HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Connemara Trail Street & Utility ImprovementsOf osernount ac's NE 198? p 9 2875 -145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 17, 1987, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearings, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. /XS teph J i 1 k Admi istrator/C e City of Rosemoun Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of April, 1987. Notary Pu&Xc U r` SUSAN M. JOHNSON NOTARY PUBLIC-IVINNESOTA UAKOiA COUNTY MY COWA EXPIRES JUNE 11. 1992 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ' ijr� f $ 1yts! 0 �: 7Ai ± 145114 ST W R0SPIM11M. MINNESOTA S5n(;A VosemOltnl s» 427-4411 PUBLIC NOT ICE The City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a series of Public Hearings on Tuesday, April 28, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the City Hail, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 7:30 p.m. and continuing until the following items have been heard: ITEM #1• The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on the following improvements: City Project #169 Connemara Trail Street & Utility Improvements Sanitary Sewer $ 85,000 Watermain $ 100,000 Storm Sewer $ 90,000 Streets $ 265,000 The total estimated cost of said improvement is $540,000. The amount to be assessed is estimated not to exceed $540,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as the southwest quarter (SWI/4) of Section 19, Township 115, Range 19; except the Le Foret Addition, the Birchview Terrace Addition, and the Birchview Terrace 2nd Addition and the north half of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of Section 30, Township 115, Range 19; except the Country Hills First Addition. ITEM #2• The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on the following improvements: City Project #168, #171 and #174 Shannon Parkway Street & Utility Improvements Project #168 - 145th Street to Connemara Trail $ 700,000 Project #171 - 160th Street to CSA1[ 42 $1,096,000 Project #174 - CSAH 42 to 145th Street $ 405,000 The total estimated cost of said improvement is $2,201,000. The amount to be assessed is estimated not to exceed $2,201,000. CE's 19 8? p g The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as the south 700 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 19; the northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the northwest quarter (NW 1/4); except Country Hills Addition; the west half of the northeast quarter (NE 1/4) and the west half of the southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 30; the west half of the northeast quarter (NE 1/4); except O'Leary's Hills Addition; the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SE 1/4); the east half of the northwest quarter (NW 1/4), and the east half of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4); except West Ridge First Addition; of Section 31; all of O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition; and Valley Oak Replat, Block 2, Lots 5-35; Block 3, Lots 1-3; Block 4, Lots 1-3 & 12-33; Block 9, Lots 18-20; and Block 10, Lots 1-15; all in Township 115, Range 19. Such person as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 14th day of April, 1987. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. /S/ Stephan Jilk Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN Record# FIRSTNAME LASTNAME STATE ZIPCODE PIDNO PROJNO 1 Richard L. & Emmet Carroll MN 55124 34-03010-010-12 168 '2 U. S. Home Corp MN 55343 34-03010-011-25 168 S. Home Corp FMN'` "55343 7 34-03010-011-25 169. 4 U. S. Homes Corp MN 55343...,.,.3.4-01910-011-55 168 Homes Corp.. ; 55343""34-01910-011-55 169 6 U. S. Homes Corp MN 55343 34-01910-011-75 168 7 James E. (Trste) Kelly MN 55102 34-01910-012-75 168 8 Isadore J. Gergen MN 55352 34-03110-010-91 171 9 Raymond F. Fischer MN 55024 34-03110-012-25 171 10 Isadore J. Gergen MN 55352 34-03110-011-50 171 11 Chippendale 42 Ptnshp MN 55124 34-03110-010-01 171 12 Dennis P., Jr. O'Leary MN 55068 34-03110-012-17 171 13 Donald J. & Mary M. Carroll MN 55068 34-03010-010-76 174 14,;,Richard L. & Emmet Carroll MN 55124 34-03010-014-80 174 15.„ Richard L. & Emmet Carroll MN 55124 34-03010-015-80 174 16 Park View, Inc, MN 55068 34-54100-000-00 171 17 Park Green, Inc. MN 55068 34-54100-000-00 171 18 Winds Crossing Co. MN 55068 34-81310-000-00 171 Homes Corp MN 55343 34-18300-000-00 169 20 "s -I I-)ta ADDRESS CITY 5251 150th St. W. Apple Valley 1712 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka 1712 Iiopkins Crossroads Minnetonka 1712 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka 425 Hamm Bldg St. Paul 24686 Cedar Lake Dr. W Jordan 721 4th St. Farmington 24686 W. Cedar Lake Dr Jordan 14605 Johnny Cake Ridge R Apple Valley 15291 Chippendale Ave Rosemount 3505 145th St. W. Rosemount 5251 150th St. W. Apple Valley 5251 150th St. W. Apple Valley 3480 Upper 149th St. W. Rosemount Box A Rosemount P. 0. Box 83 Rosemount 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka 21 Carl Rechzigel 3400 145th St. W. Rosemount MN 55068 34-03110-010-01 171 22 23 A PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HfAROW TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:' The City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a series of Public Hearings on Tues- day, April 28, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 7:30 p.m. and continuing until the following items have been heard: REM 0I: The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on the following improvements: City Project #169 Connemara Trail Street & Utility Improvements SanilarySewer ............................