HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Shannon Parkway Street & Utility Improvements CSAH 42 to 145th StreetLm Em DE r i :m s AN PROJECT #174 ESTIMATE OF COST STORM SEWER SHANNON PARKWAY COUNTY ROAD 42 TO 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 2 $450.00 $ 900, 2503.511 12" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. IV L.F. 145 19.00 2,755 2503.511 15" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. IV L.F. 420 20.00 8,400 2506.506 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE, DESIGN A OR F L.F. 12 125.00 1,500 2506.507 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN, DESIGN Y L.F. 15 175.00 2,625 2506.509 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN, DESIGN X EACH 5 600.00 3,000 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY, TYPE R-1733 EACH 2 190.00 380 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY, TYPE R-3067 EACH 8 250.00 2,000 SUBTOTAL $21,560 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 3,440 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $25,000 +20% OVERHEAD 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $30,000 i • 71 D E 6-. PROJECT #174 ESTIMATE OF COST STREET CONSTRUCTION SHANNON PARKWAY COUNTY ROAD 42 TO 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATIN (P) C.Y. 11,000 $1.50 $ 16,500 2105.535 SALVAGED TOPSOIL C.Y. 1,600 2.00 3,200 2111.501 TEST ROLLING RD. STA. 12 60.00 720 2211.503 AGG. BASE PLACED, CL 5 C.Y. 8,700 10.00 87,000 2331.504 BIT. MATERIAL FOR MIX TON 99 160.00 15,840 2331.514 BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 2,200 15.00 33,000 2341.504 BIT. MATERIAL FOR MIX TON 158 160.00 25,280 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,500 16.50 24,750 2341.510 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,500 16.00 24,000 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 1,200 1.50 1,800 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 2 130.00 260 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 L.F. 5,000 6.00 30,000 2575.501 ROADSIDE SEEDING ACRE 2 1,000.00 2,000 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 5 LHS. 150 1.00 150 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL, TYPE 1 TON 4 500.00 2,000 2575.519 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 2 50.00 100 SUBTOTAL $266,600 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 28,400 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $295,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 55,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $350,000 s S PROJECT #174 ESTIMATE OF COST TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHANNON PARKWAY COUNTY ROAD 42 TO 145TH STREET ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY WEST UNIT PRICE AMOUNT' 2211.503 AGG. BASE PLACED, CLASS 5 C.Y. 300 $10.00 $ 3,000 2521.511 2" BITUMINOUS WALK S.F. 22,000 0.70 15,400 SUBTOTAL $18,400 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 1,600 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $20,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 5,000 * TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $25,000 • SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA #4200 87-455 to m n cwY testing o to i n city.+ testinq corporation 662 CROMWELL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55114 • March 31, 1987 PHONE 612/645-3601 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55124 Atter: Mr. Rich Hefti, Director of Public Works SUBJ: Subsurface Exploration Program and Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations Proposed Shannon Parkway Rosemount, Minnesota #4200 87-455 Dear Mr. Hefti: Twin City Testing Corporation has completed a subsurface exploration program and has prepared engineering recommendations for the proposed Shannon Parkway street construction in Rosemount, Minnesota. This project was completed as authorized by you through a letter dated February 26, 1987. We are sending- • you two copies of this report as well as three -_copies to your consultant, Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc. Representative soil samples obtained during the boring program will be held at this office for a period of approximately 30 days. We will then discard the samples unless we are notified • otherwise. We appreciate the opportunity of being of service to you on this project. If you have any questions about this report or seed any additional information, please feel free to contact, me at 641- 9397. Very truly yours, X, U )✓� Loren W. Braun, P.E. • Senior Geotechnical Engineer LWB/kmf Encs. • cc: 3 - Short, Elliott, Hes.dricksou, Inc. Attu: Mr. Steve Campbell AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Project Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SITE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Surface Conditions . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 2 Subsurface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . o . . . 3 Discussion . . . . . .. . . ., . . . . . . . .. . . 3 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES . : . . . . . . . . 6 Soil Sampling . . . 6 Soil Classification . & 6 EXPLORATION LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . 7 APPENDIX Location Sketch Logs of Test Borings General Notes Classification of Soils tLun CWY txrAtfflq w, • • • 0 L LM • • • REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA #4200 87-455 INTRODUCTION Purpose In this report, we present the findings of a subsurface exploration program for the proposed Shannon Parkway in Rosemount, Minnesota. Our exploration program consisted of 20 auger borings spaced approximately every 500' along the proposed alignment. Project Information The proposed project involves construction of a- nine ton Municipal State Aid (MSA) street with an urban curb and gutter section. The proposed street extends from County Road 46 on the south end to the alignment for 140th Street on the north end. The proposed grade changes will vary generally between a maximum cut or fill of 101. twin car tesGnq Ir- =MCKNOOM Page 2 - #4200 87-455 Our recommendations are based on these assumptions and information. If this information or assumptions are incomplete or if changes are made, please notify us in order that we may evaluate if changes in our recommendations are warranted. Scope Our authorized scope on this project is limited to the following: 1. Drill 20 auger borings within the proposed project area. 2. Provide a report including presentation of field and applicable laboratory data, and recommendations concerning the soil suitability for the proposed construction. 3. Provide geotechnical recommendations regarding the proposed subgrade preparation and representative R values for the subgrade material. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The proposed project area consists of rolling terrain which is generally open agricultural fields with some residential development. A small portion of the project area has been rough graded for the proposed street. Muln C1tW t@Sstw1Q coraoraaon C7 0 J Page 3 - #4220 87-455 Subsurface Conditions Surface soil conditions consist of 1/2' to 2 1/2' of black lean clay. Underlying the black lean clay is a brown lean clay varying between 1' to 4 1/2' thick. Underlying the lean clayare coarse alluvial sands and gravels. No ground water was noted in any of the borings. Our recommendations are based on the information obtained from the borings. Soil conditions between boring locations may vary. If conditions noted during construction vary significantly from those noted in the borings, we request that we be notified in order to review our recommendations. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion Three distinct soil horizons were noted along the proposed street alignment. The upper organic soil horizons are compressible and should not be utilized in the upper 4' of subgrade. In areas where fill will exceed 41, all vegetation should be removed prior to adding fill, but complete removal of the organic soil would not be required. In other areas, all organic material should be removed. r� tLLm n city WrourlQ • • • u Page 4 - #4200 87-455 The non-organic clay material is suitable for pavement support. This soil is, however, slow draining and subject to softening during spring thaw and wet weather conditions. Coarse alluvial sands and gravels are excellent subgrade soils for pavement strength and exhibit little strength loss during wet weather conditions or spring thaw. Removal of the lean clays and replacement with coarse alluvial sands will result in a higher R value and a subsequent thinner pavement section. The cost effectiveness of subcuttiag the lean clay would depend on the anticipated traffic volume. For light traffic conditions, it may not be cost effective to remove the lean clays. R values for the two soil types are as follows: Soil Type Minnesota R Value Lean Clays (CL) 38 Coarse Alluvial Sands (SP -SM) 67 Recommendations We recommend for areas where the lean clays will be used within- the upper 2' of the finished subgrade or in areas where over half of the upper 4' of subgrade is composed of lean clays, as R value of 40 be used. For areas where the upper 4' will be composed of coarse alluvial sands and gravels, an R value of 65 may be used. Man c WY t rzXjru3 J n J Ll IA • r Page 5 - #4200 87-455 For areas containing a combination of lean ``clays and coarse alluvial materials other than those previously mentioned, we, recommend an R value of 50. Fill material placed within the road bed: area should be compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor density (ASTM: D 698) up to 3' below the finished subgrade and 100% of the standard Proctor density above that level. The finished subgrade should be test rolled in accordance with Mu/DOT Specs. (Minnesota' Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction) Article 2111 subsequent to completion of the subgrade preparation. We recommend that density tests be performed on depths of fill exceeding 2'. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS The lean clay soils encountered is the borings are highly moisture sensitive. As a result, construction with lean clays during wet weather conditions may be difficult. Adequate drying of the lean clays may be required in order to achieve required density requirements. to ems- tt, mn CWY t@Sstffm muporamn n u • 0 0 • L Page 6 - #4200 87-455 We recommend an adequate number of density tests be performed on the prepared subgrade to assist in verifying that adequate compaction has been accomplished. FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Soil Sampling Soil sampling was performed with a 6" flight auger. Because of the inexact nature of auger boring sampling, the actual depths of various soil horizons may vary from those noted on the boring logs. Soil Classification As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually and manually classified by the crew chief in accordance with ;ASTM: D 2487-85 and D-2488. Representative portions of the samples were then returned to the laboratory for further examination and for_' verification of the field- classification. Logs of the borings indicating the depth and identification of the various strata, the N value, water level information and pertinent information regarding the method of maintaining and advancing the drill holes are attached. Charts illustrating the soil classification G r� CL&x 1 city C@SCIr10 VconmonotKM 7 :m �m �W M 0 LM 0 Page 7 - #4200 87-455 procedure, the descriptive terminology and symbols on the boring logs are also attached. EXPLORATION LIMITATIONS The recommendations contained in this report represent our professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location. Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. (n tuen city t rjCHW V. con3onnum . Page 8 - #4200 87-455 IV This report was prepared by:� Loren W. Braun, P.E. This report was reviewed by: James C. Rudd, P.E. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct Tpervision and that I am a duly Registered -cofessional Engin r under the laws of the State of Minnesota. A n W. Braun Date 3%r;7 Reg. No. 14969 Proofread by: D tumn c3tYtQ • • • APDL E 0 • 0 i --N ) NO SCALE ®iWD�DD� ��11 e loin�® 0 RkE ea e PROPOSED ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 4200JOB NO. 87-465 ;F tujin city testinq L - m; _. corporation 1, #2#3 #4 ,.,=''5 _II #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 1 qp O S c a• _]kE st _ _ ._i -------------- ---- APDL E 0 • 0 i --N ) NO SCALE ®iWD�DD� ��11 e loin�® 0 RkE ea e PROPOSED ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 4200JOB NO. 87-465 ;F tujin city testinq L - m; _. corporation `m im i L i • CN �m • LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 1 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D LL P.L. Ou IN 1FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 936 f IC GORIG N N WL LEAN C / 1 FA LEAN CLAY W/SAND AND A LITTLE GRAVE brown, frozen (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 2 FA 2 21 3 FA SILTY SAND W/A See CnARCF GRAVEL W/SAND, brown, moist (GP) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 5 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist (SP) 5 FA 6 FA 14 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium to fine grained, light brown, moist (Sp) 7 FA 19 End of Boring #1 - AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, dark grayish brown, frozen (CL) #2 - LITTLE GRAVEL, fine grained, brown, moist (SM) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-6-87 COMPLETE 3-6-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' — 191 9:25 to - 9 ' None 14' to Non t° CREW CHIEF Scherle t° SE -12(77-B)-3 jjtXX1 0 11 i • A • Li 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 2 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH IN FEET DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 9481± SURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Qu LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 1� LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen to 2' FINE 2 FA (CL) ALLUVIUM 3 SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL, medium COARSE grained, a few cobbles, brown, moist (SP -SM) ALLUVIUM 3 FA 5 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium to coarse grained, brown, moist (SP) 4 FA 9 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS • START 3-6-87 COMPLETE --8 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' - 9=' -- �-� to 3-6 :50 911 None 8 ' to None to 1,, CREW CHIEF Scherl e to SE -12(77-8)-3 CUM" QWW GIMSMUM41 C=rporntKm 0 f 0 • s 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 3 PROJECT ARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET 9621± rSURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D LL. P.L. QU 1� LEAN CLAY, dark grayish brown, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 3 LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen to 21 (CL) FINE 2 3 FA FA ee 1 M COARSE SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium ALLUVIUM grained, light brown, moist (SP) 4 FA 9 End of Boring #1 - LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, brown, moist (SM) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-5-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0- - 91- 2:55 to 3-5 2:55 911 None 81 to to CREW CHIEF Scherle to GUM" EIL-W 1:11119=Gir W SE•12(77.80 r -r-1 g3 M mcirg I 0 0 Cw 0 AN 1 Lm IN LOG OF TEST BORING _ JOB NO, 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 4 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANN-U—N—PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET 948V± SURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGICL.L. ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 1 2 FA SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen MIXED 2 (CL) ALLINT11M SAND W/GRAVEL, medium grained, COARSE light brown, moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 3 FA 4 FA 10 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-5-87 COMPLETE — — METHOD 6 FA O' — 1O' SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL to 3--5--2:30 10' None 9' to None to CREW CHIEF Scherle to SE -12 (77-B0 CLLMn GICY G§ffZG1IF ly COfpOf�l011 �m LM 0 � � s LOG OF TEST BORING 4200 87-455 JOB NO. VERTICAL SCALE1" - T BORING NO. 5 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH IN937 FEET DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION # GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. QU LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 2 LEAN CLAY, brown (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM B* 5 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium COARSE to fine grained, brown, moist, ALLUVIUM a few lenses of silty sand (SP) 4 FA 5 B* 9 End of Boring *Collective bag samples obtained from depths of 21'-5' and 521-91' WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-5-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA O' — 911 2•1O to - one 811 to None to CREW CHIEF Scherle to SE -12(77 -BO COfpOff�01'1 s ! • i 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE y„ = 3' BORING NO. 6 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. QU IN FEET 94811± rSURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 2 LEAN CLAY, brown _ (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 2 FA 41 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium grained, COARSE light brown, moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 3 FA 91 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START COMPLETE — METHOD 6 FA O' - 9 ' 1 45 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL to 3-5 1:45 91' None 91to Nonp to CREW CHIEF Scherl e -=::F to CUM" Cjvw Gwwun N4 SE -12(77-B0 0 11 u 0 C7 .7 � � `J LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 7 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY — DEPTH IN FEET DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 9451-�+ SURFACE ELEVATION 3 GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Qu LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 1 2 FA LEAN CLAY W/SAND, brown, frozen FINE 21 to 2' CL ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL OR medium to fine grained, brown, COARSE 3 FA moist (SM) ALLUVIUM 5 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to COARSE medium grained, brown, moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 91 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3—'— 7 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATERMETHOD DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL 6 FA 0' - 91' .1:25 to 3-5 1:25 9P None 96 to to Scherle CREW CHIEF to SE -12(77-130 COfDOfiCIOn Im f a a 0 7� 1 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 8 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET 9401± rSURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Qu LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL T FA LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen (CL) FINE 2 FA ALLUVIUM 2 SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL, medium COARSE grained, brown, moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 3 FA 5 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium grained, light brown, moist (SP) 4 FA 9 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-5-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' - 9T'1.05 to 3-5 1:05 gil None q1 to None to 1,, CREW CHIEF Scherl e to SE -12 (77-6}3 conn U-Mmr 46==%.0 w.i [1 • 0 • 11 i 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" - 3' BORING NO. 9 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - R SEMOUNT MINNESOIA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET 9491± SURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 1 2 FA LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen to 21 (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 3 FA 31 4 4 FA SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, brown moist(SM) TILL OR COARSE* GRAVEL W/SAND, brown, moist (GP) COARSE ALLUVIUM 5 FA 9 End of Boring *ALLUVIUM WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3— — 87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0- — 94- C�4 1 2: O to 3-5 12:05 911 None 91to to CREW CHIEF Scherl e to SE -12(77•B}3 Ginn car >cIxIr A41 corPOO at x 0 • • CM :o i f LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 10 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS FEET rSURFACE ELEVATION 96111± GORIG NIC N WL NO. TYPE W D L.L. LQU P.L. LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 2 LEAN CLAY, brown, a few lenses FINE of silty sand (CL) ALLUVIUM 3 $* 41 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL OR fine to medium grained, brown, moist (SM) COARSE ALLUVIUM 4 FA 6 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium grained, COARSE light brown, -moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 5 FA 91 End of Boring *Collective bag sample obtained from depth of 2'4j' WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START COMPLETE SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA O' - 9 11;45 to 3-5 11:45 94' None 91, to None to CHEW CHIEF Scherl e to SE•12(77•B}3 CUM CICY I74 -- 0 • 0 E-' 11 i • i LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 11 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS IN GEOLOGIC FEET SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL N0. TYPE W D _L. —L. P.L. QU LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL)" TOPSOIL 1 FA 1 2 FA LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen (CL) FINE 2 ALLUVIUM 3 FA SILTY SAND, fine grained, brown, COARSE 3 moist ALLUVIUM SAND W7A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, light brown, moist (SP) 4 FA ' 9 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 3-5-87 COMPLETE — — SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' - 91 ._111-1-5 to 3-5 11:15 9�-' None 9' to Non to CREW CHIEF Scherle to rLLM CICY Cffou"41 SE -12(77.8)-3 C N9 1 • • • rJIIIIIII • • • LM • LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 12 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS L.L. IN GEOLOGIC FEET SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. OU LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 1 2 FA LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen (CL) FINE 21 3 FA SILTY SAND W/A See. #1 SM ILL OR* SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium COARSF` grained, brown, moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 5 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL fine to brown, 5 B* medium grained, light moist (SP) 6 FA 9 End of Boring *COARSE ALLUVIUM #1 - LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, brown, moist (SM) *Collective bag sample obtained from depth of 3'-92' WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 3-5-87 7 COMPLETE—q — SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA O I — 911 � f� to 3-5 11:00 91' None 91 to None 1to CREW CHIEF Scherl e 0 SE -12177 -SO 0 i 0 r� 7 � ' LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 13 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNONP KWA - ROSFMOUNT. MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS LL. IN GEOLOGIC FEET SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. QU LEAN CLAY, black to brown, frozen TOPSOIL 1 FA (CL) TO FINE ALLUVIUM 2 2 FA A * 3 SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL, medium COARSE 3 FA grained, brown, moist (SP -SM) ALLUVIUM 5 SAND W/GRAVEL, medium to fine grained, light brown, moist (SP) 4 FA 9 End of Boring *OR COARSE #1 - LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium ALLUVIUM grained, brown, moist (SM) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS, START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-5-87 SAMPLED EPTH BAILED DEPTHS ,LEVEL ATER DATE TIME DEPTH CAVE-IN METHOD F) FA O' - 9 X10:40 to 3-5 10:40 91' None 941 to Non to CREW CHIEF Scherl e to SE•12 (77.80 CLLM r -My Irk co__oranon 7 • • EM 0 s • • 0 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 14 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Du IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL LEAN CLAY. b 1 2 FA FA LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM 2 SAND W/SILT AND A LITTLE GRAVEL, COARSE fine to medium grained, brown, ALLUVIUM moist (SP -SM) 3 FA 5 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to medium grained, light brown, moist (SP) 4 FA 9 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START COMPLETE - - SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH SAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 01- 911 to 3-5 10:20 911 None. t to to CREW CHIEF Scherl e to r.Lu , CCT GWvWjF1Q _. SE•12 (77.B).g • C: C_j • • • Is u LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 $7-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 15 PROJECT PROPOSED SHA - ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS L.L. IN GEOLOGIC FEET SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, dark grayish brown, TOPSOIL frozen (CL) 1 FA 1� LEAN CLAY, brown, frozen to 2-f" FINE (CL) ALLUVIUM 2 F$ 4 SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL OR fine to medium grained, brown, COARSE 3 FA moist (SM) ALLUVIUM 7 SAND, fine grained, light brown, COARSE moist (SP) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 10 