HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.j. Bituminous Roadways / Lance Johnson Mining Permit Renewal i (�( 2 • �� ���x s,� \�,llt� O ae75��a��t�sF w �+ �`q '/1�t f105f MOI.iN1'. MINNES�Tl1 55�6H �Je/�'i�QVL�b� 617--A23-441 1 TQ: CITY CUUNCIL �',�X� . q �. FRORT: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER I)ATF,: DECEMBER 15, 198ti SUBJ: DECEMBER 2(1, 1988 REGULAR MEETING REV[EWS BITUMfNOUS ROADWAYSiLANCE Ji)�iN;SON M1NiN(: PERR4IT I2ENF�YAL The City has recieved a request for renewal of a sand and gravel mining permiC for lhe east 30 acres of the Lance Johnson property located of[ of Rich Vatley BouFevard (see attached Phasing Plan and Grading Plan). The current phasing plan, reclamatian (grading) plan, and conditions assoiciated with this mining permit were origonatly appraved in 1982 with the recngnition that the mining wouid eontinue [or several years with twn year permit renewats. The current vperator of the sand and gravel operaEion is Bituminous Road�vays, Inc. of Minneapoiis and the owner and ap�licant €c�r the permit is Lance .1. Johnson. tncluded with this review is a cnpy of the existing eondilions ptacec� upon the last renewal of the permiE (dated il/i8/i988). All conditions of the previ�us permit have been met and i would recomrnend a�proval �f the mining pern�it renewal requesi subject to an amended list of conditic�ns (attached}, Because tlie Proposed 2oning Ordinance provides for one year minin� �,ermit renewnal instead of the current two year renewnal; I had arigonally planned to recommend that the Pianning Commission and Council only a�prove this permit renewnal request for one year. The purpose of one year renewnal is to m�re closcly mvnitor mining acitivities, generate greater fees and to allt�w for prompter action from the City shoe�ld the t�perator violate the conditions of the permit. $ecause the ap�licant c�bjected to utilizing a one year permit renewal �rior to adogtion of the New Zoning Qrdinanee; I hac=e changed my , rec�mmendation to accommc�c�ate a two year renewal this ��ne last time. tn : response to this coneession the appliea�nt has agreed to double the current fee of $254.(30 for the two year permit to $SOO.OQ. The only chan�e in the grading plan heing recort�mended is th�t the plan be modiFicd to cause f'tnal grades on the Johnson Pr�}�erty to n�atch those �f thc Parranto Property along those properties cc�rt�mon houndary. Since the same opertator, Bitum�nous Roadways is mining on both pro�erties their is t�o sen,re leavin� a knalt between the }�roperties merely to accomm�daEe required seEback �ra��isions. I w�ul�# rccommend approvai c�f the Bituminaits Roadways/Lance .iohns�n Mining Pernait renewal subject tc� the attached cor�ditions. f v' % � , } `�, , �r � j 4;,�,% �i • � �! Conditions of Lance J. Johnsc�n Mining Permit A. That Lance J. Johnson (hereinafter "the Operator"j sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its snccessors or assigns to the conditions of said permit, B. That this permiG is granted E'ot the area designated as Phases l, 2 and 3 on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as pne of the exhibits dated August 13, 1982. C. That the term of the permit shall extend for from January 1, 1989 until December 3�, 199U unless revoked priar to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. Thereafter, any appiication for reaewal of the permit shall be made at least sixty (60) days prior to Ehe expirativn date. A mining permit fee of $SQ0.00 shail be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. That ail required permits from the State of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (heteinafter "City") or any of their a�encies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the permit. That failure by the Operator to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this paragraph shall be groands for the City to terminate said mining permit. E. That the final grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordaace with the attached exhibits and any other conditions as may be imposed by fhe City from time to time. F. A11 gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mining area fxom County State Aide Highway No. 71. it shall be the Opera#or's res�onsibitity to obtain any easements necessary for ingress and egress. 7he location of the easements for ingress and egress shall be approved by the City and a plan for dust controt shall be submitted and approved by the CiEy. G. That the surface waEer drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere or affect the naturat drainage of adjacent property. H. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing Ehe locakion of the Williams Bros. Pipeline locaked within the permiE area shall be the sote obligation and expense of the lJperator. I. That all costs of processing the peimit, including but not limited to ptanning fees, engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by the Operator prior ta the issuance of the permit. That the QperaEor reimt�urse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer or any other City employee for the putpose of insurin� that coaditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting of enforcing of the permit. J. That the daily hours of operatian for the mining area sha}t be limited to ?:QQ a.m, to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to heing changed by the City Council. K. That the Oper� deposit with the Gity Glerk a �rety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand an�# no/lt�� ($2S,(100.4A) Qoltars in favor of the City. The required snrety bond must be: (1) With gaod and suf[icient surety by a surety com�any authori�ed ta do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the surety campany to eancel the same upon thirty (30� days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in forrn and snbstance. (3) Conditioned tl�at the Operatar will faithfully camply with all the terms, condiEions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the per►nit and as required by the City and all reasonaale requirements of the Engineer or other City officials. (4) Conditioned ihat the Operator will secure and hold the City and its offieers harmless against aay and all claims, or far which the City, the Conncil or any City of ficer may be made iiable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or pro�erty through the fault oF the Operator. (S} The surety hond or cash escrow shall remain in effect frorn January 1, 19$9 until July 30, 199L Upon thirty (30) days notice to the permit holder and the surety company, the City may rednce or increase the amount of the bond or cash escrow ` during the ternn of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. L. That the Operator t'urnishes a certificate`of eomprehensive general liability