HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.e. Election Equipment Purchase � 2 � P� BC1X .�itQ C�Ti� � 2875 145fik!';T W. �`A^ F2C3�EM+CSI.tNT. MINNFSCJTA 540fiF� QSeI�"GV��� 612-423-4411 �.-,�-T-�.v� ��., T�: Mayor Hoke Cauncilmembers Walah, Wippermann, Qxborough, Napper FROM: Susan Johnson, DePuty Clerk DATE; December 1S, 1988 RE; Purchase Qf Election Equipment Steve Ji1k and I have received notification from the vendor for the citq' s election equipment, $usines� Records Corpnr�tion, that st�rting January 1 � 19$9 there wi11 be a new list price on the Optech III-P opti.cal scan voting tabulator a� $6,000. Business Recc�rds has offered the voting tabulator at the o1d sel].ing pr�ee of $��,�30U to any city making a eammitment to purehaqe before Dece�nber 31 , 198f3. P�qment wauld nat be due until �ebrusry, 1989. When we made our init�.al purchase of the new equipment 1Rst year , it was al��ays aur intentton to purchase an a�idition�l ta�c�l.t�tor �s tt b�ckup to the existing four tabalators, and Steve Jilk budgeted so accordingly in the 1989 operating budgeC by designat:ing $6,000 for new equipment. Although we were fartunate enough not to experience any problems at our primary or general election, T learned at a recent meeti:ng I attended with other city clerks using the Optech III-P, that some of the cit3es' tabulators did not wark cvrrectly or comgletely stopped working, and the clerks had to bring in their backup tabulator. Most of the cities purchased a backup with their initial purchase. Bath Steve and i feel a backup i,s necessary, and we feel our �udges would be more confident knowing a backup would be available if their machine broke down. For your consideration, we recammend the following expen�liture: III-P Tabulator, ba].Iot box, memorypak $!�,$pp Additional memorypak {state law requirement) 315 Ny1on caxrying case 50 Shigping/Handling 20 Total $5, 185 If you have any questions regarding thi.s request, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for qour review and consideratian in this matter. cc: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk