HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Star Cable Franchise r y • � • � b ���i,� a E,�, ��,X ,,� �+ , 2875 tasifl ST w. QJQ�,Q�.n� ROSEMf7UNT. h1tNNESOTA 550FA fi12---423-4411 T0: Mayor Hoke Council.members: NapPer Oxb�rough Wc�l.sh WiPPerm��nn PROM: Stephan ,1ilk, Administrator CI / erk DATE: Deeember 15, 1988 R�� Star Cable Franchise The Cab1e Commission has drafted a rev3.se �e presented to management of Star Cab1e I d Franchise Ordznance tp (December i2. 1988} been com leted �c. This has on�.y r�aw meetin�take place on Januarqp9, 29$9 at��h�s��n w��h Star Cab1,e next Cr�bl� Comfn3ss;Eon The three month extension y �. : runs out on Dece�nber 2p� ou app aved f.or the existin tlie revised agreement with�Star Gable th g franchise zn order to suEficientl r�quests that the existi,ng franchise be extended to � y discuss e cable commissi,on 1989. ebruarp 14, Attached is a resolution, for yaur consicierat_ to occur. tc�n, to allow �Chis . : � � AGREEPtENT Agreement, made and entered into this ZOth day of December, 198$, by and Uetween ttie CITY OF ROSEPtOUNT, a riinnesata municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Star Mid America IV, Inc. , a Wisconsin corporation, hereii�afCer referred t� as "Star". WHEREAS, Star is gresently operating a CATV system ici ttie City of Rosemount without a franchise agreement with the �ity; and WHEREAS, the City and Star desire to negotiate a mutually beneficial franeha�se agreement in the future. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and other g��d and valuable eonsideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. That the City hereby authorizes Sta� �o eonY.irr�3e Qperating its GATV system within the City of Rosemount for a �eri�d of two {2) m�nths commencin�; as of the date of this Agreement. �. That Star is to conduct its operations in full compliance witli Rosemount City Ordinanee No. XI.12, which prdinance by this refPrence is hereby incorporated herein in its entirety, excepting Section III (c) and Section VIII tlierefrom. � �� IN W�TN�SS WII�RGOF, �hc�� �jarti,es l�cr,�Lc> la�ive �c��xc�ci��t��ti i_his Ap;rrc>mc���t. t.he clay �� flticl year first above written. STAR Ptlll AAtERICA, IV, ING. CITY OF ROSEfitOUNT By: By: Its; Rol.latt lloke, rlayc�r By: By: Its: Steplian Jilk, AdministratorjClerk , ! ! S'1't1T� OF PtINNESO'1'!1 ) _ COI1NTY OI' I}AKQTA ) ss. CITY QI' RflSFA10UNT ) Tt�e forFgoing instrument was acknowledged bc�for.e December, 19�38, by Rollan Iioke � r�ayo�' and Slephan Jiik�ne t}lis __�^ �<3y r�f the City of Rosemount, a Plinriesota mimici -�l Clerk/Admiriistratc�r, of ��rnoraton and pt�rsuant to ttie atatlic�rit �� cor��rafi:irn�, c��� )��t�alf c�f I.lie Y f;rarrtect t�y i ts Ci ty t:o�iric i 1 . Notary I'tit�l:ic STATr OF PiINN�SOTA ) GOt1NTY OF DAKOTA ) ss. CITY OF ROSEAfOUNT ) The fore�oing instrument was ackowledged before December, 198$, by Riehard Pinkert me this 1+` day �� , Regi.onal Pfanager of Star Alid America IV, I Natary Pub2ic