HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Sachs & Kassube Preliminary Plat b � � . �k'''y) �7. ` � � � � ;,, . ,,� � � � �� �;l�t� Q � � :�ti���� �� ,�.,�i ., ,,, � � �OJ�'���i���� � � � ���«�.� n,ic,w�rar_ n�n��r�r ���r, `�,'.`; i � ,�„ TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM; MiCHAEL WnZNIAK, CITY PLANNER llA7'E: UECEMBER 15, 1988 SUBJ: nECEMBER 20, 1988 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS SACHS & KASSUBE ADDtTION - PRELIMINARY P[.AT Property awners: Glenn Kassube, Gary Kassube, and Roilie Sachs have sut�mitted a Pre�iminary Plat for a�proximately 7 acres of pr��erCy located just west af the intersection of County Highway 42 and Trunk Highway 52 (see location map). Enctosed with this review is a copy of the Preliminary Plat. The 7 acres in question is currently divided in[o three parcels by metes and bounds description with Gary Kassube and Rollie Sachs each owning approximately i acre apiece and Glenn Kassube �wning the remainder of the property. The purpose of plaCting the property is t� allow hath Rollie Sachs and CCary Kassube to enlarge there existing lots to approximately 1.8 acres in size. There is already a home located on each of #he proposed tots so no new building lots will be created by this subdivision. Rollie Sachs and Gary Kassube origonally requested that the proposed division of property be performed by metes and bound diuisicjn to atlow (;lenn Kassuhe ta deed property to lhem to enlarge their existing lots. I suggested to the owners that the resulting legal description of the three parcels would be cumbersome to deal with for City record kee�ing and that it wouid be more appropriate to ptat lhe property. Because no new building lots are being created, I also suggested thai the City may be willing to waive ptatting fee5, however, t did imply that the app}icant would have ta pay any out of p�cket cx�enscs the CifV n�ight incurr in proeessing thc plal (i.e. cc�sl o( publislting legal nc3tiee). The C:ity Ac3ministxator has concurred wilh tl�is recom�nendatic�n. Because we are dealing with a situalian here where we are reconfiguring the houndaries of existing [egal }ots of record the proposed pretiminary plat does not meel current zoning ordinance requirements. Current ordinance requirements not being met inctude: density (l home/l0 acre requircrnent) for �Agriculture District and frontage (300 feet on a Publie Street). The pro�osed subdivision will enlarge two very undersi-r.ed lots while c�nty modestty reducing the Glenn Kassube's property and wilt not allow any additional homes lo be built. Also the property is currently served by a private road and that witl continue to be the casc, therefore, the Ci[y will n�t incurr any additi�nal maintenance e�sCs �y approving the plat, The Planning Commission has ree�mmended approc�a) of this Preliminary Plat tc� City Cot�ncii. Since the 3(� day cc�mment period for agencies required tc� revicw thc preliminary plat h;is nat expired; I �vould recommend that Cily Cauncil a�pro�e ihe Sachs and Kassube Preliminary Plat subject to comment5 recieved from commenting agencies. _ t �► AFFIDAYIT E)f PUBLMAT'It}N STATE OF MiNNESC7TA � SS Coun#y of Qakatca ) NANCIr 1. GusTAPstMI,Usi+�g dvlr:won+,on+e�a a�oXs Nwt sfia ia m►�wtho.i:ed ag�t,�n,a PU Bl.IC NOTICE _ .,��,��+��r:s�.