HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.g. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - Limerick Way Watermain Extension - � • • � �'`�'rr� � , .,� ***�***�t***,t****�*�r**�a***�*************,�1'tEAt�******�*�**�r***�****�*�t************* DATE: DECEPIBER 13, I988 T0: PtAXOR & COUNCILrtEI�tBERS G/0 CITY ADAfINISTRATOR JILK FROAi; CITY ENGIN�ER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTZ RE: ITE1�iS FOR TH� UEGEAIBER 20, 1988 COUNCIL PiEETING NEW BUSINESS Approve Plans/Specifications for Limerick Way 6Jatermain, City Contract i988-9 In order to attempt to meet the developers tzmetable, I requested our Gonsultan�s to prepare the plans and speci£ications £ar the Limerick Way Watermain` �o that Council could apProve them the same night es the project a�PPr4va1. pf course this as�ume� that Council $uthorizes Che pro,ject at Che publa.e hea��:ng. If the Counci.l approves Project �193, then the recommended action for Council to take on this item would be to apgrove plans and specifications for Limerick Way Watermain, Gxty Contract 1988-9, City Project �293, and authorize a bid opening for January 12, 19a9 at 10:00 a.m. � . ',s i � � i � � j CITY OF ROS�PiOUNT I � �. RESOLUTION 1988 - i i { A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AI3D SPECI�'ICATIONS ', AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEPiENT OF BIDS iLIMERIGK WAY WATERMAIN 1 PROJEGT �193 � : I WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineers for the City have prepared final plans and specifications for Lzmerick Way Watermain, Project ��193, anci such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval; � I NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Gouncil of ttie City of Rosemot�nt, Plinnesota: ( l. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on ; file in the offiee of the City Gierk. i � 2• The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official i City newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisemertt for bids upon � the �aking of such improvements under such approved plans and speeifieations for . Project 11193. 3. The advertisement shall be pubiished in each of said publications at least once not less than ten {10) days before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on January 12, 2989 at 10,00 o'clock a.m. at Rosemaunt City Hall in S��a c�ty and that no hids will be considered unless sealed and filed witti the City Glerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payabie to the City Clerk for five (53�) percent of the amaunt of such bid. ADOPTED this 20th day of December, i988. Rollan lioke, Ptayor ATTEST: ( , � � � , I Steptian Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk ( � i � � i ...... � i I . . J. That the daily�ours of operation for the min• area shall be 9 limited to 7:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. K. That the Operator depvsit with the City Clerk a surety bond or cash escraw in the amount of Twenty five Thausand and no/1QQ ($25,004.00) Doltars in fauor of the City. The r�quired surety bond must b�: (1) Wjth good and suff�cient surety by a surety cflmpany authorized to do business in the State �f Minnesota with the right of the surety cc�mpany to cancel th� same upon thirty (30} days written notice to the permit hoider and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditianed that the Operatar will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the � permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the fngineer Qr other City officials. (4� Conditioned that the Operator wili seeure and hold the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Cauncil or any City officer may be made liable by reasan of any accide►it or injury to persons or property through the fault of the Operator. Upon thirty (30) days notice to the permit holder ancl the surety company, the City rnay reduce or increase the amount of t1�e bond or cash escrow during the term of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately proteeted. L. That the �perator furnishes a certificate of comprehensive general liabiiity insurance issued by �nsurers duTy licensed within the State af Minnesata in an amount of at least five Hundred Thousand and na/100 ($50O,OUQ.00j Do1lars for injury or death of any one person in any vne occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount - of at least One Million and no/100 (31,000,000.00) Dallars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as co- insured. M. A list of the Board of Directors and officers of the Operator shall be submitted prior to issuance of the permit. On an annual basis such list shal ] be updated by the Operator and provided to the City Clerk. N. That constructinn of any pvnding area� or wash plants shall require additional City Council approval and notification of adjacent property owners. -2- ��q P.O BpX 5t0 ZE�, Q 2875-1d5TH ST W e �'"A �f tiOS�MptJtdT,MINNESOTA 550F,A �J�/�`LQ v�.�� 612—d23-44t 1 AFFiDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE LIMERICK WAY WATERMAiN EXTENSION PROJECT 193 STATE OF MINNES�TA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMQUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and saysc I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Cl�rk of the City of Rosemaunt, Minnesota, On Nov+ember 3O, i988, aeting on behalf af the said Gity, i posted at the City Hall, 2875 1#Sth Street West, and deposited in the ' United States PosL Office of Rosemaunt, rtinnesota, eopies of the attached natiee of public hearing regarding Limerick Way Watermain Extension, Project #193; enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fuily prepaid, �aa��s��a to th� persons listed on th� attac�ed listings at the addresses listed with thezr names. There is delivery service by United 5tates Atail hetween tfie place of mailing and the places so addressed. � Steph, Ji1k Administratori erk City of Rosemount Dakata Cour�ty, Minnesota Subscribed and swarn ta before me this.,�c,-r{ day o£ Novem�aer 1988. � ary Pub .c' +r Mn�v+,l�vvtin.�.v�,�s . . � � . � . � S�� (F: S��J ii�:�. ti rrl•� . �* . . . . � . � ' norR:av F�:-�tH, ....,:,���rn � �. _���� } ��d.�' f , ,fL.r; � �; � a�v co�.:t�.t ts. .::.y.,..,.: ,r ic=,� . � .. . . . � X . . 'JV�:"*!4�/Y'�faYY� . . . . . . � . AFfIDAViT Of PUBLICATItflN STATE C?F MINNESOTA � � CQunty of Dakota ) !lANCY l.GUSTAFSON,being�1}�awwn,on ooth serys tbat she is on auThori:ed dgant and emdayree of the�blisher of the newspaper known as Dok�o Ce�nry T.ibw�a,ond hos fu�kno.rledge Pu�uc NaT�c� . . ���a�,�������bw: N0710E OF HGIRIN4 OH IMrROVEMtN'1E UMRRICK WAY WA'1'ERMAIN EXTEl�pp CITY PROIECT+�1f� TO wHOM tT MAY CONCERN: ' (A)T'be newspoper Iws complied with all of the requirements Soestitutieg quoliHeatio�as a(egd NOTICC IS HEREBY GtVEN.thaE the CI- tY�o�until�'the G7ty ot ft�,�. Aewspope',os provided Minnes�o SMhuts 331 AA2,331 A.OT m+d oth�r by opplicubie tavrs,os ornended. neeMa,will taeM at�:60 o'elock p.m,a'8s ciose thereaftee as possible, TuesdaY� I)ecdn6eT 20.198�,in the founCit L9iambers' orcne c�tr x�,se�s i�cn sareecw��tocon- (B)Th.pri�ed ��' sider the fallowing impruyeme�ts; , �i�t"19S-Lime�ick�Vaq Watehnain' �Sxteneion The total eatimated cu�t�seld itnpt�rvt \ ' dnnta�s�25,006. • The art►ouat te be As�d k eatimsEed to aot exceed 3t1,0oo. 