HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.f. Dakota County Cities - Policy Statements on Legislation 6x4 .:. .. ,. .. ... .. n�. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. � . .. . . . .. .. .. . � .. .. ... . r .. . . � . . �� . . . . . . � �• � . � � � � � � . . 1 . . . . . . .. I � r P.O 8f)X 5tb � {�i�� 0 2875-145TH ST. W. � QSe/i"`�u�� ROSEMOUN7.MINNESOTA 5s(t£,8 i r 612-423-4Qt t _ ( j TOt Mayor Hoke Councilmemberss Napper i Oxborough ' Walsh Wippermann ' . FROM: Stephan. Jilk, Administrator/C1e . i DATEa December 15, 1988 ' RE: Legislative Position Papers Atteched find "position statements" on several issuea of concern to cities in Dakota County and Dakota County itself. These "position statements" are the result af several meetinga of the Dakota Countp Ci�y and Countq ManagersjAdminiatrators group at which discussion� were held on issues eaeh city agreed were important to them. : The citq and county representatives drafted these "position statements" , reniewed them, modified them and are naw presenting them to you, our councils, to discuss them and take appropriate actian to support them to preaent to ou� state legis].at4rs. Our Adminis�rators group is putting together an evening progr�m in Ja�nuary a� which all of the legislators represent3ng portions af Dakota Cauntp wi11 be invited to attend a�.ong with city officials, posaibly a mea1, and � presentation bp Admin3.strators/Managers of eities ; posttions on these isaues. I would like to have initial di�cussion on these issues on ,. December 20, 198$ and �inal discussion and consideration o£ them on January 3, I989. The Administrators group will put these position statements into final £orm on Januarp 5 at our next meeting. I £ee�. the poaition statements are fairly explanatorp but I wi11 review th�m further at our meeting. Thank pou for your conaideration on these imgortant issues. � 1� � . • � • . ll1�1CU'I'A COUN'I'Y M11N11t:;F;i2S Yosition Statement CQMPhRRt3i.T•. WOTt't'tl ' I3nCiCG120UNF�; The Mi.nnssc�ta Fay Equ:i,ty L��aw, passed by ti�c 19Fi� i,c�c�ist.-�ti�r.nt t�1� rnanc��-����i L#tat al]. �>��bl.ic emp.tay�r� conc�uct� � cc>�uE�s�r.t-ti�t�± wc�rtl� t�tt�ciy �nd re��e,rt tt�e resu.lts ta ttze State. Subsequ�nl: 1egi�lnt_ic�rf t�as also m�ndatec� implementatian Qf the study resu.lts by t�ece�mtaPr. 31 , 1991 and prescari,t�ed certai.t� penal.ties fax f�.i.lu.r.P �:v Cc�n�F�l,y, Mo�t ci.t.ies thraugtic�t�t the Skate, and in f�ake��:a K'r�untx, t�s�ve deman�tr.a�ed the3.r support fo� the eoncept arrd c>tfj�ct�.ve� c�f tit� law t�y cornpleting studies and b�ginning irn�l.eri�ent�.3i.:icrn, hlany h�ve opted Lr�r. a three year implementation proqr.�m. n.l _Ieg�c� F�ay inequit-i.�s can t�e re:sol.ved through the State t�ep�r-t.rnenl vL #lurnari fzights, the court syslem. or arbitration. Cities aric3 the legislature need time to consider ar�c} ana.}_yze the results c�f the good f�ith efforts that have heen c:c,mE�lekec�. Changes at this t ime- coutd lead to unnecessa�-y exp�tis� ��nci cic�l�-�yG i.n i.m��.ten�e n l.��t ion. RECOMMEN�nTEONS: l . 'I'here should t�e no s�atutory changes in com��.�r��t3.t.e wo��lh guxdela,nes and penalties un�il the current progT:-�ms have fiacl the opportunity to prove themselves. Fmpl�f-�sis �hot�l.c3 be �l�eec� on c�nf.orcing existing �aenalties anc� c���.ici�l.i.tjc�:, 7_ . T1►e SL-ate 1ecJi.s7_�i:ur.e shvulc� prova_c�e l,evy l iij�it �id.ltir;tmc�nt:� fc�t- i»Y equ��y irnpleme��tation. 3 . `I'l�e _l.ec�islature ��t�oul.c� not enc�anage.r tlte r-.cc�n�,�nic� ����ci c�fi:f. i.c.'tet�t pr.c�vision of puhl.i.c ser.vir,,es by �;�r,c�hlhit itic� c��,i�i,r,��-t ir�n c�t�t c»� jc� ir�L- ���wer.s �c�.reernents fo� varioU:� sP�-vi.r�e�, trc�r ci�.e> pcihl:ic� �`�yc�nc:ies as tl�e veliicle 4.o isnplemenL pay €�qui.t:y i►i t1�F pr:ivate seei:or through contract compliance requirements. , . . � • . �)11K0't'h {�OtiN'1'Y M11N/1c;G,i2'; I'�s:i.ti.�n Stai:emArit_ 11FFIRMII`PIVE 11CTI�N 13ACKG12Ul1N[): 'i'he Mi ririP�o�a State i3epartment of }iuman Ri.yhi:s 1»s i_nt�r1,ret:ec� a L9f3F3 I�ec}isl.ative l�merrdment to rec�uire lc�ca.l. ��nit_� oC gc�verr�ment t� have a state certified af.firmative actic�n F�r.oc�r.-�n� i.n �rcl�r t�c, he e1.i.c�.i.tjlc� to receive si-�te ai.ds, qrant� , �nc1 corii r;�c-t:� whic�la exc��cl $5(), tlt)(l . 't'i�i.S 1aw was to k�ecome� effect .i.ve c�n /1iic�i��t. 1 , l<)��, 'rl�e date ic�t� cc�mpiiance t�as since been extenc3ed t�y tfTc� Cc�m�ni.�si�ner of liuman Ri.c�hts untii becernber 1 , 1988. 11� c�f tliis �l�-�t_e, s�vPr-a1 cities t�ave receiveci notice from the State c�f Mi.nnesc�t�-� inc�i:eatinc� • t.hat i.f the jurisdiction does not have a c�rt�i_E��c� �ffir�rn�-�fiive �3etion ��t.�n in pl��ce as of ��nuary i , l9#�y , St�te i:r�ar�sE���rt�ti.�n aids w_i_.I.l. be cut of�. corvcr,�zN��: t i.l�c�5 J irs1: becairic� c�w��►-e �f the leg.i.Slal:i.vc� mr�i�ti,�l.c� i�rc�ciii•.i.t�c� �ur���3icZ:i�n� ta PSt:ahl .i.sh �nci r.e�;ei.ve ceT•t:i � ic•,�1 ic�i� ��F ;�ii ��fL.i.i�tn;.at: i_ve 3cta.c_>h }�1_at� .i.n �lu.l,y �L 1y8£3. i'r.c*vic,�t{: !y c� i ( ic�� wc*.t-e± t�t�1 recaua r.ec1 tc� formally esLrablist� a pr.c�gr.�m ar�ci i.i�c-c�i ��c�r-alc� 1ii.r-.i.��c� goals arid/or quotas under the State Depar.tmenC of Iluntan E2.i.gt�ts' guidelines. The State mandate zequixes cit�i:es t�c� P.StEtt)},IS�'} a plan and establish hiring goals appropriate to ihe j�i�-i.sdicl- i:on Uut unc�e.r rigid quc�tas set by tl�e State. In an attempt tca comply wi.th the Department o� it�.�m�n Ric�t��s mandate, cities tt�v� had to rely on the advice and r.er.cm�m�nc�al-.i.c�r�s oC tfie bepartment of tiuman Rigt�ts. The concerns rai.seci tsy mur�i_r_ip�:lit.ies are nume�-ous and include. 1 . Tt�e ever changing and inconsistent coni�liat�r.n i�ecomr,ienc#�tions £.rom tiuman Rigt�ks Department staf f. � . 'I't�e r.igid employment quotas imposed on loca:L t�n i.ts of. g�vernment hy t�he Department af tiuman Rights, 3 . S}ac�r. t timeiines pr.vvided to jurxsdi.cta.c�ns tc, c,c>mE�l.y w.itti the D�'F��rtment s mand���e. 4 . '1'he [)epartment '� �uthor.ity to dici:ate ��nc3 cc�r�i:rc,l ti�r �mul.aymet�k proc�ss for local. units of government . 5 • 'I'1�e State Department o� fiuman Rights stands �-�]one �s juc�qe and j��ry r.eiative to the successfu], eompl.eti.on f-�ncl cc�rnptiinr.e c�f a jurisdieta.on's affirmat�.ve action plan. R�COMMENDIITIONS: 1 . F�staY�lish an 11ppP�.ls Panel and process for h��ncil.iny l_��c�l conr_erns relative to the af�irmative act.ic�n �;,1an, - 11�peals Panel should consist �f on� re�r.e:��nt�-�t:ive c,f t:he State Department of i�uman Rights , one r.epr.���entative of ti�e League of Minnesota Cities and one neutr�:� r.epr_�sentative joi.ntly selected by both parties, 2 . Ttie State Department of tluman Rights �hc�u.lc-� i�r.��vic1P cities wi.th an extens�_�n tor completion of th� ��ffi��m.�ti.ve ac-ti�n �'r�f1T'ams until �7ur�e 30, 1989, commenSt�r��te wi f l� t:he �;�i�r�si.c,n l�r.nv i c��d to fi he ��abl..i.c schoc�ls . � � i , ta11KU'}'A CUtlN'I'Y MnNnt;l:}t�; Pos�.tion 5tatement '['AX R�:rOF2M i371C1<GltUtlNl�: 'Phe 198F3 F�egislative Session resulted in a nim�t�er oI c�t»nye� t� th� cur_rent }�roperty ta� system, For_ e�ampl.e, ti�e ilc�w t:��X 1,,w infr��seG ve.i-y i� i cit�t .Levy .l.i.ti�.i t.s c�r� c._i_t.:ieS �ncj ret���i t���; l��c�.� i iin i t s: 1 r� ,-�cit�c����� t.� cc:�st_I.y "'Pruih i.rr 'I'ax�tion" pr.r�visions. '1'lie�r� ,-�r�ci ��i.l�rr c�h��nc�es tiave i-c�r.�:l.led in increasec� costs anci rec�u.i�-c�inent_, t c�i- icacnl t�t�i.t� c�f �)<�vcz r-rtn���it l: . lt[;CUMMI.NO1�`I'IONS: Itc�cornrnend �}�at the Minnesota State Legi_slF-�ture �;i�c�».tci: 1 . Reta.i.n th� Homestead Credit �s it wa� in f���y��i�le 5�7 . 2 . Coi�k;inue to calcul.at-e tax millag� r.ates as i.�i ��.��;1 yc�irs, 3 . Retain either levy limits �r „trutt� i.n tax�lz�n" t�ut not botlt. 4 . Gonsi.der whether the differ_enc�s in per-ca�:it:�� I�oca,l. Gc�vernment l�id are jnstified, and establish an appropr. i.ai.e range , For example, the average 1989 per-capita I�GR rer.ei.veci by the ten largest �akota county ci.ti_es wi.11 be $65 , tiy eomp�r. i_son, St . Paul wi1�. receive $185, Minneapol.i_s $217 . Some c���tst:ate cit:i:es will receive we11 over $300 per capita. 'I'1se ol>c��r. ' eor��rnunities in D�koka Caun�y are se�ar.ated fr.orn St , I��ul. by or�ly ttie width of a street, yet have an enor�nous e}i ff:er.ence i_n Local Government Aid per-capita. 5 . Consic�er establisha.ng equal property ta�c 1�u�-ciens ota equ.ivaler}t housing. When subsid�.es ar.e granted, tt�ey stzo4�:l,ci 1�� i.��ccnne_ r_elatec�, not related to the taxable value of i:l�� iic,tise r�or. #�t�e nu.11 rate. . + . � i)l1Kc)'I'11 ('ntfN'PY MllNllt;i•;ltf: � . 1'c�s.i t: ic�tt SC��i:�+tn��trl �'UNf)ING FOit i-35W ANU I3LOUM7N(','1't)N 1'{•.Iti2Y ititl iX;i; 13AC IC(;I{E)l1 NU �.. �'�t(?�'t� ��1't'—V(�1��7 f(�W 1'O11t:CS UV(?)' {:}TC? Mlilll(?��t)� il �Z1V(�1' ill (��1�:O� il i111t� `�c�c►1_I t'�,ut�t i;c�s attcl �tu�r�t�y ll�o�e rou�r.s, f:tic� ir�r�,c�i t .�rrc�c� crt I.tu, 1.--:�_iid r.r.c�ss:i.n<1 cannot k�e overstated. On av�rac�n� t hc f i-e�w.�y �:c���t l� c�F t:fic� t3�irnsvi.l_:i.e 3.'ar.lcw<�y :i.s c��r.ryit�g F30 ,t)tl{l r.�ii-s 1�{•►' ci,ry ,•�i�ci it. ,tm��t�c� t:l�e 1�u�, i.esL �tr.el .r.hes c�f: ro��d i.n tl�e SCt-�i:c* c�(: Mi�iiir.�;c,t �-�. 1 --.3`_iW iw�7� t�een , and cc�ntinues #�o t�e, a key factor i.n l}ic� cic�vc�lc��,n�E�iit �E hakot:� (:ot3nly �t�d Scott C�tanty. �'or tl�.is re��a�on, 1>�Icc�i:�a E:c>>>tti.y �����imut�iki.es are v.itally concerneci with the reconst.r.t�ctioi� c�t` 1 --35W. 'C1�at concr�r.n �1so extencis t� ��.l.�ns ft�.r. tl�e re�i��r.e�nc�t�i c,i- t hc� Ct.lc.�cimii�qtc,i� t�er. i•y i3c•.i.cic�c: t:�er..�-�u5e th� t�s� of th�-�t C1^(1SSiiltj �i i � ���•1 1 y ,�E�c� suUs1_r�i►ki.al.l.y impac;l.s t.r.ai'f�.c f-.I.c�w� on l -3riW. 'I'he currenl: cr�nc�.ili.on o� I-35W �re�Ants �-� rri.licr►i tic�r.cf Fc�r r.ecc�n�-;tr.uct ian to cor. r.�ct desiqt� def:.ic;_i:erir-.i�� ,�r��i 1 �� ��cicfi ��cic3 i t: it�ti�-�.l c�apaci.i:y along its entire length. '1'he nztur.p c�f tli� cri �.i� var. i.�s, segii�er�t �iy segment , ��nd is as acute in [)akota Cc,��i�t y ��s aiiy otfiaer segment , There is evidence to suggest th��t the F�rc�bl_ems with I-35W are causing people to avoic� crossing thP Rive.r �3rit3 ►n�y k�e causing others to leave Dakota County. 11n I:nv:ir.onmenl'al Impact Statemet�t ( CISI �r_or.e�� ti��� b�r{ir�i for t}i� reconstruction of I-35W. The pl.anninq anc� enviror�menta:l issues will be d:i.ff�.cul,t to resolue but finding the doil.�rs t:c� Fi.nartic�e ttie proj�et wili be the t�iggest hurdle. Farly esti_n��-�t:�s �1�-� .r,e �rojsct costs at between $500 millivn and $1 billi_on fc�r recc�nstruction o#' the entire segment . Construction is stil_1 opt�.rn_i.stie�ll:y sctjeduled to st�-�r. t in 1995 . I�epl�3cer�ent of the CSAtf 18/gloamington F'err.y Bri.cic�e t�etween Scott County anci Ilennepin County is also under active consici�r.�-�ti_�n . 'I'l�i.s prop�se�3 river crossing woulc� provide ac�c�ition��l. .r.�-�p�ci.fiy for ve1�i-c].es that desi:re to cross the M�.nnesc�C�-� Ri.ve�r ��nc� t:lic�r.ehy reliev� some of the demand now placed on I-35W. [f al_l. wertt wel.l, constructic�n could t�egin in I990 , with cc�m�leti.��n i.i� 1.y9�� , Fundinq is also ttie major problem with this project . R�COMMENT�IITIONS: 7. . Func3in9 priority sl�oul.d be given to �I1(3: �).CO�IOfit�(� T'Pr.,c�rjsl_r.ucl-ia�a of. t-35W on tl�P sec�ment- that passe� throuql� Iiur���;v:i i_i.e and crosses tt�e Mir�nes�ta River, � - `t'f�i.� need exi.sts independent oL �r.c�t�lems wi t:}i c�t her- .sec�rnents of I-35W and should be qu.iek.l.y aciclt:-essec� �ven if pola.tical processes delay reconstrt�ctic�n c3ec�i_,ic,n� for khose ott�er segments. 2 . P'und.ing priority sfioulci be given tc� the px-c,���,�Pc� reE,.l aeement of- Lh� the CSAH 1$JRloomi,ngton Fer.ry 13ri_dye. - 1:�-�rly constrt.�ct3.can of the Ferry Fir. .ic9c�e wc�nlci }�rc�vic3e inttneci.iat-� anc3 stal�stant.i.al. rel.ief fr.om the cur. r.�n�: c�c,nc�e�st .i�n on t-3SW. T i. w i l..l also c<�ni:.r. a.bi�te to the cant:i_i���c�ci r)T�<Ic�r 1 y clet,el.c�pm�nl. of' i)akota �and Sc��t:t Cc��ant:ies. � � UJ1K0't'11 COUN'I'Y M71NAGt:It:; F'osit3_�n St��ternent CUUN't'Y S'I'11TC AIb bIS'rRIl3U`I'ZUN rt)T2Mt)t,11 I311CKGROiIND: The conStitutional arnPnc�ment tt�al gover.n� tt�e c� i�t:r. it�ul; i<�ra f�f tt�€� liighw�y Users Fund was aclopted in 1958 and �tovi.rj�c� f�r. �i?.� c�i: the mon:i.es i.n the fund i�a be di.stributed to st:at.e .T:-c�r-�cit;, ?.�.�Y: i:c� t>e d3.stri.l�ui�ec� to county roads and y� tn city rc�ads. The c�istribution of thess funds among the eounty �i�d ci.t_y road systems is governed hy hoth statute and admi.ni_st,r.��tive r.i�ie. For a variety �f reasons t1�e distribution of the r.i.l:y fi�nds he►s continuerl to meet the changing needs of eitie� anc3 the poUt�l.zti�n c�.r.owth anc� has resulted in a formula that distributes apprc�xi.matel.y f30� af the city state aid higfiway funds to cities in tlie seven eot�nty me�.:.opolitan area. Ct�anges in the clistri.buti�r� ��r. t}�e C�unty State 11id Higtiway (CSAil1 funds, however, have not Iollow�ci tt�e �o�ulati:an growi:h, and as a result, we find that Eaciay t�n.ly �alj�ut l a� of tt�e CSAtI func�s are distributed to counta.es in tl�e sevr�r� r.ounty metropolitan area. Because virtuaily all of Dakota County's us� of CSnH f-unc�s ar.e expended within the vari4us cities in i�akot<� Co��nty aiici t.l�e resulting improvements to the county road sy�t:e►ri .i_s a di.rect lienetit to the eities in Dakota County, it woult� he benef.i.ci.�.l tc� both Dakota County and eities of bakota County to t�r. i.nc� atjnut: a more equitable distribution of CSnN funds. The current statuatory distribution fo.rmuta is as follows : 1Q� equally to the 87 counties 10$ based on the number of vehic�.es regi:stered 30� the number of miles of CSAtt roads 50$ on neec� as determined by the Sc:r.e.en.ing Cc��rnn.ittee The Screening Cbmmittee is made up of one represer�tf-�tive fr.om eae}� of the 9 State Highway Distriets of which the��e �re 2 ih tt�e seven county metro area. The definition of need is spe.11ec� r,ut mostly in �dministrative rule, but many of the decisions �re arbitrary and determined by the members of the Screening Cam�nittee whi.r.t� is dominated by the rurel part of Minnesota. RECOMMP:NI)l1TIONS: - Modify the current statuatory da.stribution form4�ta as f-ollows : 10� equally to the 87 counties 30� based on the number of_ vehi.cles r�qi�ter.eci 3Q� the number of miles of CS111� roads 30� on need as determined by the Ser.eFn i ny Cc�tjrrni t tee - Assic�n �reater priority to the number of vP}ii_cles regi.stered, rather than the determination af the ScrPen.inq C�rntnittee , - Exr,an� membe�ship of the Screening Commi.ttPe t�� l�# rnernf.c�r.s (mPnit�el-s based on pap��l.�t.ion) - I3asc funding an larie miles rather L-han C[?ht:r1' I.�I1C� �rii :i<.�s � . , • � U11KOT11 COUN'I'Y MANAGt;t25 Position Statement ' WH�Ei,11GE TAX . 1311CKGilOUNI); Uakota County's road anci bridge needs ar.e �re�;c�r�l: ly c�r��winc� f.��ster. L-han �:arojecl:ed it�ndi.ny. 7'he �opic of rc�r-�d s�ri�� l�ric�qc� i't►r�d:i_air� ttas been discussed several t3.mes by city ahd county c�fif�.ci�-�:t�, and it appears that the major problern is not eost sha.r. i.r�g i'orrn�r.l��s, but th�t present laws do not allow the flexibility or. �n aciequate �ur�c�ihc� base to address city/county heeds. A Bi11 was introduced during the 1988 Legi_slal iv� Sc�ssir�n wi�ich wQu.id provide for a $12/vehicle wheelage tax which w�u:lci su�plen�ent present road and bridge funding. Present law provi.dPs f.or an optional wheelage tax, but reduces dvllar for d�1.l.ar L-tze road �nd bridc�e �roperty tax levy, It is estimated that �:t�e wl�eet�ge tax would generate approximately $11 million over tl�e next 5 years, which could be used to increase projected cc►unty road �nci t�rxclge expenditures by 17� or reduce the cities ' share of r�roject costs. RECOMM�NbATIONS: Estat�lish a wvheelage tax for metropolitan countx.c�s wl�ict� wa:ll operat� as falZows: 1 . Require eounties to i.mpose a wheelage �ax �n es-�ch ij�c�k�.r vehicle "domiciled" in that county. present la�w (MS 1fi3 .051 ) pei�mits a wt�eelag� t�x. 2 . All farm trucks, trai7.ers and mt�torized bicye.les would k�e exempt . from the wheelaga tax. 3 . T}ie wheelage tax zate would be $12 per year per rn�tor vehicle and $6 per motorcycle. 9 . '1'1►� wl�e�lage tax would only be applied l.ti LItE'. �r�et.r���o.1.3,tan seven ( 7 ) counties. 5• The present law (MS 163.OS1, Subd, 5 ) wouJ_cl be amendec� to not have the amount of money collected in e�ch cot�nty suhtracted or counted against the county's entitlement of. �t��te l�i.c�t�way func�s, It� ef"fect , this would allow the coi�nty wt�el:-c� C.}j� raiol-c��- vehicle is c�orni.ciled to collPcfi and keep ti�e �1.2 c�r. 5C, �lf?i:' Vf?II1C).P. within that county. 7'he intent of this legisl.ative proposal: is to pr.�v:icie thP metro count�.es extra highway dollars whi.ch would not hA sut�ject tn ttie G2-2�-9 formula in i:he Constituti_on, ` � � nAKOmA COUNTY M71N11GE[25 Positian Statem�nt CROSS CUUNmY lt?C11W7lXS r�nc�cci�oc�tvt�; W.i.L-1� t:l�€� excepti�n c�f.- County Itc�a�i 42 anc� St-��t:P iiic{hw�y �ir) , wF�i.c�h in i.1:5e1 f. i.s nat- �-t di_r.eei: ].ink, there are nc� r.ro�;A c��,Yini.y i� i��t�w�-�y4 exi.�t�.i.nc� .i_n Uakota Caunty within �he east/west c-carr.iclor tjetween tl�c� Apple valley/Burnsville/Lakeville are� and easi=Frn I�akc,t�� �c�i�nty ��nd the t{ast.ings area. Cross county highways wi_].1 t�e r,� c�r��t benefit to Dakota county as they will provide a direct 1i_nk to the ��r eastern and western portions vf the county. These li.r�ks wi.1.1 then allow for i.mproved aeceSs and the ability to tr.an:��ort_ ��eop.le, goc�ds and services in an efficient manner throughaut these coi-ridor are�s. IZECOMMENDJITIONS: � 1 . Accelerate efforts and stvdies necessar_y to e-re�-�te a cross county highway in the County Road 38 ar 160tt�/170th Street . corridor. , i, . � � . i)11KU'J'n COUN'l�x Mnranc,f;ltE; F�ofii.k�.c�n StatPmcrlk I20Ab IMF'AC'P F�FS .. L'nCl<G ItC)t1NU: I�oc�-�l. c�over.nm�nts a.rr-. using a variety e�i t�r.hn.i.cat�es tc� priv��t:e.ly L.i.nance public infr.ast:rvr.tu.re . One sucFs tecf�nic�t�r. i� irn���e,l: feP� . 