HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a.Speed Study Results for Shannon Parkway & Dodd Boulevard � , : � ��� �. � Q� �.�� **�*���,��**��*********�*****************PtEPiO�*****�***�***�*,r�a***�**�*********** DATE: DEGEI`iBER 13, 1988 T0: rtAYOR & GOUNCILI'tEPiBERS C/Q CITY ADPIINISTRATOR JILK FRObt: CITX ENGSNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI REs ITEttS FOR THE DECEAIBER 20, 19$$ CC3UNCIL AtEE'TING DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT/BUSINESS �eed Study Resul.ts for Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard The Atinnesota Department of Transportation has completed the speed studxea the City requested for Shannon Farkway and Dodd Boulevard. Attaehed is the correspandence and documentation from MnDOT authorizing the speed limits £or podd Boulevard and Shannon Parkway. As you can see, Dodd Boulevard speed limit is 35 m.p.h. betwe�n the intersection of Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway. Between Shannon Parkway and Delft Avenue West the speed limit is 30 m.p.h. The speed limit for Shannon Parkway is 40 m.p.h. between 1$Oth Street West and Dearborn Path, liawever, the 40 m.p.h. speed limit is contingent upon posting the appropriate speed advisory plates on the eurve warning signs. We are recommending that the speed advisory plates be listed as 35 m.p.h. These signs are on order and once they are received and installed the 40 m.p.h. speed Iimit will go into effect. �I, , , � • � t,,;.r tF�jT � 7 _ ��� ti �a 4i� ' Q Minttesota Ue��rtm�:rtt of Trar�s��orlatic�r� -, . •. , �.. �� . �.° j 7r�nsportatlon Ruiidinc�, `3t. Paul. MN '.;r,1.''i5 ��, • �a� " �)F t FtP� Novembex 7, 198$ ����„�,� 29h-11.54 R�cE�vEa Stephan Jilk u�:t; - � t���`�� Rosemount Ac�ministrative Clerk �ITY OF ROSEM�"+tl�IT 2873 145th St, W Ras�mount, Minnesata 5506$ bear Mr. Jilk: 11s r�c(uested hy a lett�r fr.am the C3ty Fr►gin�rr, ��t-t-���h��i i s <�ut:horiz��i:.ion L-a crect i:l�e a���r.rapri.lt.e s lqns dc��i c�iiat- i:nry L-i�e� re�sor�ai�le and safe speeds on Sh��rinon Pr-�rkw�y a►ici ti�aa Biva. Pie��se keep th�se authorization� in yo�ir permaner�t: f i le�, we ta<�ve our neeessary c;opies. Crecti.on of si.c�i» slj�-�1 i l�r- in r.onf.ormance with 1986 Minnesota Manua2 on Uni.tor.m 7'raffic Cantrol Devices. Si►icerely, � /: �(. /`L..�� - R.�1. K�rr.�ius llssistant Tr��f:fi.c �ngineer, Si.ar�ci�r.cls cc: Richard M. Iiefti Ros�mount C9.ty Engineer (Transmittal t3nly) •{n 1�Tnaf t1Gy.rrrrrnnn�l rir1�brr�•r Mn/b0T 197_13 (17_-T8) � � y,,,,,� ���STAtE OF MINNFSOtA bEPE1RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r,in� �' ��f i rin�� LOCA� STREET OR HFGHW�IY SPE�D �IMIt 1�U1"HOF212ATION Road lliilhority {:)ite City of Rosemount November 7, 198t3 Road Nan�c or No. _.. ._._ St�annon Parkway �e��nir�i�i( 7one: C�o►ri --------- 1bOth Street W. To hat�c�f ttr��nr5t bearborn Path ��May :18., l.9$8 l�.inrlly rn,il<e ihe tc�linwinq ch�nqe5 in sJ�ee�l limits o�t Ilre AI)(1VQ-YF!ICfAlttn(I SCCIl�I1. f.I1.111t��5 �IIIIl�i117r�tf IlnYr±i11 �In 111 accorclar�ce with Minnesota t�igl�w��y �tr�iPic FtequFatic�n f�ct, M,S. CI�<���ter ICi9.1�1 in�l i���ili�,ilil� strluliviSiruiS Ih��r.