HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.g. Salary Proposals • • �� • F.Q ROX 510 `� .` ��./`�� Q 2875 ld.5(k!St W ��^y�+ y`��/��/M RC�SFMQUNT. MINNESOTA 55�A VJ�/I'i�lJ 41r/�� 612--423-4411 _...���--� �vJ � , � TO: Mayar Hake Counci�.members Napper Oxb�rough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan J3.lk, Administratar/Clerk DAT�: Deeember 12, 19$8 RF: Salary/Benef.it Adjustments No�i Union �mployees Foilowing is a recommendation for your consideration for salary and k�enefit adj ustments for full time nan union emp�.oyees for c�lenc�ar year 1989. This reeommendation is based upon several factors I fee�. ' relevant to our salary/benefit schedule. These factors �re: ( 1 ) A 1987 approved--1988 implemented salary plan which brought city employees to within reasonable relationship to empioyees in c�ther cities with our size and other similarities. (2) Co�nparable worth adjustment you have approved and which will be implemented in 1989 and 1990 which will. further insure that our salary and benefit schedule relates well to a�her e�.ties our size in our region, t3) A cost o� living inerease (inflatian} for the year of 1988 est3rna�ed now to be about 4.5� for �he Minneapolis/St. Paul area. ( 4) 1� review of salaryJbenefits adjustments macle by other cities in our area for 1988. With these factors in mind the follawing recommendations are made: (A) Salary adjus�ments: (A-1 ) Department heads and city administrator positions - 4.0� (A-2j Staff level positions - 4.25�. Minimum adjustments w�.11 be raade of �.0$ or 4,25�k. Other adjustments will be based upan comparable worth and length af tenure as set out in Exhibit "A" attached. � y� y . � � � � � . � . � • �. . .� . . . � . . Salary/Benefit Adjustments Non t3nion Employees Dacember 12, 1988 Page 2 fD� Life Insurance: Payment of PERA life insurance premium o£ $9.00 �er month, This gives a declining benefit of $55,000 plus dependexit eoverage below age 40, $44,Q00 at age 40, and down to $7,540 at age 65 and over. Some em�aloyees, seven in all, already pay this on thei� own: (C) Vacati.on: The schedule starts now at si.x days the first year. Chacige to eight days �he first year. (D) Sick Leave: Not allowed to use even though accumul.ated, c�uring six rnonth prob�tionary �riod. Change to allow to b� used as soon as • accu�nulated. (E) Educatian Reimbu.rser�ent: Add a reiinbursement o� ug to $454 a pear for a�proved classes SUCCESS�tlll�t COit1��.���E�. A resolu�ion setting out the entire policy will. be presented Tuesday. If possible, passage of these changes at our Deeemk�er 20 meeting would be requested so �hat we can implement the adjustments for the �irst paycheck in 1989. Thank you for your review and consideratian in this matter. sm� Attachment - � • i . r 19$9 NON UNION SALARY ADJ(TSTMENTS METIiO�OLOGY FOR ADJUSTMEN'�`S 1 } Ad j ust aIl midpoints (n�wly set comparable wort�i m3,dpoints) by: 4� for department heads 4.25� for staff positions 2) If a comparable worth adjustment is being made to a pasition and the person filling that position is at the i988 ap�roved midpaint (pre-comp worth) or is scheduled to reach th� midpoint on 1-1 -89 �he adjustment far 1989 will be the greater of: 2-a) 4.0$ for department heads 4.25� for staff personnel -- or - 2-b) one half (1 /2) the difference between thA 1988 midpoint {current base �alary) and the adjusted comparable worth midpoint far the positio:n. 3) If a comparable worth adjustmer�t is being rnade to the �osition but the person is not yet at the 1988 midpoint for the posit�.on beeause helshe is proceeding through a step pracess the person will moue to a positian in the sal.ary range as -follows: 3-a? employed 2 years or greater - top of "A" r�nge 3-b) employed less than twa years - midpaint of "A" range. 4? Tf no c�mparable wart}i adjustmenk is made to posit.�on than the 4.2S� adjustment wi11 be rnade ta the persons' 19$8 b�se. If the 4,25� adjustment brings the person above the mielpoint set by comparabie worth the p�rson will get the adjustment unless it brings them above the top of the "B" range or unles� speci£ically �pprovec�. Under present cQnditions no employe�s woulc� be bumped above the top of the "B" range. 