inst�rance issued by insurers duly ticensed within the State af Minnesata in an amount af at least Five Hund�ed Thousand and no/IOQ (�SOO,OOO.OQ) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, . bodily injury liabillty in an amount of at Ieast One Million and no/140 ($1,QOO,OOO.00j Dollars and darnage liability in an amount of at leasi Two Hundred Fitty Thousand and r►a/1QQ ($25Q,000.00) Do}lars arising out of any one oceurrence. The policy of insutanee shall name the City as ca- insured and shall remain in effect from Janaary 1, 1989 until Jnne 3�, 199 L M. A list of the Board of Directors and officers of the Operatar shall be submitted prior to issuance of the permit. On an annuai basis sueh list shall be updated by the Operator and provided [o the City Cterk. N. That constrvction of any ponding areas or wash plants shall require additional City Council approval and noiification of adjacent pro�erty owners. O. That the Operaior shall hoid the City liarmless from all claims or caL�ses of action #hat may result from the granting of the permit. That the Operator shall indemnify the City for a11 cc�sts, dam�ges or expenses, ineluding but not limited to attorney's fees which the Ciky may pay or ineur in consequcnce ot' Such claims. . . �� P. That the Oper�r comply with sueh other require'ments of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem �roper and necessary for the protection of the eitizens aed genera! welfare af the community. Q. Camplete mining and rectamation is required ir� phases 1, 2 and 3 be[�re any additional mining is aathorized. Mocliti�ations or expansion of the miniag areas m�st be approved in writing to the City. R. Reelamation requires the replacement of the enEire stoekpile of topsoil to , the mined area, reseeding and muiching neeessary to re-e:�t�l�tish ' vegctative caver fc�r permanent siope sfa�ilization and eroxic�n ccrntrc�l, , provided atso that the tr►inimum depth of topsoil shall not be less than twn ' inches after reclamation. That Lance J. Johnson, a Minnesota resident, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining perrnit. Dated this day of , I988. B y: Lanee J. Johnson That Paimer G. Peterson, President, Bituminous Roadways, tnc., 2825 Cedar Avettue South, Minneapolis, Minttesota, �►it aperator, herehy consents and agrees to the foregoing eanditions ot said mining permit. Date: BY: Palme€ G. Peterson - ,,�t/c�1��.-- f���s ��' � � , CUNDITIONS QF LANCE J. J�iNSdN MINING PERMIT A. That Lance J. Johnson (hereinafter "the Operator"} sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors ar assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the area designated as Phases 1, 2 and 3 an Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the exhibits dated l�ugust 13, 1982. � C. That tF�e term of the permit shall extend for two (2j years from� �� date of issuance unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. Thereafter, any applicatian for renewal of the permit shall be made at ieast sixty (60) days pr�or to the expiration date. ,� D. That all required permits from the State of Minnesota, Caunty of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "City"� or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior ta the issuance of the permit. That failure by 'the Operator to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this paragraph shall be grounds for tMe City to terminate said mining permit. E. That the final grading far the permit area shall be completed in aceordance with the attached exhib�ts and any other conditions as may be impased by the City from time to time. F. All gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mining area from County State Rid Nighway No. 71. It shall be the Qperator's responsibility to obtain any easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the easements for ingress and egress shall be approved by the City and a plan for dust eontrol shall be submitted and approved by the City. , G. That the surface water drainage af the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere or affect the natural drainage of ad3acent property. , ' N. Any costs incurred now or in the fiuture in changing the location of the Williams Bros. Ripeline located within the permit area shall be the soie obligation and expense of the Operator. I. That all costs vf processing the permit, including but nat limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal f�es, shail be paid by the Operator prior to the issuance of the permit. That the Operator reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by tMe City Engineer or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. 7hat the 4perator agrees to reimburse the Gity for any other costs incurred as a resuit of the granting or enforcing of the permit. . `' 0. That the 0 er�r shall hold the City harmless�om a1T claims or ' causes of action that may result from the granting of the permit. That the Operator shall indemnify the City far a11 casts, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attarneys' fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence Qf sueh claims. P. That the Operator comply with swch other requirements of the City Gauncil as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the comnunity. Q. Gomplete mining and recTamati�n is rQquired in phases 1, 2 and 3 before any additional mining is authorized, Modifications or expansion of the mining areas must be approved in writing by the City. R. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching neeessary to re- establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided atso that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not 6e less than two inches after reclamation. That Lance J. Johnson, a Minnesota resident, hereby eansents and agrees to the foregoing cand�tions of said mining permit. Dated th i s __��__�day of /���y�� , 1986. By; , L nce J.Joh n T That Palmer G. Peterson, President, Bituminous Roadways, Inc., 2825 Cedar Averrue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pit aperator, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. Date: � � �� 8�o B �;� ' r r-----___--r � a mer G. Peterson -3- . , . . .. � � „ �,.�.., ,, ,,. . , ,,,,, <_., t ti-� �� -,,• , \•s - r„"_"------..% �; T8S6 r t, .. . .., . , ,-.:f, ��' �' .+.. � � __._..._ .. '. ,. . . a ..... � .. . : . . .a � `.t ♦j ��� . ..�t � . .. . f .. E �'� :. . �'.. �.` . . j x . �` t„�f f , vz4� ' '--\ . � . �' . :e•+� , } �+• , ` t � __�� , :< , t j"" C -,., ' �. . . . a � ,, � ____� • � � �, . . ! c_ r ,''+t � i r �. . e � � � �� � ... _ ^•at , r "+� � ' �. ... ' .� j � � � � �'r� . � -- . � ' �7�G- _�.�' ,,,,� _� . . _ ;• . . . , � . ���.. . . � • . __..,. 1 � . - � , _._..�..-c ,' � � � N_ 9� Ct ��y�L�� `�t , r. w. ;. 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