HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Limerick Way Watermain Extension � Y: � � �/ .:�'" �e�I ''�"� � �r*******�*****�r***�*******�*�********�**MEP10****�t***,t�r**�r**�t*�x********�r******�t** DATE: DECEAiBER 13, 1988 T0: PIAYOR & GOUNCILAtErtBERS C/0 GITY ADZiINISTRATOR JILK FROhi: CTTY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIREGTOR RrFTI RE: ITEPIS FOR THE DECEPiBER 20, Z988 COUNCIL PtEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS Limerick Way Watermain Extension, Project ��193 A� the November 15, 1988 meeting the Cou�lcil receivc�d the fensit�iliky rep�+rt fc�r this project and ordered the public hearing for December 20, 19$8. The project was originally the result of the developers submitting a petition requesting the sc�utherly extension of a 16" trunk watermain from tha Shannon Fark Tawnhames development, which is loeated immediately nQrth of the Limerick Way addition. The petition the Councii authorized the preparation of the feasibility report on was not a legal 100% petition. The reason for this was because the developer, Atr. Bill Jacobsan, did not hold title to the property at that time. The progerty owner at that time was Richard and Emmet Carroll. As a result, this project must be considered as a Cauncil initiated project, meaning that 4/5 of the Council must ap�prove the proj�cts in order to follow Chapter 429 requirements for assessable projects. A representative from our consulting firm will be ��resnnt to provide a short �resentation on the project. Recommended action for Council to consider after closing the public hearing is to approve the projeet and authorize the pregaration af plans and specifications for the Limerick Way Watermain, Project �193. � � � � � � , . � . . � . � � . . � � � . . � .. . . .. � � � �.. �, cz�rx oF �os�rtovN�r RESOLUTION 1988 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF LIMERICK WAY WATEBAtAIN, CITY PR�JECT 193 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Limeri:ck Way Gfatermain, Gity Project 193; and ' WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on �ity Project 193; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearir�g to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESdLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the Limerick Way Watermain, City Project 193. ADOPTED fi.his 20th day of December, 198$. :.._ Rollan Hoke, Piayor ATTEST: StephBn Jilk, Administrator/Clerk i ; I 4 � � ' M ' . '�. . . � � � � � � � . . . . . . t . .. � . . .. . .. . .. . . . �� . . .. ��,,,., CITY OF ROSEPtOUNT RESOLIJTION i9$8 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF LIMERIGK WAY WATERttAIi3 CITY PROJECT I93 WHEREAS, the Gity Council of the CiGy of Rosemount has receive_d a petition from the deueloper and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility repvrt Limeriek Way Watermain, City Project 193; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reeeived and aceepted the feasibi2itp report on City Project 193; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the plans and specifications for Limerick Way Watermain, City Praject i93. ADOPTED this 20th day of December, 198f3. � Rollan Hoke, Piayar ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � �...y. , f