��.,+.w:v�.��+�c��c,��r.��.�a�r�t���a� s�c�t�u��ota+tw�t of the focts wi�cb aro stoted below: PREilMMARY RLAT ' NOT1ft tf HEREtY WYfN.th8 Gty CwnCll` of the Gity o[Rosemaunt wiit bo�a PwWic HeaH,�on 1Uesday�Aseerober Z�l�laee,in (I►)The Mw�paper Ims eoenpikd wifh ail of the nquim�nts conslitutin�4udifieartion�as p 1a9d �co,��>c�mb�rs��c�ty x�u,�rs° : testh Street we,at,beginninB at s:oo p.m,a newspoPer,as pwrovWad Iqr t�ea�esoto Sto�ut�331 A.O�.391 A.4T amd s�tbar sa svon thereafter sa paRaibie.39tis l�aMr� opRtfc�ie iwvs,as em�nded. regarda PrWx►'tY�ga�iy'dacNbed�ta!- Iwva: ., ,, ,. a�nai�n ot ehe w�t�u ot�rtsrit�g� tBf Tho p�i�d -E�:� �,,e.�� .' 4iartet'd SeCtiau��6,T1�5,FliB,Dak�s Cwnty,Mionesota deecNiied as follawa: Cwnmencing at the amtthweat cor�nr� tim Nortfi Halt at said Section 23;thc�eon �n assumed besri� ot East afong the � ; south kine M tiHe Aforth Halt Yhereof e dis- # tenee ot 3,bI3.i0 teet to the pant ot begin- � ' ning ot tand to be�scNbed•thenee con- ti+iuing Eaat abng said aout'h Nne 900.W { feet;tfience�a beaM�ot North�O.OD I teer tfience on a bearing of west�oo.00 which is arttaeheel w�cu►hoe+the eotumns of sad ebM'sRoFN,a►d was priMed ond published eM+ee Feat;the�ce o�a bearing ot South�o.eo i. teet to the poiat of heginn � 7'he purpoee ot this hear��6ng la to cro�ider '.ehe Sachs and Kaasube Addiliau�prelimit►sry eath wAek for �� PTat,This pre8minary piat involves the re- • surceessive weeks;it was ; contigurakion��,hree existing metea amt � bounds parceb in t#re Agriculture District. � 95�ere are currcntly tluee r�ideaces ia:ated �, 8 w�«w'�'ty�n question a�d no new fwat pubtishal a�7hursdoy,ihe�doy of ��C�C-�r`s-���C�cz-[-' . , buiiding lots will 6e crated by'the subdiv- ision. - � Such persons as desire to be heard with re- ��/ ` [erence to the above item wili be heard at thia 19 (]q , and w+� tl�rsafter P►�nted ond PuWisl+ed on every Thursdop to anl insla�ng : meeting Da1ed this 6th day of December,1898. STEPHAN diLK, (� Adminiatrator/C-t�k . � "` y � ��� [,>(� � CJty et ttoaema���l ; . 7ba�'s�r,tMi6�_day 91 t 1'��.E.-''-�'�'1'�.}`.x`� }q (�Q . Aakuia Caunly,Minnesota ' • � • : � - ��•a2 �d P��below is o capy of the bwer cae ol�hd►e�(►an A!a Z,�OIh iaelwlre,wl�►is fiersby acknowledged�being i#�e si:e�d kind of tp�re ess+d in the compos3t&�a an�d publi�ottem of ths�+oNee: atxYieishijkhn�rstuvwxyx ,� �` � r J`' �' BY: i,(_ r• l.�' �,� ..1 `,. 'I. � �r% `cJ TRLE:58Cf8tOry`f0;!b! i Subsuibed ad swom to before m �n fhis_t�__'�day of ��t'C?-+-ry.�'(�'�y U � � � � �f � � C NMmY'Publie � . � . � . . � � . ..�!\^t.ypPr... -. r-':,i:di��i..i�td �. . . . . � 1'd°OI`OdN.1 � . ..,.�,�a� �. f-r�v� , ; �zAtva l�� 'tnr?Y PUE3ltC-P.tiNN£S07A . . . . . . '•r c�1`,.'