HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Pre-Open House for City StaffCURK'S FILE 19 87 "0 4 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOE WALSH DATE: FEBRUARY 1S, 1987 SUBJECT: PRE -OPEN HOUSE,OPEN HOUSE FOR CITY STAFF I would like to propose that the City Council host a open house for the City StaFF,City Commissions and City Employees and thier Families. I would ask that the members of the Council invite these people to visit the new building the weekend before the open house For the general public. The members of the Council could cook up some hot dogs,serve potato salad and have coffee, pop, hot apple cider. This would be a good way For all to meet all,especialy the new members of the staff. A Saturday or Sunday afternoon For about 2 hours should be enough time For the group to get together. It would be more appropriate For the City StaFF to have thier special open house than to be mixed in with the general public, also some of the staff and Council members will be too busy at the general open house to meet and visit with very many people. The Council budget should be able to handle the expense of buying the Food needed For the simple menu, and the Council Members should be able to handle cooking and serving. Thanks, JOE MENU: Hot Dogs Hot Dog Buns Relish Ketchup Mustard Potato Salad Potato Chips Coffee Apple Cider Soda Pop plastic plates,5poons,fork5, knives,cups All items could be bought at Tom's Food Center.