't7�e area p�opoeed to be asaeeaetlfor=the ��tl�t�8 imp�ove+neuts woald generaliy be west quarter�a��q��� whith��ehed wos eut hnm the columns d s�!e�ewspaper,a�d w�primed ond published onee tl�90 and is immee�atelp east at SFu� PaM[way aud fierth af Uodd Bouitverd. �P�es dea#ces fn be tMard with r� refecence to the propoecd imPra'em�,ta�vili taeh week,for �T A I� be Aeard at this meeting.W�itt�a�aral opl- —"'—T� su�eessiw weeks;it wa� �wiU be ea�sidersd, . ; Dated this�h d�y ot November 19BS. :�� BY ORDER OF 9YIE GITY COUNCIL ° firsf pubNshed a�Thwador,tM ��� da�r of ��'�-�`��T"�'���-� STEPHAN JILK —. Administratoa�/Cierlc' City et Roaemoynt . �� DakaGt Count7,1Y1ufneeote - � _ �.at 19 , ond was thereotte► Pei»Md a�d pu�ished on srery Thuesdar�r N► a�d inrclu+�� [� Q� TI„Kido�,.� U� �r� ��c�'���"r .i9 � +� ; ond�rinted b�low is a eopy of the iow�ca�e�phabot honr A to Z,b�fh inel�aire,wlich is I�erebY aeknowladged�beiag N�e sise cmd kiad d fppe�ed in the eomposition a�d pabFieation of N�nofia: a bedetghi jk im nopqrstuvwxyz . f"� � � r�, BY: f�-�.C' m�:s� �. Subsai�ed and swan►eo beM� this 0`�'� ,�,d -��'`�.�Y'^c`��,j�-�{"'�14 �b . � �� �'.� � ._�-�c:_ H�v��e � ��.... _ �,,:�,y.,*r.*.�•��,ac�^*. . �' ; ., ;'�a.,:3L.t.�l��,VG�L.�Pii.l � : a �s; u�• �++�;A?•,YFU3LIC•�A#i�}�FSG+A 7 ;, p� � t::�,1rt��'d1 GC�`t1i�31"�f � �•'?� ri�`" M,€;v�:�rn.[x�.thx:.3.1964 .� � � � � � � ����2rs < . . .r'.*+4x;g�►A��le°!'!�� . . . . . . . � M�..• . . . . � � � ; � . � . . . . � . . � :� f_i11 c� F�,� rr�►x i,��► ��r� ��.x���:;� w r' �, �` � '� tt05E1vi�lJNt,A�tINNtSOtA 651N�ti �C3.yC'YI�UL!}?� s►a a1:i �.�,� P 1J I3 L I C N 0 T I C E . NpTIGE Q�' Plll�t,IC TIFARiNG OA1 IMpRUV�1�fFNTS LIAtERICi{ WRY WATLRAtAtN �;XTENSt0A1 GITY PROJFCT d 19� TO WIIOM IT MAY G�NCERN: NO'['TCE IS Ii�REt�Y GIVEN, lh��t Clie C i t y Cnultc i 1 o E tlie C i t y �f ��scmot��tL, rli�u�esatu, will meet aC B:UU o'clvck U.�. �� �s clasc ll�eret�fter as �c�ssiblc, 'Puesc}ay, llecem�er 2Q, 198�1, in ttte Go�ir�cil Giaambers o� ttie City ilall, 2875 145tt► StreeC West, to consider ttie followir�b im�rc►v�ments: Project I1193 - laim�rick Way �dnterm.�in �xtensinn 7'1�e tui:al estim�ztecl cost of sr�icl im��rovc�mr.nt.� is $25,000. Ti�e amount to be asses3ed is estimatecl to not exceecl $14,000. Tt�e area �ro}�osed to lle assessecl for ti�e foreg�in�; in���rovei�x±nts Nniittl �eEteratty t�e alZ that ar�a �ener�lly clescrilrecl ns Clte narCl»est c�itarker oE tt�e so�rt,he,�at c���arlcr c�f SecCic�n 3� ar�tl is immrdirttr.ly er�sC c�L Sl�anncm l��rk��y aitci �i�rti� ��f llucld Iiuu�eva rcl, � Sucti perso�� as clesires to be liearci with referez�ce ta tt�e pra�ased im�rovemenls will be liearcl at ttiis m�etir��. t�ritten or c►ral c��inioras will lre cot�sit�ered. Aate� this 2fltti clay of NovemUer, 19II�3. AY ORDER flF TitE CITY COUNCIL. � .�.�.._--� � teph�n Jilk Aciministrator/Clc�rk � Gity c�f Rr�seniount t}akota G�u��ty, MinT�esota . , Ptailing tor City Project d193 - Limerick Way Watermain Exte�zsian Richard L. & Emmet �arrall 44$5 Oak Ghase Lane �a�an, piN 55123 Bi11 Jacobson 9979 Valkey View Etvad Eden Prairie, 1�fN 55344 