HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. University of Minnesota - Water Contamination UpdateCITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1 y 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: May 15, 1987 RE: Council Meeting of May 19, 1987 Comments on Agenda items: Item 10(a) University of Minnesota - you have enclosed a report on this meeting. I will have additional comments to you at the meeting. Item 10(b) County Road 42 (East) Project -- Because of engineering redesign, there will be a change in the alignment on the far east end of the CR 42 (Hwy. 52 to 55) project. Also, because of a concern about the relative costs of assessment to property value, for condemnation purposes we will be having an appraiser getting us a benefit analysis for those properties where right of way will be purchased for the project. The purpose of this wi l l be to support our assessment of a portion of the project costs to "agricultural" property. We will have additional corgments to you at the meeting. Item 10(c) Adventure Zone - Lee Moeller has requested changing hours for the operation of the Adventure Zone, deleting Fridays and adding Mondays. This would require your approval. I suggest that the city approve a schedule of Monday through Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to dusk. This would alleviate any future approvals of changes. Unless there proves to be a problem with this operation, I see no need to approve a specific schedule and continue coming back to you for revision changes. Item 10(d) Old City Hall Update - DCAVTI has received bids on their remodeling of the old city hall. I will be prepared to comment to you on their plans and some other items just to bring you up to date. Item 11(a) Fire Department - Enclosed are the names of two firemen recommended for probationary status in the department. ` I recommend this approval. Item 11(b) Erickson Park Irrigation Enclosed is the report and recommendation from Rich Hefti on the bid opening. I recommend the bid award as Rich as suggested. 10 cO s 19 87 i �1ALE C"2i 1� 2875-145TH ST. W. �5068 os /!' [ o u / i ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 54411 612-423-4411 TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers Tucker Willard Walsh FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: May 12, 1987 RE University Research Property Well Contamination Issue Discussion - May 11, 1987 Meeting On Monday the 11th of May, Vern Napper, Dean Johnson, Rich Hefti and I met with William Thomas, director of operations for the Rosemount Research facility, and Dr. Fay Thompson, Assistant Director of Environmental Health and Safety for the University. Dr. Thompson has been the technical person in charge of the well water contamination problem and its possible resolve. William Thomas is the "manager" of the research facility. The meeting set up at the city's request was to discuss a "rural water system" as an alternative solution to the contamination issue. We felt we needed to get a formal indication from the University, at this level, as to whether the commitment for cooperation, given us by President Keller, had trickled down to local management level. We felt the meeting was successful. Following a few minutes of "setting the tone" by the City, we got down to business and came out of the meeting with the feeling that, yes, the University was going to work with us. The outcome of the meeting was as follows: (1) Thomas and Dr. Thompson agreed that the issue before them was to get a potable source of water to the contaminated properties; (2) A rural water system is a real alternative the University will consider; (3) There is a need to have an outside consultant, with a track record, to put together a feasibility report on such a system; (4) The University will pay the cost for this study, either by hiring the consultant directly or reimbursing the City if it would contract to have it done; (5) The City and University will work with the consultant to set design parameters for service areas for such a system; and (6) Once the study is done the University and City will review the choices set by the consultant. Mayor and Councilmemb GAW5FU % May 11, 1987 Water Contamination Meeting Page 2 At this writing we are waiting for the University to let us know if they wish to hire the consultant or would like the City to do this. Again, we felt that there was a feeling of commitment to follow up on President Keller's direction set in our meeting with him and acknowledgment of the problems existing at the Research site. With the possibility of going ahead with the rural water system and in the future dealing with other major issues such as the potential development of the University property, better control of building permits, fire control, etc., we will experience some staff involvement and a need for time commitment to these issues. We need to realize that this whole university issue, although a thorn in your sides for years, may have been a "sleeping dog" and now that University management has committed to a cooperative effort in resolving some major issues; it will definitely require our involvement -- a "Catch 22" of sorts. The group made up of Vern, Dean, Rich and I will meet again on Tuesday to discuss the design parameters we will present for the rural water study; and we will of course keep all of you informed of this and other University issues as they arise. smJ