$ 8,5,000 Walermain .............::........1..........$100.000 Storm Sewer ...............................$ 90,000 Streets........................................$2m.o00 The total estimated cost of said improve- ment is $540.000. The amount to be assessed is estimated not la exceed ti540,0off. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all (hal area generally described as (he southwest quarter ISWo.ol of Section 19,' Township 115, Range 19; except the Le Foret Addition, the Birchview Terrace Addition, and the Birchview Terrace 2nd Addition and file north half of the norlhwesf quarter NWoa L vI Seel ion :k(, Township 115, Range 19. and the Copntry Hills Firs( Addilii,n. . REM The purpose of this hearing is Io receive continents on the following improvements: City Project 0108. 0171 and 0174 Shannon Parkway Street & Utility Itnprovetn(vds;" Project 0108 • Iisth St reel to Connemara Trail ................$ 7M.0111) Project X171 - MAN It Sl reel Io CSAII 42 .............................$t.n!10,aq Project n 174 - CSAH 42 to 1451h Sl reel .......... ......s .4050x1 The total estimated cost of said improve, Inenl is $2,24II,IxNf. Tfoe amou»I lobe assessed is estimated not Io exceed $2.201.1)(M. < The area proposed to he assessed for file foregoing improvements would generally he all that area generally described as lite south 70. feel of the east half of the Noulhwest quarter (tiW o) of Section 19; the northeast quarter oNF,'.ol of file northwest quarter I NW1oo; except Country Hills Addition: file west half of file norlheasl quarter oNE,00 and file west half of the southeast quarter. SE 1 1 o of Sect ion :to: f he wesl half of 1 he nor- theast quarter oNEooh: except O'Leary's llilts Addilioor the somlhwesl quarler of file soulheast (tuarler SEo o: the cast half of Ithetuirthwest quarter oNW, 00, and lite earl half of file soulhwesl quarter SWI h o: except West ltidge Firsl Addilion; of Seel ion 31; all of tl'Leary'N Hills 2nd Addilion: and Vallee Oak Iteplat. Illock 2, lads o s,, Block:l. I oois 1 3; Block 4, IAN 1-:1 & 12 -*3: Block 9, lads 18-20and- Block In, bods IA.`): all in Towlship 115. Range 19. Sudo person as desiri•s to he heard with 1•f "'ence fu the proposed improvements will be heard at I his meeling. Written or oral opi- nions will he considered. Da led I his 141h day of April.1!187. liy.Order of $he Cdy council. STFPHAN .I ILK Adminislralor/Clerk City oso f Ito•nwuol tkhkoda Counly. MN 143 7.8 1 Hiss l y is t p AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS County of Dakota NANCY J. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dakota County Tribune, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other oppiicable lows, as amended. (B) The printed which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for `'" . A..k,) 0 successive weeks; it was first published on Thursday, the 4 day of (� � C 19 �� , and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday to and including Thursday, the r day of r ', \ ,19 'k ' 1 and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 7, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice•. a bedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz BY:z-, TITHE: Secreta Publi 1 Subscribed and sworn to before meo this day of > Notary CAROL J. HAVERLAND 1tSHI NOTARY PUBLIC — MODIS OTA %VDAKOTA COUNTY MY CamntWM axon Dlltp, & LIMBI FILE gat d _COST SUMMARY SHANNON PKWY Coats Revenue Balance �aseesmsammeeemmsmmmamaysmsxnamssaa��tsumammsas'aim=rsemtmm�assamsam�atssatmsaesammmsssa Proj #168 San Swr *145,000 $60,520 ($849480) Street ------------------------------------------------------------ #555,004 #125,689 (#4299311) Total #168 $700,000 #1869209 ($513,741), ProJ #171 Water #2309000 $150,620 (#799380) San Swr #69000 #6,000 $0 Street *860,;000 $2459933 ($614,068) ------------------------------------------------------ ----- Total #171 $1,0969000 $402,553 ($6149068) ProJ #174 Street $4059000 $63,325 (*341,475) .. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Total Total #174 #4059000 $639525 ($341,475) CONNEMARA TRL Costa Revenue Balance m�aee:msa�maasae�seas=�axs=s�,mmeea�e=�xo�masa�=emsscrsz�a���ee�tmaea�rsm�smrsss�stslessssesa�a= Prof #169 ' an Swr $85,000 $85,000 $0 • Water X61009000 -$719400 ($28,600)' r. Street $355,000 $1629443 (#1929557)` ------------ ----- Total #169 ----------- $5409000 `` --_- - $3189843 - - - -r,�.. ($221,157) COMMENTS* The negative sanitary sewer and water balances are related to core facilities and will be the responsibility of the utility. fund. The negative street balance is for oversizing collector streets and can be funded using municipal state aid street funds. engdskl 24 -Apr -87 ® SHANNON PARKWAY IMPR'TS COST SUMMARY Street Res Equiv +REQ) _ tS5 flip 4t Street Res Eauiv tnEQ) = X908 /acre Water _Ries_ Equi v :REQ) = W17 /l . n #t '--1 Water Fres 'Equiv tREQ)= V556 /acre Y Assessment 5tr eet Sf reet S.sn 5wr Sir; Sww - ---- --- - ------------- Name --------Unita ----------- - ----- -- ---.----- -- -----------_ - :4-GZ010-010-12 %arrol1 $0 X906 x72,6•u 34-03010-011-25 U.S. Homes. Inc 37.0 x906 at33,57S ' $1,274 547,142 Z4-01910-011-75 U.S. Homes, Inc- 10.5 5908 V9,529 51,274 t13,37S 4-01910-012-75 Kel l v 11 X908 $9,C;Sz; Totals - Project 166 i39 512:.65 $60,520 ff i Assessment Street Str Eet Weter Water Sari Sewr } Parcel # Name Units REG Amount REQ Amount ----- Amount -: ] ----------------------------------------------------------------` 34-03110-010-91 Bergen 40 :'908 )----------------; $36 'a�� 1556 522,2x2 * -- i- Si,500 ..4-03110-012-25 Fischer $o s908 57^ 6 t x'556 $44 463 2 500 •4-031 S 0-0 i 1-80 Caergen 80 x'908 S7`,600 V556 s44 , 463 T1,500 Z4-03110-012-17 O'Leary .1 1908 +26. 1 r3 T556 T17,230 V1,500 34-0,3110-010-01 Rechz i gel 40 t908 $36.300 X556 $_2, 232 ;,4-54100-000-00 Parkview, Inc 9 $908 561, 16E t0'L.eary H'Is 2nd) a4-81310-000-00 Winds Crossing, Inc 32 X908 5:2q, 040 (Valley Oak Addn ) ,l --- --------�------ - --- ----- -- - -- - ---- -- ---- ------ ------------- - ----- ------ ' TotaIs`- Project -- * ;71 271- t245.1;1Z 5150,620 Z-6. DOC, _Assessment Street Street #----------------------------------------- Parcel #k Name Units REQ -------------------------- Amount 34-03010-010-76 Carroll 46.5 � :'908 242,1 C?% { 34-0.+010-014-80 Carroll 18.0 5908 916,--35 3-4-Oa010-015-80 Carroll TRIOS S4,.:?S'1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Motais - Project #+ :74 70.0 9:63,525 i 1 t b =NNE'Q�ARA TRAIL. PROW' 169 0 Street Res Equiv (REQ) = $55 (�. Street Res Equiv (REQ) = $906 /acre- �p Water Res Equiv (REQ) = x17 /!in ft Water Res Equi_y ('REGI) = 3,99 /acre iC tJi Mu. Assessment Street Street San Swr San Swr Water Water �art-k # ;Name Units REQ Amount Rate Amount REG Amount _�J Li 3. - Homes. Inc. .. __ __--- ^47 _-__ _-_ x908 --- 341216= �.b S 475 2 ,'Z:3 XZ99 si8,747 ':,- t91U-�i11-55 U.S. Homes, Inc. : 948 x89,843 3475 $47,011 3.199 $39.489 74-13300-0,10-00 U.S. homes, Inc. 3' $908 329,048 .€475 $15,670 t:99 siz,163 (C'try Hls A dr3 ,M -.- ;ala Project # 189 179 x162444.3 S85,000 371,400 rr' 'Richard L. & Emmet Carroll 5251 150th St. W. Apple Valley , MN 55124 U. S. Homes Corp 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka , MN 55343 James E. (Trste) Kelly 425 Hamm Bldg St. Paul , MN 55102 Isadore J. Gergen 24686 W. Cedar Lake Dr Jordan , MN 55352 Donald J. & Mary M. Carroll 3505 145th St. W. Rosemount , MN 55068 Park View, Inc. 3480 Upper 149th St. W. Rosemount , MN 55068 U. S. Homes Corp 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka , MN 55343 U. S. home Corp 1712 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka , MN 55343 U. S. Homes Corp 1712 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka , MN 55343 Isadore J. Gergen 24686 Cedar Lake Dr. W Jordan , MN 55352 Chippendale 42 Ptnshp 14605 Johnny Cake Ridge R Apple Valley , MN 55124 CLERK'S 1 m� � TALE 5. 1%L�t 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka , MN 55343 U. S. Homes Corp 1712 Hopkins Crossroads Minnetonka , MN 55343 Raymond F. Fischer 721 4th St. Farmington , MN 55024 Dennis P., Jr. O'Leary 15291 Chippendale Ave Rosemount , MN 55068 Richard L. & Emmet Carroll Richard L. & Emmet Carroll 5251 150th St. W. 5251 150th St. W. Apple Valley , MN 55124 Apple Valley , MN 55124 Park Green, Inc. Winds Crossing Co. Box A P. 0. Box 83 Rosemount , MN 55068 Rosemount , MN 55068 Carl Rechzigel 3400 145th St. W. Rosemount , MN 55068 a FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CONNEMARA TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO.: 169 SEH FILE NO.: 87121 ,r i I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the Sta of Minnesota. DATE: %(c - REG. NO. 15662 Tom- REVIEWED BY: n SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. CONSULTING "ENGINEERS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • CHIPPEWA FALLS, WISCONSIN March 26, 1987 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CONNEMARA TRAIL SEH FILE NO: 87121 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn: Rich Hefti, Director of Public Works Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization we have prepared the attached feasibility report for Connemara Trail, located in Country Hills Addition. The report discusses the proposed street construction as well as associated sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and