HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY OF ROSEMOUNT 0` A G E N D A ***8:00 P.M.*** REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS MAY 5, 19P7 j - — y`" /tom 7:00 P.M. Regular HRA Meeting r 7:30 P.M. Regular Council Meeting 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Additions or Corrections to Agenda 4.. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of April 21, 1987 Special Meeting b. Minutes of April 21, 1987 Regular Meeting c. Minutes of April 28, 1987 Special Council Meeting d. Approval of Bills Listing e. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits f. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Final Payment/Acceptance Supervisory Control System b. Change Bid Opening Date - Erickson Park Irrigation System c. St. Paul Chamber of Commerce d. 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Broback Industrial Park Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Lot 4, Block 3 Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition Easement Vacation a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action 8. PUBLIC HEARING - Shannon Townhomes Utility Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Authorize Plans & Specifications Broback Industrial Park b. City Engineer Probation Period c. Jeff Wilezick Letter d. City Hall Payment Request e. f. 10. MAYOR'S REPORT a. b. C. 11. ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK'S REPORT a. Administrator's Update b. C. 12. ADJOURNMENT cLE Ms 1981 1 1l Y Q 2875 -145TH ST. W. RSMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 OJQ�Ou� ; 612--423-4411 DATE: APRIL 30, 1987 COPIED To COUNCIL TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS MAY ` 1 1987 RE: ITEMS FOR MAY 5, 1987 MEETING OLD BUSINESS 5a. Final Payment/Acceptance Supervisory Control System, City Contract 1986-10 The Contractor, Autocon Industries, is requesting final payment and acceptance for City Contract 1986--10, City `,Project #151, which provided for the installation of a supervisory control ,system that can monitor all wells and lift stations currently within the City. The Contractor has completed all work satisfactorily and our Consulting Engineer, Jim Roth of S.E.H., is recommending final payment and acceptance. The system has been operating very smoothly since it was started up in early February'of 1987. I agree with Mr. Roths recommendations for final payment/acceptance for this project. Therefore I will be recommending this item to the Utilities Commission at their next meeting for official' action. 5b. Change, Bid Opening Date -Erickson Park Irrigation System City Contract 1987-3 I'advertised fora bid opening for April 30, 1987 for this project. The advertisement -ran for two weeks in the Construction Bulletin and the.legal newspaper, Dakota County Tribune/ThisWeek, and still `we received no request for plans and specifications. I spoke with the distributor of Toro irrigation products and he indicated to me that many of the Contractors' were busy starting up systems that were installed last fall. Subsequently, they did not have time to look at new projects of this magnitude yet. Therefore, I will be postponing the bid opening date for this project until May 14th, at 2:00 p.m. I spoke with City Attorney Grannis and it is his opinion that we do not have to re -advertise. Subsequently, I will be soliciting bidsfromseveral irrigation contractors for this project. Because we do not have to re -advertise, this is mainly for Council information and no Council action should be required. PUBLIC HEARING 6a. Broback Industrial Park Improvements City Project #170 Council ordered the Public Hearing for May 5, 1987 based upon a petition that owners of six (6) of the ten (10) lots in the Broback Industrial Park submitted and Council accepted March 3, 1987. All legal notices have been published and mailed to all affected parties. • • CLERK'S 1 y 1 Page 2 Items for the May 5, 1987 Meeting Attached with your packet is a copy of the feasibility report for this project and also a preliminary assessment roll. I will be present to conduct the Hearing and answer any questions the Public or Council may have regarding this project. 7a. Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition Easement Vacation, Lot 4, Block 3 Council ordered a Public Hearing to be held on May 5, 1987 based on receiving'a petition from the property owner of Lot 4, Block 3,' Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition. The request for vacation arises because an existing drainage easement that was platted with this addition is located approximately in the middle of this lot. In order to obtain a more desirable building site the owner is requesting to vacate the existing easement. The owner is willing to dedicate a neweasementalong the west lot line along this lot to handle the drainage from the north. Staff has reviewed the site and the developers request and would recommend that Council approve the vacation of the existing easement for drainage purposes on Lot 4, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition subject to the following two conditions 1. The owner shall provide a signed easement for the new easement description along the west line of said lot. 2. The owner shall grade and restore the existing site along the new easement alignment to accommodate the north/south drainage. The notice for the easement vacation has been published in the legal newspaper and all notices to potential utility companies and the owner were mailed with a request to respond by April 28, 1987. 8a. Shannon Park lst Addition Utility Improvements, City Project 4174 The purpose of this Public Hearing is because Staff decided to include financing for this project with a future bond sale which is necessary to finance other ongoing and future City projects. In order to meet the criteria established by the bonding company, it is necessary that we hold this Public Hearing on May 5, 1987. In short, this project consists of the installation of watermain, sanitary sewer and services to provide service to the development known`' as the Shannon Park lst Addition. With the exception of Core Facility cost for oversizing the 16" watermain, this development will be responsible for all the remaining cost of this project. The estimated amount for this project is $43,430. This includes 20% for overhead cost and 10% for contingencies. The City Core responsibility amounts to $10,626.00 leaving the developer of the Shannon Park 1st Addition responsible for the remaining $32,805.30. The final assessments will c m's l y � r FU 10 Page 3 Items for the May 5, 1987 Meeting be based on final construction cost and final overhead cost. The project is feasible and I would recommend that Council approve this project. I will be conducting the Public Hearing and available to answer any questions from Council or the Public. NEW BUSINESS . '9a. 'Authorize Plans & Specifications-Broback Industrial Park If the Council approves the ,project under the Public Hearing portion of, the agenda, then it would be appropriate for the Council to authorize the Consulting Engineer to prepare the plans and specifications for the Broback Industrial Park Street Improvements. Re tf�ully submit d, Richard M. Hef P. E. City Engineer/ lie Works Director CUPAE RK'S these easements prior to advertising for bids. Staff anticipates the owners of the affected lots will dedicate the easements at no cost to the project. ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs for these street improvements is $84,134. These costs include estimated overhead costs of.25% for engineering, legal, administrative and financing. They do not include any costs for easements. Appendix A contains a detailed cost estimate for this project. FINANCING Staff proposes the City finance all costs of this project through special assessments and to spread these 'equally against the following 9 lots in the Broback Industrial Park Addition: - Block 1 Lots 1-4 Block 2 Lots 1-5 Not being ,proposed to be assessed are Outlot B, because it is a storm .water ponding easement; and Lot 5, Block 1 because it presently has access .to Diamond Path. Appendix B contains a preliminary assessment roll outlining the estimated costs for each lot for this project. The City Council will set the repayment period and the interest rate at the final assessment hearing. The interest rate will be based on the rate of the latest bond sale. PROJECT SCHEDULE Public Hearing May 5, 1987 Open Bid/Award Contract June ,-1987 Begin Construction July , 1987 Complete Construction September , 1987 Final Assessment Hearing Spring , 1988 1st Payment with Taxes May , 1989