HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Joe Walsh RecommendationsCITY OF ROSE14OUNT C m 5 1 9 8 7 06 N E N 0 R A N D U N TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers: Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: March 13, 1987 SUBJ: Councilmember Walsh's Recommendations of 2/15/87 Gentlemen: Staff has reviewed Councilman Walsh's comments of February 17, 1987, a copy of which you have and is attached herewith. We, as a staff, offer the following comments for your consideration: (1) Plastic holder -- We've ordered a prototype to accomplish what Joe has suggested and feel the idea has merit. If the item ordered, costing only about $7.00 does what we hope, we'll equip the three conference rooms with them. (2) Waterproof/smokeproof safe -- Again the comments have merit, and we are obtaining quotations to install a halon type of fire suppression system in the upstairs computer room and the police evidence rooms. This type of system suppresses fires with a tasteless, odorless, colorless gas. By storing the items Joe mentioned in these areas, this would provide the protection Joe has suggested. We will bring those quotes to you at the next meeting. (3) Parking lot -- Staff feels this change, although adding convenience to the operation of getting water and access to the maintenance lot, would also cause a safety problem with the possibility of vehicles going into the city hall parking area. It would also take away from the design of the city hall facility. We therefore recommend against the change. (4) Blinds -- We support the installation of such blinds on the administrator's office and the adjoining conference room but not the other areas. We are obtaining price quotes for those areas. (5) Council dais -- We concur that removing the end returns will help in resolving this problem but will not eliminate it. The slight curvature of the dais precludes the complete visual sighting of persons at the ends. Staff giving extended presentations or responses will probably have to stand. We have received a quote of $260 to cut the returns to a much lower level, and we've ordered that to be done. Councilmember Walsh's Recommendations Cmars March 13, 1987 j $7 Page 2 '� 6 (6) Done. (7) Lighting -- Ron Wasmund is meeting the electrical contractor March 16 to review this. (8) Garage -- Planning for a new maintenance facility is essential. As part of our CIP for the future, staff will be reviewing the city's needs in developing a proposal for size and location of such a facility. (9) Police -- The buzzer system is ordered and will be installed shortly. We feel the full glass door at the entrance is sufficient. Some type of additional signage, outside the building is necessary; and we are reviewing location, size and style. (10) Vehicles -- I have some ideas on use of city vehicles we already have and will have, due to the purchase of the two new police vehicles. Assignment of city vehicles to persons to take home because of work assignments needs to be reviewed. Assignment of additional vehicles now available to other staff members because of need or benefits can also be discussed. Alternatives to providing vehicles, such as payment in lieu of vehicles should also be considered. At your direction and with your input, I will be pleased to review this entire matter and make a recommendation to you on it. I will be available anytime for your questions and comments on these recommendations. smj