HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Adopt Resolution to Receive Petition Order Feasibility Report - West Ridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #195 . � s • � .���� . � ,,.9 ******�**********:t,t****��*�t,t*�r**�*******PtE1�t0**�********��*****�**************�** DATE: DECEi�t�ER i4, 1988 TO: riAYOR & COUNG2Lr1EMk3ERS C/0 CITY ADptINISTRATOR JILK . FROI`i: CITY ENGIAIEER/PUBLIC WQRKS DIREGTQR HEFTI � RE: ITEAIS FOR THE DECEAiBER 20, 19$8 GOtiNCIL A4EETING CONSENT AGENDA Reeeive Petition/prder Feasibilz�Report for West Ridge 3rd Addition Utilxt and Street Im rovements, Cit Pro 'ect �195 The developers for the t�est Ridge 3rd Addition have submitted a petition to the City for the installation of utilities and streets within thQir proposed W�st Ridge 3rd Addition. The petition represents 10�� of the property owners. Recommended action for Council to consider is to receive the petition and authorize the preparation of the feasibility report for West Ridge 3rd Addition _ Utility and Stre�t Improvements, City Project �`195. ' � ����� a 1��5 ci�rY o� �os�Mov�rr � PETITION �'nT� t,OCAt� IMI�ROVi:MEN'i'" ( 100X #'elii.lcsn) To the City Council o£ Rosemount, Mir�ner�ots: We, th� under�aigned, boi.ng the owner�n of a11 the r�±al rrop�rty legally described as £ollowss ES� � � � �ird ,��r��o✓i �� — hereby petition the city council ta undertake voi.tt�out a public heAring under Minnesota StetutA4, Seetion 47.9.03i , the foll.nwinq improvements to �t�ch �roperty anc3 agrpQ to pay £�r s�12 coata £c►r the preparation of the fnAn3biltty re�ort for t.hes€� improvement�+ in the event the improvements �re not ardered in: � Sani tary Sewer � Wa lkwr�yq _� kletprm�in �� Street� ✓ Storm Sewer V� Curb & Guttar � ✓ 5�reetlights ather and to pay the entire a�Re�saf�J.e c�gta the�reoE a.�ain�t our pr��aerty encompa��ing or abutting �ai,ci ir�pcov�mr�nt�r b�s�d csn bene�it� recseiv�d withaut regard to ca�h vwluati.an. Si°�ure ot Owne�c t ) * �►ddress Ua�te / , 3:' ,s3�($(� U f��. f�f`��'��. Y�. a. o<ss�t v�t►% ��.Ia_�e�vt�'�o'n��eany as�t ov.tr�� �t,{n� s"so(� a � 11�2.3fP'�" 4. We al.so agree to quaranty paym�ht for th� pr�harati�r� c�f. �►lana and specificatinng far the above pPtitianed im�rc+vempnt�x in orcier that the plat�s and speci£ications m�ay be pre}��rQd �imul,tan�ouely with the fea�ibility repart. � For City Use Only �. __ , '�3 O V ;: ' ; � , j bate Rec di ,(.`.� Hy: �^rT T'a Co�tncil : i�' ;. ' * �ropertp owned in �oint t�nancy ahnt�.ld be si.gned by eaeh c�wner. , lU/$E3 � � � Ii � � � .. � � � . . � 4 . . � . . . � . . . . .. . . . . ... �.. � � i � � . � . . . . . . I. � .. .. . �� �. . . . . . .. . � . . � . . . � . � . . I . . . . � . . . . . � . . . .. � . . . . � � . . . . .. i . . . . � . . . . . � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . i � � � � . . �� � � � � GITY QF ROSEAtO11NT , I �..." RESOLUTION I9$8- I ' A RESOLUTION �ACCE�'TING T1tE PETITION AND AUTIlORIZIATG h �EASIRILITY RF,PORT FOR WEST RInGE 3Rn A�i�ITT�N UTILITY ANU STRI�CT �riPROVrMr'N'TS, CITY PItO,tE('.`C 195 , WtiEREAS, the Gity Council of the City of Rosemount lia.s reeeived a petition from I the developer and property owners of the proposed West Ricige 3rd Addition Utility ' and Street improvements. � i� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cotincii of rl�e Ciry �f Rosemaunt .�s Lollows: I (1) the aforesaid petition represents 1QQ% c�f ttie owners of the I affected propertY� , � (� �2} the property owners request in the petition tt�at the improvements be constructed and that the entire cost for their share less ttie city's share of � the cost of the improvement be assessed against the property; � �3) the aforesaid petition is approved and placeci on file; and I � (4) the Gity Engineer is directed to have prepared the necessary � feasibiiity report for �he West Ridge 3rd Addition Utility and Street � Improvements. � � � ADOPTED this ZOth day of llecember, I98$. Rollan Hoke, Ptayor ATT�ST: ' Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � � � i i � j , � � t i i t �