11n impact: fee can be defi_neei as, "singl.e ��yrnent=( � ) T-rq��i�-c�rj t�� ��e made by t�uiiders or developers at the ti.me of deve:lc��,rner�t appr.oval and calr.ulated to be the proportionate share o!: t:hP c�apit���. cost vf �roviding major facilties (arterial roads, inter_r.eptc�r sPwers , » sewage treatment plants, regional parks, etc. ) to that d�velop�nent . " Impact £ees under this definition are curr.ently r�c>t- l.eg�-�l. i_n t�he SLate of Minnesota. 1lttempts have been made in tl» l.�st: few years to pass legisiation in the Mihnesota I,egislatiur_e that wc,uld en�t�le cities �nd countiPs to irnpose a road access chai-qe ( � f�rin �f- an impac� fee3 to all new developments. Proposals t��3ve been made in the past that would allaw cities to assess a fee u� ta �750 �ex single family home againsti a11 new developments b�sec� upon the number of vehicle trips that the project generated. This legislation was introduced in the 1987 and tt�e 19Ft£3 iegi:�;lat.ive sess i.ons. Supporters of enabling legislation believe th�t .legi.sl��ti_c�n allc�wi.nq cities to collect a road access eharge woul.d provi.<le ci l-:i.es wi,th a much needed addita.ot�al source of fundi,ng to hel� kePp th� ar.teri�l and collector street systems clpser to fulfill.ing i_}ae�.r. transporlation needs. By collecting a roac� accP�s ch�-�r.c�e at up tc� $750 per single family homa for new or expandec� land use, it s�r.eads i:he cost of part of the arterialjcollector street syst�m c�ver a larger area of a eity since the new or expandeci 3_and use wou].d pay regardless of whether it was actually located �d jaeet�t tc, t}�e arteria.1/collector st.reet . We believe th�t the ci.li_es oL [)�tk�t�� County, facing extreme growth and fiscal str.ess, need ttie aciciiti.or�al revenue that wou:td become available to it as a .r.est�J.t of a r��d �-�ccess f.-ee. RrCC��9Mt;NbATIONB: 1 . Support the passage of legislation tt�at wouJ.d et�ai�le cities and counties to impose a road access charge. . � � • hAKO'I'r C�(lN'1'Y MnNl1�;{•:I2�, Positian 5tatemet�t i1A7.11RUpUS Ml1TERIAI�S #{ESPUNSF: i3RCKG ttOtiN1): In 198G Congress passec3 tl�e Emergency F�l.�ntti.�iq ���fi Co�tm�ia��ity 12.i.g#�t � to Know �#ct as Ti.tle III af the Superfunc3 An�enc�n�c�r�i-s �r�ri fteaut hc�r, i.z.�t.i.on 11c1: ( .r,RRA j . Cohc�re�� ehac tc�c� t h i r 1��w i F� {in 1 E� l c�r,�a 1 commun.i.ties pr.ote�t �t�t�li_c health anci plan fc�r. c'I1(�itlt.c'21I t'lIIE►1'c�P.fiC��S. '1'o im��lement Title IIt , Congress requi.r.ed eacty st�-�te tc� �-��,F,c,ink � State t`mergency Response Commission (SLRC j , and l-l�is Cc�mmi ss:ic�n t}iett estat�list�ed Local Emergency Planning Committees ( 1�rFjC) . ` n:lti�ough t}aese Loca1. Ylanning Committees exi.sk. , tl�c�.r� i� i�c, stat�w�.cie coordinati.on for hazardous materi.ats z-c����c,►�Ge, 1��. �-� 1c,r..��1 . levei, ttte development of hazardous mater, i.�l�s r..r�sx�c�n�e� r.f��a:�h.i..l.it.i.�s i-s us�i�-�l.ly dependent on city size and t1�P pe.r.ceiv�ci i:lir•c�.�i: c,}: hazar.dot.�s maLerS.al iticidents. It is often tc�� �x�,ensi.vc� tc� adequatel.y provide hazardous material reponse �t t}}e .l.ar..��.1 ieve.i.. New C'ed�rat law rec�uires �i1 per.sonnel r_es�c�t�e�i.��c� i:� hax��r.-c�ous materia�_s emergencies to be �roperly trai.ned ancl P���a.i�pc�ci . 'I'}aese standards require the vast majority of fire dep�rtmenr� to X�rovi.c�e additional extensive training or t�e in viol�ti�n of the )aw. It :is i.mpossible at the city or eounty level to meet tl�ece tr�-�.i.n.i_r�n requir.ements within a reasonable cost . , One alrernative is to pool resourees so every jur. .iscii.cti.oi� eloes not- have to develop and mai.ntain specialized hazardo��s r.es�on�e teams. Regionally organiaed r.esponse teams are ttte m�st eftect.i.ve �nc� econoinical approach for respond9.hg to hazardous rr�zt-er. .i.a.ts ernergeneies. The Minnesota Emer.qency [tesponse Comit�.issi.c�n is recommending that a nurnt�er of. advanced or level II t r.egi�n��l. t�ean�s be established througt�out the state to provide a r.easonat�le r.esponsP time ( l hour or less ) to potential sites c�€ hazar.cious m�teriaJ_s emergenci.es. The team may include members frorn var. i,o��s ciep.