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS - - START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-;-R7 SAMPLED CASING CAVE -1N WATER SAMPLED DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' - 10' a_1D_' t to - 0:00 10' None 911 to None to CREW CHIEF Scherle to I tLLxn CIc+ rARMIrIQ - SE•12(77-8)­3 por L7 0 • Ll • • 0 • 0 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 16 PROJECT PROPQ LB PROP DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS L.L. IN GEOLOGIC FEET SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. Ou LEAN CLAY, black, frozen (CL) TOPSOIL 1 FA 21 LEAN CLAY, brown (CL) FINE ALLUVIUM ? FA B* 4 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL, medium to TILL OR fine grained, brown, moist COARSE (SM) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 9# End of Boring *Collective bag sample obtained from depth of 212'-41' WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-5-87 COMPLETE 3-5-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' — 91' .__9.40 to 3-5 9.40 1 91' None 91, to Nanej to CREW CHIEF Scherl e to I CLLxn CTCV rAL" UF_"4 SE -112(77-13.3 ann Ll 11 • • • Ll • • 0 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 17 PROJECT PROPOSED HANN - DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D LLOu P.L. IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 943'+ GORGINIC N WL FILL, MOSTLY SAND W/SILT AND A FILL LITTLE GRAVEL, some silty sand, brown, frozen to 2' 1 FA 61_ SILTY SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, TILL OR medium to fine grained, brown, COARSE moist (SM) ALLUVIUM 2 FA= 91 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-6-87 COMPLETE 3-6-87 METHOD 6 FA 0' — 91' SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL to -6 9:55 9 None 9' to Non to EA I CREW CHIEF Scherl e to ICUJWI GCY GC�Gu �y SE•12(77-8)-3 f✓ • j • • r, r"1 �J LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1„ = 3' BORING NO. 18 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - DEPTH IN FEET DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 94311± rSURFACE ELEVATION GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS N0. TYPEJ W D L.L. P.L. Ou FILL, MOSTLY SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL FILL brown, frozen to 2' 1 FA 3 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, fine to COARSE medium grained, light brown, ALLUVIUM moist (SP) 2 FA 9 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-6-87 COMPLETE 3-6-87 SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS LEVEL METHOD 6 FA 0' — 91' 1 O 1 to 3-6 10:15 9 None 9 toNone to CREW CHIEF Scherl e I '— tLAM CICY CewDC7nq SE -12(77-B)-3 001130 , rg Ll • J • 7 0 r] r-] 0 LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 19 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS L_ L_ IN 95911± GEOLOGIC FEET rSURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN N WL NO. TYPE W D P.L. QU FILL, MOSTLY SAND W/SILT AND GRAVEL FILL brown, frozen to 2' 1 FA 3 SAND W/A LITTLE GRAVEL, medium to COARSE fine grained, light brown, moist ALLUVIUM (Sp) 2 FA 91 End of Boring WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-6-87 COMPLETE — — SAMPLED DATE TIME DESING CAVE-IN PTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS ,LEVEL ATE METHOD 6 FA 0' - 9 10:40 to 3-610:40t to Nona to CREW CHIEF Scherl e to Eutsn GIVe cIffiricIrn41 SE•12177•B}3 COr001111110F1 C • • • • • • • C • • LOG OF TEST BORING JOB NO. 4200 87-455 VERTICAL SCALE 1" = 3' BORING NO. 20 PROJECT PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY - R M DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS NO. TYPE W D L.L. P.L. Qu IN FEET SURFACE ELEVATION 9841± GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N WL LEAN Y W SAND dark 2 FA LEAN CLAY W/SAND, brown, frozen FINE 1 (CL) ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL, fine to medium COARSE 3 FA 21 grained,a few Se * SAND W/SILT, fine grained, brown, COARSE moist (SP -SM) ALLUVIUM 4 FA 4 SAND, fine grained, light brown, moist (SP) 5 FA 6 FA 7 FA 191 End of Boring #1 - grayish brown, frozen (CL) *OR TILL #2 - cobbles, brown, moist (SM) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS' START 3-6-87 COMPLETE 3-6-27 SAMPLEDATE DATE TIME DEPTH DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS ING CAVE-IN tLEVEL METHOD 6 FA Of to - one 8' to Nontoe cREWCHIEF SCherle to CWN1 CICY CBSunq SE -12 (77 -B► -3 0 0 GENERAL NOTES DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS TEST SYMBOLS SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION HSA 3 1/4" I.D. Hollow Stem Auger W Water Content - % of Dry Wt. - ASTM D 2216 _.FA 4", 6" or 10" Diameter Flight Auger D Dry Density - Pounds Per Cubic Foot _HA 2", 4" or 6" Hand Auger LL, PL Liquid and Plastic Limit - ASTM D 4318 _DC 2 1/2", 4", 5" or 6" Steel Drive Casing Additional Insertion6 in Last Column _.RC Size A, B, or N Rotary Casing PD Pipe Drill or Cleanout Tube Qu Unconfined Comp. Strength-psf - ASTM D 2166 CS Continuous Split Barrel Sampling Pq Penetrometer Reading - Tons/Square Foot DM Drilling Mud Ts Torvane Reading - Tons/Square Foot IW letting Water G Specific Gravity - ASTM D 854 SB 2" O.D. Split Barrel Sample SL Shrinkage Limits - ASTM D 427 _L 2 1/2" or 3 1/2" O.D. SB Liner Sample OC Organic Content - Combustion Method _T 2" or 3" Thin Walled Tube Sample SP Swell Pressure - Tons/Square Foot 3TP 3" Thin Walled Tube (Pitcher Sampler) PS Percent Swell _TO 2" or 3" Thin Walled Tube (Osterberg Sampler) FS Free Swell - Percent W Wash Sample pH Hydrogen Ion Content, Meter Method B Bag Sample SC Sulfate Content - Parts/Million, same as mg/L P Test Pit Sample CC Chloride Content - Parts/Million, same as mg/L _Q BQ. NQ, or PQ Wireline System C. One Dimensional Consolidation - ASTM D 2435 _X AX, BX, or NX Double Tube Barrel Qc' Triaxial Compression CR Core Recovery - Percent D.S.' Direct Shear - ASTM D 3080 NSR No Sample Recovered, classification based on action of K• Coefficient of Permeability - cm/sec drilling equipment and/or material noted in drilling fluid D" Dispersion Test or on sampling bit. DH' Double Hydrometer - ASTM D 4221 NMR No Measurement Recorded, primarily due to presence MA' Particle Size Analysis - ASTM D 422 of drilling or coring fluid. R Laboratory Resistivity, in ohm - cm -ASTM G 57 E• Pressuremeter Deformation Modulus - TSF Water Level Symbol PM* Pressuremeter Test VS' Field Vane Shear - ASTM D 2573 IR• Infiltrometer Test - ASTM D 3385 RQD Rock Quality Designation - Percent ' See attached data sheet or graph WATER LEVEL Water levels shown on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time and under the conditions indicated. In sand, the indicated levels may be considered reliable ground water levels. In clay soil, it may not be possible to determine the ground water level within the normal time required for test borings, except where lenses or layers of more pervious waterbearing soil are present. Even then, an extended period of time may be necessary to reach equilibrium. Therefore, the position of the water level symbol for cohesive or mixed texture soils may not indicate the true level of the ground water table. Perched water refers to water above an impervious layer, thus impeded in reaching the water table. The available water level information is given at the bottom of the log sheet. DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY DENSITY CONSISTENCY Lamination Up to 1/2" thick stratum TERM "N" VALUE TERM Layer 1/2" to 6" thick stratum Very Loose 0-4 Soft Lens 1/2" to 6" discontinous stratum, pocket Loose 5-8 Medium Varved Alternating laminations of clay, silt and /or fine Medium Dense 9-15 Rather Stiff grained sand, or colors thereof Dense 16-30 Stiff Dry Powdery, no noticeable water Very Dense Over 30 Very Stiff Moist Below saturation Standard "N" Penetration: Blows Per Foot of a 140 Pound Hammer Wet Saturated, above liquid limit Failing 30 inches on a 2 inch OD Split Waterbearing Pervious soil below water Barrel Sampler RELATIVE GRAVEL PROPORTIONS RELATIVE SIZES CONDITION TERM RANGE Boulder Over 12" Coarse Grained Soils A little gravel 2-14% Cobble 3" - 12" With gravel 15-49% Gravel Coarse 3/4" - 3" Fine Grained Soils Fine #4 - 3/4" 15-29% + No. 200 A little gravel 2- 7% Sand 15-29% + No. 200 With gravel 8- 29% Coarse $4 - *10 30% + No. 200 A little gravel 2 -14% Medium #110 - 440 30% + No. 200 With gravel 15 - 24% Fine *40 • *200 30% + No. 200 Gravelly 16-49% Silt & Clay —*200, Based on Plasticity SE -4 (84-0 0 0 `J `J Ll n u CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D 2487 - 86 SOIL ENGINEERING (Based on Unified Soil Classification System) Fine -Grained Soils Sifts and Clays inorganic PI >7 and plots on or above CL Lean clayK,e.M 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 "A" finer No. 200 sieve PI <4 or plots below "A" ML Sittkl-w One organic Liquid limit - oven dried <0.OL Organic clayK'-M.N . 75 Liquid limit - not dried Organic sihK LO -0 Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayKLM Liquid limit 50 or more PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic SiRKL.M organic Liquid limit - oven dried < 0.75 OH Organic ClayKLM'P Liquid limit - not dried Organic SUtK./„M,0 Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter; dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tuts'' Group Group Names (D 2 ECU rIN Afiarbsrg limits plot in hatched arse, soil is a CL -ML, field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both. add - D00 /Dro Cc - Dro r DOD "with Symbol cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name.KIN CGravels Coarse -Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels Cu,Z4 and 1SCCS-3E GW Well graded gravelF More than 50% retained on More than 50% coarse Less than 5% fines° ,Il soil conWn&130% plus no. 200. predominantly sand. GW -GC well -graded gravel with day GIN fines cypiy as CL -ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or No. 200 sieve traction retained on GP -GM poorly graded gravel with sift Cu < 4 and/or t > Cc > 3E GP Poorly graded gravelF No. 4 sieve gravel, add "gravelly„ to group name. with 5 to /2% fines require dual symbols:N narM. PI -Z4 and plod on or above "A" 6th. SW -SM well-gradsd sand with silt Gravels with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelF•G-H PPI plots on or above "A" fine. More than 12% fines° ON plots below "A" We. Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravelF.G,H Sands Clean Sands CuZ6 6 and 1 SCcs3E SW Well -graded sand' 50% or more of coarse Less than 5% fines° fraction passes No. Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc >3E SP Poorly graded sand' 4 sieve Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silly sandG,H•' More than 12% finesO Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sandG,H,/ Fine -Grained Soils Sifts and Clays inorganic PI >7 and plots on or above CL Lean clayK,e.M 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 "A" finer No. 200 sieve PI <4 or plots below "A" ML Sittkl-w One organic Liquid limit - oven dried <0.OL Organic clayK'-M.N . 75 Liquid limit - not dried Organic sihK LO -0 Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayKLM Liquid limit 50 or more PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic SiRKL.M organic Liquid limit - oven dried < 0.75 OH Organic ClayKLM'P Liquid limit - not dried Organic SUtK./„M,0 Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter; dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat Fibric Peat > 67% Fibers Hemic Peat 33%-67% Fibers Sapric Peat < 33% Fibers ABased on the material passing the 34n. (75 -mm) sieve. all (D 2 ECU rIN Afiarbsrg limits plot in hatched arse, soil is a CL -ML, field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both. add - D00 /Dro Cc - Dro r DOD "with silty clay. cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name.KIN CGravels FIN soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: soil CanainsZt5% a", add "with sand" to group or "with gravel," whichever is predominant. GW -GM weibgraded gravel with silt name. ,Il soil conWn&130% plus no. 200. predominantly sand. GW -GC well -graded gravel with day GIN fines cypiy as CL -ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or add "Sandy" to to grow nano. GP -GM poorly graded gravel with sift SC -SM. MIN "I contw*130% plus No. 200, predominantly GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay °Sands HIf fines aro organic. add 'kith organic fines" to group gravel, add "gravelly„ to group name. with 5 to /2% fines require dual symbols:N narM. PI -Z4 and plod on or above "A" 6th. SW -SM well-gradsd sand with silt 'IN NO 00111111111111115% gravel, add "with gravel" to group oPf <4 or plats below "A" fins. SW -SC well -graded sand with clay name. PPI plots on or above "A" fine. SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt ON plots below "A" We. SP -SC poorly graded sand with day .SIEVE ANALYSIS I SCnEEN-IN I SIEVE No. I 100 ! 2 , r, , 'i. . 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 0 I Aj V 60 ( 20 W = Z Ow- Is. Q 60 I 40 H IL j a W LJ I I I 6C 2 U I -a-- 2.6=In W 0: W j I W A. 20 so WV 0„ - o.o15 o 00 50 10 6 10 0.5 0.10 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Cy-�•-.200 CC. eAR w. -5.6 SE -1 (aa -0) 6C M 5C X O 4c Z F- 3a t_ H 20 J d For classification of fine- rained s an fine-grained rot ion o coorat-soilint Soi s. ✓ / 10ko p /00" Equation of 'e- fine ai Horizontal at PI -4 to LL -25.5, 3// then PI -0.73 (LL -20) Equation of"U'-lint •,00, Vertical at LL=16 toPI=7 than PI a0.9(LL-6) / / Gvd' MH on OH - MLS OL ( I- T 4 00 10 i6 20 30 40 50 60 jJl � LIQUID LIMIT (LL) in a ttri CICS Clit"rlC� Vcatvorar+on 70 e0 90 too Ito • • • • • 0 • 0 ., xP PROPOSED SHANNON PARKWAY ALIGNMENT ra — / i.. .l N2 rD STIEET w PROD. # 168 i - - — n 90Q9 ADT o. I IT 4. OJ RD ST x L� `, R P.a5 o JRE 4 +/ •• a 9 i ' 2 , w '{xi f. • • .. 41H STS o . i N1T ST 'NS TH STREET 1 ✓J R al J j' TH 7 dor° Y Y u y �./ , j� w .� r. �• i i'ST ET r o.: 4c S a r '� / �.1 • _._. ' �� r46' j'StREfT^w�v_My . +� 6,4E 5• u + E 47 TH S • ' I` N T • 1 + M�MW InIn PROJ.',#171 — 5000I 1 ADT •°AKw. yrr•.�, Ma f4 • nR .8 ..17 TH ST W' 1. +�4• -r c -RE E' wl• cE/ J°AER' 0 /T 5T W � — r4B 'ROJ,# 17 . ' 1 r. °.a .� STEE RT w r 6000 ADT • RRER'AST.� S. z � i'49 T ST + • a 71 ` w 17rER r sT a • S a r NO 42 + Z s' 6 c 5 • TV'' ��' 000 . Iwl F �' � _ .. _ s LladaR-Y+-.-iJ14 • 1 I / r 4 T" T r. _• .� it °•o -m • I� ii _ '4 A`a a • �. '9 a. .� SCALE IN FEET � 4 J riwnraw rnw. 0 500 1000 200b I w T4s �. APPROVEDFILE PREPARED By LOCATION MAP NO. "+ SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 87122 DATE DRAWING N0:' 5 17/87 ST PAUL MINNESOTA • CH�PPEwa F�., v I SHANNON PARKWAY R/W R/W 40' 40' 8' 10' MOB 22' 22' 10, 8' �1 0.02 _5 � OA2 0.025 . 6T AIL SECTION 27" PAVEMENT SECTION 2" BIT WEARING COURSE 2" BIT WEARING COURSE, �� " 4 AGGREGATE BASE ------------- �---2 BIT BINDER COURSE 3" BIT BASE COURSE CLASS 5 _20" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 APPROVED PREPAREO BY PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION FILE NO. s7122 DATE SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON. INC. SHANNON PARKWAY DRAW 3/17/87 fT-PALIL.-MINNESOTA 0 CHIPPEWA IAt,LS. WISC ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 2/6