�il. 40 miles per haur between the intPrspction with 7.60th Street W. and the intersection with bearborn Path. NOTE: � The al�ove speed 1 imits are authorizec� cont3,ngPnt upon ct�rves being signec3 with khe appropriate advance CurvP or 'I't�r.n WF4Ci1.{TIC� Qic�iig, including appropriate Speed 1�dvig4ry Pl�te.s. T}�e r.c���ciway c'�e�srr. �.l�ed abc�ve shall be �eviewed for traffic contr.ol de�vice� im��cted hy th� autharize8 speed limits before posting thP €si:gnR. Warni.ng �s.tgn� and speed 11mit signs shal], be in accordance wthlt t}tP P1lnnesota Manu�i on Uniform Traffic Contr.al hevi.ces 198f. - hleasP Siqr�aliue c�( llaiti� ( ��yinr�i, ` Sign —s /� Ftere (/'� . /�/�t,t _ l.t...t (3)Whilc-- R�arl Aullinrity (1} Pink�- CFntral Offite Trittir_ �—_.-�-i- '""'.�'__ (1} Blue—bistricl i+at(ic [:ngineer ---_____�.__ ----___--------------.-_---- --_.:.___.,__..:: _ _.... — -- for Ro�itl /\uil�cnily usr. ��irty _ _ f�ate lra(fic �c�nlr��l tl�vices clt,�r�qe�l ini�7tr,me►ilin� ihit ,�uthr��i��li��n __..___.__-,__ IV{rn�lf�•11;�y Yr�.i� ,... _. _��_._ _ ------- __- ___._.._. __ , „qA,:r l U�� 1 i l I n __..� � ._�.._._._ -- _-_._.:...�. �_.__ Mn/(.)O T�7�121 3 (1?. 7R) , � � �..,,,,� ��� ' ST/17E OF MINNE50?/1 "' ' bEn/1RtMENt bF 'fRANSi'OatATlt)N raq�I_�,t 1 r.�n,.� LOCAL STR�ET OR HtGNW�1Y SPEED IIMIT 11U7F�ORFZl1TION Rc�atl lii�li�rn ily i)�t�! � C3ty of Rosemount Novemher 7, 1488 � ito.irl Nini��r N�. �jOCjC3 k30U 1 QVc'1�C� � � lt!tM1h�i r�l 1�inn: f �r»n .....___,_..� ..._._,�.._...._...__�:.�__�..�.._.._ _._., Chippenciale 1�venue r� i)P 1 f t Avenue W. ��,r��,�rt,.�,���.� �Ju,ly_20, i988 Kinclly r��,�l« Ili� tni{c►winq chanqe�s iti s�necl Nrl�its on tlie�tf�v�-roforPncrcl s�±c#i�r�. Cl����c��v ���lh<,�i�n�1 h�rnit� a�P i►� accr�rd��rice wit!► Minr��sc�ta 4�Nghw�y '�'ratfir, t2�g�:rl�tian Aet, M.S. CI����te�r 1C9.]A a�i�l �����,tif�.�1►1� �i►t�riivisic►ns 11�e�en{, 35 miles per hour hP_tWE@h �.Il� intPrseci:ion with Clji��p�nci�le 1lvenue and the inter�ection with Shannon Ff-�rkway. 30 miles per hour between the interseetion with St�annor� Parkway anc] the intersect3.on with belft Av�t�tie WeGt . Please Siq��a(tire o! 7raltic r:��hinee� Siqn --s (3j While— Roa�l l�ulhority Here (' . � f�t�� (1) Pink--C.eniral (litice Traf(ic ��� � (1 i Bitie-- pistrict ilaffic Frigineer ------- _ _.__.__—.._.._� —_�..__��__ --- -- -----. _.. or Rc>:icl J�tilhc��ity tFse onty _ _ . ._ _, _ _ I�ate tr,�(tic control �ievices clianqn,� �rra�,t�r,�n��iin� Ihis ;���ll��,ri��ti��r� --- RAntiih lLiv Y��� --______.__ _ > ,.. ________. ._... . Siryrt�t�rr e l i l l� ------ -