-�r�tnc�nt� within the region or members co�uld be exclusi.vely from one de�artment (e.g. , St . Paul) . RCCOMMrNI)n'I'IONS s 1-nut�i�ri-�-ze the establ.ishment of regional. haz�r.d�u� matPrial response teams to provide respot�se to all eomrn�.�niti�s within a district . 2 . DPsi.gnate a central state organization to est:ai�li.sh, ciii-ect anr� caordin�te a haa.ardous materials resp�nse sy�tern, - Under the direetion of the Department: nf. Ff�t�l_y.e Safety - This organization wovld pravicie c�nsi.st_ent_ stt-�nc�<-�rd� and operating procedures� and woulci insiire p.r.�pQr_ res�onse throughout the state . 3 . The State snouia support funding �to cover the tr.�ir�i.nc�, ec���.ipment, and o�erational costs necessary to ciev�lQp r.�qi�n�l. l�azar.cl�us material teams which meet �ederal and State �.-�fety .-�i�<i traininc� reg��l:ati.ons. 4 . The t.�g�.siature stjoi�ld provide the fu��d.ing nc�c•c�ss��t:�y ic,r- ea�c�l� i,i?I�C t� clev�l�p an em�r.q�ncy plan , srore ancl F�r�oc���:� i��fc►� r�i��i ic�r� ��r-c�viric�ci t�y f-acili.ti.es anc3 distrit�ute .inf-armati.c�n k�; I:h�� �>iit�t ic•. . i � I)11KC)Tn COUN`I'Y MAN/lC,ritS �'��i.ti.on Statement MT:TitOt'OI.ITRN 5Utt['11C� i�ATFR MRNt'4Gi:Mi:N'1' , i3nc�cr�ovr�n: Minnesc�tz i�aw�s 19$?. , Cha�ter 509, coda.fi.ec9 as h1inr�c���i::� :�1;��1��at:�s SecL-.i.c�n 473.£375, et see�. , r.ec�ui.res tliak W�ter�li�c� Mai�.-�c��m�nC Or.gan:i.z�-�t.i.one� ( "WMt?" j i�e established in tlte Mekro���].it��n Ar.c��. l.�r,li WMO .i,fi r,ec�ui.�ed ti4 p��p�r.e a Water�hed Man2�g�m�r�t I�t.ah. 't'tf€� p.l.at� must Ue approved by the State F3o�rd of Sail and Wr�ter Rc�s�uree� Uefore forrnal adopfiion by the WMO. After a WMO"s pl.�-�n h�s ��een adoptecl , each city and townsh�.p within the WMO i.s r.Pc{u,ir��l to �c�o�k a local. watershed pl�n that is c,ans3.stent wi.tt� tlie WMt)'s p)�-�r►. 1lfter a city has adopted its local p1an, the st�tuke atathor. i.zefi tl�c� local. government to use certain financing m�chani_Gms, st�ci� as � s��c.i.tzl. taxing district , to cohstruct and m�i.ni:�in �tc�rm �v�-tl.er. imprc�vem�nts. Ciarrer�tly. Watershed p_tans draf�ed by the WMU' s �ir-e nc>k hPi ��g prornpt-ly reviewed by the State Boar_d of So�.l acacl Water. Resourees. f3ecause of staffing shortages the [ioa�d's g�al i.s tc� ���prc�ve one plan a month. This delay prevents cit i_e� a��ci t�wn�}i i X�s frc�tn u�i nq the �uncti.ng mechani.sms authorizec� �iy tfie staL-uk� wt�e►t �-c��ut.ts in aciditiona]. delays in c�nstructing eritically neec3��c1 �t-�r,in sewer improvements. RECOMMliNt)1�TION: The Stat.e leq�.s],�ture shauld amend Minnesot�� St�ttins Ser..t:i.c�n 473.f375 et sec�. , to a11ow cities and townsh3.ps to use tl�� f:in��r�ea_ng rnechani.srns in the stat�ate bc�fore the State f3o�rc� c�f Soi ]. �nci Watez Resnurc�s has approved the WMO plan. . � . ! � - UnICO'i'11 COUN'.YY MllNllri�iiS f�osit-�.an Statement COMpRL�:IiL•;NSIVE SOLIb W�STE I.rGISi,ATIf)N 1311C KG i2QU ND: 'I'he b��kota County Solid Waste Mas�er �1an was apprc�veci l,y i-l�e Metropc�.l.itan Cc�unc.i.l. in Novembe.r. , 1987 . '1'he c:c�iini y �� i�;c, s;�iir���i 1 t c�ei <-t t��c.�.l. [tc�cycling Irr��?_l.emeritatxc�n SL•r�tec�y �n i)ecrmi�et:• l , lt)t;t; Lv ll�e Metro�o.lit��n Counci..l for. review and apprc,v�l.. Ik inclt�rjeci �-�n averview oL individual_ camrnunity pr_ograms and ain��Lernent_at.i.�ti schedules. Both documents were prepared through t:l�e c�i..l�hc�r.�at.i.ve effor.ts of the Cvunty, i.ts constitutent cc,nnnuna.t i��R �1�'iVf1(:['. seet-c�.�- ini:er.e�ts, ��nd citizen advisor. y group� . 'I'hey ��l�o ai:t�tnE�#� lo Lacilitate shared respons3_bi.Lity for program dev�a_o��neni. , implementation, and adminis�tration between the Co�inry �nr1 i.i:s loc�l gover.nrnents. They also �neourage loca]. v�r:i.ati_ons and t:t�e +�se e�f. existiny private sector systemg. Tt�e problerns of regulat i.ng, contrallin hazar.doi�s waste is and will eontinue to•benonelof(�ttle�rnajorc�l�� �j�� env:ironn�ent�i issues of this decad� both nation�l.ly and l.oc�lly, Majnr State 3.egislation addressing this issti�e h�-�s he�n er�t-��tecl annu�l.ly sa.nce 1980 . AS the metropol3.t�n systetn fnr. �c�.t. ici w��tc� policy p.lanning, rPgul�tion, and program acima.n.i.�tr.�t3.c�n rc,r�ti.rt�te� kn evolve, new propoeal�s for legislation ar�d/or admi.n:Lstl-�tivQ z�ction can be expected. Some of thesa me�sures could �uka5��anti.�-�.Lly �1ter the svolving framework. R�COMMEND7ITIONS: 1 . 7'he.r.e sl�ould be rjo major statutory eh�nges fr�.r. ti�e met.rc�pc�.titan so3_id waste management system. - The metropoli.tan system is just nc�w emer.qa:ng frorn tlie �laTin.ir�c� pracess, The elements of that syskefn stio�.il.d be �� t lc>wc�f1 i:c� ����1t��re and incrementally evolve. 