HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of December 6, 1988 Regular Meeting ` `� � ROSEMOU� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR EETING DEGEMBER 6, 1988 Pursuant to due ca11 and notice thereof a regular meetin� of the Citp Council of the Citp of Rosemount was dulp held on Tuesday, �ecember 6, 1988, at 7 :30 p.m. in the Couneil Chambers of the City Hall . Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with membe�rs Wippermann and Napper present. Councilmetnbers Oxboraugh and Wal.sh were absent, • Mayor Iioke led the group in the Pledge af A1legiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 6(h) Authorize Feasibilitq Report for Shannon Parkwag Street and Utilities Improvements and Item 6(i) Incinerator EIS Advisory Cammittee Appointments. Community Develapment Director Dean Johnson updated Couneil on the apparent pending recommendation from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requesting that the co�ntq select another site for the resaurce � recovery gra�ect at a location more distant from the Pine Bend area. Community Development Director Dean Johnson provided a brief overview of his trip to Detroit, Michigan to tour an ash r�cycling protppe operated bp USPCI who had recently discussed with citp staff the possibility of constructing such a facilitp in Rosemoun�. Johnson advised USPCI has indicated their fac3,litp wi11 now be built ir� Hennepin Countp, but felt the trip w�s arorthwhile in an effort to keep the citp knowledgeable regarding ash disposal. City Engineer Rich Heft3 explained the city' s snowplowing poiicp. MOTION by Wippermann to adop� the consent calendar as presented. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. See Clerk s File 1988-3�. Bill Morris and Diane Traxler of Decision Resources, Ltd. reviewed with - couneil, staff and members of the Rosemount Advisory Committe� the proposed citizens attitude survep. Upon �uggestions from cour�cil and the adv3.sory committes members, minor ch�ng�s were naade to the surveq. See C1erk' s File I988-34. MOTIQN by Hoke to apgrvve the citizens attitude survey as revised for processing and to approve �n expenditnre in the amount of $9,DOO.UO for the survey. SECOND bp Wippermann. Ayes: Hoke, Nagper, WiPPermann. �iays: 0. A recess uras cal�ed at 8:45 p.m. with the meetin� continuing at 8: 55 p.m. Palice Chief James Staats requested aut#�orization to advertise for a part time secretary to begin in Januarp, 1989. See Clerk' s File 1988- 34. ;��:.: . , . . . F' � i ROSEMOU�CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR ETING - DECEMBER 6, 1988 MOTION by Napper to pr�ceed with the advertising, interviewing and - presentation o� approval for the part time secretary position for the police department. SBCOND bq Wippermann. Ayess: Napper, Wipperimann, Hake. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson advised that the achool board at �heir last meeting adopted the �aint resolution regardtng the proposed school aite on th� Ke11q propertp wh3.ch would negate the ' petition for an environmental assessment worksheet by the Minnesota Env3.ronmental Quality board received from the group opposing the proposed school site on the Mullery propertq. Formal action to the petition wi11 be taken at the December 20, 1988 council meetin�. MOTION by Napper to accept the res3gnation from Jerrp Anderson from the fire department and to thank him for his 1? yeara of service to the city. SECOND bp Wippermann. Apeas Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Naps: 0. City Planner Mike Wozniak rev3ewed a request received from James R. and Catherine McCoy and Da1e C. and Ellen E. Leidner £or a s3.mple lot division of praperty in the Oakwood Estates Addit�.e►n. It is the 3ntent of the McCoys and Leidners to sglit Lot 13 with each partp permanently combining half of the 1ot to their existing lot. Wozniak advi�ed the PZanning Commission recommended approval af the lat division request. See Clerk's File 1988-34. MaTION bp Wippermann to adopt A R$SOLUTION F4R A SIMPLE LOT DT9ISION IN LOT 13, BL(�CK 3, OARWOOD E5TAT�S and to attthorize the Mayor and City Administrator to execute the lot combination agreements. SSCOND bq Hoke. Ayes: Hoke, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Director of Parks & Reeregtion David $echtold presented the quotes he received for playground equipment and a 40 faot actagon shelter for Connemara Park. Bechto],d reeommended the plapground equipment be purchased from the loweat responsible bidder, St. Croi.x Recre�tion Company in the amount of $1Q�2b5.00, and the octagon sheltex from Flanagan Sales, t3�e lowest bidder, in the �mount af $13,27q.00. See C1erk' s Fi1e 1988-34. MOTiON by Napper t4 accept the quote �or the redwood playground equipment and metal swing set from the St, Cro3.x Recreation Company of Stillwater, MN for the price of $14,265.00 and to autharize the expenditure. SBCOND by Hoke. Ayes: Napper, W3,ppermann, Hoke. Nays; 0. MOTION by Napper to suthorize the purchase of the 40 foot oetagon shelter from Flanagan Sales, Inc. of St. Faul, MN i.n the amount of Z •� � � ROSEMOU CITY PROC�EDINGS 1tEGULAR�ETING DBCEMBER 6, 1988 $13,27Q.00. SECOND by Wippermann, Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. Director of Parks & Recreation David Bechtold requeeted authorix�tion to repair and upgrade the �eCter truck to include a valve op�rated system to allow the emplopee ta operate the txuck from inside the cab when flooding the rinka. See C1erk' s File 198$-34. MOTION by Hoke to �pprove the repair and upgrade the ,jetter truck in an amount not to exceed the tota2 cost of $2,900,OQ. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Hoke, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: q. David Bechtold, director of p�rks & recreation, requested Council authorizatian t4 request bids for either an eight £oot or ten foot fence for ballfields #4 and �S in Erickson Park. Bechtold advieed the present four foot fences have caused several �ninor in,juries and at Ieast one ma�or in�ury from ballplapers �oming down on top or over the presen� fences. See Clerk' s file 1988-34. MOTION bp Napper to authorize advertisement for bids an fences for ballfields �4 and #5 in Erickson Park. SSGOND by Wipgermann. Ayes: Napper, Wippermanr�, Hoke. Naps: Q. Police Chief James Staats reviewed with Council the proposal received from Viking Southdale Ford, through the Hennepin Countp bidding process, for a 19$9 Ford Crown Victoria to serve as an additional unit for the pollce fleet. See Clerk' s File 1988-34. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize the purchase of a n�w squad tar for the police departunent through the Hennepin County bidding process for a total price of �12,870.00. SECOHD by Hoke. Ayes: Wipp�rmann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson presented for rev3ew and approval a resolution increasing the annval license fee for solid waste haulers from $ZS.OU ta $50.00 and an amended ordinance pertaining to solid waste. Johnson advised the amended ordinance specifical�p addressed the requirement that haulers d�.spase af compost at the n�w facility designated by Dakota Caunty, Couneil agreed to ta61e the � revised ordinance to a11ow more time to review the entire ardinance. See Clerkts Fi1e 1988-34. MOTION by Hoke to adopt h RESOLIITION BSTABLISHING LICBNSiNG FE$S FOR THE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE. SECOND by Wippermann. Apea; Aoke, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnaon advised that sir�ce the school districC and the city have adopted a �oint resalution indicsting 3 . �� � ROSEMOU�CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR ETING DECEMBER 6, 1988 support of co-locating an elementarq school and cammunity park in the norther gortion of Countrp Hills Addition, Cauncil shvu].d eonsider initiating the engineering wartc for the eompletion of the final segment of Shannon Parkway between Dalmatian Path and one-half mile sou�h of County Road 38. Citp Engineer Hefti grovided s brief deecriptian of the proj�ct and recommended that the feasibilitp report be pregared for street and utility improvements. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A xESOLUTION ORD$RING THE FEASIB�LiTY REPORT F41t SHANNUAT PARRWAY STRBBT AND UTILITY IMPROYBMBAiTS B�TWESN ' DALMATIAN PATfl AND 1/2 MILE SQUTH OF COUHTY ROAD 38, CITY PROJECT �194. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, Hoke. Naqs: 0. Dean Johnson, communitp development director, advised Council. the Metropvlitan Council is looking for candidatea to serve on an advisory committee for Metrvpolitan Council as p�rt af their rev3ew and comments in making recommendat3.cans to the environmental impect �tr�tament regmrding the resource recoverp pra�ect. It was the Metro�olit�n Council' s suggestion the appoin�ed persona be a city sta€f inembe:r and a resident or a committee or city eouncilmember. MOTION bp Wippermann to appoint Dean Johnson and Vernon Napp�r as the eiCy representatives on the incinerator EI5 advisory COJFl1�1�tt�E to the Metropolitan Council. SSCOAiD by Hoke, Apess Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays; 0. Mayor Hoke reminded everyone the Urban Design Team will be at city hall December 7-8, 1988 far their design charette. Mayor Hoke advised the public hearing to consider the pro�ects for the Celebrate Minnesota 1990 grant program is scheduled for Thur�rlay, December 15, 1988 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. At that time the two pro�ects, the constructi.on of a bandshell in Erickson Park artd the construction af "Welcome to Rosemount" signs wi11 be preaented for discussion. MOTION by Wippermann to ad�ourn. SSCOND by Napper. Aqes: 3. Naps: 0. Respect£ully submitted, Susan M. Johnson, Deputy Glerk ATTEST: Dean R. Johnson, Community Development Directar Published this day af , 1988 in Dakota Countv Tribune, 4