HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d., 5.e., 8.l. Tax Abatement, League of Minnesota Cities Conference, City Manager's Conference{ . � It's 19 8? FILE 08 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Knutson Counclmembers: Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, 14 DATE: April 17, 1987 RE: Agenda Items for 4/21/87 Council Meeting Items 5(d), 5(e) and 8(l) Just a few comments on the above referenced items for Tuesday night: Item 5(d) Tax Abatement: Ron Wasmund has checked on the status of the building permit for the property for which a tax abatement was requested. There is a permit in effect. The project is progressing albeit very slowly. Ron advised me that as long as there is "work progressing the permit is in effect. With this in mind and the assessor's comments considered, I would recommend approval of the abatement. J_ Item 5(e) League Conference: Attached is an outline of events scheduled for this year's conference at Rochester. I've recommended that department heads try to attend at least one day of the conference since it is in commuting distance and because of the learning opportunities. I would suggest that if any of you could make arrangements, you should also consider attending one or more days. Please contact Sue Johnson if you wish to register for any of the events. Item 8(1) City Managers Conference: The annual Minnesota City Managers - Conference will be held in Brainard from May 14-16 this year. I request permission to attend. The approximate cost would be $350. There is enough budgeted for this. I have attended this conference in the past and found it extremely valuable and a real learning opportunity. smj Attachment CLERK'S •FILE 1981 LMC AnnualConfer'eonce08 Program format Short shots The Conference Planning Committee New this year will be "short shots." has taken great pains in identifying As the name implies, these will be concerns that are of interest to cities short sessions of an hour each. Short of every size. There is something for shots are structured discussions on everyone. The program includes "skill topics of special interest which stress sessions" and "issue institutes" practical experience. Topics include throughout the three -and -a -half days of finding new revenue sources, working the conference. with unions, wastewater treatment, "Skill sessions" are participatory coping with mandates, preventing sex - workshops which enable city officials to ual harassment, planning for and using enhance specific leadership abilities and cable TV, and an introduction to LMC. learn techniques which they can apply This last one should be of special back home in their community. Exam- interest to newly elected officials. pies include: • Listening for effective leadership Special Friday program • Fostering innovation A delicious finale breakfast will begin • Future setting at 8:30 a.m. Following it will be what • Teambuilding many consider the highlight of the • Marketing your city (three sessions) conference. Layne Longfellow will offer Serving your constituents (two a presentation that is both personally sessions) stimulating and professionally enrich - Streamlining council meetings p y ng• .Longfellow is a riveting speaker "Issue institutes" provide up -to- . date information on issues of impor- you can't afford to miss. We saved the best for last. June 9-12, 1987 tance to cities. On the agenda are many topics related to economic Rochester, Minnesota development. Host City spectaculars • Impact of federal tax reform and the Be sure to arrive early on Tuesday, new EDA law June 9, to hear some tales of Lake Visions for • What makes sense for your city Wobegon in one of Garrison Keillor's • Developing fledgling potential last performances. Then enjoy, an l TOMOITOW"• enterprises unparalled taste treat as the "Choco- • Cooperative ventures late Fantasy" is recreated under the • Consolidated approaches stars in the breath -taking, glass- • Legislative update enclosed lobby of the new Mayo Civic. Those who care about shaping the City officials wanting to focus on Center. "Visions for Tomorrow" for their city personnel concerns can attend sessions Don't plan on going to bed early on should plan on attending the LMC such as: Wednesday. There will be over 30 Annual Conference in Rochester, June • Recruiting/retaining volunteers entertainment events occurring inside 9-12, 1987. Appropriately, the confer- ' Early warning signs of employee the civic center to keep you