'I'hc� Metr��o}.itan ('c�ur�r.f.l st�ould continue to be tt�e p4licy cavr.di.nal:c�r. f�r tti.is metropolitan s�l.i_c� waste abatement systen�. It 's mur-it toc� early ta engage in major "fixing. " 2 . The �urposes anc� �riorities f.or solid w��te �f Minnesota may vary by reqi_on or even by cr�mm�3ni.ty. }n'p 1e�s�,�F��te eii.ft-Prerrces neec� to be recognized wMen ].eg:i_slai_ion sfi�ks to speeiFy goals, disposal strategies, ar pr.oc�r�m mPtl�c�c�s, Si.m�.l.ar].y, it must be recaqnized tl��t sc�l.id w��i�e c�.i.�}��c,��-�:1. palicies are im�or.tant, but not par�mc�t�nt- , m�tt:ers �f �t:�-tt� concern. They niust t�e �eveloped �ncl im�lemet�tecl wi.th r�Wt11'E'.Il�.�`,r and accommodation of the many ather irnpc�rtar�t; soci�-�l �»i1-�c�Ges thal confront �ta�e, county ancl ]_ocai. h�vernrri�nl s. , � ' . ' � � . 1)nKCYP11 C(7UNTY MRNRGEI2S i'osi.ti.c�n Si:atemet�t COME�itT'ttENSIVE SOT.,ID W11S7'F LEGI5f.,ATION P��aqe 2 3 . 'i'he policy, recJulal.�.ry, and ac�n�ir�istr�ttive i�r.�amc�work f`or. sc�i i.ci waste di.sposal i.n Minnesota �hou7.d pr.omote f1�x:i_!,i_) i i �x, .Lr�c-�-�1 :i.nnov�-tt�ion, �i��c9 f-rct:i;ve parLn�xsh.i.�� w_i.d:h ttie �,r- iv,rtc� �:c•c�tc>r, - I�r.oc�ram stanciards and/o� perf.or_rnance gc�al.s ( nvt: cc��npl..i_anr.e with speci€ieci/manc�ated methods) shoulc� sc�r.ve as t_he l:�asis for evaluating program success. For exanr�].e, ttie �.�se o� mechanical separation as an accept�ble �r.oqr�-�m methoci �hotal_ci not be precluded b� leqislative fiat . - Sol.i.d waste progr�m d�sign and impJ_ement�-�l:i.c�n c��ei�i.c�ns ctint�lci he mac3e at the loc�1_ and caunty levets �E Rc�verrnnc*r�t . �i'hey can more eff,ectivel.y ref.lect the �_nc�i.vid�a�-�.l. r..}iar��ct�ar. i.st i.r.s and preferences a� their communit ies. Cer�lr�.l.i zeci administratian and �egvlation should ne � meastar.e c�C l.a:�t r.esort . - Solid waste programs should utila.ze and 3_ncor�oratP exi�ting and developing private sector systems. S�lic3 w�ste prc�gr�m design and a_mplementai.ton c�ec�.sions sl�ot�l.d seek tcj ►n.i.nintize governmental entanglement in the mar.ket�l�ce. 4 . Current funding mechanisms and levels for recycling atic� abat-ement e�forts shou.ld be maintained. - There should be no new mandates in this pal.i.cy ar.Pa without , an accompanying source of €undir�g. - The S�ate and/or counties should continue �:o prova.cte khe major fin�ncia� support far 14ca2. abatement and recycli-n9 �roc�r�m�. TQ that end, the county waste surcharge at�thc�r. i.z�t: i.�n sttoulc� be canfiinued. . , ' + � � F)1►KO"1'71 (:t)UN'1'Y M71Nnt.;i�:It5 ('�si.tion Statement Rf:GIQNAi. AIttPORT �OL,ICX f371C KG RnUN b: Tt�e '.t'win ['tt.i.P� M�trc��o.li.tarr 12�cJi�n tias ��r,I:aveiy ric�M.�1 �,Ft �ir�i�e� �-�t��i adequaey issues for almvst twenty-fi.ve year.s. 111: i.i�e clit•r�c�tic}�� c,(.` the l.ey.is3.atuxe, i:1�e Metro�al.i.t�r� Cc�i�rrc�T.I llill.�E',.YI (lf>I( F1 �;k��ciy c�F 1.lie M:innQapolis-St . Paul Inte:rnation�l I�irpc�rt to r,c�r��icic��- ik:� �������;�c;y to mee� traffic demand in the future atic3 the envi_x-�nijrent_.-�:L c��»c:i.t:y (e.g. , noire) of the community to caexist wi.kt� ki�e �-�i.r�,�,�-t: . Following ei.ghteen months af stuciy, the Caunci_i. '� 11i.r.�c�i-t Acleqi�rtr,y Task Force recommended that the Metropot.itan Ce�tar�c:i..l. �nc# M�t;r.�E�c�_i:i.i:ah ni.r_p�rts C�mma.�sion 3.mplement a "dual. tr.�rk �p�r.o:�ci�" {:I�:�t i.ncl�yci�!a enhancement of capaci.ty �t the �:urcren� �i.te anci l.ar�c� h��nk i r�c� i.n antir.i�atian ot a r�p)_acement airpor.t � stiQuld f.uture r�i.r. tr_���f.i.c clemancis warrant it. �nhaneement of capaei.ty at the curr�nt air.port si te iricl.uc3�� the extension o� existing Runway 4/22 and a reori.ent�tzon of its rlep�rture routes ta the sc�uth anci southeast , over_ Bur_nsvi3_.l.e. F�c��n, �nc� other parts of Dakata Coun�y. 'i'he fiir_port 1ldequ,�cy Task For.ce �Lso concJ.uded that there is a reasonable risk that the cur_r.Pnt air_pc�r.t 's� r.apacxty will be exceeded within fi.ve years. Tt�ey tl��r.�fc►r.e recomrnend the possi_t�le eonstruction af a new nc�rt:l�-�oi�i�ti r.unw�ty, immediately adjaeent to Cedar ltivenue, to meet ciPtnand f�r t:en 'fo twenty years, while land banking and envi.rc�nment�+:l. r.Pv.i.ews ar.e canducted for a patential reZocation. 