5) All present em�loyees will. be placed at the adjustec� rnidpoint an January 1 , 1989 as s�t by co�np�rable worth. Annual c�st of living type adjustmerzts wili be made to all sal�ry rang�s (midn�intsl on January 1 , 1990 if wa.rranted. � � � . �o. �t�x �to t�t� O �t►�5 i�,t�+�;r. w � �+ �y'A ?j FlQSEMUUNT, MINNESOfiA 5508A �i7�/�"��1/1��� 612�.A27-4A11 TO: Mayor �Ioke Councilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FR4M: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk DATE: December 12, 1988 RE: Fire Department Salary Ad�ustments Please find attached inforrostion fxom Chief Scott Aker regarding wage ad�ustments for fire department pezsonnel in 198Q. Scott and the committee he formed for gathering and review of this information did, I believe, an excellent �ob. The seeond sheet af his report outlines the existing and proposed adjustm�nts very well. There are two main areas of ad�ustment: (1) Firefighter pay fram $5.00 ta $5.5Q per hour to incl.ude all fire calls, training titne, rescue cal�s and fire inspeetions . Though this is a 10� increase in ane year, we do find ourselues low in relation to other communities; and this ad�ustment wi11 not put us up out of "the average" for other degartments. (2) Chief's Salary - Based upon what the salary review that the fire department eompleted showed and based upon information reeeived from the Police/Fire Studp completed bp Fred Hoisington, the chief' s position needs £urther consideration as to personnel assistance and finsncial consideration. We feei, with that in mind, the increase to $3000 annually is totally warranted. I recommend that you consider and approve the scheduled as presented for the fire department. smj Attachment � � � ROSENiOUN OLUNTEER 2$?5 145th Stre¢t Wes# Rosemount, MN 55Q68 FI�E DEPAKTMENT �,►y H��� 6��-423-4a�� Fire Nall 612-423-34a4 �Q: Steve Jilk, Administrator rROM: Scatt Aker, rire Chief � DATE: October 14, 19$8 � RE: 1989 Salaries Attacned, please find a copy o£ the proposed salary schedule for fiare fighters and officers . A committee was formed in early spring which surveyed the surrounding communities. Their recommendations were brought to the entire membershig. The membership approved these salaries as proposed and the 1989 budget taas planned accordingly. I� approved, the amounts will fa11 within the budgeted amount , barring any drastic increase in fires during 1989 . Neca to the salary schedule is a $15p stipend per year for captains. The token amount is somemwhat indicative of the added responsiblities they will be asstzming. I would look for this area to possibly increase in the futtxre. A fire fighter wauld also receive a $ . SO per hour increase wi.th this proposal. All $S .00 rates would be $5 . 50, i .e . , f�res, training, rescue, fire inspections. The fire marshall amd trai�it►g division would still have a $750.00 ceiling on extra pay as they do now at the $5 .00 rate . They have not reached the ceiling and I believe the $75Q.00 to be adequate for 1989 . The largest discrepancy in salaries, according to the study cammittee, was for the fire chief. For this reason they recommended and the membership approved a $1 ,4Q0.QQ increase for 1989 with future considerations for subsequent years . All other areas, including assistant fire chief, secretary, training instructors , and fire marshall appeared in line with comparable positions in surrounciing eommunities or the salaries are commensurate with the responsiblities now i�eing assumed. dw attachment RU�,E�'tUI�PJT F I RE GEF'HF�'TP�IENT cALAR I ES .. • � � Prc�posed 1988 1989 Fire Fighters 44 ,S�t1 .U0 at 45, 150.00 at S.QO per hr . 5.50 per hour Fire Chief 200Q .00 and 300Q .Q0 and ane hr . min . all ofre hr . min . all pagrd cal t � pag�ed ca�l 1 s c�sst . Ch i �f 14t�0 .Of1 �nd i QOC� .00 and ane hr . min . ai1 one hr: min . all page�d c�l i � �ayed cai 1 � Se+cretarY 1�00 .0� and 15�.�O .E�I� and �' ane hr . min . aTl �ne hr . min . att I paged caTis �aged cal } s ' F i re Mdrshal l E,iiO .00 and 6C�� .C�a and * 750 .00 t�r` '50 .00 by the r�our tk�e haur Trainin9 500 .OQ and SQC� .OQ and * 750 .00 hy 750 .00 by the� hour th� haur Gaptains zero 75t� .Ot� S '� 1 SO .C�0 T07AL 46,5tl�t * + 1 ��GO 48,000 .00 54,000 * The ex tra 1�QO .�10 for f i r•e mar�.t�.�l t and tr•a�i n i r�c� 4ua=_. appro�ed but not put ir�to the budget: