HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Meeting with Kenneth Keller, University of MinnesotaIs 44 March 30, 1987 TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers: o� osernount Tucker Walsh Wi 11 and FROM: Stephan Jilk A RE: Meeting with Kenneth Keller, President University of Minnesota Gentlemen: ami 198?HLE � 2875-T45rH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 In order to establish a clearer line of communication and relate the concerns and frustrations over the operations of the University of Minnesota in Rosemount, Councilman Napper requested a meeting with University of Minnesota President Kenneth Keller. It took two requests and several weeks before Dr. Keller's office replied positively , and a meeting was set up for 1:00 p.m., ` Friday, March 27, at President Kel l er's office. Vern, Dean Johnson and myself attended on behalf of the city. In attendance on behalf of the University were President Keller, Vice President in Charge of Finance and Operations David Lilly, and Stan Kegler, the University's chief lobbyist for legislative matters. Councilman Napper presented the position of the residents of east Rosemount and the concerns the city had as outlined very clearly in the memo from Mr. Kegler to Dr. Keller and his chief staff members, dated November 24 , 1986 (attached for your reference). Vern stressed the feeling residents and city officials have that the University does not seem to care about being a good neighbor in Rosemount and discussed several issues such as (1) the water contamination problem and its lack of resolve; (2) the use of university property by private entities without providing taxes to the community (3) the sludge spreading on the property and its potential pollution of wells; (4) the planned use of the university property in the near and long range; (5) the development of a liaison between the city and university for developments taking place on that property; and (6) giving the city the information it is suppose to have under the fire service contract, regarding what type and the location of materials at the private businesses on the university site. President Keller discussed openly all of the issues, and the highlights of his responses are: amr Mayor & Councilmembers FIM CS 9$T . ,0 fp March 30, 1987 Page 2 (1) Water Contamination -- The university is willing to consider any method of taking care of the water contamination problem and would agree to the construction of a "rural water system" if the cost would be at or below that of the cost of putting in individual wells. He stated that the "key" was to resolve the issue. (2) Private Entities/No Taxes -- He instructed his finance V.P. to look into the issue of all these businesses benefitting from low rents from the university; and the taxing authorities; i.e. schools, city and county, not benefitting from taxes on these for-profit companies located in the city. His tone of discussion on this issue seemed to be that, "it is not the university's business to be in business, and a way of providing a tax benefit to the taxing authorities for having these business in Rosemount should become a reality. (3) Sludge Spreading -- Though this issue is a part of the agricultural experimental station, not the research property, Dr. Keller expressed concern that more "experimenting" was part of a perception of the residents that Rosemount was still "being used" and advised his staff to bring him up to date on the need for continued research of any type which could add to contamination at Rosemount. (4) Future Use -- President Keller stated that the Rosemount research site is a liability to the university and "isn't doing the university any good." He further stated that there has been a reorganization of management for that facility to facilitate better control and eliminate the chance of making further mistakes like those which have been made in the past regarding poor communication, lack of control and poor judgment on behalf of university staff. Dr. Keller said that the university plans on taking care of the pollution problems existing there now and preparing the property for future sale. He stated that six million dollars for site cleanup is in the 1987 request for funds before the legislature and that the cleanup is the key issue for now. Future sale of the property would follow cleanup and at a time when the market would dictate prices making the sale seem right. Working with the city to develop the property or sell the property in a manner benefitting both parties was discussed, and Keller indicated this approach could be and should be followed. There was no doubt that the university plans on getting rid of the property and putting it back in the tax rolls. (5) Fire Service -- President Keller indicated a real concern that the city had not received information on materials stored at private businesses and recognized the liability the university had in this and noted that the university needs to know what is going on out there also. He directed his staff to get this information and supply it to us as is agreed upon in our fire contract. Mayor & Councilmembers March 30, 1987 Page 3 FILE 198, OFF (6) Liaison -- President Keller recognized the need to give us a contact person for Rosemount --University matters. He advised us that David Lilly would be that person. He also stated that Mr. Lilly would maintain a working relationship with the city in all matters relating to the operation of the university property in Rosemount and that the university would work with the city where the city had concerns and saw a reason to give input. He further stated that he would be glad to take communication with city representatives on issues which could not be resolved at his staff level. Please dop't take this memo to say that all issues seem to be addressed and heading to be resolved to our satisfaction, but we did feel very positive about the meeting, the openness of the comments by Keller and his willingness to admit that mistakes have been made and his direction to his staff that issues will be addressed. We also felt good about the fact that President Keller, as spokesman for the university, was willing to discuss key issues such as the disposal of the property, the water contamination issue and the operation management of the property. We feel that putting all of these facts together, a milestone in University/Rosemount relations has been reached. A pat on the back to Vern for his perseverance in getting the meeting and his presentation at the meeting. Aely, Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk smj cc: Councilmember Napper Dean R. Johnson, Director of Community Development i UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OLE Hfice of the Vice President for Finance and Operations 01 Morrill Hall 00 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 512) 625-4555 Mr. Vernon J. Napper,Councilman MAR `a w. = City of Rosemount Mr. Dean R. Johnson, Director of CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Community Development City of Rosemount / Mr. Stephan Jilk d Administrator/Clerk City of Rosemount Gentlemen: It was a great pleasure for Kenneth Keller, -Stanley Kegler and me to meet with you today to discuss various ways that the University and the City of Rosemount could work closer together. As we explained to you, there's been considerable reorganization here at the University in the last year, and the Rosemount property administration has been assigned to me by the President, and I have delegated the responsibility to Bill Thomas, our Associate Vice President. We discussed many things, such as ground and water pollution, radio towers, air fields, and various businesses that are located on the University property. We also discussed the long-range future of the Rosemount property and the desire of the University to plan on disposing of the property when it was economically feasible. We agreed that we would work closely with the City as to possible uses in the interim and as to how the ultimate disposal should be handled. We would like very much to discuss with you the whole problem of non -property, taxpaying establishments being located on University property, and we would welcome any suggestions. We also will give it some thought and would look forward to meetings of Biil Thomas, me and your people when appropriate. Y Sincerely yours, c l David Lilly Vice President for Finance DML/pJ and Operations cc: President Kenneth H. Keller Vice President Stanley B. Kegler Mr. William C. Thomas