HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Set Public Heariing - Dale Helwig Zoning Appeal - s lfe.�► �: � � ��- �� • E�c� E=<�x �;,n � � � �,�l�i� O � ,�s�5� �ar,�ifi �;i tn,� �.,osernou�t� ���,f►�,�,���r, M,NNE-�;�,T� �,��,<;�� fi I 2 4?;t 4d 1 1 TO: CITY C�UNLIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER DATF.: DECEMBER 15, 19R8 StJBJ: iIECEMI3ER 20, 1988 - RE(:ULAR M�ETtN(� REVf�WS PUBLIC HEARING - UALE HELWIG ZONtNG APPEAL At thc .Iut�c 2lst Commission Mcetin�; an intcrrrriati��n �va:� made hy fhc Cc�mmission that delcrmincd <� subdivisi��n of I�ind that crcalcci .� 2.28 acrc �:�rccl c�f pro�erty owned by Dale Hefwig was nat ap}�roved by thc City and that the pro�crty shal) n�t bc rrc�gnizcd as a buildablc Ic>t (sce location maj�). Mr. Hclwig has contacled the C'ity and has suggested lhat he intends to take legal action against the Cily if he is �revented from building on the property. His first requesi �vas as to whether he is allowed an appeal with City t:ounciL Upon c�nsulting with the City Attorney I was advised that the Planning Commission must first hald a �ublic hearing and art on this matter in its capacity as Board of Appeals and Adjustments hefc�re the matter can he refered to Council. A public hearing had not been heltl when the Planning Cc�mmission made the interpre[ation at the June 21st meeting. The Ptanning Commission preceeded to hold a public hearing regarding this matter at its No��ember 15th meeting and once again ruled that lhe propertv in question was not legally subdivided and shall not be recognized as a buitdable lat, Incluc�ed with this letter is a copy of a leiter from Daie Helwig's Attorney requesiing that this matter be appealed to City Councit. Staff requests that the City Council sct a public hearing t� review this ap�ca) for the January 17th meeting at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possihle. 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MAItY' L.(i(/LiKI; ""hl Rf.)LICIsNSh:ll iN WIRCONSIN � 14�trdiSpU9'H}tO1iF;ItT'1'I{AIL � OI'CQt�NSb;I,: tAI St)LiC{�.NSP:1�IN Nh;ISRASKA KOSM:MUIiN'P.MtNNF;50'TA CR,tNiN I,F,ONAHI�F.Ii1N.l2NA'P (fi12)A'1:6U:'S .It�i1N PL VUKP:1.11'N Dece.mber 7, 1988 Mr. Mike Wozniak Planning Director City Hall 2875 W. 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Mr. Dale Helwig's Appeal Dear Mr. Wozniak: This letter is to confirm our telephone canversation of Deceat�er 2, 1988. It is my understanding, based upon my conversation of D�cember I, 1988 with Mr. Helwig, that he is seeking to app�eal the decision af the City Planni..ng Comnission (acting as the Board of Appeals anc3 Adjustrn�nts) denying him a building permit an his 2.28$ aere parcel to the Rosemount City Council. If the City Council denies his ap�eal, Mr. Helwig will reguest that the Cauncii qrant him an abatement of the assessments which were leviecl against his property based upon i�.s resid�ntial equivalence. Mr. Helwig will waive his rights to �rsue a judicial remedy if the ab�ate�nent is granted. He will, hawever, reserve his rights to re-apply for a building permit at srnne future date shauld circumstanees change, i.e., his parcel is merged into another so as to c��aly with the manim�nn lot size requirement or the lot size requiremer►t is ct�nged. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Very truly yours, McMEI�MY & S�VER.90N ��f GICe ���� _G,_ �iL,.� Michae3 C. M�Cann rICM:atn cc:Dale Helwig