` (;�.�KQfiA GQUNTY� � � . {;R�{ tity Ct rnrnission Ex ires t� c�ec.s,tQas � � � , ,, � � , ; � � � ��i� FJ � �� � � '�; � s� ,�ii � �� ,r� � �+ �/ Rt)`;F Pir���t!T. nilrlf��- '<�r ��- � '�.�� �'' � � ��c3��-��ln! ��� � � � � ' "�'� � �� �� '; ^�'��,�, �`��`'� , Affidavit of Posted & Maited Hearing Notice Sachs-K�ssube Additi�n Preliminary Pl�t ST�►TE QF M(NNESt)TA ) COUNTX {a�' QAKQTA )ss CITY U�' RUSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duIy sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On Decsmber b, 1988, acting on behat# of the said City, I posted afi the Gify Hall, 2875 145th Str�et Wesi, and deposited ia tbe United States Post OfEiee, Ras�mounf, Minnesata, a copy of the attached notice c�f a public hearing for the preliminary plat for Sachs and Kassube Additian �'retiminary Plat, enclvsed in sealed envelopes, with p,�stage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons Iisted on the attached listings at the addresses tisted with their names. There ia delivery service by United States Mail between the plaee of maiting and the places sa addressed, .Ste�h .filk � Administratc>rJ� erk City of Rc�semount Dakota County, Ivlinnesota Subscribed and sworn to befare me this 8th day of December, 1988. , / . .-'� `'� �f ,,,/' `�'`) ;��-=,.M-z��'� -,c--���/• Not y Publier,,> ;-`� t• . ,.�J ., . , . . . . . . . . . � � L,, . .. ., ..�i c; . � . � .. <iJi: :c.3UT�l � � � . . .. � . . 4 t . ?(� . . .. .. � . . . . . ` ..... �a���VJ-�-. � Eyf.�'...] {�,Ic:��l.�{f� � . � . � . . � � .. . � . YV'1YV'V 1r'7iVW�lVYrV4V1f5JWJ'.1<V�.V4'Ja°if J• � Glenn 8� Vera Kassube Rolland & Dianne Sachs G�rry b Darlene Kassube _—.--- � � - --_.. �.____- --_ �.._____. _.e. ..._______, �_.�___. ___ _ � . `� '' �) , , , -._ .� � �.,..,�.,} . ,..�., 1�t/ �> , � ~' n� � ���•� ,.� � ,��� ;. , t ' , ; ���.����'�;�7'�3�.�tt� , �„ %�'�* � Public Notice Saehs-Kassube addition Preliminary Plat N()TfC� 1S itE#2EI3Y (:1VEI�i, tMe t'ity Cc�t�ncil c�f thc C'ity r�f Itc��rnf��t�nt wil! fi�ld a Auhlic Hearing �n Tuecclay, Dcceml�er 2(i, 1�)fiR, i�r il�c ('c�trnci! �'hambers of t�e City Hall, 2�?S 145th Sirect West, lseginning nt g;tltl p.►n. ox as sqon thereafier as possible. This hearing reg�trds property icgall}j described as follows: That �art oL the Wcst Ha�f of the Northeast (,?uartcr �t Secti�n 25, Tii3, R19, Dakota Coanty, Minnesota described as (ollowc: Commeneing at the southwest cr�rner o[ the No�th ti�1f ot said Section 25; thence on an assumed bearin� o[ �ast �Iang the ��ath tinc of the North Hal[ thereo[ a distance �f 3,(J13.tt} [eet in thc point of l�eginning �f land fc� t�e deserihecl; thencc co�itinuing East along said souih line 4�t).p0 feet; thence c�n a hcaring c�[ North $O�AU feet; thencc on a t�earing af West 4(3O,titT feet; thence on a bearing o[ Sauth 800.00 feet tc� Il�e ��oint c�f beginning. Tlfe purpose of this hearing is ta c�ncicicr i.t�e Sechs and K�,rsut�c Addition Pteliminary Piat. Thi:s