11s this ti.m� ��Pr, i.c�r� expires, a ciecision wauld be made to either constrvct an ac�clit.ion�1 r.uriw�y �� the existing site, (a third parallel runw�y? , or. ta i:inpl.ement a relocatian, The additzon of a new north-south r.nriw�y, �„i������tely adjacent to Cedar i�venue, would pzobably int.roc�ur.e ac�ciition�l flights 4ver t3urnsville, Eagan, and vther p�-�r.ts o.E i)akc�t�-� �ounty. 'I'he addition of a thirc� p�ral.Le1 runwa wata.l.ci y ��rc�t���t.�i y #ir it�� additi.nnE31 f].ights over Mendota F�eights, I,�c��n, P1�nciot�3, [,i t.yc���.le, ar�d �t:her parts of Uakat<-� C�unt;y. Nc�i�t� ir��p��c�ls ��rc ciil� f'i.c°��1_t tc, ��.r.ec�i.cl bec�use the t�ietRr a , "Si:.�he I.it" c��tic����t: ic�n �rit-r���.-�C4� ��i-c+. er.peci:ed to b� integr�L-ed in �i.r.l.i.ne f.l.r-.nY� e��ar. i r�r; t#}.i� ��-�rn� t• in�e pc r. .i.c�r i. '1't�e .i.dea of lanc�bank.iray in ant a.cipat�.can <�L � r.e�a i�-�c-c�me��i a i rx.�c�z L 1��-�� �.lr,eady spurred propasals fr_om So�th M3.ntac��pc�.l:.i.� �yc.�.i,�c� ac-1._i.v3_�l5 tc�x tlae use of the Univers:�ty of Mi.nnefiot�'s Rosema�ant ;�i.te�. tivwever, the Metxopolitan Counc�..i asserts that puki].ir. crwriershi� �f: 1.`f ,(�t1t1 acres and skrict lancl use eontt�a.ls aver a�� F�ve�� t�t-c,�-��l�r.� �-tr�r.� wi l .l t�c� requi.reci to p�event a ctirc�nic nc�ise prvbl.em. 63�-�s�<i c�n f:t���sc� requirernents, the Rosemount sa.te a.s tofl smal.� �►�c� r��i.c�ent:a:al d�ve]_o�ment is tc�o elose and as �apic�].y expanclinc�. if .r�lc�ea#:.i.�n occ�ars, zt wil], px��ent ths e1.�s�ic p«t�'Lic> pr,l ��.y c�i lc�mrr�.� - wtyt�E: � . � M I�flKt)'PR ('OON't'Y MnP1RC;1��125 1���s i t: i c�n St:ai_em�nt Rt,C;IC)NnL AIRPORT PQI,I('Y t'€j<�e "1_ t� cic� wi.th a very go�c3 th.i.ng whi.ch h�� sc�m� vc�ry t�.�f� � i�l.• ,,f f �,-t s; 1 L•'conc�mic t�ene�its tc� }��-�kc7ka Cc�t�t�t.y ft:o�n ��f•oxi.rr�il.y tc� :rn .� ir����ri_ cc�ulci k�� ]:c�st , shi_fted, c�r. c�.-�.i.nec� .i.r� a r.� tc>r•��tic�t�, ct�aE�rr��litic� c�t� i.ltc .1_oc:��t.ic�n of-. a new s.i.i:e. Morec�ver, tt�c� t�ricei't:a.i.t7l.y of r.el��c�{7l .i.c�t� co»lci cause dPveloper r.e.lu�t�nce to i.nvesi: .in e iti��r �x i st;i ric� c>r �otenk ia1 nakoi:� County 1oc�t i_ons. 'I'}lE.' Sr�iTl� urac�r.t�i t�t;y w i i: l: �� l�c� �er_t�%n to the leveJ., d��rati�n, or poi�sit�le intr.ociuctic,r� c,f ��c�iR� impar.ts in Dakota Cc�unty, and its relationship tc� T-e:�ieienl- i.�t devc�l.c�prnent or redeve.l.c�pment. I�T,C'UMMf N�1�'1'IONS: -- _ � 'I'he "elual track approach" of t,1�e Airpa.rt 1�clequaf�Y 't':��k fictr�c� i.� � reasanable m�ans ta �1_lvw a smooth transi.taon fT-c�rn i:l�e c�t�r.r.-e�r�t si.t_e, ( and its cap�city} , to � hi,gher cap�eity �t ttae �t�rs;ent c,r. �-� new site. It also keeps regional opti.c�n� apen .i:n tt�e �vPiit: k:h�-�t. capacity projections prove i.naccur�te, but i.t cc,ulcl �aso introeiuce ` uncertainties in Dakota County tl�at may di_s�.ocate ec�mmer.r,i.�1. �i�c� r.esi.cinnt�.�l d�velopment . In the fin�l_ ar�aJ.y�a.s , t:t�c� Cc��it�t�y'� he�t� int;er�sts may be served by a pol:icy c�f stap�c�r. t_ for t1�e t��c� ��c�ci expansi.vn of the current site anci, �,f r.Ploeati�n is r��c;c�sG�c-Y. sup�c��rt for a southern metropolitan site wi.tli suf. ficienl size to avert enviranmental issues of noise. Suppor.t sh�i�lcj t�e r.e�n#:inq�nt on two c�tt3er eonditi�ras: a l The University of Minnesc�ta '� fto:�emot.�tti: ff-�ci.t i t y �1�ciulcj not be conside.r.ec� f�r 'a new �ir.port . I.L i.� a.��,-�c��qif�3t�ly s.i:zec3 ��nc3 tr�o �>rox.i.tnat� tt� r.��pi�ily c��-c,wir��� a���ri�irE�i i�-tl po�ul.ations . 1�) L•'nh�-�ncement �f tt�e cE�p�-�r.ity at: tlje exi�l. inc� ,� i �-�,c�t.t mu�t be accampanJ.ed k�y an ec�u�-�11:y ze�l.au5 r.c�rrt►�ri t.f���E�i t<j t:tt� mitig�ti.on oL �ossi.hle ��i:rc3-�Ct rtc�i.sc� r.c�n�;�c�t�c��ic-��. f)�-�kota Cotanty sh�txl.ci nc�i k�e t1i� ti�etr���c�1 i t �~�n <i��n►�>iric� c�round for airpor� noise. l�ny new oi r.h.-+x►c��ci <i i�l:r. .i.k�ut i.��n of ai.rc:raft no�.se in Dakota caunty st�o�atci r.-Pflec-(_ r-�tad be firmly gui.de� by existing community com�r-�t�ensi:v� plans arjcl settlement ��tterr►s. : . , . � � r , `�n,_-r a: �.:.� : �� �'�� �' n� ,;'. �fi'/` �r\ 1��Y �� �,g v i ���R __.�-- _:...__.�'__----:_._.:.�._�. i I I 1 1 4� F �� �\ ,�`°/ I �:� '�„� 1 a� I i i v �F� A, n . . . � ---.._. .� . . _. ... .:.... ... ... .�_... C�: �� . t'dl=t 1Y�"1 �. . n�r. �' 6 �r��.r!.v.'� �L►Xl�_"ro1� � .�a��t�.�`� �'�X46't� I __- - - ----- ---- --- '�1�� - —.___ -•�-----_:.__�---- ' ' � , , I � ; ( 5,.� ( � ��lQ � � t1 ; p,r��`'J��3 a'' � � . . �� . N . . � . 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