HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Recycling Contract ! � P O. BOX 510 Z�� O 2875-145TH ST. W. �Ser,(.�u�� ROSEMQUN7, MINNESOTA 55068 612-d23-4411 Item 5f, TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator FROM: Dean Johnson, Director uf Commanity Development DATE: December 16, 1988 SUBJ: December 20, 1988 Council Itern No. Sf. Attached is a copy of the draft recycling"proposal" from Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc, As I discussed earlier, I have had "pencil quotes" from several vendors on tecycling programs. On the basis of these quotes and known costs ather cities have experienced, I felt a contract could be negotiated with KnUtson Rubbish ihat would be better far the City than that secured through an open bidding process. The City Attorney has confirmed that we can negotiate this type of service. The attorney has also reviewed the proposal with me and is in preparation of a detailed contract to b�e executed. The proposal has the cost breakdowns in the margin and totals $67,305.00. The total grant allocated to the City by Dakota County is $69,814.00, leaving the City with $2,509.00 for administrative expenses. This information has titerally come together as I write this memo. For the sake of time (and paeket distribution), I will fargo a written explanation of all of the details. I will offer a few comments, however. This proposai will authorize Knutson to order the bins to be used in th� prograrn. Knutson will receive and distribute the cont�iners and store excess contain+�rs for future distribution. All sin�le family residences and "quad" residences will reeeive containers fpr eurbside recycling. All apartment cornplexes (o.wners wllling) wilt receive central recycling containers for use next to trash containers. Curbside collecEion will be available to �,11 residences throughout the entire City on a weekly basisl The muiti-family containers will be served as needed. Knutson will be responsible for printing and distribution of educational/promationat materials and a11 prQgram documentation, Knutson will also aperate a commercial/industriat recycling program. I will explain this program in complete detail at the meeting. I knaw you wil( agre� this is an outstanding proposa}. ! . � - �,< � 1'�i�t�•t� i��li i ....,_..,,.,,,.....,..,.�,:_,..._ _.. �UUU��� J����t�r�M� lE'iiZO Gitii'i'F:NUAI.r �vr.� -Rt):i�Ait)ttN'I', DiN E',t',t►t3ti(tit;�l�t;t:i-7.'ztt..t r:�E>�.�.,.,,��,- 1�.,, 1���� tvti�. Cy�3;.�n ,..1c�tln�c�n C�tr�E:c:tc�c� of Cc�rY�rYluriity Ilev�l�ptrlerit C:irv cak �c�serno�.�r1t W7�7 a l�l at�1 Str�t,t W�st F�c�54:x�rzc.�unt, Mir�rzesot;� a5tl(�i3 UCai- I1/It-. Joht�:ot1, I�:r1Ltf,�c;r1 Rul�l�isr� S�r�vic;e, Irlc, ap�r�.�r.i�at�s tl�� c��,>���c��-t�_�rzity t�� �uLrr�it t�i� followir��; r�cyclirl� �ropos�l for� youi- c:c.�r��icic�r-�tiun �rlc� t�ppr�val. T� sur-pass the �oals est�blis��ed l�y �.