HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve Change Order #4 - Shannon Parkway Street Improvements, Contract #1987-4, City Project # 168 & #171 � ..:�"�� ��,' � *,�*******�***�t*�***********�*******���AtEAtO********�r*************�*�r*****�***** DATE: DEC�MBER 14, 1988 TO: MAYOR & C4UNCILPiEAiBEftS C/Q CITY ADAtINISTRATQR JILK FROPt: GITY ENGINEER/PUBLZC WORKS DIREGTOR HEFTT �E: ITEI�tS FOR THE DEGEI'iBER 20, 1988 GOUNCIL PIEETING GONSENT AGENDA Approve Change Order �4 for Shannon Parkway Street Improvements Cxty Contract 1987-4 Attached is a copy of Change Order ��4 for fihe Shannon Parkway Street Impr�vement Projeet. This change order is for payment for additi�nal non-e.ontract work related items that were associated with tlie prc�ject.. 7't�e s�coml �age of the ch�n�e c�r�ler cantains a stin�mary of th� nc�u-coritracl. w<>rk items. 7'he remr�inin� pa�;es are the documentation of �lie non-contr�ct work items. Items 1, 3 &5t We did not install 4Q' of 42" RCP pipe beca��se we did not have an easement over Walt Streses property. Wc� were aCtem�Y.ing to tie this work together with the Hawkins Pand Project and only obtain an� easement. Unfortunately the scheduling of Hawkins Pond Project did not coineide with the Shannon Parkway project, resulting in not placing 40' of this 42" RGP. However, it was delivered to the job site with this praject and used in the Hawkins Fonds Project. Item �3 is also related to this situation because without the easement over Streses property we liad to bttl.k- head or plug the 42" outlet we constructed under 5hannon Parkway. The next line item ,�5 is al.so related to this because we had to create a temporary overflow for the storm water within Shannon Parkway storm range system to relieve itself to the east of Shannon Parkway in a low area on the CarrolT property. We did receive a temporary easement over this pro�erty to do this. Item 2: We felt it necessary to rent four additional barricades last winter to improve traffie control and safety. Item 4 & 6: This work resulted in abandoning the culvert across 14Sth Street west of Shannon Parkway that drained water from the south side of 145th Street to the north side of 145th Street. This water ran down Walt Streses property over a bituminous swale. This has been a saurce of problems in the past and since we haci the opportunity to construct a catch basin in the southwest corner of 145th Street and Sh,annon Parkway to alleviate this groblem we took advantage of it. . . i • rag� 2 Item for December 20, I988 Council Agencla Change Order ��4-Shannon parkway 5treet Improvement Item 7 & 8: We needed to remove some additional bituminous from County Road 42 when we were constructing the left turn lane for the eastbound traffic in order to maintain proper drainage at the intersection. The additional cutting resulted in some a�lditional bituminous remoual. Item 9: We had to adjust two hydrants to maintain proper elevation fram Shannon Parkway boulevard. These hydrants wpre constructed under a project several years