up. ence will be one of the first in Roches- dissatisfaction Thursday evening's entertainment ter's new dream building, the Mayor • Improving staff morale focuses on the Rochester Civic Orches - Civic Center. See for yourself why 0 Getting employees back to work tra performing while you dine at the many have commented that this new Smaller city topics include: LMC banquet. civic center is more than they • How cities have solved practical imagined. problems (two sessions) Envision Rochester in • Improving the rural economy June Those interested in professionalizing Noted faculty city government can pick from three Begin your "Visions for Tomorrow" sessions: by seeing yourself at the LMC Confer - The League has invited a roster of • Elected clerk, appointed clerk, ence this June. From the Tuesday distinguished speakers. Among them is administrator, strong mayor? evening kickoff through the special Fri - Layne Longfellow who will speak on • Council-manager day finale, Rochester has something for Friday after widely acclaimed presen- • Evaluating your city manager or clerk everyone. Through it all you can mar- tations at the National League of Cities And finally, timely topics such as: vel at the new Mayo Civic 'Center conference and the Minnesota Spring • Reducing your city's ' liability which will host this gala event. If you Institute for City and County exposure care about the future of your city, make Managers. • Asset retention plans today. ■ dft FILE� 1961 08 LMC Annual C&rence Preliminary progran&hedule Tuesday, June 9 ISSUE INSTITUTE: TIMELY TOPIC Finding new revenue sources Reducing Your City s Liability 3:254:25 p.m. LMC Board of Directors Exposure meeting 10:15 a.m.-12 noon - Working with unions 1:00-4:00 P.M. 3:25-4:25 p.m. Exhibitor's lunch 12:00-1:30 p.m. Waste water treatment and Special Kickoff Program facility construction 7:00-9:00 p.m. 3:254:25 p.m. Garrison Keillor Concurrent sessions II' (Host of public radio's "A Prairie Home • (Choose one) Coping with mandates Companion") SKILL SESSION: ORGANIZA- 3:25-4:25 p.m. TIONAL SKILLS "Chocolate Fantasy" Teambuilding Preventing sexual harassment reception 1:30-3:15 p.m. 3:254.25 p.m. 9:00 P.M. SKILL SESSION: LEADERSHIP Planning for and using cable TV Fostering Innovation in Your 3:254:25 p.m. Wednesday, City June 10 1:30-3:15 p.m. LMC policy committee ISSUE INSTITUTE: ECONOMIC meetings Opening session DEVELOPMENT Development Strategies 9:00-10:00 a.m. What Makes Sense For Your 3.25-4.25 p.m. City? p.m: GeneralLegislation and Personnel Concurrent sessions I 3:354:25 p.m. (Choose one) ISSUE INSTITUTE: PERSONNEL SKILL SESSION: ORGANIZA- TIONAL SKILLS Appropriate Personnel Procedures inPublic Safety Exhibitors' Open house Future Setting Departments 4:30-5:00 p.m. 10:15 a.m.-12 noon 1:30-3:15 p.m. SKILL SESSION: LEADERSHIP ISSUE INSTITUTE: TIMELY TOPIC City night Listening for Effective Asset Retention - How to Plan Evening Leadership for Repair, Replacement, and 10.15 a.m.-12 noon Maintenance of Infrastructure Thursday, 1:30-3:15 p.m. ISSUE INSTITUTE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ISSUE INSTITUTE: TIMELY TOPIC June 11 Economic Development Tools — Legislative Update LMC policy committee An Update 1:30-3:15 p.m. 10:15 a.m.-12 noon meetings Revenue Sources ISSUE INSTITUTE: PERSONNEL Short shots g:30-9:30 a.m. Recruiting/Retaining Volunteers (city strategies for practical problem Elections and Ethics 10:15 a.m.-12 noon solving) 8:30-9:30 p.m. Friday, June 12 Finale breakfast (coffee & rolls) 8:30-9:00 a.m. General session 9:00-10:30 a.m. Layne Longfellow (Psychologist, lbcturer, and consultan- ton leadership and productivity) i OWS FU 08 Vio 0 sions for Tomorrow 1987 League of Cities Annual Ci Ws I v 6 U g 1987 LMC 'CONFERENCL HQUSING HOUSING INFORMATION FLAT RATE SINGLE DOUBLE Kahler Hotel, 20 Second Ave. N.W................. $59.00 Holiday Inn Downtown, 220 South Broadway ...... $55.00 Midway Motor Lodge, 151716th Street S.W........ $4.4.00 $52.00 +5.00 Poolside Ramada Inn, 1625 South Broadway . ...... ...... $42.00 $44.00 Holiday Inn South, 1630 South Broadway.......`..... $40.00 $47.00 +9.00 Poolside NOTE: The Kahler Hotel is the Headquarters Hotel. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL For member city officials only. The Kahler Hotel, Holiday Inn Downtown, Midway Motor Lodge, Ramada Inn, and Holiday Inn South will each provide one complimentary weekend for two at their facilities, excluding meals, as an early bird special prize. Only delegates sending in their housing registration form by May 1, 1987 will be eligible. The winner must pay the room tax and all incidental charges. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Rooms will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. The earlier you make your reservations, the better the chance you will have of getting your first choice hotel. The hotels will hold room blocks only until May 29, 1987, after which regular room rates will be in effect on anus available basis. A deposit equal to one night's lodging per room must accompany this housing form. Credit card preferred. Checks must be payable to LMC Housing. You will receive an acknowledgement of your reservation from the assigned hotel. All changes in reservations or cancellations must be made through the Housing Bureau in writing. HOUSING RESERVATION Name: Title: City or Organization: Address: City: State: Zip: Arrival Date: Arrival Time: Departure Date: Hotel Preference First: Second: Third: Special Requirements: Names of All Occupants: Do you wish to guarantee payment Credit Card Preferred for arrival after 6:00 p.m.? Yes No Credit Card Company Enclosed is deposit equal to one night's lodging per room. Card Number (Credit Card Preferred) Expiration Date League of Minnesota Cities Housing Bureau Rochester Convention & Visitors Bureau The LMC Housing Bureau is authorized to use 220 South Broadway, Suite 100 the above card to guarantee my hotel Rochester, MN 55904 reservations reserved by me. I understand that Attn: Pam Wilson one night's room will be billed through this card if I fail to show up for my assigned housing on the confirmed date unless I have cancelled my reservations with the hotel at least 24 hours in IF PAYING BY CHECK MAKE PAYABLE TO: LMC HOUSING advance, cardhow" *Hpgn,re pate . L S 1 1987 LMC AL CONFE NCS 9 81 o REGISTRATION FOS � GENERAL DELEGATE REGISTRATION JUNE 9-12, 1987 number total Advance registration (before June 5) .. ...... .... r . $130.00 Registration at Conference..... ........ .... $155.00 Registration fee includes badge, admission to all general sessions/workshops, and tickets for meal functions on the general program: Wednesday and Thursday coffee in exhibit area. Wednesday and Thursday lunch, Thursday banquet. Friday coffee and rolls. This registration DOES ... REPEAT . DOES ... INCLUDE AYfAYORSIMINI CONFERENCE LUNCHEON on Thursday. This is a change from previous years. If your spouse attends. that registration is complimentary, but you must purchase meal tickets for your spouse. You may do so in the EXTRA CONFERENCE MEAL TICKETS section below. If you pre -register you'll receive a postcard acknowledgement to be presented at the advance registration desk to facilitate speedy registration. Daytime City: Contact Person: Telephone A.C. P L E A S S P R I N T Fun Name Nickname Tick spouse (e.g. William► (e.g. Bill) MINI -CONFERENCE REGISTRATION THURSDAY, JUNE 11 number total Advance registration (before June 5) .......... ........ .. $60.00 Registration at Conference ...... ..... .... ......... $70.00 Mini -Conference registration fee includes badge, registration, coffee, and luncheon. If you pre -register, you will receive a postcard acknowledgement to be presented at the prepaid, registration desk to facilitate speedy registration. Mini -Conference delegates who plan to attend the Thursday banquet should purchase tickets below. Registered delegates to the General Conference are welcome to attend Mini -Conference sessions and do not need to purchase special registrations. Daytime City: Contact Person: Telephone A.C. P L E A S E P R I N T Full Name Nickname Tide Spouse (e.g. William) (e.g. B+1D EXTRA CONFERENCE MEAL TICKETS Order extra meal tickets below. Be sure to indicate the name of the person(s) for whom you order the tickets, or the name of the delegate who should receive the extra tickets. Spouses' complimentary registration does not include meal tickets. Order below. Mini -Conference registration does not include any meats except the Thursday luncheon. Luncheon Wednesday ............................... ...........$ 8.00 Number Total. for whom Mayors' Luncheon/Mini-Conference Luncheon Thursday ................ $11.25 for whom Banquet Thursday ....... .$21.75 for whom TOTAL ADVANCE REGISTRATION ................. Send registration and payment to Gayle Bradt, League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Ave. East, St. Paul, MN 55101. Make checks payable to: League of Minnesota Cities