prclia�inarp pl�t iavolves thc rcconfiguration of lhree existing metes anci fiounds parcels in the tlgriculture District. There are currentiy fhree re�iclences locatec! uron the �r��erty in queslion and n� new builcling tc�is will i�c cre�ted hy thc suUdivision. Such persons as desire to hc heard witlt reference to the al�ove item �vil) t�c l�eard at this roeeting. Da4ed this Gth day of Decen�her, 19R�3. � , ��� ' ' � G ''.c-- � Stepha .lilk, Adm� istrat�rlClerk City o Rosemc�uKt Dakota C�uniy, Minnrsc�ta » ! . .I . . . �. . . . � . . .. . � �,,� . . . . . . . . . � .. .. . . . . �� � . . . . . .. . . � � . � . . .I . . . . . . � . . . �1 . . . � . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . i.� � . � . . . � � .. . . . � . . � � . . . . .. � .. , . . . . . . . ��9�flS .. �.�su -- /N�rt,r�v� ,�C�r ,� �i �, , e t�c�l ;; �/a -�.s� ;j o rt -l� �� ��...._.�� �( ;l ��,� -�� ;, - ;; p/� -9� ;� a,o �.�,�- � ��� ,� , �i �r� --��.. 11 � (� _�/ ; O�o -1�- �� ,, ,,{ ;� ; ;� , ;; ,� ;#; ;I ; „ ,I � � ;; �� , ; _ , ;} „ ..i . . � . . . . . . . � �t�/��-!�� ,SS U,l� � - lfi�lll�Cy �L151' �..._...---�--- . i �' ��Cen,►t . �j, -� U�'r�. �J. �r�ssr.c.�-e� � .y/ -d,�s'oa�.o/,�'i/ . R /�7 1�5� .�, �, �S/x� _ �� II : , <,? �I �ou�FNU �; � �ic�r.n.� �; ,�'acl, S 3 '� - Qa,�-ao -cs�o �../ �.,. '3i�"S /��"� ,P',f'. � j I , � � �{ � _ I � I �.� ��3r�^ �� �` �drl��e� 1�QS�Su.6� ,�y-G'.2soa --o..�o -/.Z,� .�1� : ����� �, � r ��� , _ ; `lerr �, ��6#� C.���s' ��s '�.�t, �, .��- o�s��- �r.z-,�� �' , �' � �.��-2 ]�i.rn�wv�-�: �Y'�. � ' . . � � � F '. � � � � � � � . . . ! • . � � . . . . . . . � .. . t� N � ,��'!. __ . _. � -- ,�� l�wb � ��c,�rrc� Ctla.�au,-� ��-a��'aa-oj� -�3' � �orn��.. ��Q�f1 _ _ .3i1 b /�D'� �-. � • _ s�� , J'.'�-� _ .. '+.fi. """r.�' � q . � � f .. .. � � .4 .����V(l�.. y��f. �/ T . . . . . . � . . :�Iw�� • . . . ... . � � � . � ' � . ��`5'f Q�Q.�`� 7`�l�� �� ��1� r�4'��' 1 I � r r ;� � w , ! �� � 7 ����►r � �x���� (.�e.� �l-a�s-a�-afo d�,3-' � � �� � ��9 ��s � -s� . � - � � , �� ;, � i � ����..,� � � ��� ��-G�sQ a -o,/o a � � .�� -� �; 1,5" �6 � . �s . �,���a /�"� �,� �� � � , ;� as.� , `�nN ,,��0 3 3 ,, � � � �'� � �vf�Snv�e4 3 ,�7� /lf 5`rr; � , �� � �� I I M , ,E �� � � � 1 , � _ . _ ► _ I ,� ,, ;� ; ;, ;, :� ,, �I . � � . I oo n I , . . � � � � . . r , ' ' 1 � � � � ��� I � � �,� '� f.�I�l W(SRYN TRM:N AN( q�N�f MyqTPt[51 � . . . ( �• • ..._.. -_�♦ .. . .. . ... . ' . f. .., .... � • � ♦ � .. . - • .. • � • � .� • \ rwf 11 � ^^//. \. � � . .` . ...._ .� � . � ( . � , `. J .� ..:. .. > ���� n�J�n, . .\ � �r' � \ . .On R) . I � \ 010-91 � . .. . . .. � . � � � . .. . . �� (Ml�s!{ � . . . . . � . � � . . OiO..R� . .! . . . . Mf-pS .M1-113 O�O-1r . . . � . . � . . om-et � mn-� � . . . � . � _____... � . . . . . . � � . . . � . . . � . . y �� . nN M � � , . . � . � . . . �8� -- �ac�u� sryeEt r �� � .__. _.__. .�. �� -..., _ _ _ ��� rrr srrtect F - ------ -.._�.T__ . ___.: __�_��.�11 : --.�� .._,�.----___. .__._l��t- ____._� _ _�:. -- _ ___.___ ._ : .