ago that brought water to the West Ridge Additions. At that time the exact elevation of the road, Shannon Parkway, was nat known. Item 10: This item is for removal of the temporary driveway off of 145th Street to serve the Shannon Towntiouse Development. Shannon Townhouse Develapment was required t� obtain access off af Sh�nnon Parkway. However, because this development occurred befare th� installation of Shannon Parkway it was necessary to build a . temporary driveway to 145th Street. I hope Chis explanation provides some insight as to the non-a�ntract work items tliat we are requesting be approved under Change Order 414. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve Change drder �14 to Contract 1987-4, Shannon Parkway Street and t3tility Improvements and authorize the Piayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. -r � t ' ,., �HaNc� a�oF� � .�..�.�..� � . . ???fA51ltTTtF CANAQrt Rp�O�51 PM(N,ApQqVEStNA 5 5 t�) 6 tT �g.r•O?)? OWNER CiLy ot Roaemc>unt Ou1TE November 30,� 1458 �WNERS PROJECT N0. 168 i 1?1 CMANGE ORDER l� 4 PROJECT DESCRrPTION�_ Shennon Parkway SEN Fi�E Np _ 8712� the foilpw�ng changes Shal!be made!O the Confrc3Cf d0�'ument5 DeSCr�ptron Add the followinq work it�ms to the contract. tsee atteched sum�nary) Pur pvse ol Change�rder Payment for additional non-contract work items associated • with the project. (�as�s o�Cost �S Acruai r_� Esr�mated Att�Chrrrents rlrst supporirng dfKumenrsl 1 - Summary af non-contract work items. 10 - Uai.ly record of non-contract work. Conc�act 5tarus r���e Cost prrg,nal Canrracr �--.1�Q�.�e..��Qt.� _______ ----- rver Change Pnor G O�s_..l_.�._. iv��__ ___.�_ _ _ ± 15 5.0 8 B.4 4 Change rh�s C 0 + 8,9?4.02 Rev►sed Conrratt $_1,2 3 7�6 2 2�5 8 Recommended fw Approval: Shvrt-Ellioti•H n N �� e d c k�o n, I n c. 8 y Agreed!o by�'oncr�C�or: Approued fot Owner By��- �',..*' � tifle r �C �, Dtstrtbutlon Cont,acta ? Owner ► pra�r'r�sc?nra��ve r SE►�O/hee ► SfrORi EtLKJTF 1NEhORICRTaOVv eNC St v,1Ut, CN�PPEW�c�t15. MINNESOG W�SCONS+M � , • • SUNII++IRRY OF NON—CONTRACT WORK ITFsMS SHANNON PARKWAY CITY PROJECT NO. 168 & 171 SAP 208-106-02 ROSEMOUNT, MII�INESOTA SSN FILS NO: 87122 TTEM DESCRIPTIC?N COST 1. FURNISH ONLY 42" RCP $2, 520.$0 2. F'URNISH ADDITiONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 491.2$ 3. CONSTRUCT TEMPURARY BULKHEAD IN 42" RCP 21?.55 4. AHANDON INPLACE CULVERT @ 145TH STREET 310.46 5. EXCAVATE TEMPORARY STORM SEWER DISCHARGE TO CARROLL PROPERTY 740.3$ 6. CONSTRUCT CATCH HASIN @ 145TH STREET 223.49 7. SAW CUT ADDITIONAL BITUMINOUS AREA @ CO. RD. 42 TURN LANE 2,792.25 8. REMOVE ADDITIONAL BITUMINQUS AREA @ CO. RD. 42 . TURN LRNE 780.82 9. ADJUST TWO H�tDRANTS 712.58 10. REMOVE $HANNON TOWNHOUSE DRIVEWAY 1$4.41 TQTAL CHANGB ORDER $8,974.Q2 ITEM 1 { . � � � DAILY RECORD OF NQN-CONTRACT WORI{ Owner Citv of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 1?1 Pro,�ect Shannon Parkwav SEH Fiie 87122 Contractor Arc�on Construction Date 10/23187 Description of Work ,� Barricades used for traffic control for winter of 1987 88, LAB4R Direc�t Name Time Labor Classification Start Sto Nour Rate Cost Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Item Totai labor Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost Barricade rental 4 Mo. $106.80 $427.20 �----------- E4UIPMENT Subtotal (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax ����— Total materials �427 �p Unit Time Start Sto Nours Rate Cost To�a1 �quipment SUMMARY Approved: Total labor 0 Total materials $427.20 c*--�� �'�;�o $'�. Total equipment '�`�' �2 Overhead & Contractar pa Prof it @ 15 $ __ $64.08 ,� � 4/1 f 88 Re ident Pro�ect Date Total �ost Representative $491 .28 ItEM 2 , ' � � � DAILY RECORD OF NQN-CONTRACT WQRK Owner City of Ras�nount Pro�ect No. 1?1 Pra�ect Shannon Parkway SEH File 8712Z Contractor Arcon Construction Date 10/23 87 Description of Work 42 R.C.P, deliver�l to site but not used. LABOR Direct Name Time Labor Classifica�ion Start Sto Hour Rate Cost —� Total direct labor MATERIALS PaXroll Costs Q $ —"' I�em Total labor 42" R.C,P. 4uan�it Unit Uni� cast Cost 4.� �..._ L•F• $54.80 $2,192.Q0 �T ---_.__ E(�UIPMENT Subtotal $2.192.00 (Inelude (?perator Time Under Labor) Sales tax Tota� materials $2,192.00 Unit Time - Start Sto Hours Rate Cost , Total equipment SUMMARY APProved: Total labor p Totai materials -'"- �� � Total equipment R �.�- �- +n�- r� Overhead & Con ractor Date Profit @ i 5 $ $328.80 �iJ ' 4/1/88 Re ent Pro�ect Date Total Cost RePresentative � �'f.;��0.$�" � � �ms . . • • � DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WURK Owner �i� o� ��sc� �+� Pro�ec�: No. '/G�8 Pro,�ect ,,�'" A,��►v,v �'/a2.f'w�r y SEH Fiie g7/ z.2 Contraetor /�2co•.� G'Q.�.s�. Date S��zt 1�8 DesCri�tion of Work 6'Xt,4..n,/,e„! �.c ,�.,�� �r,lrs..x,o•.� cc' C'8�"-` �z. �!o,. -- —D�7`C�f o..� �s� s.6E o�' rt'��.va.o...� J ��/G /,t � �t ��.i�?.!'i...e tr uG�C+9 0.� 2" n/,L D�.r9Ct LABOR Time Labar Name Classification Start Sta Hour Rate Cost �oN P.�t��E �Q/�E rC- / �/ y! .3/ � 0.9v� l's�i,,,a -_oP� . � 3� `/� ,.�! y� ��r� .�iEf�k'rc,� G.,o/So2, � ce ~ LE��N LAirSo...� G.9/.F'e.e- � � �.L,/� P2. �AfY_.��_/'1'�N•vs �"o!L�G.�f,nN. � Co 3�/ro 7' To�al direat labor /?�, �Y MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Total labor .f�y Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost �LpE..,� /�..�,�,,.,t -' �.�°--•� EQUIPMENT Subtotal � ( Include Operator Tzme Under Labor) Sales tax � ��� Total materisis _�o �.� Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rats Cos� o.�/fv �D��1?�- .�/o G�.'�rk.ffoE / /� Z1 /(o zi It,�Sr e�t. �l� � 1�--- r t'u.� �/ �.Men�. y�� y-'� _..�. Total equigment �o�7_.._ SUMMARY APProved; Total labor /?� By Total materials .2p ro. �_� ����-� Total equ�pment ,.20 �� Contractor Dat X��� Overhead & Profit @ $ � , ,, ,� l� .� .,�� , ...., y t� �� R sidential Pro�ect Dete � Representative Total Cost __�/� ss ITEM 4 � � + � DATLY RECORD OF NOI�I-CONTRACT WORK Qwner C.:� o.� �os.�-�,o�ti,� Pro�ec� No. 'x/.�/ Pro�ec� S"/��9.ti.�vo,.� .Q.e%,�.,� SEIi File f,� 1 �2 Contractor i�r��U..� Co.vs� Date y -�� -gg Descrip�ion of Work rN Ctosf- /y.� �'a r,w�s-�t GG iz /'�� �/�'�.a.��.,, S�.r«n �1a.v.�eG����e�y.-io�� �'�s� F'L�fta1' J✓C� L�� G'.�5� c'�7d ( .Cs�'c�l�F',� . — .z7.y�s a �+ .DS Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classification Start Sta Hour Rate Cost D�.v ,v,�,�� - ar>��r. �l-z 3/•�Gf /S� />��_C�L..., O �:�. � �' � 3��� 3i y' ���<Odf�,Pic% . LAG'c� 2. .:'6. GB S3 36 L.�1 a,-+ _ - L,r o2 � �/�P� /t1/a NNS .�7i7N � . .. .. � . Z �FJ•G�F3�_ � S� 3 4 . . � / �Y�'° �3y� Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ �— Tota l l aber /�7.� Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cast y..3rZ,�/�/�s'G6�:k... — �o � EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Znclude Operator Time Under Labor) Sal�s tax ��� Total materials Za ^� Unit Time - Start Sto Hours Rate Cost � 3'G iJ��/�,�;� �ro / /� ?1 /6,zl �r�T L ,�D��. � �/Z �/�� 30. �� ;'�.ui�.lc ss o� �cl�/Ja.rr-rr�n. / ,.5`a /�,� �'','p . . . __ �C17�/"� L�LUGF_'72 �/�!L/.�+-�G � � � _ __ ' ...... —�---��L-_....._.. . . � . � . . . . - ' _ ... . _ ��__._'_ . . . �r�vv rc .3"/6.v.,1.G . Total squipment SUMMARY Approved: Totai labor �y 8y Total materials �o °- yirt�.wa (2 $ Total equipment /DZ, �2 _ Contractor Dat Overhead & Prafit @ � ���r.-.,..���1.-.� ,?1s .._ 5� � z S� � Residential Fro�ect Dete ^ � Representative Total Cost 31� 1 - . , I ICM 5 ` , � I � DAILY RECORD OF' NC1N-CQNTRACT WORK Qwner G;� o� /�s��,o�,'..�� Pro,�ect No. �.�,1� Project �.<l.���,�v,..,, ,�'.y?/e�-�..4� SEti File ,-.r,r.z 2 Contractor ,�.�c�,., c'�.�s�. Date ,. , , - �� Description of Work �'Yc,Ay.,�� J�o�.., r ,, �r: �,,.,.� �� .-�>•�.�� � ._:,��r.�AG�- i�r!�- .4 f�'_,,G�..t•c_. �-�„o " � �-hFs �tfs fi �'2A.�." L6 "fo 2 .' - Direct LABOR Time Labcar Name Classificati.on Start Sto Hour Rate Cost Do..� f-Ric€' o%'cn- % =�/,y� /7 S 6� �/avE li�l'i.... O/>Eri. 2- .s/ '!� �o Z g2 pAu� �E''o 1'1lcx. p��t:� o ._._..s�_ ,,f�.<o y.,% 9 Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ � Total labor Z83. �e Item Quantit Unit Unit cost � Cost ����i� � G . . .�s��`�h 1�4roG./� � . � . .. .i� /G .. . . . =�,� ✓��?!�r 1��rt, y /G E G��S�irvG ` .!:'��s's ,�L.� _ EQUIPMENT Subtt�tal ( Include Operator Time Under Laborj Sales tax ��"� Total materials �c,i� Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost �7�J��S t!. k'`��il� Zd�7 [f gD� 3 ZO� �.�-�` l-�.�O�>�. 1�'l� .��.P��� /,ir.�-.,p � _ G/� /Z 3 s,�� ��� _,_ �� _ �3 �_ Total equipmant ys�iL' .�_. SUMMARY Approved: Total labor �83 .2� Tota1 materials �vc.. � ��a,,�,- t �� Total equipment �� i� Contractor . p8�� Overhead & — Profit @ � � � � ?✓ �+`��,�- �� �.�, -8�` T. ��.-�. � Re idential Pro�ect Date Representative Total Cost 7ya . 38 � , , ITEM 6 . � + � - : DAILY REC�RD OF NOt�i-CONTRACT WORK Owner �'�� or /�QsE� ��,..,,� Pro�ect Na. �l'7) Project sN.q..�..�o.� P�2./cw,.a-�, SE�i File f3Tfzi Contractor 2�o„J fo,,,s�. DatQ �'/J� /gg Descriptian of Work vv� �� '��;r A�,,,,n,✓ �,,,a /'U Lo s-r1 C�' � --'� G-es�c.,.�e�•�,. o-�' /�!r-�+i� S� DirACt LAHOR Time Labor Name Class�fication Start Sto fiour Rate Cos� � �/-�/z!2 e� � XaNNS �. � /'dQ£Yr�A7�.v. � . . . . � � � �� _ / :s y��, `3..�/.v v Do,� 3�,c�. a/^�n. _ �Z .�/,,�J_._ �z , D/�ti� ,Y�Lzaw /c,' ��a�Sa.�- /�z 2�. S� 39. �7 � f ' L.9/39.c. /� ZG.�8 '� .O 2� Total direct labor ,.�- MATERIALS Payroli costs @ O $ -f}.- Total labor /�/ /, o/ Item Quantit Unit Unit cost ' Cost /2"sF'�9.v _'_ --•-- �f� �. ,,,�dp,.np ,�1`p pu _ /�" /.�/�.�+/, / �G a`� �ro EQUIPMENT Subtotal 3 00 ( Include Operator Time Under Labor} d% Sales tax �- �� ��t� Total materials _,�, /� Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cos� �''O .r. t o� S/� / Z .L l 2`� 3 Z. Total equipment 2y.3-z.. SUMMARY Approved: Total labor /6/, o/ � Total materials 3g,/L �A�--+^.�-- IL ' �� Total equipment 2y. 32 Contractor pg e Overhead & Profit @ b � -b - 3ti=�-� �1 ~!.j j.�:` S /�i g'� Residential Pro�eet Date Represen�ative Total Cost Z Z3 Y9 . � . � ITEM 7 � ` � � � � DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRIICT W�RK Owner G;� o� /�s�.,�-,o�.�-� Pro�ect No. /7/ Pro�ect ..i.�.�.v....,p.,.. ,t�'�'�,.r� SEH File fi7� � 2 Contractor ��, ��,,, ' Date ��y/,QR DE:SCI'.I.pt�.Ori Of WOL'�C �/q-!//I�/�' � rrsi up✓s /E"� �C�''",!1 Y� -y�tss�,,� .����i i.+9 r�C' Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classifica�ion S�art Sto tiaur tt�to Co�t Tota2 diroct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Total labor Item Quantit Unit Unit eost � Cost 1���t!r.verC �.�'<e�-���; s _'_ _ :�:f .�F�a�o r-�.� C f�,C�o �-',./ yL ----- -�9cv....G ov�c. /�L�.�. /2 �// Z, Z� �����-�-��7�/7� �^ __ SAulrrv6 ,�S .OE�L /��A.v _`�.zl ��e� i% G_ ,il/, C„ EQUIPMENT Subtotal � ( zncl.ude Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax � -----�------- Total materials �7lZ, 2,S' Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Total equipment --- SUMMARY Approved: Tot a l l abor :�8"�� Tota1 materials Z79Z..zs' {J a.,�� 'l.�c,t.�.,,. $g Total equipment _ �y- Contractor p� �verhead & P ro f i t @ � _..-%- ` .,� - , �.f..--r,��,./• (�,' ,,�-?��i'.---- _s.!�.5;,,"}�„�c . Resi�ential Pro�ect Date Representative Tatal COst 2�yZ• 2S'" '. ( _. - - .. , . ITEM $ . • � n�zL� ��eo�n or rrorr-cor��rr�ncT wo�K Owner �}� o� ��' s"c�:��c��-v�� Pro,jec� No. /�/ P ro,j e c� S`�,�.r,v�,..� fi��rc...k��v,�, S E Ei F i 1 e �s z/2. z...- Contractor ,�i�'�e-�..=.� Cc,,...s�C T Date s/a J %� Descri�tion of Work . __ f�G�!//5�'V �/1.��i? �i(r�l ��� ^�'fM'� l t �4A..j (�^'i��. �Ya ����/11�+/ .. . . . � . �rt �/l'�9/ti ��� ,��xl�v� ,.�/ �ii9Fa /-�t2�Erf n n 'w 4RZ � �� �.� � /t N .r1�is L.t e��� ,a��+�i+.�• �irect LA80R Time Labor Name Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost /-�i¢'�� /�1 �_ , -�a�1 E/3y.9..�.l. Z =� , pv �eS',�C /��.� ,>r2.c,� o.R'�t. /��t��,�r���G�� - �,�so,� ---�— �i�s�� �zs.�y tl Z ZG.C�B .5�.3l0 O/�Y� .4'cLZow !4` Ga.:��2 Z 2GS8 S3. I(o J�.vO�'�2%a.0 /S�'�A� G�A 1�o rrc. -t �s �d+,oo i'R. ov Total direct Iabor -�. MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ -�.� Total labor 378./G• Item Quantit Unit Uni� cost Cost EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales �ax �+ � Tota3 materials Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost ' ��. /��fic./l/.!e E' .3iZl 2 �6•Z/ 3 z. W z.- 7� .�rD�. �'6G 5! 6/• �''( 2�7� Z.�,/ . � C�*+.',�7���S S O /v � ��G. S O � a � � . . (?`.� .11 ,-S –`-�'---- —:-�..__� , ��_Z�u ! �_____t.,,• _ 3 3 .av /1� vo. Total equipment �jrnZ..r G SUMMARY ApAroved: Total labor 37$./G. Total materials -�3-- �ci.-� �,'��ta��. � . : �� Total equipment </�Z, (oG Contractor Dat Overhead & Profit � $ �' ' / �.-/ '" . . - --��y`�:,�/�'"'� L'`', .._�_ / a S���e!� SS� � . . Resid�ntial Pro�ect Date Represen�ativ� Total Cost : ..'Bc7. SZ - .__._ ! . � � � ITEM 9 . , � ' � D7�TLY k�EC4C2D OI� NON-GONTRIICT WQ�3K Owner �i� �r� �o�c��a�� -/ Pro�ec� No. '"`/7/ Pro�ect '''"�f1.9,�.�.�a,.� /� fc�w�- SEH File �7/ZZ. Gontractor �c'Co.� �',,.,��n�uc,��a.✓ Dat� d�z /6�,7 Description o€ Work ��,'"��.�1� r �`-- o� r"'� i�'�����•A.,� �c• � �/� .t/y� C'm�,vr�t ,5 r_'� .vns o�+• � �.nit�.�G 2.'c.Y� .�'f saafN e 1' !S"`/ s� o� �1 s S�O E -�'tJr9.vwrv�/ Direc� LABdR Ti.me Labor Name Classifica�ion Start Sto Hour Rate Cost DQVE Ls.�a �R�o2 3 h L-.9lfar�- �j Zlo S�' �y_.. Total direct labor : MATERIALS Payroli costs @ U $ ..d� Total labor /7.�. �7 Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost �''f'1fc�L �rL .�1yl.� �,�_ � / I y3 /£'9 -ti,�� �1'..,�f�.< �...�,.�, �j�.r> �vf l/� _ ZS2.yx. 2�2.UZ.-- EQUIPMENT SubtotaZ -5//. 8S` —�-�-------- ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) b% Sales tax �G,�y Total materials �Y6,�,3� Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cos� Total equipment -� SUMMARY Approved: Total labor /�3, 97 Total materiais y�,B. 3� �,t�� �- � Total equipmen� �. Contractor pa e Overhead & P ro f i� @ /.S�$ 70, 2S 7�1 �i-.--.� 7/ �.� . . j��..� �_ � -� ,�,. r af f......:.�. � � o�'' �"��7TffPl�Ls Residenti,al Pro,ject Dete �n'�i Representative Total Gost _ 'JI2 . 5� . � . � , ITEM 10 � . � � DAILY RECt�RI� OF NON-C(3NTRACT WQRK �wner City of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 171 Pro,ject S annon Par way SEI# File► 87i22 ~ Contractor Arcon Ccrostruc�icm Date 6/24 $8 � Description of Work R�val of driveway ta Shannon TawnYi�uses Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classifieation ' Start Sto Hour Rate Cos� -C�eratvr 1 .0 $31 .89 $31.89 Total direct lak�or $31.� MATERIAI,S Payroll casts @ $ Item Total labor �31 .89 Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost EQUIFMBNT Subtotal -- ( Include Operator Time Under Labrsr) Sales tax Total materials Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Backho� (Linkbelt # 5800) i .0 $90.47 $90.4? _Tandem Dump Truck 1 .fl $38.00 . B.OU Total equipment $1�$.47 SUMMARY �pproved: Total labor $31.89 Total materials �t `—._-- - �.� z�� ( Z S$ Total equipment $128.47 Con ractar pa� —._ Overhead & . ,.,,, ,,,.- Prc�fit @ 15 � 24.05 � � �. .,. . ,�.;,r? .s��` ,..,.��,>:*'=•--,..... 6 j24 J88 esident Pro�ect Date Representative TOt8I CO3'� $184_41