HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of December 15, 1988 Special Meeting -„ �~ 1 • ROSEMOU CITY PROCEEDIAIGS SPECIAL�ETING DECEMBER 15, 198$ , Pursuant to due eall and nQtice thereof a special meeting of the City Council, of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Thursday, December 15, 1988, at ?:00 p,m. in the CounCil Chambers of the City Hali. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with members WaXsh, Oxborough and Napper present. Councilmember Wippermann was absent. Mayor Hoke led the group 3n the Pledg� of Allegiance. Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen was interviewed for the vacan� positian on the Rosemount HRA Hoard effective January 1 , 1989. A recess was called at '7:20 p.m. with the meeting reconvening at 7:30 p.m. Mayar �ioke opened the public hearing seh�duled for this time to consider two pro�eets for possible inalusion in the grant applieation for funding under the "Celebrate Minnesota 1990"' program. The deputy clerk had 3n her presence the Affidavit of Publieation and Posted Hearing Notioe. S�,e Glerk;s File 1988-35, Director of Parks and Recreation David Bechtold, designated as the' project dixecte,r for the Ericksan Park (sauth end) Upgrade Pra�eet, revi,ewed a.n detail with Councii the grant application. Through overviews of the project, the directar explained the ma�or areas af renovation and the various projects involved in the park proqram, The director 3.ndieated all activitf.es wo�tld be done by Decemlaer, 1989, Kerry Johnson, representing the RQsemount Jaycees, �resentea a drawing of "Welcame to Rasemount" signs to be placed at entrances to the community. Mr. Johnson, project director f.or the grant, reviewed the grar�t application with Cc+uncil. Mr. Johnson advi,sed the �Taycees would like to install the signs in �he spring of 1989. The council commended �avid Sech�old and Kerry Johnson for their involvement in the gran� program. MOTION by Wa1sh to elose the public hearing. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Walsh, Hoker �xborough, Napper. Nays: 0. MQTION by Walsh to adopt CELEBRATE 1994 GRANT APPLICATION RESOLUTTON AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMAR.Y CONTACT PERSON for the Erickson Park (south end) Upgrade project. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes; Walsh, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adapt CELEBRATE 1990 GRANT APPLICATION RESOLUTI�N AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CUNTACT PERSON far the Welcome to . ♦.� '..1. . . . . . . . . • RUSEMO� CITY FRQCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 15, 198$ Rosernount signs project. SECOND by Oxborough. Ay�s: HokA, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Mayor �ioke discussed with eouncil the recommendations of the Urban Design Team. Council discussed the recent decision by the UnivPrsity of Minnesc�ta Baard of Regents to allow the county to extend 160th Street through the university property. MOTION by Hoke �o adjourn. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: �4. Nays: 0. R�spectfully submitted, � ��� � S san M. Johnson, Deputy Clerk ATTEST• � Rollan Ha e, Mayor Published this daY �f , 1988, in Dakota Count�Tribune, 2