trail construction." We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. Sincerely, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. Steve Campbell SDC/cih Enclosure 200 GOPHER BUILDING•222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD•ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117•PHONE (612)484-0272 e TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION TRANSMITTAL LETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION 1.2 PURPOSE 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION 2.2 MSA DESIGNATION 2.3 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 UTILITIES 3.2 STREET CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 Right -of -Way 3.2.2 Grading 3.2.3 Cross Section PART 4 - COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX ESTIMATES OF COST SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM s REPORT DRAWINGS (BOUND IN REAR POCKET) DRAWING NO. 1 - GENERAL LOCATION OF PROJECT DRAWING NO. 2 - PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION DRAWING NO. 3 - CONNEMARA TRAIL PROPOSED GRADE & STORM SEWER DRAWING NO. 4 - CONNEMARA TRAIL SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION On February 17, 1987, the Rosemount City Council authorized i- the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the construction of Connemara Trail Street Improvements from Diamond Pathto Shannon Parkway. This improvement has been designated as City Project 169. 1.2 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide a general description, schematic layout, preliminary cost estimate and recommendations for the construction of a street and utilities for the proposed Connemara Trail. 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE ! Information and materials used in the 'preparation of this report included: 1. Feasibility Report for Highpointe First Addition Utilities and Shannon Parkway Grading and Utilities, May 19, 1981. 2. 1986 MSA Needs Inventory Information. 3. Highpointe Addition Utility Plans, June 17, 1986. 4. City of Rosemount City street maps. 5. Proposed Grading Plan - Connemara Trail, Country Hills Addition, U.S. Homes. 6._ Feasibility Report for Utility and Street Construction in Highpointe Addition, June 17, 1986. ! 1 - 1 n i C7A 0 PART 2 GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION The alignment for Connemara Trail is proposed to commence at the intersection point of 'sections 19, 24, 25 and 30 at Diamond Path. The street then proceeds in an easterly direction from Diamond Path to a connection with the future Shannon Parkway. This alignment has been established as a part of the Country Hills, subdivision. The project is slightly over one half mile in length. Drawing No. l in the Appendix, shows the general location of the street alignment. 2.2 MSA DESIGNATION The alignment is proposed to be designated as .a Municipal State -Aid (MSA) route in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) rules. This would provide for the use of MSA funds for the proposed construction subject to Mn/DOT review and approval. All construction proposed herein is s therefore in compliance with current MSA standards. 2.3 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Based on present development levels and current development proposals, traffic projections for this segment of Connemara Trail have been made. It is projected that traffic levels will ultimately range from 6,000 to 7,000 ADT (Average Daily Traffic) between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. 2 - 1 • PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 UTILITIES The developer proposes to install the utilities to city standards, (sewer and water) under a private contract. Thus, it will be very important to coordinate these with the street improvement to minimize overall improvement costs The City has the following options to pursue to insure the proper timing of the utility improvements. 1) Install the corridor utilities under city contract. 2) Require_ the developer to install corridor utilities as condition of Phase II. 3) Stage construction of Connemara Trail to fit developer's phasing schedule. For the purpose of this report and public hearing, the estimated costs for all corridor work are included, should the City have to pursue Option 1. The proposed utility construction for this segment of Connemara Trail is shown on Drawings 3 and 4. This construction was originally presented in the Feasibility Report for Utility and Street Construction in Highpointe. Addition dated June 17,_ 1986. These utility systems are a part of the overall system to provide service to the Country Hills Subdivision. 3.2 STREET CONSTRUCTION The proposed alignment of Connemara Trail is shown on Drawing 3 in the appendix map pocket. 3.2.1. Right -of -Way A basic right-of-way width of 80 feet will be needed for the construction of Connemara Trail. Right-of- way for this project will be acquired with the platting of the respective Country Hills Addition plats. 3 1 • 3.2.2 Grading The proposed centerline grade is shown on Drawing No. 3. The grade has been designed to match existing elevations at the intersection of Diamond Path and the proposed elevations at Shannon Parkway. It is assumed that all street grading operations will be completed by the developer as a part of the site grading. 3.2.3 Cross Section The proposed typical section is shown in Drawing No. 2 of the Appendix. The proposed width for this street section is 44 feet. This will provide for a two lane undivided roadway (28') with 8' safety lanes on each side. The structural section has been designed in accordance with the Mn/DOT Flexible Pavement Design Policy based on the following parameters. Present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 0 20 Year Projected ADT = 7,000 Vehicle Type Distribution "= Metropolitan Subgrade R -Value = 20 (Estimated) The proposed roadway structural section is shown as an inset of Drawing No. 2. The; subgrade R -Value should be verified after grading operations have been completed. The section also provides for an 8 foot bituminous trail. The trail is proposed as a municipal off- road design. The alignment of the trail is anticipated to be located on the south side of the roadway alignment between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. 3 2 • PART 4 - COST ESTIMATES • Detailed cost estimates are included in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1987 unit • prices and include allowances for 10$ contingencies and 20$ overhead costs. The cost of construction in subsequent years will be subject to inflationary pressures within the construction industry. These estimates do not include any costs for right-of-way or easement acquisition. The total estimated cost for the project is as follows: Sanitary Sewer $ 85,000 Watermain 100,000 Storm Sewer 90,000 Streets 265,000 TOTAL $540,000 • 1 1 • 4 _ 1 Ll • ESTIMATE OF COST SANITARY SEWER CONNEMARA TRAIL DIAMOND PATH TO SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0256.408 8" PVC, 10'-12' DEEP L.F. 440 $12.00 $ 5,280 • 0256.408 8" PVC, 12'-14' DEEP L.F. 380 13.00 4,940 0256.408 8" PVC, 14'-16' DEEP L.F. 180 15.00 2,700 0256.608 8" PVC, 16'-18' DEEP L.F. 170 17.00 2,890 • 0256.608 8" PVC, 18' -20' -DEEP L.F. 120 20.00 2,400 0256.608 8" DIP, 20'-22' DEEP L.F. 190 25.00 4,750 0256.608 8" DIP, 22'-24' DEEP L.F. 260 27.00 7,020 • 0256.608 8" DIP, 24'-26' DEEP L.F. 370 30.00 - 11,100 0256.608 8" DIP, 26'-28' DEEP L.F. 190 33.00 6,270 0256.701 STANDARD MANHOLE, • 8' DEEP EACH 7 1,000.00 7,000 0256.702 EXCESS DEPTH STANDARD MANHOLE L.F. 70 80.00 5,600 0256.706 MANHOLE DROP SECTION L.F. 20 125.00 2,500 0256.900 CONNECT TO EXISTING SEWER' EACH 1, 150.00 150 SUBTOTAL $62,600 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 7,400 • ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $70,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 15,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $85,000 \J ESTIMATE OF COST WATERMAIN CONNEMARA TRAIL .DIAMOND PATH TO SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM` UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0257.406 6" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 300 $13.00 $ 3,900 0257.412 12" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 2,100 25.00 52,500, 0257.606 6" R.S. GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 11 350.00 3,850 0257.613 12" B.F. VALVE & BOX EACH 2 1,100.00 2,200 0257.631 FITTINGS 12" & LARGER LB. 8,000 1 1.25 10,000 0257.640 FIRE HYDRANT EACH 4 900.00 3,600 SUBTOTAL $ 76,050` +10% CONTINGENCIES 8,950 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 85,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 15,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $100,000 i ESTIMATE OF COST STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION CONNEMARA TRAIL DIAMOND PATH TO SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA i ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 1 450.00 450 2501.515 24" RC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 1 650.00 650 • 2503.511 12" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. IV L.F. 1,340 19.00 25,460 2503.511 15" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. IV L.F. 220 20.00 4,400 2503.511 18" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. III L.F. 470 25.00 11,750 2503.511 24" RCP STORM SEWER, DES. 3006, CL. III L.F. 110 $37.00 $ 4,070 2506.506 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE, DESIGN A OR F L.F. 45 125.00 5,625 2506.507 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN, DESIGN Y L.F. 35 175.00 6,125- 2506.509 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN, DESIGN X EACH 7 600.00 4,200 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY, TYPE R-1733 EACH 7- 190.00 1,330 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY, TYPE R-3067 EACH 14 250.00 3,500 SUBTOTAL $67,560" +10% CONTINGENCIES 7,440' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $75,000 +20% OVERHEAD 15,000 •' TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $90,000 i n ESTIMATE OF COST # STREET CONSTRUCTION CONNEMARA TRAIL DIAMOND PATH TO SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2111.501 TEST ROLLING RD. STA. 24 $60.00 $ 1,440 • 2211.503 AGG. BASE PLACED, CLASS 5 C.Y. 4,500 10.00 45,000 2331.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE TON 88 160.00 14,080 2331.514 BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,950 15.00` 29,250 2341.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE TON 137' 160.00 21,920 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,300 16.50 21,450 2341.510 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,300 16.00 20,800 2357.502 BITUMINUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 1,100 1.50 1,650 • 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 13 130.00 1,690 2521.511 2" BITUMINOUS WALK S.F. 20,000 0.70' 14,000 # 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 L.F. 4,900 6.00 29,400 SUBTOTAL $201,430 +10% CONTINGENCIES 18,570 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $220,000 # +20$ OVERHEAD 45,000 $265,000 I TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 0 0 :m • 0 r • FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR STREET ',AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 168, 171, 174 SEH FILE NO: 87122 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer 'under the laws off the State of Minnesota. DATE: 3 REG. NO. 15662 _ REVIEWED BY: SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS MEMO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • CHIPPEWA FALLS, WISCONSIN March 26, 1987 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA SHANNON PARKWAY SEH FILE NO: 87122 ! City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization, we have prepared the attached feasibility report for the construction of Shannon • Parkway between 160th Street and proposed Connemara Trail. The report discusses the proposed street and associated utility construction in three segments and provides cost breakdown for each. We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. Sincerely, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. Steve Campbell ! SDC/cih Enclosure 1 200 GOPHER BUILDING•222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD•ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117•PHONE (612) 4840272 J i L� 0 • ONTENTS TABLE OF C TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION TRANSMITTAL LETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION 1.2 PURPOSE 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION 2.2 UTILITIES 2.3 MSA DESIGNATION 2.4 SOIL BORINGS 2.5 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 3.1 UTILITIES 3.1.1 Sanitary Sewer 3.1 .2 Watermain 3.1.3 Storm Sewer 3.2 STREET CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 Right -of -Way 3.2.2 Grading 3.2.3 Cross Section PART 4 - COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX ESTIMATES OF COST SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM REPORT DRAWINGS (BOUND IN REAR POCKET) DRAWING NO. 1 - GENERAL LOCATION OF PROJECT DRAWING NO. 2 - PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION DRAWING NO. 3 & 4 - SHANNON PARKWAY GRADING & STORM SEWER DRAWING NO. 5 & 6 SHANNON PARKWAY SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN rI • Ll Ll Ll • L", PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION On February 17, 1987, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for the construction of Shannon Parkway Street Improvements from 145th Street to Connemara Trail (City Project No. 168) and 160th Street to CSAH 42 (City Project No. 171) On March 17, 1987, the Council authorized the feasibility report for, the remaining section of Shannon Parkway from CSAH 42 to 145th Street (City Project No. 174). 1.2 PURPOSE 1.3 The purpose of this report is to provide a general descrip- tion, schematic layout, preliminary cost -estimate and recommendations for the construction of a street and utilities along the proposed Shannon Parkway. DATA AVAILABLE Information and materials used in the preparation of this report included: 1. Feasibility Report for Highpointe First Addition Utilities and Shannon Parkway Grading and Utilities, May 19, 1981. 2 1986 MSA Needs Inventory Information. 3 Highpointe Addition Utility Plans, June 17, 1986. 4. City of Rosemount City Street Maps. 5. Proposed Grading Plan Shannon Parkway, 160th Street W. to County Road 42, September 30, 1985. 6. Grading Plan - Shannon Parkway, 145th Street W. to Connemara Trail, October 24, 1986. 7. Valley Oak Addition Replat Plans. 8. O'Leary's Hills Second Addition Plans. 9. Broback's Addition, Second and Sixth Addition Plats. 10. Evergreen Acres Addition Plat. 11. Country Hills Second Addition Preliminary Plans. 0 1 1 • 12. Misc. Traffic Forecast Information for Shannon Parkway, i 1980-1986. 13. Feasibility Report for Utility and Street Construction in Highpointe Addition, June 17, 1986. 14. Utility Study for Section 31, December 19, 1978. i i • • i • • 1 - 2 1 PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 1 2.1 LOCATION The alignment for Shannon Parkway is proposed along the center section lines of Sections 19, 30 and 31 between 160th Street and Connemara Trail. It is approximately 2.2 miles in length. The roadway is currently nonexistent with the exception of approximately 1300 feet which has been graded north of 145th Street. There was also approximately 200 feet of rough grading work performed adjacent to the Valley 1 Oak Addition between 160th Street and CSAH 42. Drawing No. 1 in the Appendix, shows the general location of the street alignment. 2.2 UTILITIES • Inplace utilities within the proposed Shannon Parkway alignment are shown on Drawings 5 & 6. These include approximately 200 feet of 16" trunk watermain located near 156th Street; a trunk sanitary sewer from Dodd Road to 145th Street; and a 16" trunk watermain currently under construction from 145th Street to Dearborn Path. • 2.3 MSA DESIGNATION The alignment has been designated as a Municipal State Aid (MSA) route in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) rules. This would provide for the • use of MSA funds for the proposed construction subject to Mn/DOT review and approval. All construction proposed herein is therefore in compliance with current MSA standards. 2.4 SOIL BORINGS 1 A detailed soil exploration program for this project has been performed by Twin City Testing Corporation of St. Paul. This program includes soil borings analysis, recommendations and supporting data. A copy of the program report is included in the appendix. 2.5 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Based on present development levels and current development` proposals, traffic projections for this segment of Shannon Parkway have been made. It is projected that traffic levels will ultimately range from 5,000 ADT (Average Daily Traffic) between 160th Street and CSAH 42 to 6,000 ADT between CSAR 42 and 145th Street to 9,000 ADT between 145th Street and Connemara Trail. 2 - 1 • PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS • 3.1 UTILITIES As a part of any street improvement it is important to analyze the present and proposed utility systems to determine the need for additional construction. Such construction should be coordinated with the street improvement to minimize overall improvement costs. Below is a brief discussion and analysis of the proposed utility construction. • 3.1.1 Sanitary Sewer The proposed sanitary sewer construction is shown on Drawings 5 and 6. • Project #168 The construction of a forcemain from 145th Street to Connemara Trail and the construction of a gravity service main which flows north from Dearborn Path to Connemara Trail are required i under this project. Project #171 The proposed sanitary sewer construction includes two crossings located between 160th Street and County Road 42. 3.1.2 Watermain Proposed watermain construction is also shown on Drawings 5 and 6, • Project #168 A 16" trunk watermain is proposed to be extended from Dearborn Path to Connemara Trail. 0 Project #371 The project includes a 12" trunk main from 160th Street to Cornell Trail, a 16" trunk main from Cornell Trail to County Road 42 and a crossing under County Road 42 through an inplace casing. • • 3 - 1 E • u • 3.1.3 Storm Sewer Projects 168, 171 & 174 Drainage of the Shannon Parkway alignment will be accomplished by several drainage systems as indicated in Drawings 3 & 4. In general, these individual systems will become part of larger local drainage systems as adjacent properties develop. The location and size of specific elements of the drainage systems indicated on the drawings may be subject to revision based on the future street locations and grading plans of adjacent developments 3.2 STREET CONSTRUCTION The proposed alignment of Shannon Parkway is shown on Drawings 3 & 4 3.2.1 Right -of -Way A basic right-of-way width of 80 feet will be needed for the construction of Shannon Parkway. Right-of-way for the Shannon Parkway alignment has been acquired between 145th Street and Connemara Trail. Some right-of-way has also been acquired adjacent to Valley Oak Addition between 160th Street and CSAH 42. It is anticipated that Right- of-way for the remaining sections will be 'acquired by dedication in adjacent future plats. 3.2.2 Grading The proposed centerline grade is shown on Drawings 3 & 4. The grade has been designed to match existing elevations at the intersections of 160th Street, CSAH 42 and 145th Street. It is recommended that all grading operations be in compliance with the subsurface exploration program included in this report. 3.2.3 Cross Section The proposed typical section is shown in Drawing No. 2 of the Appendix. The proposed width for this section is 44 feet. This will provide for a two lane undivided roadway. Provisions for parking are not recommended due to Shannon Parkway's collector street function. It is anticipated that some expansion of the 44 foot roadway width will be required near the intersections of 160th Street, CSAH 42 and 145th Street. The additional width is needed to provide for right and left turn lanes. 3 - 2 L n u LI E • • L� • The typical section also provides for an 8,foot bituminous trail The trail is proposed as a municipal off-road design. For Project 171 the alignment of the trail is anticipated to be located on the west side of the roadway alignment between 160th Street and CSAH 42. For Projects 174 and 168, between CSAH 42 and Connemara Trail, - the trail is anticipated to be located east of the roadway alignment. The structural section has been designed in accordance with the Mn/DOT Flexible Pavement Design Policy based on the following parameters Project #168 - 145th to Connemara) Present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 0 20 Year Projected ADT = 9,000 Vehicle Type Distribution = Metropolitan Distribution Subgrade R -Value = 38 The roadway section is shown as an inset on Drawing No. 2. Project #171 160th Street to CSAH 42 Present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 0 20 Year Projected ADT = 5,000 Vehicle Type Distribution = Metropolitan Distribution Subgrade R -Value = 38 Project #174 - CSAH 42 to 145th Street Present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 0 20 Year Projected ADT = 6,000 Vehicle Type Distribution = Metropolitan Distribution Subgrade R -Value = 3$ 3 - 3 pq ESTIMATE OF COST STREET CONSTRUCTION CONNEMARA TRAIL DIAMOND PATH TO SHANNON PARKWAY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA r ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2111.501 TEST ROLLING RD. STA. 24 $60.00 $ 1,440 2211.503 AGG. BASE PLACED, CLASS 5 C.Y. 4,500 10.00 45,000 2331.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE TON 88 160.00 14,080 2331.514 BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,950 15.00 29,250 2341.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE TON 137 160.00 21,920 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,300 16.50 21,450 2341.510 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 1,300 16.00 - 20,800 2357.502 BITUMINUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 1,100 1.50 1,650 2506.522 'ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 13` 130.00 1,690 2521.511 2" BITUMINOUS WALK"' S.F. 20,000` 0.70 - 14,000 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 L.F. 4,900 6.00 29,400 SUBTOTAL $201,430 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 18,570 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $220,000 r +201% OVERHEAD 45,000` TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $265,000 7 m 0 a, fir. / •. ROPOSED CONNEMARA" FRAIL ALIGNMENT i 3 2 (/���y J� Q r --.w ��=-y�� a 'e • _r•� • ..y � l • T l�OpL i • 4 O,O.• dd W T • W o « e•r �i r' S rt '-10'x/� rr • � �. N6 T. YTwE T• !y,_, --.y L��.++�..���11 99 6 M6 Tr ,. M ) 6 IB ) •NTS t w' i•r' S -REV WI• r IT TM S(' W r __ � s r• 4 w .n '.•s T 4r S i TN+f( ) 1• ,TMST. 1 ®. � T ) • \ -'sem � g..•�' 32 sc kALE veer .�.nw►-w co ,.i ww �t . V�M:T � +2• n w tM t ( SOS � c •• 1� ' • � Or0 4 / t N FEET •f g j�; 0 800 1000 2000 J aPP OvEO. FIDE NO PREPARED BY LOCATION MAP 87121 DATE SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC I CONT DRAWING NO 3/17/87 ST PAUL MINNESOTA- 0 CHIPPEWA FAt i S WISi " —��" '�" A ° TRAIL " 1/4 e R/W R/W 40' 40' 8' 10' 22' 22` 10. 81 0.02 0.025 0.025 9 0.02 6" TRAIL 27' PAVEMENT SECTION SECTION 2" BIT WEARING COURSE 2" BIT WEARING COURSE '�--2" BIT BINDER COURSE 4" AGGREGATE BASE ° ----- 3" BIT BASECOURSECLASS 5 --20' AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 . NO N0 APPROVED PREPARED BY PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION s FILE E `� SNORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON. INC. 7121 PATE CONNEMARA TRAIL' DRAWING 3/17/87 ST ►Aug "INNESOT. 0 CHINIEIIA FALLS. WISC R O S E M O U N T MINNESOTA 2/4 • J • • • • u PART 4 — COST ESTIMATE Detailed cost estimates for each segment of Shannon Parkway are included in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1987 unit prices and include allowances for contingencies and anticipated overhead costs. The cost of construction in subsequent years will be subject to inflationary pressures within the construction industry. These estimates do not include any costs for right-of-way or easement acquisition. The cost summary for the project is as follows: Project #168 - 145th Street to Connemara Trail Sanitary Sewer $ 145,000 Storm Sewer 95,000 Street 430,000 Trail 30,000 Subtotal $ 700,000 Project #171 160th Street to CSAR 42 Sanitary Sewer $ 6,000 Watermain 230,000 Storm Sewer 105,000 Streets 710,000 Trail 45,000 Subtotal $1,096,000 Project #174 - CSAH 42 to 145th Street Storm Sewer $ 30,000 Street 350,000 Trail 25,000 Subtotal $ 405,000 Summary Project #168 $ 700,000 Project #171 1,096,000 Project #174 405,000 TOTAL $2,201,000