Services " c. Purchasin� Policy d. Work Station Purchase Rec�uest e. Flection Equi.pment Purcila.se � f. D�akot� County Cities - Pol.icy Statc�nents c�n Le.gisl�tian / i 8-/�3/ g. App�ove Flans & Specs/Au ize A�d for Bids - Limerick YVay Watennain �xt�x�.sion A� h. Finn�an Parcel D3vi�ir�n �sa /9�3'�--✓32 i. 1986 Borid Tax Designation Resolution.. .�E„Sa /9�d- ��3 3 j. Bit�ni.nous Raadways/Lance Johnson Mi.iung PPr_mit Ren�.l k. Bit�un3.nous Nlaterials, Inc. Sand & Gravel Mining Praposal EAW -�.�sa /9f'fj� /.3� l. Approve Respreading of Shannon Oak.s Pending Ass�ssments m. , 10. MAYOR'S �2EPC)RT a. Urba�ti Design Team Recao�mlendatians b. _. 11 . 1�UI++LZNIS`:CF211'IC?R'S RCPOKT a. b. 12. AN�'VOUl�iC;k�IQ�'S 13. AU7(7[7RNME�r .� , �