��;.ot� CUUI1t�I fUC your Comtnunity, we r�ecoF�zrn�rid ado�tin� the� followin�;: J Implement a comprehensive resiciential recycling, prog,ram. We feel these are the kPy cc�rr���oner�ts of a successful pro�rarn: GONVCI�I[CI�I�C: • c�;ollectic�n af recyclables wl�icl� ii�c l�.r�:i�� i�e�.ti��p�•t�1t. �;las�., b��,►Prag� c�ns, usec� mntc�r c�il, �,:��� t��tie�-ie;. Upti�n to initiate additic�n�,l rri�t�z-i:�l; ��s rr«r�:�t� l�o_corn� �vailable. • R�cy�clii�g bins s�lectecl �,y t}�e �:;ity. • Rec�,�cliri� bins purcha�ocl and distr-i1�7,_ztc�� J��Y ,,,, �':nut�r�n kubbish Service, Inc. • Cnllectic�n c�n sz�me day �s garb�ge {.r.ra �1-E��t.est �xtent pc�ssi�i]e). • Unc� �er �eQk c�llection - City �.,,�idP * Ut.ili;at�er7 �f #;nt�tson �.tab}_�i�.h �el-=��r--�'c. ci�-��� c�f f f��cilitv v�rith the ��idition�l �eco�t;�tt��:� ��� t�i1 c���; a��c� pl�stics. • F�.o_cV�lin� s�t��ices at a}���r�xi��n���lv 1�.� rr���.tltif��r��il�.r �tnit�. J � � J . � . . . . . .,� .��..� . . . � � . . . _• 4NOMICTINC�Iti•1•1V�s �,'; Implern�nt�tion of a weel�,lv ��ecyc:lir��z ct►-awi��g • T�tecc�t�t�zeticlation of vc�luri��� 1.�4-�sFc� I�.7�s. ��!t�..Q►.x�.�.�t.�1,.�..�'...�3.��I..��.,t14�..,.:M.�t1�'�`.�:�2.1 A L.:a►t • Co-s�nclsar wit�l tt�e City af RQsPr7���i.�t�t:� -F���:ycling irZfot�matiori lar4cl�u��`� witl� l�is� c�E?liv�t-y. -Media caver�ge. �I�ws�a�er-s, C,ak�l�.� T.V. -Recycling broc�lur�s arid itifc,i-t�1�t.ic.���. -�'romcationaZ everzts. Dis�I�vs, a���>�rds, �tc. -Education t�ir-ou�ti ttle s���c�ols. -�warer�ess ads. -Compost/Leaf education. -Recycling ser-vices �t L�pr�cli��.��� ��vs at�d �ther a�pro�riate cotz�rnunitY �v���ts, dl Joint adrriinistration of the reeyctinp; �rograrn t�y the City of F�.osemour�t and Knutsor� Rut�bish Service, Inc. dl` Irn�lerrierytation vf cornmerci�lliriciustrial reyclir�g program wi1:h thQ callection ot: • High qu�lity office p�pe��, • Ulass frotn t}7e hospit��litv sector�. • Gardbvard it•�tn ret�il est•.��>list�rrr�nts. �l Uocumentation of recyclin�; �ro�r�m will t�e supplied to the City. The foilowin� it�Iorma�tian will be furnished on monthly basis: ' Route scheduling. •.," Particip�tion rates. • Totlnages collect�c]. ' Citiz�t� coi�plaints ancl tl�leit} �R�s�lt�tic�l�l;. ' Publicity san�ples. dl Knutson Itu��t�ish Service, lnc. wiil ��r�vicle ePrtifical.es �f ansi.�r�nces to i1iQ City. wr.� �,�,,: ,J" f:r��.ttsoti Rubbish Service, Inc. t�as ucEn ttie l+�ac�ic�� ir�nuv�toc- ir� salic� was�e and rec:,ycting se�-vices. We wi11 c�xr.e�r� t��� �,o��ls r �st.al�lishpd by D�kQta Ceutzty arid l�y ��ic �rc�urzd wc�t-k f{�t- �{� . ���d�,�rin� pra�gram. in advance, thanl�. you far yQur c4nsideration. Res�ectfully Submitted, � � a _ i.�� l�iark eieren ff Gehr�,e S�les Manager kecycling Director �:�IUT��N RUBBISH SEI�VICE, I�tC. . ,,, �iy�;� ..! . . �. . � . . . . . � :'ilili't' �4l�i� . . ...«...rw+.o•�.r.wr-+�►n+r�re�w�w�.e.rnw.�.w . . � . . . .. . . ... . . . . . � �Tl�N7"'�'RMFfM`ti�IfM'�yMw�'�'�yyM+lw�++e�+•�.+'M7��sww:,,� m �,��+w «.a.a.�.�. w.w�«►s�+�.�r�ww«`+.^rwrwV�i.a1 . � . ��S���H ����,�� � 16120 CHIt�PENDAGE AV�., RU��MC11�iNT, RiN t5t30�f8 tt312)�t2�-:�2�1�f CITY UF RpSEMOUNT - COf"1PRE11ENSIV� RECYCttM6 PROGRAn tiUUGE7: Purch�se of 3(t00 recyciing bins #234��.�0 Qistr9bution of recycling bins �ig�a.{)p tlnce per week collection-city wide t�pp�p.pp (�eration of drop off facility l22UO.OU Recycling pilnf�ragram at muitifamily dwetlings �4qpO,(1p f�eration af recyclfng drawin9 ;1075.Oq Educatfonai a�d prc►motianai activities g��pp,�p Implementation of cc�mmercial/;ndustriat recycling s t00Q4.00 Administr•�tion -Y,nutson Rubbish 5ervfce. I�t. tgp0.pp �1�iministratinn-City of Rasemount �254¢,00 rorAE 3�9ac�s.00 . ,,,, -