�- --- ._ . - LCJC� �� ON P �� � o,�„ , � � . . . . = me.�a j � , � PRaPos�o ; I , �, SACN� AND KASSUBE ' . � .. . .___ � M� ni Ap-�1 .� .. � . � . . ADDITION , a �� �-:__ �,,,_�� 1 �� ,` - --__.I._.. _ —_ � o ao�n ' � rno-�o i . ` - � n.�• ' . mo-�e � q N.. .ry N D d 110�1� . � . . � � µ �\`x � � 4 O �� � F '� . � . � . . o � � ^ o i . o `� o o � . .H2-N � . • � . . . � . . a ,R.�,R . � i451H �.—� � ' _-_.�___-,_ _._.._._—___ . _�_.____ •�►������������NI�N������►1�11��—'s— � / _..-.___ �—____ _._.. _ ._. .�__ � t-���. 71- � . . . . . . . . an so._ � / . � T . . .. � I � � � � . . ��''�� � � . . . . .' . . . � � . I . � . � � . � /I/ � .. . . �. ?/ . ' � � � . . � . ,,,, z„ t t � ,,,., MO Ati �Q� ..I �(� OK1 0�1 � � � � l�:t�• � . , . . . . . . . . � �t4 � . ..._ . . ... . ..J . . . � . . . � �e/ � nm��t� � . . . . .� .N<'/�., + �/, � . � . �I . � . � "Ny ' / . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � �Nnr�,�,^, . � � � . I . . � . . . r.A� . � �` / . . � � �N�. F�f . . . . � . . ��� �.( =. . . . . ...r.4j ♦ . . . � .;%� � . . . . . . . . . . ..... ' . �' . . . . � --- - ; � 1 ---- 2 . . _". . ' -' .._ .... . Mv�i�I�M1. I� � . ... � N�lrwat �:�5 t,� tn���ita�� . _...__._.._._.. _ . ...... ._. .. _ �_. ' ...._ _ .. ....��, ____ . \ . . . . � . . � �.�h4r Nq�ii� � . . . � � � . � . � . . � . . ♦ . . . . . t) . ♦ .. . . . . . � � � .. ` I . . . � �\ Olf!-fll � . . . � . . � f� � � . 1_ . .... . . � . �M1 �+ . � . . ♦ . � . . . N . . .. . . � I� � � o� . . � - � . � � �.. . � . _—_�.��N�♦ �►������1,���1������♦ � . o� _...__._� .___ _...�__ ', ..__._.._._.-_ . . .. __ .___.: __. . roo�>s � � ��o-m . �� "-S . oa n. . � � . . . �,. i _—..___----�— . . � -�- ---`-- . ��o o� _..__ � _ __: y\ �► �������.►���������������ss�♦ . � � . � � . . n .� 000�.ti . � . � ; . ♦ \ __ .. .__ .. .. .. . . . � .� � . . �� . . � . . . � � _ . . . . . . � rw r5 � � . . . � � . r.� n. - \... . . ��� . . . Oip an . prn � . . � ` . \ . tr).rv -;,� . � . . ; ; � SURVEY � FOR — SACHS AND KASSUBE � ,._ q�0.00 ... . � . o ; • /' .. � Ci .��pg� . '••�`� . fI � . . ` �,. . ... 190,00_.. -_ '' .s 2{Q.00 EASt � i �` , � �� �� :� j j-� � . � t � • _ � 0 4�'�y ., `' , � • " p�+"P.��1 +`y�\�`QPOQE = 6 � � _ a � o � z o . a w . • . � � � �^�,.,.--�^^' . . . . . . . . . . .N SCA�E: t INCH � 75 FE T � �. . � � � � . � O OEHOT[E SET IROM P1PL � � . � . .. � � � � =0Q00 [AST � . . . .. . . . . . . . � . � . . .. ;.IRb6 ` � . . . �'i . Preliminary Plat: . SACIIS HIOD IC1�S5E1BE ADDITION . � m �� . . . . . . N. � �� by� , . �� . • Owners:Glenn W. Kassube � �� ; , , 3147 l�lSth Street East �' � Rosemoun�, MN 55068 a Q 0 Gary Kassube �� � as tl Q 145tti Street East ' � � Rosemount, MN 55068 ; � , � Rolland J. Sachs � �? � 3155 145th St.reet Eas� Q � k� � rE f'� Rasemaunt, MN 55468 �j � Q z�a.00 ensr ��.���' 423-2967 Q g � � � � t0000 wEE� �" ' • Property Description: � f � . . That gart. of the West Half of thei ; � �w = � : � .: Northeast Quarfier af Sec.25, T115, ~ �, � • R19, Dakota Count.Y. Nlinnesata describe ; � �ySJ� . �a as foilows: Commencinq at th� southwes � . Corner of the North �ial.f o£ said �eeti n � !t .c, �Q{ -- , , ..�, .. �.. ���, a��u,��eu Uearing oi Ea t � Z t.,--�,G l along the south line of the Narth Half � �.��y Q 1 ( thereof a distance af 3013.10 feet to a � � � o � , �he point o€ beginning of land to be = g , ' a � � �' described; thence continuing East alon � ; � � j ` said sauth line 400.00 feet; thence an , � �� a bearing of North 800.00 feet; thenee Z %-- zoo.00 cAs. _ � on a bearing of West 4Qa.00 feet; thenc_ Q , � on a bearing of 5outh 800.OQ feet to th � � � point of beginning. ; i ? r � Area: Lot 1 145,730 square feet 3.34�5 acres • N —""� Lot 2 80,388 square feet 1.84 5 acres ~ ° a � � � ; Lot 3 80,294 square feet 1.84 3 acres � g � � Co. Rd. 42 p „ 'r � 0.31 7 acres a � . � Each lot presently occupied by 1 singl . '� �3 ;• • family residence. " i\ N Prepared 11-03-88 , w�nE . . . . . . . � . � . . � 1 . . . � .iENCE� � . . � � t 3� � � �� YiO.03 p'11371 1{ A�1°0�`2!� 1~ -- 3013.10 - � $ � - , � � � e� ' -�, M Easr ,� � C.S.A.H. N0. 42 �\� !r� i ���iieo.ro � ' '� � � Sw CcfRN[n or NV2 . ` 21000 EA5T ; . . SEC.iS,TwP,nS, RGE.19 � .. � � ' . 4 . 400•�O .•_ . . ! ,' � �. . SOUTH IINE O� NI/2 SEC. 2S I . ''� ' � ' . .. . . 14'K /z z/5' � � � :-� • . � . ♦ � . . , ... . , . 8��'� Prepared By: DELMI►R Fi. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS INC. 14750 South Robert Trail . Rosemount, MN 55068 423-1769 ; i' � i G t ; ~ � ' ` � � City of Rosemount Resolution 1988- A Resotution G�ving Approvai To The Sachs and Kassube Addi#ion Prel�minary Piat And Se#ting Out The Conditions For Final Approvai WMEREAS, the City of Rc�semount has received a prcliminarp plat fc�r: That part of the West Hal[ �f the Norlheast (?uarter of Section 25, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota Counly, Minnesota described as follr►ws: Commencing at the soufhwest corner of the North Half of saic� SecEion 25, thence on an assumed bearing of East along the sc�ntM linc of the North Half thereof a distance oE 3,013.1(l fect t� the paint of beginning of land ta be described; thencc ' continuing East along said south line 400.00 feet; thenee on a bearing of North 800.Q0 feet; thence on a bearing of South 8OOAQ feet to the point of beginning; known as � Sachs and Kassube Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of fhe City of Rosemount ltas reviewed said preliminary plat and submitted its recommcndation to the City Councii; and WNEREAS, the required public hearing and notifications have been' compteted. NOW THEREFQRE BE IT RESQLVEtI, the City Council of the City of � Rosemount hereby approves the Sachs and Kassube preliminary plat, suhject to the following: I. Consideration of comments from governmental agencies from the distribution list as required under the City of Rosemount Sabdivision Ordinance: Adopted this 20th day of necember, I988. � Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk i � i . �